Harem Reborn

Chapter 230: Sex With Food

Chapter 230: Sex With Food

The three of us step out of the blue ring and onto the streets. Trinity jumped up excitedly, grabbing onto my shoulder. Sandra held my hand and rubbed her cheek into my shoulder.

"This is the city you were talking about? Why does it look like we are in water, but it doesn't feel like it?" Trinity asked with excitement.

"Leave it up to game logic, but yeah, this is the place."

It was getting dark, and the sun was just going down, the orange light slowly creeping up the five towers. I walked over to a street that was only a couple blocks away, dragging Excited and Lovey along with me. The street had a couple restaurants and bars on it, but there was live music coming from buskers, but not all of them were playing instruments.

"Dave! The music! This place is wonderful! Look! There is a guy doing magic tricks! And look at that guy!" Trinity continued on as I looked at Sandra with a big smile shaking my head.

"She definitely has energy, but she is cute in that way, let's go check out the things with her, or we will never get to sit down to eat," Sandra said leaning in for a kiss that I met with a passionate kiss, the electricity that we had just shared hadn't completely faded.

We pulled apart and I smiled at her, taking her hand again, then leading her after Trinity who was already over at the magician. She was begging him to do a trick for her, and she squealed when the man made a bouquet of flowers appear. Sandra and I joined her right as the man pulled a dog and three cats out of his hat, and then a rabbit. The entire time he acted like the rabbit was what he was looking for.

"Thank you," Trinity said in a quiet voice after she leaned back into my chest.

"You know I would have you by my side every step if I could. The race is almost over, then we can play the real games, the ones where we can live our entire lives together. We might still have to fight, but"

"...We will be doing it together! I know, and you have been doing so good! I know this hasn't been easy on you, but you're still here! We will make it to the Zodiac worlds this time!" Trinity said, turning her head to kiss me, but I pulled back.

"You can remember what happened the first time? What happened?" 

"Dave, don't ask me to talk about it, it was hard for all of us, and it will just kill the mood."

Trinity turned around and kissed me, brushing off my sleeves before smiling up at me. I had done something then that she didn't want to talk about whatever it was. I didn't want to ruin the moment, but I couldn't help but it let me get down a bit. 

I had made so many mistakes and all the girls still stayed with me, but then again, maybe that was their purpose in all of this. I could let this eat me up, but that would be making another mistake, and I have made enough of those already. No matter if the girls were real or programs, they were real to me now, and they all trusted and believed me, on top of every one of them loving me. They deserved a better Dave, and that was what I was going to do.

"Okay, let's go get a bite to eat! I am starving, and when was the last time you had real food, Trinity?"

Her faltering smile fixed itself and I felt a squeeze to my hand that made my heart sore, and I vowed that this would be the last time that I doubted myself again. The girls were here to help me, but I was the leader, and I need to start acting like it. That started with me being happy and excited because we were getting closer to the prize, and I needed to start turning it up and using all the tools at my disposal and ones that weren't.

"Do you think we can go to Mr. Genos over there? I haven't had a good donair in a long time!" Sandra asked from my shoulder, where she was resting her head.

"Yeah! I agree, it has been ages since I've had one as well!"

"Donair? What's that?" Trinity asked with curiosity.

"Mmmm, they have a bunch of meat spinning on a cooker and they cut it right off. Then they put it in some flatbread with lettuce, onion, feta cheese, and then some tzatziki sauce!" Sandra explained as we walked over to the restaurant.

The place wasn't fancy or anything like that, and only had one booth and a bar stand with stools against the window, but this was normal, even across the worlds. I was pretty sure we had been at this exact shop, and the Greek owner, Genos, serving us gave me a familiar smile but didn't say anything. Yeah, that was the same Genos that had served me before; the biggest tip-off was the suckers he offered us with our food. 

"Do you think that was the same guy from the last time?" Sandra asked as we sat down at the booth and opened up our food. 

"Pretty sure, I don't think suckers are a standard at donair and shawarma shops, but I could be wrong, haha."

" Oh Meh Gerd, wut is dis tuff? Is sooo good!" Trinity moaned with her mouth full of food.

"Are you going to be okay? You're going to draw a crowd with the way you are making love to that food!"

"Mmmm tit is'd duh bshest!" Sandra started to moan along.

These two were going to get us kicked out of the restaurant! I looked back but Genos was using a towel to whip his two male employees back to work, but he turned and gave me a wink and a smile, before going back to whipping the men back to work. I guess the boys heard the women having sex with their food and had to come and see.

I honestly couldn't blame them for wanting to come over and take a peek. I would be a dirty liar to say that I wasn't getting turned off by the sounds of them molesting their food, and I had to focus on my food to keep my brains from melting too much and leaking out of my ears. I had the garlic butter sauce on mine with a bit of hot sauce for the extra kick so I dug into my Gyros with fervor.

Finally, the girls had finished their show and by this time the place had gotten a lot busier. The place was filled with men ordering food and trying not to look suspicious as they stole looks at my girls. We packed up and left, but as we did, there was a collective 'awww' that sounded from the patrons.

"Well, that was fun, I hope one day to enjoy food as good as yours was. Whatever you two got must have been a lot better than mine, but seriously, how did both your hair get so messed up?" I asked looking at the two of them.

It was as if we just woke up, and then had sex and then walked out of the restaurant. I had never seen the girls looked so disheveled even after wild sex! Man, I really must not be doing something right here!

"My...hair?" Trinity asked with a dreamy look.

Wow, I would have to go back at a later date and learn a thing or two from this greek god, Mr. Genos! Both girls looked like they had just cum, and they still had the starry expression that gazed back at me after. I shook my head, time to go home, the donairs had given the girls one hell of a second-round that I only got to hear about. Was it wrong to feel a bit envious of food?

I led the girls back to the hotel, and then walk through the city at night was nice, but I noticed the black SUV four times during our walk back. Part of me wanted to go and let TDM at them, but the other part of me just wanted to enjoy the nice walk. All of us were full, so we didn't have a lot of places for conversation, instead, we just enjoyed the walk back. 

The hotel was lit up and we made our way into the elevator and up to our room. Once at the top, we got out and headed for the room, with Trinity following behind us. She was a bit nervous about meeting the girls since she didn't really know any of them from the games we had played, she was almost always my guild but she would know one person.

I opened the door to our main room and the girls were all waiting inside for us. Sandra walked in with me, but when Trinity came in, Grace shot up and ran over. She scooped her off her feet and gave her a big hug that Trinity returned. This got the rest of the girls up and soon I was pushed off to the side as the girls started to talk about our night.

I let them all catch up and I slipped out of the room and headed back to the room I was staying in. Time for a bath and some sleep, another busy day ahead of us tomorrow, that was my plan, but I groaned and wanted to close the door. This was not what I considered relaxing and not what I wanted to deal with right now.

Sitting on my bed, was Cindy. 

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