Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch264- The King of the Lake

Ch264- The King of the Lake

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After the stretches, Harry led them into some basic exercises—push-ups, sit-ups, and a short jog around the lake. The complaints continued, of course, but Harry ignored them, focusing on keeping everyone moving. He knew that once they got into the rhythm, they’d stop whining. Or at least whine less.

As the group jogged around the lake, Ginny jogged up beside him, her breath coming out in steady puffs. "You really think this will help us in duels?" she asked, half-joking.

Harry nodded, keeping his pace steady. "Absolutely. You can’t rely on magic alone. Physical fitness gives you an edge—faster reflexes, more stamina. You’ll be able to outlast your opponent, even if they’re stronger magically."

Ginny seemed to consider this as they continued their run. Behind them, George was dramatically clutching his side, while Fred pretended to collapse in slow motion. The others weren’t faring much better, but they all kept going, some with more enthusiasm than others.

When they finally completed the circuit, Harry called everyone back to the clearing by the lake. Most of them flopped down onto the grass, panting and groaning, but Harry didn’t let them rest just yet.

"Alright, that’s the warm-up done," he announced, earning a chorus of groans. "Now we move on to some agility drills."

Pansy glared at him from her spot on the ground. "Warm-up? That was torture, Potter."

Harry grinned. "You’ll live. Now, everyone on your feet. We’re doing ladder drills."

The group dragged themselves up, albeit slowly, and followed Harry’s lead as he demonstrated the ladder drills. Despite the initial resistance, they gradually got into it, their competitive sides coming out as they tried to outdo each other in speed and precision.

As they moved through the drills, Harry noticed Astoria struggling a bit. He stepped over to her, offering some quiet encouragement. "You’re doing great, Astoria. Just keep going at your own pace."

Astoria nodded, a determined look on her face as she focused on the drills. Harry stayed with her for a few moments, making sure she was comfortable before moving back to the rest of the group.

The Weasley twins, naturally, turned the drills into a competition, trying to outdo each other with increasingly ridiculous moves. It wasn’t long before they were trying to hop through the ladder on one foot while juggling imaginary Quaffles.

Despite the antics, the drills went smoothly, and Harry could see that everyone was starting to get into the flow. Even Pansy, who had been the most resistant, was moving through the drills with a grudging determination.

After the agility drills, Harry finally called for a break, allowing everyone to collapse onto the grass in relief. He handed out water bottles, which were gratefully accepted by the sweaty and tired group.

"See? That wasn’t so bad," Harry remarked with a grin, standing by the group, who were all catching their breath. He stretched out his legs, casually observing their exhausted faces. With a flick of his wand, Harry transfigured his clothes into swimming trunks, his chest now bare. The boys clicked their tongues in mild annoyance, while the girls glared at him, clearly impressed by his muscular form.

Pansy crossed her arms, scowling. "This is where I draw the line, Harry. I’m not jumping into a freezing lake!"

Harry chuckled, twirling his wand between his fingers. Before Pansy could protest any further, she found herself being lifted off the ground, her clothes transforming into a swimsuit mid-air. "POTTER!" she screamed, flailing as she flew towards the lake. "FUC—" Her words were cut off as she splashed into the cold water with a loud plop.

Harry stood by the shore, a devilish smile on his face. "Anyone else need a little encouragement?" he asked, raising his eyebrows at the rest of the group.

The others hesitated, glancing at each other, but no one seemed eager to challenge Harry’s idea of fun. Pansy surfaced, spluttering and glaring daggers at Harry from the lake. "You’re dead, Potter!" she shouted.

Harry only laughed in response. "Get used to it, Pansy. You’re in Slytherin. You should know better than to challenge me."

Ginny and Luna exchanged a quick look, their mischievous smiles growing wider. Without another word, they both took running starts and jumped into the lake, creating twin splashes as they cannonballed into the water. The rest of the group watched in stunned silence for a moment before the infectious energy took hold.

The Weasley twins were next, pushing each other playfully as they ran towards the water. "Last one in is a troll!" Fred yelled just before they both plunged into the lake with dramatic flair. The rest of the group quickly followed, with only a few half-hearted protests from the more reluctant members.

Harry stood on the shore, watching the chaos unfold with a satisfied grin. The lake, cold as it was, didn’t seem to dampen their spirits. In fact, the shouts of laughter and playful splashing only grew louder as more of them joined in.

Astoria, who had been hanging back, cautiously approached the water’s edge. Harry noticed her hesitation and called out, "Come on, Astoria! It’s just water!"

She looked at him, biting her lip before finally giving in. With a deep breath, she dipped a toe into the water and quickly pulled it back, shivering. "It’s freezing!" she complained, but seeing everyone else having fun, she couldn’t resist any longer. With a resigned sigh, she waded in, yelping as the cold water enveloped her.

Harry chuckled, watching as the younger Slytherin slowly got used to the temperature. Meanwhile, Pansy had finally recovered from her forced dive and was now plotting her revenge on Harry, though it was clear she was enjoying herself despite her earlier protests.

As the group continued to splash around, Harry joined them in the water, swimming over to where Pansy was floating. "Still mad at me?" he asked, giving her a teasing smile.

Pansy narrowed her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smirk. "Oh, I’m furious."

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "Well, I might have deserved that."

Pansy rolled her eyes, clearly enjoying the banter more than she let on. "You think? Next time, maybe a little warning before you send me flying into a freezing lake."

Harry grinned, leaning back in the water. "Where’s the fun in that?"

Pansy splashed water at him in response, her earlier annoyance forgotten. The others were still splashing and laughing around them, the chilly water seeming to do little to dampen their spirits. Even Astoria, who had been hesitant at first, was now engaged in a splash fight with Ginny and Luna.

"So, what’s next on the agenda, fearless leader?" Tracey called out from a nearby rock she had claimed as her throne.

Harry pondered briefly, his gaze flicking toward the giant squid's tentacle as it gracefully curled upward, forming a makeshift throne. The massive appendage lifted him effortlessly into the air, positioning him as though he were seated on an aquatic throne, looking every bit the king surveying his kingdom. With a hint of a grin, Harry addressed the group below.

“Well, let’s start small today,” he began, clearly enjoying the theatrics of his elevated position. “We’ll build up the drills from here.”

Pansy, who had been eyeing Harry with irritation and amusement, decided to make her point known. With a quick flick of her wand, she froze a patch of water, molding it into a compact snowball. In one fluid motion, she hurled it at Harry, hitting him squarely in the chest.

“That wasn’t small, Potter! It was pure hell!” she called out.

Harry looked down at the snow dust on his chest, a playful smirk crossing his face. “Guess you’ll be thanking me when you’re all running circles around the other houses,” he retorted, casually brushing the snow off his chest.

Meanwhile, Fred and George, never ones to miss out on a bit of fun, began conjuring their own snowballs, ready to escalate the snowball fight.

Fred lobbed a snowball at George, who ducked with practiced ease, sending one sailing back with a grin. The chaos escalated as if by some unspoken agreement. The group quickly turned their attention to Harry, conjuring snowballs of their own and pelting him with every icy projectile they could muster.

"Looks like the King of the Lake is about to be dethroned!" George announced with a smirk, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

Harry, calm as ever, didn’t even flinch. Just as the barrage of snowballs closed in, three massive tentacles emerged from the lake, deflecting every single one with precision. The entire group paused, staring in stunned silence.

"Thank you, Krak," Harry said casually, turning to the squid. "How about we return the favor?"

The tentacles waved in agreement, and Harry quickly conjured a pile of snowballs. Krak scooped them up and launched them back at the now-scattering group. Shouts of mock terror filled the air as everyone scrambled to avoid the onslaught, slipping and sliding in their haste.

Fred and George tried to dodge, but the tentacles were faster, pelting them with a barrage of snowballs. Ginny and Luna weren’t spared either, as they squealed in delight while trying to escape the icy attack. Even Pansy, who had been plotting revenge, found herself on the receiving end of Krak's precision throws.

The once orderly snowball fight turned into a full-blown snowball war, with the Giant Squid and Harry firmly holding the upper hand. The lake’s edge became a flurry of activity as the group tried and failed to outmaneuver the giant squid’s many arms. Laughter and shouts echoed across the grounds, blending with the sound of splashing water and snow crunching underfoot.

As the group finally admitted defeat, collapsing in heaps on the ground, soaked and breathless, Harry couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his friends covered in snow. The Giant Squid, too, seemed satisfied, retreating back into the depths of the lake with a final, playful splash.

"Well, that was fun," Harry said, shaking the snow out of his hair.

"Fun for you, maybe," Pansy muttered, though a faint smile tugged at her lips. "Did you pour a love potion into the lake or something? Why is the Giant Squid so fond of you?"

Harry chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Look at me, Pansy. Do I look like I need a love potion?"

Pansy found herself staring at him, her gaze lingering longer than she intended on his well-defined form. Realizing what she was doing, she quickly turned away, a blush creeping up her neck. "You’re so full of yourself, Potter."

Harry’s grin widened, clearly enjoying her reaction. "Just stating the obvious," he teased, stretching his arms over his head, deliberately flexing his muscles a bit more than necessary.

Pansy rolled her eyes, trying to hide her flustered state behind a mask of annoyance. "You’re impossible."


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