Harry Potter: Another Chance

Chapter 346: The Potters

Chapter 346: The Potters


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K. Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I create.



-Author notes-

Chapter 346: The Potters

"Calm down... if you are who I think you are, then I believe we have bigger problems right now," Neville said to the black-haired girl in front of him.

Her response was to fire a curse at his feet.

"That was the only warning I will give you, Longbottom. Get out of my way," she said coldly.

Neville just noticed the robes she was wearing. They were of very high quality and heavily enchanted. Beneath them, he could catch a glimpse of a green tie with the symbol of Slytherin House.

"You're i—" He was interrupted by a wave of magic washing over him, as if someone had thrown a stone into a pond, creating ripples.

"Huh?... What is this? I thought I was supposed to do the test alone…" A tall young boy with short dark hair and green eyes walked out from behind some large rocks and stared at them. He wore small rectangular glasses and had his wand in hand.

The unnamed girl and Neville returned his stare.

"Bloody hell... this is going to be much worse than I thought." He kept his ward up and continued scanning his surroundings. He had a feeling something terrible was about to happen. For every extra person that ended up here, a lot more trouble would follow, and he had no way to stop this.

"What?!... Another one? And who are you?" the girl demanded an answer from this new arrival.

The boy looked a bit surprised. "I thought everyone in the school knew me by now." His eyes moved to her robes. "I guess it's true that Slytherins live in their own world."

"Fine! I don't care anymore. This is my test, so get out of here. And take Longbottom with you!" she shouted.

"Neville?!" The boy stared at him, shocked.

"Mate, what are you doing here? This is a dangerous place to be," the boy said, concern clear in his eyes.


They heard someone complain. His voice came from somewhere nearby.

"Oh no..." Neville lamented.

Then, out of nowhere, another boy came walking from behind a rock and began to complain in a very loud manner.

"I hate this! These rocks are sharp. The Headmaster is going to hear from me this time!"

The boy came into view and immediately looked flabbergasted when he saw the others. "Wait...who are you all?."

"Okay, is this a prank? Because it's not funny at all," the girl scoffed.

The new boy looked very skinny and fragile, with long dark bangs that covered part of his vibrant green eyes.

"This is so not fabulous… Are you girls trying to take away my big moment? Because let me tell you something… I am so not in the mood for this." He waved his wand at them.

"Whoa!... You look a lot like me!" the other green-eyed boy said with shock.

"Like you?... With that terrible hair and cheap clothes? Honey, please, keep dreaming." The skinny boy looked at the symbol on his clothes and his expression got more serious.

"I shouldn't even be talking to a Gryffindor… my boyfriend would get mad."

"Okay..." Neville sighed and hoped this was the last one.

" Just out of curiosity... what are your names?" Neville asked. He already knew the answer but needed to confirm something.

"You forgot my name, mate?..." He looked confused.

"Just humor me," Neville said.

"I'm Harry... Harry Potter. Your best and only male friend. Do you remember now?" The tall Harry said while adjusting his glasses.

"Is this a joke? I am the only Harry Potter here," the skinny Harry said, looking very offended.

"Potter?... That's impossible. That's my old family name, and I'm sure there are no Potters left. And I'm even more sure there aren't any in my school," the girl turned to Neville.

"You also mentioned that name… What is this about? If it's about money, their vault is empty. You can thank the old Headmaster for that."

"What is your name then?" Neville asked. "And before you answer… I'll tell you all that I'm not the Neville Longbottom you know."

"What's that supposed to mean, Nev?" Harry asked.

"I'll try to explain, but I doubt we have much time…" Neville looked around. Nothing had happened yet, but it wouldn't be long.

He looked back at the girl.

"Can you tell me your name? It's important."

She stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out if he was being serious, but couldn't detect any deceit, and she was very good at that.

"I am Victoria Cassiopeia Black… current Lady of the House of Black. Now tell me what is this about."

"The House of Black? You mean like Sirius?" tall Harry asked.

"That house is extinct…" Skinny Harry muttered. "But Draco told me that in the future it will belong to him, because his mother is a Bl—"

"Did you say Draco?!" Victoria's eyes became sharp as knives as she glared at the Harry who had just spoken.

"Yes… That's my boyfriend. What is it to you?" he huffed. "You better not get any weird ideas, honey… he's not interested."

Neville sighed. He had to do something before they started fighting over that blonde twat. "Listen to me… this is not your t—"

At that moment, someone landed on the ground, right in the middle of the group, creating a large crack in the rocks beneath him.

"Oops… I got my robes dirty… should have been more careful." The young man said in a casual tone.

They were all forced to take a few steps back to look at the newcomer.

The young man was about the same height as Neville.

His face was more than familiar, but he had very long black hair that reached his waist and a striking pair of bright orange eyes.

He wasn't wearing any robes—just a pair of black leather pants and a leather jacket that showed off his muscular, bare torso.

"Now… where's the dragon I have to kill?" he asked.

A.N: In case you are curious about what they look like, I have posted pictures and brief descriptions of all the Potters alternate versions in my P@treon . You can view those for free.

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