Goddess of Ice; Reborn as Naruto's twin sister

Chapter 47 - Introductions

Chapter 47 - Introductions

The five people sitting on the roof of the academy currently had a rather awkward atmosphere surrounding them. Sakura was starring daggers in an attempt to find out how those cakes kept appearing. Sasuke was brooding especially hard while thinking about that surprisingly well-coordinated surprise attack he just witnessed. Kakashi seemed to be deep in thoughts, as well. He was pondering how the twins managed to set all of that up in the short time it took him to reach the classroom. Naruto and Yuna on the other hand were waiting for Kakashi to start talking with casual smiles on their faces. Kakashi noticed that the mood was getting more and more awkward, so he decided to just start the conversation.

"Anyway, let's start with introductions, shall we? How about we start off by you saying a few things about yourself. Like your likes, dislikes, hobby's and dreams for the future."

Sakura was the first to answer.

"Sensei, shouldn't you talk about yourself first?"

"Huh? I guess that's true. Let's see… My name is Hatake Kakashi, my likes and dislikes… I don't want to tell you about them…My dream…Well, I have a lot of hobbies."


Yuna could only roll her eyes at that half-assed introduction.

"His likes are reading a certain kind of book, I don't know all of his dreams, but one of them is probably getting his hands on a certain version of a certain kind of book while his hobbies are reading a certain kind of book."

All eyes immediately zeroed in on Kakashi with each pair looking more suspicious than the last. Kakashi released an awkward sigh and then swiftly proceeds to divert the topic to something else.

"Anyway, pinky, what about you?"

"Eh? Me? Well, my name is Sakura Haruno. My likes are… hmm…the person I like is…hehe…as for my dream…OH YEAH…"

During her introduction, Sakura was constantly glancing at Sasuke, who ignored her completely.

Kakashi on the other hand was already getting a small headache.

'More interest in boys than in becoming a shinobi, huh? This will be really bothersome.'

"As for my dislikes. The Demon Twins!"

Yuna only rolled her eyes at Sakura, while Naruto had a wry smile on his face. He didn't do anything at all. Wasn't nee-san the only one bullying her that one time? How come I am mixed in there, as well?

'Seems like at least Naruto isn't hostile to Sakura, despite her apparent dislike for Naruto.'

"I see, thanks for that…unique… introduction. Blondie, you are next."

"Okay~ My name is Naruto Uzumaki, I like my family members, those few I consider friends and ramen. I dislike all those idiots who hate me without a reason. My hobbies are playing around with seals and pranking people, preferably together with nee-san. It is my dream to be surrounded by a lot of friends and family while having enough power to protect all of them."

'I'm pretty sure something rather outrageous was mixed in there just now. Did he say playing around with seals? Guess I should find out more about that when I have time. The first part of his dreams seems rather fitting for a child that grew up without parents, but the second part makes it rather obvious that it wasn't a simple childish desire, but something he had actually thought about properly. He grew up rather interestingly and it is pretty obvious that his big sister played a huge roll in that.'

"Alright, you are next grumpy."

Although Sasuke was annoyed by that nickname he decided to just get the introductions out of the way.

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I dislike most things and don't like anything in particular. Rather than a dream, I have a certain ambition. I want to resurrect my clan and kill a certain person."

'Well, it is like I thought.'

Before Kakashi could disperse the dark atmosphere, Yuna's laughter echoed on the rooftop.

"Haha, damn, Sasuke, that is pretty good. To think our dreams would be this similar. I didn't expect to find a kindred soul in you."

Everyone gave Yuna a weird glance when she said this. Only Naruto could more or less guess what she meant.

"Oh, well. Might, as well, start my introduction. I'm Yuna Uzumaki. Like Naruto, I like my family members and friends. Additionally, I enjoy fighting and pranking people. I dislike people that think they are bigshots because they are related to someone important. As for my dreams…hehe… Just like Sasuke, I also want to kill a certain man and then create a huge harem for my self to resurrect the Uzumaki clan. I am currently working on a method to make that possible, by the way. I have an additional dream and…"

"WAIT A MOMENT!!! How is that the same as Sasuke-kun's? He didn't say anything about an h-h-harem!"

Yuna could only give her another eye-roll.

"How else do you expect him to resurrect his clan? No matter how much he broods over it, new Uchiha won't appear out of nowhere. If he just wants a family that is one thing but to resurrect a whole clan, he would need to make a lot of descendants with multiple women, otherwise, the Uchiha genes will either be crippled by intermarriage or heavily diluted over time."

Kakashi almost started to chuckle, when Yuna finished her explanation.

'Now that I think about it, that is actually true. The always serious and proud "last Uchiha" proudly proclaimed that he is aiming for a harem. Considering Sasuke looks like he was just hit by a train, he probably hasn't considered that either. The color of Sakura's face, meanwhile, is constantly changing from a deep blush to a desperate pale face. Who knows what kind of thoughts are currently going through her head? I certainly don't want to know. Naruto seems to be rather indifferent about the whole matter. Does he already know about it? Now that I think about it, what does she mean by "working on a method to make that possible"? Urgh, I was warned that Yuna might be troublesome, but the introductions are barely finished and I'm already getting a serious headache.'

"Thank you for another… enlightening … introduction, now that we…"

"Whoa there, hold your horses. I was just about to unveil my additional dream when Sakura interrupted me. Aren't you interested?"

Somehow, Kakashi felt that saying "yes" would be a mistake, but he couldn't help but get curious about it.

"Fine then, go ahead."

"Hehe, okay. My final dream is…"

Yuna's grin widened and her eyes shone with fierce determination. Kakashi was already regretting that he didn't stop her.

"…to surpass everyone who stands in my way and eclipse this world's most powerful being."

If another 12-year-old had said that, Kakashi would have probably dismissed it as a random child's ramblings, but Yuna's eyes were telling a different story. Unbendable confidence and willpower were radiating out of them as if she held no doubt that she would reach her goal and that it was just a matter of time. If that's all there was to it, he might have still dismissed it as a child not knowing what kind of nonsense it was spouting, but Yuna's smile that was laced with a thirst for battle told another story.

'She isn't unaware of the hardships. She welcomes them. Considering she mentioned that she likes fighting rather casually in her introduction, I wasn't paying much attention to it, but that seems to have been an oversight. Rather than saying her dream is to become the strongest, isn't it more fitting to say she wants to fight against the strongest? Luckily, she will switch to another jonin soon. I really don't want to deal with someone this thirsty for battle.'

Kakashi could see that Sakura and Sasuke were eyeing Yuna like she was an idiot and his instincts were telling him that, if one of them said something dismissive about her dream right now, there will be a lot of trouble, so Kakashi quickly intervened.

"That is rather ambitious, but I guess you can't reach high if you don't aim high."

'Nice one, me. That should de-escalate the situation for now.'

"Anyway, tomorrow we will be having a survival test. Those that don't pass, will be sent back to the academy. No matter how much you beg or cry, if your jonin sensei doesn't accept you, then too bad. Yuna is actually excluded from the test since I am not her official jonin sensei…"

"Haha, no way. Don't be like that Kakashi. How about you let me take part, as well? I expect my own sensei to make it rather difficult for me, so if I can't even pass your test, I shouldn't even bother with the other one."

Kakashi really wanted to curse Yuna for cunningly inserting herself into the group, but decided to not bother with it instead.

'I can't really fail this team anyway. Whether she is here or not doesn't really matter in the end.'

"Fine, whatever, you can take part in it, as well. I suggest you don't eat any breakfast, since… you might throw it up. Dismissed."

If Kakashi saw the smirk that was currently on Yuna's and Naruto's faces he would have probably changed his decision rather quickly.

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