Harem Reborn

Chapter 211: Trapped! Help Grace!

Chapter 211: Trapped! Help Grace!

I left the office after giving Mom the address, and she turned on the nav system for me, showing me a small map in the top right-hand corner of my HUD. The route was highlighted with a lime green line that made for an easy trip. It was nice just to go for a walk in a somewhat normal-looking city, that I felt familiar with at least. 

The city reminded me a lot of the world I had thought I had come from compared to places like Prime, Shadesholm, and The Random World. It was calm, the people were all human, which was the strangest part, which got me thinking as I walked, What was the point of this city? What things would we get from completing the bounties to help us against that giant thing? 

I had forgotten to ask about what the bounty reward would be given out, but I guess that would just mean that we would have to solve the case. If we caught the pervert thief, then I would get my answer. I must have been running on autopilot because when I actually paid attention, I realized I was at the house. 

The girls weren't here yet, but should I wait for them, or do I just go inside, and get it over with to save time? Mom, where are the girls?

'...Getting changed.' -Tequila.

Are you kidding me?! What the hell have they been doing? Wait, I don't actually care, I will get the first one done and they can meet me at the second one. Please let them know Mom, there will be no need for them to hurry.

I turned to the small house, with plain white with vinyl siding that looked to be very clean. A line of teal wrapped the place, and the windows were all closed with shades down. I walked up and knocked on the door three times, and then waited. 

I didn't wait long, I think that they must have known I would be stopping by because the door opened quickly. On the other side was very plain and what I would call an average-looking woman opened the door. I flashed a shell-shaped badge to the lady and she invited me inside. The house was way too clean, like no dust and nothing out of place. 

The place almost seemed like no one lived here, but I followed the lady to her kitchen at the back of the house and offered me a chair. I thanked her and took the chair, waiting for her to sit down. The woman's name Grena from the file I was shown about each victim, but none of them had pictures, just descriptions, but I could tell from the description that I was at the right place.

"So, Ma'am, my name is Dave, can you please tell me about the events leading up to the theft?"

The woman came over after she had pulled out a pair of glasses and a pitcher of water from the fridge. She sat down and offered me a glass and nodded to the jug. She looked a bit embarrassed, so I tried to reassure her that she didn't need to tell me anything over sensitive if it didn't pertain to the case.

"No, you need to know the full story so, you know what he did," Grena explained before going on. "I had just finished cleaning up, and I was about to go to bed, but I was feeling...restless. I took my Hop-hop out and pleasured myself, but then went to the bathroom to clean up. Once I came back, my bedroom window was opened, and Hop-hop was gone!"

Grena sounded a bit frantic at the end, and I guessed she and Hop-Hop had some history, but this was more than just theft. This was a home invasion, during this woman's most private time, just the thought of it made my blood boil. I wouldn't kill him, but I would teach him a lesson.

"I am really sorry for the invasion of your privacy during such a personal time. Would I be able to see the outside of the house where your window is?"

"Umm, sure, I guess, you don't want to see the inside of my room first?" Grena asked leaning forward to show some cleavage.

NOPE! I was fine with looking outside. Going into the bedroom was just a trap that I would have to fight my way out of, and I didn't want to have to be rude. Better to avoid the situation altogether, I would be waiting to go inside the next house.

Grena let out a breathy sign and got up, showing me to the door. Once outside, She led me to the left side where there was a shrub that blocked the view from the front and another one on the other side blocking the back. The neighbor's house was a solid wall, so a reasonable place for you to think leaving your blinds up would be fine, but still, close your damn blinds if you're going to diddle yourself!

"I take it from here, and we will contact you if we recover Hop-Hop."

The women thanked me, and then went inside, but not before taking another look at me, and then giving me a wink. I let it go and turned to my task, Dave The Great Detective is here! Man, you just couldn't make my name sound cool!

I started to look around the ground, but it was mostly grass and I didn't see anything suspicious. The yard was split by a rod iron fence that was about a meter tall, and I walked over to the window. I put a hand onto each one of the round black spheres as I moved between the houses, but when I got to the last one by the window that was opened slightly, the sphere fell off.

Strange, that shouldn't have been like that, and I reached over the fence and picked up the sphere. Then I stopped as I picked it up, noticing a single key under it, with a tag on it that read, 213. This could have been the thieves, jackpot, my first clue! Now I was really getting into this, I was jacked up, but then all excitement left me.

"Oh, Dave! Fuck my pussy hard with Jim-Jim!" Grena cried out from inside the open window.

Gone, nope, I'm outta here, got my clue and I'm going. Though for detective purposes only, I took a brief glance around the ground and I took a quick glance into the window. I was trying to see...HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT THING! 

Grena was on her back with her legs in the air, buck naked. As the crazy bitch screamed my name out, she rammed a dildo into her hairy twat the size of my forearm and almost as long. I turned fast, and speed-walked to the front fence straight ahead, and leapt over, not bothering to use the gate. 

Who did that woman think I was? Or maybe she was serious about me using Jim-Jim on her? I gave an involuntary shiver, and then another trying to imagine what Hop-Hop was going to look like. 

'Mom, can you please line me up with the next house, and let me know how far the girls are from it?'

'Mom is with the girls talking to them while they shop, so I'll take over for her. That was quite the show you got, hey?' -Dansei.

'Oh yeah, real good, but what do you mean they are shopping?'

'Well you said there was no rush, so the girls thought that you could huddle talking to the women and comforting them.' -Dansei.

'Did they really say all of that?' 

'Well, I added the comfort part, but these women have had their privacy invaded!' -Dansei.

'Give me the next damn location, friggin pervert. What about my privacy? I didn't want to turn around and see that hair snatch gobble that linebackers forearm!'

The map loaded up and I started to power walk to the next location, as Dansei roared with laughter in my head. I broke the one band I could and made the twenty-minute walk in about three minutes. This house was almost identical to the last save; it was powder blue with a bright red stripe. 

I walked up to the door and went to knock on it, but the door flew open. On the other side was a woman dressed in black lingerie and with blonde hair and a massive rack. She was also holding onto a black handle thing that looked like it could be a whip of some sort, with multiple small strips of black leather hanging down from it. 

With my hand in the air, the woman grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me inside the house, slamming the door behind us. Oh god, what have I got into now, was I at the right house?

'Oh yeah, this is the right address! You hit the Jackpot here! Miss Veronica Pole looks like a feisty one!' -Dansei.

I was dragged into a dark room and tossed inside with her closing the door as she entered. There were no lights on, but then I heard a hard-click noise come from the door, uh-oh. 

The lights flashed on and I had to let my eyes adjust to the light before I could see again. Well, shit, Veronica was standing in front of the padlocked door, no key in sight. What was in sight made me think I had just stepped into a torture chamber. I squinted at the woman, and for the first time, she started to act shy, but I think act, was the keyword here.

"I hid the keys somewhere, and I'm not going to let you leave or tell you anything you want to know unless you whip me for being such a bad girl!" 

Her shy voice became pouty at the end, and I was having a hard time trying to keep it together. This was really bad.

'Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding! Jackpot money, baby!' -Dansie.

'What are you doing?' -Tequila.

'Oh thank god, Mom, send Grace my location right now and tell her what you see and that she needs to get here fast to save my purity!'

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