Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 295: Scentual Escapades Commercial IV

Chapter 295: Scentual Escapades Commercial IV

Chapter 295: Scentual Escapades Commercial IV

Do you recognize her?” Jason asked Adele despite his thoughts.

‘Maybe she’s someone famous that I don’t know, things are not exactly the same as in my previous life,’ Jason thought to himself.

It didn’t really matter, but Jason had suddenly developed an interest in the entertainment sector after realizing that there were quite a few changes from his previous reality.

Normally he wouldn’t have cared, but it was beginning to become annoying when he suddenly felt like listening to some of the songs he liked from his previous life but was unable to find them because, for some reason, they didn’t exist in this life.

Of course, there were also a lot of new songs from people he had never heard about in his previous reality and some of them did catch his fancy, but that didn’t scratch the itch nearly enough.

Putting that aside, it was clear that there was a lot of difference between the entertainment sector he used to know and what he was currently seeing so it could be him who was ignorant.

Jason liked selective ignorance, which was an act of not giving a flying fu*k about some specific things, but in this case, he could not afford to be completely ignorant about his situation.

“It’s not my field, but she’s no big name that I know about,” Adele confirmed his earlier thoughts.

” Right… She looks alright, but not enough to gain my attention, even if she smelled nice,” Jason muttered.

” How does that perfume even smell like?” Jason asked Adele, suddenly realizing that he didn’t even know the scent of what he was about to ‘half-endorse’.

“I don’t know, I reckon you’ll find out soon though,” Adele replied, her eyes moving off the model and beginning to sweep across the set, checking the surroundings to estimate how much longer until they could start.

She didn’t have to look around much as the director soon called for Jason and the model who would be the face of the new perfume.

Jason soon found out about his co-star.

Her name was Sasha Morgan and she was a musician and model, an upcoming one who wasn’t really all that known, but it seemed the perfume company had high hopes about her potential to amass star power.

It was either that or there were probably some underground agreements, but that wasn’t of Jason’s concern.

The entertainment world was an ocean filled with uncountable faces trying to gain a little more fame by hook or by crook.

Jason didn’t think he could judge anyone in the entertainment sector who gave a few favors or sold themselves to gain what they wanted.

It wasn’t something he would do, but he understood their desperation.

He had been there and he knew what it felt like when one had humongous aspirations but didn’t have the talent or skills to back it up.

In his previous reality, if there had been a chance for him to join a big European team, and all he had to do was sleep with a woman who wasn’t his taste, he might have done it.

It was more unlikely than likely, but he would have considered it, though that was just about the most underhanded thing he could acquiesce to.

Anything above that was an outright rejection for him no matter how much he stood to gain as he knew one major truth.

Doing underhanded things might help one seemingly progress, but it wouldn’t change the fact that one’s talent and skills didn’t match the level one was aspiring for, so unless he could personally elevate himself to that level, there’d be no point.

At most, he’d experience something good for a while, but he’d still be exposed as being no good and would end up being discarded.

There were countless examples of players who had reached a height of fame that was not easily matched, but once people discovered that their skills didn’t match, those people drifted into oblivion.

It was simply a high, and once the hype was over, the player was discarded.

Mario Gotze was a good example.

After scoring the goal that won Germany the World Cup in 2014, he was hyped up so much that his prestige rose to match the greatest footballers of his time for a while, but soon enough his inconsistent results began to show up which made his fall all the greater.

Fame was a poison as it gave birth to expectations that couldn’t be easily matched unless one was capable, but who was Jason to give a lecture concerning that to anyone?

It wasn’t his business anyway.

It wasn’t his life, nor was it his body, and he didn’t even know whether his thoughts were true or not, so what did his opinion matter?

He just did what he needed to do which was to look sharp for the camera as they started with the photoshoot.

The photographer sounded like an Italian as he spoke very heavily accented English as he called various poses for Jason and Sasha.

Surprisingly, Jason kept up with the photography session as he was able to display the perfect expressions and posture to match the photographer’s requests.

It seemed his hours of practicing various expressions in front of a mirror in his previous reality all in a guise to fit in was finally paying off.

After that we were finally done with the photo shoot, they finally moved to the arranged location for the shooting, and for another 1 hour, Jason experienced what it was like to be an actor shooting a scene.

Luckily, it was a short commercial and Jason didn’t even have any lines.

All he had to do was look the part and display the correct expressions at the right moment, it didn’t take much time to shoot the scenes that Jason needed to be in.

The director shot the same scene more than five times so that he could pick out the best ones and after a ton of editing, it would be done, but that was no longer of Jason’s concern as he had already left the set once he was done.

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