Harem Reborn

Chapter 184: Sixty-Five Percent Chance Of It Working

Chapter 184: Sixty-Five Percent Chance Of It Working

'Rescue a damsel? Spiny Dogfish?' -Grace.

'I know, right? And I don't have a good feeling about the electric eels. Do you have any ranged attacks?'

I had Grace in my arms as we shot forwards; not at incredible speeds, but it was about thirty times as fast as my slow paddling gate from before. Now I was able to constantly blow the water out of a jet in my mass of tentacles, but the whole image was a bit comical. Like one of those cartoon heroes that eats lots of beans to create a propulsion system not too different than my own.

'No, can we just pick a different mission?' -Grace.

'We didn't pick this one or the last one so I think we have to do it. How much Health do you have in total?'

'Fifty-four, why?' Grace.

'Well, we might have to rely on you leveling up to keep you alive. Each time we go up a rank, we fully heal, and since you're still at Rank C+ you will level fast, so I need you to make the killing blow on them. I will catch them and weaken them, you attack and finish them, okay?'

'But, won't you get shocked?' -Grace.

'Yes, but now I am a lot stronger and I have over two-hundred and fifty health, so I should be able to absorb a lot of damage. We don't have much choice, there has to be some risk involved, but I would like to try and minimize danger as much as possible.

I could see the...large sandcastle, yes an actual sandcastle. It looked to have the same sturdiness as one built by a child on the beach, and the place was crawling with eels. I counted about twenty of them and I'm sure that there would be some kind of boss waiting for us after. Ugh, these dungeons were always so streamlined and the same, it would be nice if we could do something other than killing everything.

At the same time, watching the eels go back and forth made me think that I wouldn't get much in the way of conversation with these guys. Maybe diplomacy didn't have many places in this game, but I was going to find a better way to deal with these games. Killing things was fun, but it wasn't the only way, it was just the way the game wanted. 

'Ready to go kick some ass?'

'Mmm, I'm ready to get some! So let's hurry up!' -Grace. 

This woman, now I was excited to kill these all but there was no rush. 

'We still have some time left, right Mom?'

'No, you can mate now, Grace is mature enough to activate the mating skill so you can save your activation.' -Tequila.

'Woohoo! You hear that Grace? Grace?'

Fuck! I looked and she was storming towards the eels and they were converging on her. Great, talk of snu snu and all brains are mettled with this woman, she was worse than a man. 

No time to think, just go! I shot forward, but I was amazed when I noticed the nail on her hands grow longer. Instantly the two forces met, but I stopped to watch in pure amazement. 

Grace was tearing them apart like they were paper. Any that touched her wasn't even noticed as she flashed and changed almost as fast as she killed the eels. Now, after three flashes, her body was more of a young girl rather than a child, but now she had a blade coming from each of her elbows. Her curled tail was now smooth like an eel and I could see a current crackling under her skin. 

Five eels had peeled off from the group still attacking Grace, thinking I would be an easier target. They tried to surround me and the rush in, but I wasn't really concerned about them. As they all converged on me, I lashed out in five directions at once.

[Penta Sucker Punch]

[-10] 248/258 Heath Points remaining.

Well, at two damage per hit wasn't that bad but if you got mobbed, this would easily take even me down. I was still watching Grace, but she had basically cleaned up, and I watched as the last two eels tried to attack her, but then I rushed to her. What the hell was she doing?

The two eels tried to bite onto Grace, but both started to shake the instant the teeth touched her skin, not even having a chance to pierce it. The eels started to glow, then exploded in a burst of black particles. Did she just electrocute electric eels? The fuck? 

As I got to her, Grace gave of another burst of light, and she was a woman now, oh yeah! Still a single tail, but more like a mermaid, and her arm blades could retract now; I watched her spin around testing out new things, then she finally turned to me.

'What the hell just happened there?'

'Electrocute Rebuke, Mom said it would work' -Grace.

'I gave a sixty-five percent chance of it working.' -Tequila.

'Why are you calling her Mom now? And I didn't know that you can talk to the girls without me hearing, how does that work? Not that I don't think you should be able to have private conversations, I just want to know how I can work it into future plans.'

'Just call It preparation for when you put a ring on it! If she is your Mom, then she would be my Mom after you marry me, right?' -Grace.

'No, wait, she is Trinity's mother, and I am married to her.'

'Oranges to apples, it's all the same thing, plus Mom doesn't seem to mind, she is like our goddess and we are all her children!' -Grace.

'No, I don't think that's how that works. ANYWAYS, Mom, my question?'

'I am available to any Harem Members as their guide, but MainFrame is stopping me from telling you without you asking me directly.' -Tequila.

'So that means there is a lot more that you can't tell me without me asking, right?'

'Unfortunately, yes.' -Tequila.

'No worries, Mom. This is actually good news, it means that we only have to ask better questions. It isn't great that you can't just tell us, but at least there is a chance to get the information. Alright, my sexy mermaid, are you ready to go kick this boss's ass?'

'Oh, you know my stance on this. Enough talking let go fuck em up, there is a damsel waiting for us, remember?' -Grace. 

Wow, this woman, just a fiend, and I was starting to like it! We both smiled, but the cringed at the same time, the smile hadn't seemed to change yet, but I did only see one set of eyelids when Grace blinked, so that was winning in my books. The two of us headed down to the shabby sand castle's entrance, but there was someone waiting for us.


Who the fuck was this guy? Almost completely back, and holding a trident, this black lagoon monsters looking thing was far from impressive. I looked over at Grace, but if this was a comic book, there would have been an outline left, but since this was a game, she would be rushing the boss. 

I didn't even bother turning to watch, I actually kind of felt bad for him as I could hear his girlish screams, but that was interesting. That boss actually spoke out loud, so did that mean that the rest of the creatures would be more sentient and talk back? Great, more stolen monologue, that's just what we needed, but my thoughts were interrupted by Grace.

'Are you just going to float there all day? Let's go, I dealt with the boss, so, now, Inside! You have to listen to me because I am Rank D+!' -Grace.

'Oh? Is that how it goes? Well, Oh Great Leader, lead on!'

That earned me another O-face and I cringed, jezzus cripes, that better be gone in the next evolution or I would have a nightmare to carry into my next games! As far as I knew, Grace didn't have a bite attack and I didn't have one either...Dan, the guy probably did it just for fun, I wondered if I would ever have a chance to thank him in person. Friggin asshat.

I followed Grace into the...cave, that's all it really was. The outside gave the impression that there would be some kind of structure inside, but it was just a dome. It was like someone had placed a bowl down with a door hole cut in the side and built a shitty castle around the outside of it. Honestly, if I was the kid that made this, I probably would have wrecked it to save myself from my friends' mockery and parents' laughter. 

Wow, that was a word that hadn't crossed my mind in some time. Parents, my real mom, and dad were still out in the world if they were still even alive. Not like I could go see them, and seeing me like this wouldn't be the same for them, I was no longer human like them, I was just data.

I shook my head, that's not what I need right now, no, memory lane was a waste of time. I was constantly living new lives in every game, that first one was really just another one of these lives. I have had parents since then in some of the games, whether they were real or pseudo, that didn't really matter at this point. 

It was the girls that were my family now, and only they mattered. Speaking of girls, Grace floated beside me as we looked at the crate with metal bars. More specifically, what was inside of the crate, The female Spiny Dogfish.

Our next mate!

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