Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 154 - A Maid!?

Chapter 154 - A Maid!?

It was the morning of the next day, and Yuna was currently in the process of waking up. She sat up and started lazily stretching when someone knocked on the door.

'Oh? Who would want something from me this early? Has that Obo guy appeared or something?'

"Who is it?"

"I-I was assigned to be your personal maid, Y-Yuna-sama, and I am here to bring you, Hinata-sama and Anko-sama, breakfast."

'Personal maid? When did I get a personal maid? Or rather, since when did the Uzumaki compound have servants? Did Akane hire a bunch of servants after I left for my mission? Although I don't mind, the Uzumaki clan members seemed like people that do everything themselves to me.'


Although Yuna wasn't entirely sure about the situation, she didn't mind having breakfast delivered to her. Besides that, she could also ask her so-called personal maid what was going on. Hinata and Anko, meanwhile, started to wake up as well and were slowly sitting up despite still being half asleep.

As soon as the door opened and the maid stepped in, a wry smile appeared on Yuna's face. Now, she at least knew where that personal maid was coming from. Someone sent her here to play a prank. The maid outfit she was wearing was barely hiding anything and it was more appropriate to call it frilly underwear instead of servant's clothing.

The girl wearing the maid…underwear had red, shoulder-length hair, red eyes, and wore black-rimmed glasses. She had a red blush on her face that extended all the way up to her ears, while she was slowly pushing a breakfast trolley into the room. As soon as she saw Yuna sitting between Hinata and Anko on the bed, her face started blushing even harder, while a little bit of blood started oozing out of her nose and a perverted smile appeared on her face.

'Weird, I am sure that I have met that girl before…Ah, I remember. This is the girl I found during the chunin exam and whose mother I kindn…*cough*…saved from the Land of Grass. I think her name was…Karin, right?'

[As expected, if they are female, you can even remember the name. I bet that you couldn't even remember ever meeting her if she was male instead.]

'Well, I really would like to claim that this isn't true, but it probably is, so I won't.'

While Karin was approaching the bed, Hinata started to wake up properly and as soon as she saw what Karin was wearing, the pressure in the room increased, resulting in Karin freezing in place, while her face stiffened. Hinata, however, wasn't paying Karin any attention and was instead glaring at Yuna, who could only smile wryly.

"You can glare at me as much as you want, Hinata, but I have nothing to do with this. I am as surprised as you are by suddenly having a… maid… bringing us breakfast."

Without missing a beat, Hinata's glare shifted to Anko, who had a small smirk on her face.

"Hehe, what can I say? That girl seemed to have developed a crush on Yuna, so I thought I would help her o… Woah!"

Anko hastily jumped out of the bed, barely dodging Hinata's fist, which was now wrist-deep buried into the wall.

"Why, Anko?"

"Hahaha, the more the merrier. Besides, it is not like she is already part of our group. If she isn't likable, we simply won't accept her."

Hinata gritted her teeth and although she agreed with what Anko just said, she couldn't let this matter rest so easily. Considering Yuna's personality, she believed that Yuna would pick up more people for her harem, but Hinata decided to try to keep the amount as small as possible, but now, Anko actually stabbed her in the back and collected more people instead of Yuna doing it herself. So, without saying another word, Hinata attacked Anko again, but this time Anko was ready for her and started exchanging blows with Hinata.

Yuna, meanwhile, was still lazing around in bed. Since Karin was still frozen in the middle of the room while Hinata and Anko were having their high-speed taijutsu quarrel, the breakfast trolley was still quite far away from Yuna. Yuna chuckled a little and created some chakra string to nab a few of the dishes and started eating while spectating the fight.

Karin, on the other hand, was having rather mixed feelings right now. One of the reasons for that was, that she couldn't even follow the fight between Hinata and Anko with her eyes, and the other one was that Yuna was casually eating breakfast, seemingly without the slightest bit of concern, while two members of her supposed harem were fighting against each other rather fiercely.

"Y-Yuna-sama, i-is this really okay?"

Hearing Karin's voice, Yuna tilted her head and looked at her with confusion in her eyes.

"Is what okay?"

"I'm talking about Hinata-sama and Anko-sama fighting each other like this."

"Mhh? Oh, that is what you meant. Yeah, no worries. They do that at least once per month."


At first, Karin couldn't believe what she just heard. After she met Yuna inside the Forest of Death, she had been fantasizing about being part of Yuna's harem rather frequently, but she never really thought about anything but the…spicy…stuff. Now that she gave it some deeper thoughts and actually saw the real deal in front of her, she realized that her fantasies were just that - fantasies.

Hinata and Anko, meanwhile, were finished with their quarrel and nonchalantly retook their spots next to Yuna. And as soon as they did, Hinata started hugging Yuna's waist while pouting. Yuna chuckled a little and quickly started petting her head, resulting in Hinata relaxing her expression.

'Hinata won the fight, and her spoils are getting pampered by me, while she lost the argument, which was why she was pouting, huh? Considering I like spoiling her as well, guess this is my victory as well, hahaha.'

Karin, meanwhile, threw her concerns about the harem life out of the window when she saw the fluffy scene in front of her. Although her fantasies were a little bit more…juicy…she felt like getting her head pat by Yuna must feel pretty nice as well.

As if she could feel her thoughts, Hinata glanced at Karin, sending shivers through her spine.

"*Mmph* If you think you can just stroll in here and be accepted into Yuna's harem then you better stop dreaming. You better put a lot of effort into improving yourself or you might as well get lost right away and save us some time."

As if she couldn't read the tense atmosphere at all, Yuna lifted Hinata's chin and gave her a deep kiss, while invading Hinata's mouth with her tongue, causing Hinata to moan loudly. A few seconds later, the two separated again.

"Y-Y-Yuna! W-Why d-did you do that! This is important!"

"Hahaha, sorry Hinata. You were quite domineering just now and I thought it was rather attractive."


"That's right, whether it is with me or with Anko, you are more of the submissive type, but it seems like you are the dominant one in front of Karin."

"E-eh? M-Me the dominant…"

Hinata met eyes with Karin for a moment and both of them blushed heavily and instantly averted their eyes. Yuna and Anko, meanwhile, exchanged knowing glances with each other.

"Hehe, anyway. How about you serve breakfast, Karin?"

Karin was awoken from her fantasy when she heard Yuna call her name, so she quickly swiped away the trickle of blood that was coming out of her nose and started serving breakfast. Yuna, meanwhile, continued speaking.

"Well, Karin, I will be blunt with you: I agree with what Hinata said. I suggest that you work as a maid for now and we will see where it goes from there. I allow only people who work hard to improve themselves to stand beside me and there is no rush to make a decision either."

Karin thought about Yuna's words and then nodded her head. After what she saw today, there were still quite a lot of things she had to think about.

"Yes, Yuna-sama!"

Karin gave a slight bow towards Yuna and started walking towards the door. She was just about to exit the room when Yuna called her again.

"Oh, and Karin…"

"Yes, Yuna-sama?"

"…you can wear normal clothes if you want."

At first, Karin didn't understand what Yuna meant, but after looking down and seeing what she was currently wearing, the fierce blush she had when she entered the room returned and she quickly sprinted out of the room while a weird scream escaped her mouth. Yuna, Anko, and even Hinata couldn't help but chuckle a little at the departing Karin.

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