Great Villain: Starting by Humiliating the Son of the Heavenly Fate

Chapter 95: Deciphering the Cultivation Method to Unlock the Door

Chapter 95: Deciphering the Cultivation Method to Unlock the Door


"Opportunities may present themselves, but it remains to be seen who will seize them!"

Deng Jianying, the chief disciple of the Purple Bamboo Spirit Mountain, retorted with a frosty tone.

Despite being accompanied by a mere quintet of disciples.

Yet, by forging an alliance with the Azure Jade Sect, the combined might of the two chief disciples was a formidable force. The eventual gains could be divided equally or proportionately.


"Deng Jianying, are you convinced that we wouldn't eliminate you on the spot, and then venture on our own to uncover these opportunities?"

Xia Ding, a true disciple from the Starry Abyss Sect, scoffed, his eyes brimming with contempt.

Mu Tao, the chief disciple of the Floating Spirit Sect, also fixed a chilly gaze on Deng Jianying.

"You fancy a showdown? Bring it on then!"

Xu Yuan proclaimed fearlessly, "After all, we have yet to determine the extent of the perils that lie in our path. We have nothing to lose."

"Stand down."

"We'll decide the victor once the ultimate treasure reveals itself."

Miao Xiaorui of the Ice Heart School intervened, easing the tension with her measured words.

With that stated.

She gestured gracefully, directing the ten disciples beside her to commence the somber task of retrieving their fallen comrades and dealing with the remains of the humanoid monsters.

Regarding the allocation of spoils.

They adhered to the contribution-based system proposed by Jiang Chen.

In short order.

The bodies of their brethren had been respectfully gathered, and the monsters' inner cores were equitably distributed.

Subsequently, they all converged on the grand passage - a square tunnel soaring three meters high and extending dozens of meters wide.

"Let's reconnoiter the path ahead first!"

Duan Ziming proposed, inhaling deeply as he spoke.

His companions wore expressions of similar gravity.

Ever since they discovered this subterranean passage, they had encountered numerous perils along their journey.

Navigating this tunnel might not prove to be an easy feat.

Without delay.

They all initiated various strategies to probe the path.

These included tactics like hurling carcasses of slain monsters inside or employing spells to launch an attack, among others...

Unbeknownst to the crowd.

Directly above their heads.

Ye Fan had already stealthily ventured into a room.

The room's three walls were starkly bare, while the fourth was distinguished by the presence of three doors!

Each door bore a series of engravings that combined to form a truly distinctive pattern.

"These are... symbols denoting cultivation techniques and secret arts!"

"And they appear to be jumbled!"

"It seems we must arrange these characters in the correct sequence to unlock the door!"

"Heh, deciphering cultivation methods... this is my forte!"


Ye Fan, surveying the disarrayed symbols of cultivation methods on the trio of doors, could hardly contain his excitement.

Until this point.

He had mastered a plethora of cultivation methods!

These included several of those at the Heavenly Origin realm, all of which he had honed to the perfect-level.

In terms of understanding cultivation methods, even the typical experts of the Heavenly Origin realm couldn't compare to him.


He also had the invaluable aid of the Wordless Heavenly Jade at his disposal.

Although the Wordless Heavenly Jade held only a scant amount of energy, it nonetheless retained its essential functions, enough to accelerate his training in combat skills to some degree.

With this in mind.

The three imposing doors before him took on the guise of an unexpected bounty!

Conventionally, a mere single door among the trio would need to be unlocked for him to proceed further.

However, through Ye Fan's discerning eyes.

These doors were no longer impediments but rather enticing opportunities, tantalizingly within his grasp!

Hence, he sought to claim all three doors!

'The disturbance in the swamp was triggered by someone activating a mechanism.'

'This suggests that there are others present in these underground ruins; I must hasten my pace!'

As this realization swept over Ye Fan, he withdrew the Wordless Heavenly Jade, cradling it in his palm. Instantaneously, a profusion of blood-red threads began to weave themselves, linking him to the jade.

Without hesitation.

His visage became inscrutable as he commenced the restoration of the cultivation method etched into the far-left door.


As Ye Fan was utterly engrossed in the task of reconstructing the cultivation method.

He remained oblivious to the fact that he was once again under the watchful eyes of Jiang Chen!

Lurking in the shadows of the distant corridor.

Jiang Chen pushed the stealth function of the Moondust Ring to its absolute limits.

Next, utilizing the Spirit Condensation Bianstone Jade to augment his divine sense, he persistently kept tabs on Ye Fan.


He had successfully infiltrated the underground ruins from beneath the swamp.

Though the mechanism stone slab boasted a thickness of ten meters, it proved futile against the might of the Heavenly Origin rank Shadowblade Sword.

Upon penetrating the underground ruins.

Jiang Chen even went as far as to reseal the entrance.

'Reconstruct the cultivation method to unlock the door!'

'Curse it, this seems like an obstacle tailor-made for Ye Fan!'

'And yet, even this challenge has transformed into an opportunity for Ye Fan.'

As he kept a vigilant watch over Ye Fan, Jiang Chen could only shake his head in silent disbelief.

Such was the Son of the Heavenly Fate.

Every endeavor he undertook unfailingly unfolded with remarkable ease!


At this very moment.

This Son of the Heavenly Fate, Ye Fan, had unwittingly fallen into Jiang Chen's clutches, making escape a near impossibility!

'Let's observe what kind of cultivation method this fellow reconstructs.'

As Jiang Chen beheld Ye Fan rapidly restoring the cultivation method on the stone door, a flicker of anticipation sparked in his eyes.

As soon as Ye Fan reconstructed the cultivation method.

Jiang Chen would be poised to acquire it instantaneously.

In merely a brief moment.

Assisted by the Wordless Heavenly Jade and fortified by his own vast knowledge, Ye Fan successfully reinstated the cultivation method on the initial door.

Boom, boom, boom.

A muted rumble emanated from the door.

Without delay.

The door began a slow revolution, exposing the dark passage lurking behind it.

Even with Ye Fan's divine sense, he was unable to perceive what lay beyond the passage.


His entire focus was unwaveringly riveted on the door before him.

"Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets!"

"It's actually a cultivation method of the Heavenly Origin realm specifically designed for training divine sense!"

"Excellent, once I master this cultivation method, my divine sense will be honed, and both its power and detection capabilities will be significantly bolstered."

"Furthermore, it will enable me to prevent myself from being surveilled or tracked to the utmost degree!"

"Regrettably, the energy reserves of the Wordless Heavenly Jade are currently insufficient. Given my present state, it would take at least eight days to attain the entry level."

"No matter, I'll set this aside for now and focus on restoring the remaining cultivation methods first!"


Ye Fan was awash with joy as he committed the Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets to memory, and then set about restoring the cultivation method of the second door.


'A cultivation method dedicated to refining the soul and divine sense, interesting.'

'The soul and divine sense have always been Ye Fan's greatest vulnerabilities. I anticipated they would be addressed eventually, but I didn't foresee it happening here.'

'If he successfully cultivates this method, my ability to surveil him may be compromised.'

'Unless I advance to the Heavenly Origin realm and secure a Heavenly Origin rank artifact specific to divine sense to aid me.'

'Spirit Condensation Bianstone Jade... its efficacy is no longer adequate.'

A hint of seriousness crept into Jiang Chen's gaze, and then he eagerly began committing the Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets to memory.

Acquiring such a Heavenly Origin realm cultivation method related to the soul would demand at least 3,500 points of Villain Value in the system mall!

This underscored its substantial worth.


Jiang Chen absorbed every word of the Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets, missing not a single detail.

Having practiced Heavenly Origin realm cultivation methods himself and backed by a formidable sect like the Starry Abyss Sect, he was able to grasp a preliminary understanding of this method's utility.

The primary functions of the Dormant Spirit Stirring Divine Secrets revolved around nurturing the soul and enhancing divine sense.

Moreover, it contained a crucial secret art, the 'Spirit Stirring Sting'!

This was a secret art designed specifically for assaulting others' souls!

During conflicts.

If one's soul were to be targeted, it was easy to be taken by surprise, revealing lethal vulnerabilities.


In Jiang Chen's perspective, the value of the secret art, Spirit Stirring Sting, constituted nearly half of the entire cultivation method's worth.

In that instance.

Ye Fan's hands worked with remarkable speed, and he had, indeed, restored the second cultivation method as well.

'Damn, his speed is truly impressive. Befitting of a protagonist.'

Jiang Chen couldn't help but admire, before shifting his attention to the second cultivation method.

It was a body refining technique named 'Seven Extremes Body Refinement', also of the Heavenly Origin realm.

Once mastered, it could drastically amplify one's physical prowess, and even further intensify seven specific body parts through selective enhancement.

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