Goddess of Ice: Corrupting Bleach

Chapter 90: Vs Aizen

Chapter 90: Vs Aizen

By now, Ichigo no longer had any grasp on what was even happening around him. Initially, it was basically a fight against Aizen and his Arrancar, but by now, everything was a mess.

First of all, six people of unfathomable strength were fighting in the distance. The clash of Spiritual Pressures he felt from those fights was already enough to make his knees go weak, but weirdly enough, it was a fight between humans and Shinigami, which made no sense at all.

Anyway, the first thing that happened was that Aizen had betrayed his Arrancar and started killing them, just for one of said Arrancar to admit that she had joined Yuna... for some reason.

Following that, Aiizen utterly decimated the present Shinigami and was just about to finish off the Captain Commander when Yuna walked in and ruined that plan.

The logical conclusion to that was that Yuna and the Captain Commander would join sides and fight Aizen together, but somehow, that whole mess turned into Yuna fighting the Commander instead.

As if things weren't already messed up enough, Aizen told Ichigo that his whole life was planned out by Aizen, which he still hasn't fully internalized.

And, as if things weren't messy enough yet, Isshin, Ichigo's father, appeared in full Shinigami garb and started fighting Aizen.

However, even THAT still wasn't everything, as it suddenly turned out that Gin, who had been loyally following Aizen for possibly centuries, turned out to be someone who planned to kill Aizen all his life due to Aizen hurting his childhood friend.

While Ichigo's mind was in a mess, he saw something flying toward him, which he quickly sidestepped. However, upon taking a closer look, his eyes widened in shock as he realized that the object that had just sailed past him was the unconscious body of his father.

"Gin, what are you doing?"

Ichigo's heart almost left through his throat as Aizen's voice suddenly echoed from behind him, so he quickly used [Shunpo] to get away from Aizen, which he ignored.

"Hehe, just a little chat with an old acquaintance, Captain Aizen."

Hearing Gin's explanation, Aizen couldn't care less as he stepped toward Gin.

"Whatever, open the Senkaimon Gate, allowing us passage to Soul Society, where Karakura Town is currently located."

"Yes, right away."

Although Rangiku had told Gin about Yuna's involvement, he still couldn't go against Aizen's words, as if he did, Aizen might decide to kill Rangiku, which he couldn't accept.

Moments later, the gate leading toward Soul Society opened, and Aizen and Gin stepped through it. However, before they could go, Ichigo wanted to stop them, but as he was about to yell at them to stop, the substance covering Aizen's face crumbled away.

"Ah, it seems like the chrysalis phase is finally over. As expected, it's much more comfortable to have a properly evolved form."

The reason why Ichigo suppressed his yell was that Aizen had finally reached the next stage of his evolution, resulting in his Spiritual Pressure growing even further, resulting in Ichigo feeling like Aizen was an unsurpassable mountain, terrifying him.

Meanwhile, Yuna and Yamamoto separated a little, as both of them felt Aizen evolving further and consequently leaving this place to reach his goal.

"Well, I would have liked to continue this fight, but that is my signal to leave. So you later, old man."

Before Yamamoto could even answer, Yuna had vanished from her position at incredible speed, causing him to frown.

'What was that? No matter how I look at it, that wasn't a [Shunpo]. Did she develop some kind of self-made movement technique? Oh well, it doesn't matter. Even if her burst speed is faster than me, since I know where she wants to go, it doesn't matter.'

Yamamoto was just about to use [Shunpo] as well when Hinata and Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Sorry, Captain Commander, but I'm afraid we'll need to keep you here."

"Hehe, sorry about that, old man, but Nee-san doesn't want anyone to intervene in her fun~"

Moments later, Retsu and Kenpachi appeared as well, standing side by side with Yamamoto. Initially, since Hinata and Naruto appeared before him, he half expected that Retsu and Kenpachi had been defeated, but now that he was aware that that was not the case, he really wondered what the two in front of them were planning to do.

"You two are strong, very strong. I have no trouble admitting that, but do you really think you can fight against us three?"

Hearing Yamamoto's words, Naruto awkwardly scratched his head as a wry smile appeared on his face.

"Admittedly, this is a little much~ What do you think, Hinata."

"Mhh, it certainly is. Seems like we'll need to reveal things we didn't plan to reveal~"

Naruto nodded in agreement after Hinata finished speaking, and a smirk appeared on his face. Clearly, he was eager to continue this battle.

However, before anyone could make a move, a third person appeared next to Hinata and Naruto.

"I'm fully aware that this is above my level, but I at least should be able to give some support."

Seeing that the situation wasn't too good, Harribel decided to join the fight, supporting Hinata and Naruto. Although she had to admit that it felt rather weird fighting site by site with two humans, considering she had already spent some time with Hinata, it wasn't too weird.

Obviously, seeing an Arrancar siding with humans was a weird sight to Yamamoto, but he decided not to comment on it, as that certainly wasn't the weirdest thing he had witnessed today.

"So it's three on three now, huh? However, I really wonder what gives you the confidence to win this fight."

Hehe, I'm not sure about winning, but we certainly can keep you here for a while."

The moment Naruto finished speaking, he lowered his stance while raising his hand to cover his face, while Hinata did the same, causing Yamamoto's eyes to widen, as this kind of stance was rather familiar to him.

"No way."

"Hehe, what are you so surprised about? After all, Ichigo and us three awakened our Shinigami powers in the same way. Wouldn't it be weirder if we couldn't use this power?"

The moment Naruto stopped speaking, he and Hinata swiped their hands down, resulting in a Hollow mask appearing on each of their faces, while their Spiritual power grew by quite a bit, instantly putting the three Shinigami in front of them on guard.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Meanwhile, Yuna was following Aizen into the dimension between the world of the living and Soul Society. While she was moving, she felt something somewhat far away from her explode, but she didn't pay any attention to that as she simply increased her speed.

Around a minute of travel later, Yuna reached Soul Society, somewhat close to the place where Karakura Town was temporarily transported, and immediately spotted Aizen and Gin talking.

"Well, seems like we came out somewhat far away from the town."

"Geez, Captain Aizen, don't make it sound like that is my fault. After all, you are the one who decided to confront the Kototsu."

"I see, that seems..."

Before Aizen could finish speaking, the duo noticed another strong presence, and after looking at the source of the presence, they could see a widely smiling Yuna, looking at Aizen like he was a delicious piece of meat.

"Now, isn't that new form of you nice? The amount of power you radiate feels delicious~"

Hearing Yuna's speech, Aizen frowned lightly as he was confused about how Yuna was even capable of feeling his power. By now, he had ascended to a higher level, so it should be impossible for anyone who is not at least at that level to feel his power unless Aizen allowed them to.

"You truly don't disappoint, Yuna Uzumaki. Even in the state I'm currently in, you can still feel my Spiritual Power. However, it's too late now. My evolution has reached a level where a mere Shinigami like you can no longer threaten me."

The moment Aizen stopped speaking, his Spiritual Pressure radiated out, causing the surrounding fauna and flora to take damage due to the overwhelming pressure, while Aizen raised his sword and pointed it at Yuna.

However, before Yuna could say anything else, Gin's hand landed on Aizen's sword, pushing it down.

"Now, now, no need to destroy everything in this confrontation. It won't be easy, but let me handle this, Ai..."

While Gin was talking, he sneakily moved his Zanpakuto, which, unbeknown to Aizen, was still in its Bankai state underneath his cloak, and pointed it at Aizen's heart.

Although he talked with Rangiku and was informed that he no longer had to worry about Aizen, in the end, he couldn't help but try to finish him off. After all, all the information he had gathered over the years and all the secrets he had kept about himself should give him an incredible opportunity to get rid of Aizen. Nice and simple. A single attack to end it all. It was much less risky than having Yuna fight him, so Gin decided to go for it anyway.

Suddenly, Gin's Zanpakuto elongated, shooting toward Aizen's heart; however, unlike how it happened in canon, Aizen's eyes widened in surprise as he moved his own blade, redirecting the course of Gin's and allowing him to dodge the strike.

In canon, Aizen had spent some time strolling through Karakura Town, bullying Ichigo's friends, while the only thing that could still threaten him was whatever evolution Ichigo would go through, which, at the end of the day, was something he was looking forward to.

However, in the current timeline, he not only didn't have any time to play around with a bunch of people who couldn't threaten him, but he even had Yuna Uzumaki standing before him. A person who, up until now, was incapable of seeing through was standing in front of him, causing his guard to be up.

Initially, he only saw Yuna as just another chip to manipulate in the grand game he had planned, thinking of her as someone who, at best, was a little stronger than an average Captain.

But, by now, that view had totally changed, as Yuna had clearly demonstrated that she could fight the Head Captain while he was using his Bankai.

Aizen was arrogant; there was no way around it, but he wasn't delusional. He was fully aware that without the Hogyoku, he had no chance of winning against Yamamoto using his full power.

Anyway, seeing that Gin's attempt failed, a mocking smile appeared on Aizen's face as he raised his own face.

"That's it? All these years, you were looking for a chance to strike me down, and this is all you got? In the end, all the time you spent following me around, gathering information, was an utter waste. How laughable."

Having finished his little speech, Aizen slashed down his blade to finish off Gin, but before he could land the fatal blow, another Zanpakuto intercepted Aizen's.

"Now, now, no killing my woman's childhood friend, okay?"

Obviously, the one to block the attack was Yuna, who was aware that Rangiku and Gin were friends in the past.

"Additionally, what are you doing, Gin? If you had succeeded with your attack and actually killed Aizen, what was I supposed to do? I've waited so long for Aizen to finally get a decent amount so I could have a proper fight with him, but you almost destroyed all my efforts."

While Gin was dumbfounded by Yuna's words, Aizen scoffed in disdain as he readied his blade.

"Hoo? Big words. I really wonder why you make it sound like you are the one allowing me to grow stronger."

Seeing that Aizen was now pointing his blade at her, Yuna scoffed in disdain as well, as she readied her own.

"Since when were you under the illusion that that wasn't the case? You have seen what I'm capable of, so you should realize that I could have easily killed you before you fused with the Hogyoku."

Although Aizen internally frowned at those words, he didn't show it, while simultaneously moving behind Yuna, while he used the Total Hypnosins ability of his Zanpakuto to make it look like he wasn't moving at all.

"You are strong; I admit that much. However, your strength doesn't matter. No matter how much Spiritual Power you have, how skilled with a blade you are, or even what kind of abilities your Zanpakuto grants you, in front of my Zanpakuto's Total Hypnosis, it's all useless."

The moment Aizen finished speaking, the real one slashed down his blade at Yuna's neck, attempting to kill her in one hit, while the illusion he created with his Zanpakuto slashed at Yuna from the front.

While he was doing so, a smile filled with confidence was clearly plastered on his face as his blade clearly cut through Yuna's neck, separating her head from her body.

However, the moment that happened, he felt like something was off, resulting in him giving the freshly decapitated body of Yuna another look, causing his eyes to widen.

"An ice statue!?"


Before Aizen could react, a blade pierced through his back, causing his eyes to widen in shock, before Yuna continued talking in a leisurely manner.

"As always, you are too arrogant. I helped Harribel get rid of your hypnosis, so what makes you think I would be trapped within it?"

"T-That was you!?"

While blood was dripping out of the corner of Aizen's mouth, he couldn't help but exclaim in surprise at that new revelation.

"Yeah, thinking about it now, it should be pretty obvious, right?"

Aizen didn't answer Yuna, as he only glared at her in anger, causing her to chuckle in amusement.

"Well, is that it, mister god? Is that all you are worth? All that posturing, all that arrogance, all that pride, but in the end, the only thing that is needed to take you down is a little poke with my sword. What a pathetic end for an overinflated ego."

The more Yuna spoke, the angrier Aizen became, while simultaneously, he could feel the Hogyoku hum in his chest reacting to his anger.


Spiritual Pressure erupted out of Aizen as the Hogyoku reformed his body, granting him more and more power as the border between Shinigami and Hollow was erased further and further.

Moments later, Aizen emerged with a new form, now having multiple pairs of butterfly-like wings on his back while having a Hollow hole in his chest.

"Do you see this, Yuna Uzumaki? This is the Hogyoku reacting to my desire. You might mock me, but no matter what you say, it doesn't matter. It's impossible for you to reach me. I'm invincible. I... am a god."

Aizen expected Yuna to despair due to him healing a seemingly fatal injury within an instant, but Yuna's reaction was the exact opposite of what he had expected as she raised her head, showing a face-splitting grin filled with insanity.


As Yuna's ten ice-tails were menacingly swinging around, a snowstorm engulfed the area the duo was fighting in, while the pressure oozing out of Yuna seemed to be rising endlessly.

Gin, who was still nearby, could only shudder in terror as he realized why everyone put so much trust into Yuna, as he finally understood just what kind of monster she was.


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