I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 306: Join our Tribe? Beat up your Chief first

Chapter 306: Join our Tribe? Beat up your Chief first

Qing Hua's words were like a bolt from the blue for the Bone Tribe members.

Their eyes widened, filled with astonishment as they looked at her.

How could she speak against the leader like this?

After the shock, some realized that what Qing Hua said made sense.

If it weren't for the leader, they wouldn't have thought of attacking this tribe. In that case, there wouldn't have been casualties, their caves wouldn't have been burnt by fire, and they wouldn't have been captured and faced with uncertain fates.

Maybe this person really shouldn't be the leader.

As they thought about it, many remembered how the leader had blocked the cave entrance to suffocate them with smoke. It seemed like he wanted to kill them all in the cave.

With these thoughts, their gazes toward the Bone Tribe leader turned somewhat hostile and hesitant.

"I'm going to kill you all!"

The Bone Tribe leader, hungry, thirsty, and half-dead from the beating, heard Qing Hua's words and saw everyone looking at him. He couldn't help but angrily curse and threaten the crowd.

Seeing this, the people felt even more convinced by Qing Hua's words.

"Why are you still alive?"

"Will they kill us?"

Someone remembered the crucial question and hurriedly asked Qing Hua and Qing Cao.

The rest of the people perked up their ears, eagerly awaiting their response.

"This tribe is very good, excellent. They won't randomly kill people, and we shouldn't have attacked them."

When Qing Hua heard someone from her tribe ask about this, her spirits lifted, and she immediately explained.

Some of these words were what Han Cheng had told her, but most were her heartfelt words. Nearly twenty days of living here had made her fond of this prosperous, powerful, tolerant, and kind tribe.

Here, she experienced many things she had never experienced before, not just abundant food but also an atmosphere that was indescribable yet palpable. Anyway, she just unconsciously wanted to live here and found it very comfortable.

"We attacked their tribe, but they didn't kill us. Why?"

Hearing Qing Hua praise this tribe so much, some people doubted it.

After a while, someone asked the core question.

"The leader led us to do this. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't have attacked. They only killed the leader and enemies who are not part of their family."

Qing Hua answered the crowd's doubts again.

The Bone Tribe leader became frantic.

Kill the leader?

He whimpered and cursed at Qing Hua and the others.

Qing Hua, who had initially been extremely afraid of him and the other members of the Bone Tribe, didn't feel so afraid anymore when faced with the enraged leader.

"What does it mean to be a family?"

Someone urgently asked.

No one paid attention to the angry leader's roars. At this point, they were more concerned about their own lives.

"It means that once you join the Green Sparrow Tribe, you become family. Not only will you not die, but you can also live a life just like theirs."

The Bone Tribe leader roared furiously. He now fully understood that this tribe wanted to assimilate their tribe's people.

He angrily cursed, wanting to silence the two women who had utterly betrayed him, not wanting the others to hear their words.

However, none of this mattered. The people who usually followed his every command and respected him immensely now wholly ignored him.

They paid no attention to his raging curses, instead bombarding Qing Hua and Qing Cao with questions about life in the Green Sparrow Tribe.

When they heard that one could eat three meals a day here and could eat to their heart's content, the Bone Tribe members couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

Ordinary tribe members didn't have a particularly strong sense of belonging to the tribe compared to the tribe leader, making integration much easier.

Of course, tribes with shamans were another matter entirely.

Tribes like the Green Sparrow Tribe, which had both shaman and Divine child, instilled ordinary people with an even stronger sense of belonging.

Han Cheng and the shaman watched the situation from afar, deeply impressed by the competence of Qing Hua, this original member of the Bone Tribe.

Especially the shaman, who felt that rescuing Qing Hua back then was an extremely wise decision.

Having Qing Hua and Qing Cao, two original members of the Bone Tribe, handle surrendering had surprisingly good results.

As dusk fell, several bright bonfires were lit in the courtyard of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

A Bone Tribe member, bound hand and foot, shouted out.

So, Green Sparrow Tribe members carrying spears approached and untied the ropes on his hands and feet.

The man stumbled a few steps, adjusting to the feeling of not having sticks on his feet, before walking over to the Bone Tribe leader.

The Bone Tribe leader was currently tied to a wooden stake planted in the ground, glaring fiercely at the person approaching him.

Faced with the leader's fierce gaze, the Bone Tribe member couldn't help but take a step back. Realizing what he was doing, he stepped forward sharply and slapped the Bone Tribe leader hard, harder than an average person would.

The already battered Bone Tribe leader let out a throaty yell from the force of the slap.

The person who slapped the Bone Tribe leader then walked casually to another bonfire.

Quite a few people were already gathered here, all of them having made up their minds to join the Green Sparrow Tribe, the original members of the Bone Tribe.

In the darkness of the night, the sound of a single cry of pain echoed. Out of the forty-eight Bone Tribe members brought back as captives, aside from the Bone Tribe leader tied to a tree stump unable to move, the other forty-seven had all joined the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Even the infants who couldn't walk were held by their mothers and tapped on the Bone Tribe leader's body to demonstrate their determination to join the Green Sparrow Tribe.

Seeing those who had abandoned him with joy on their faces, the Bone Tribe leader felt highly uncomfortable, harboring a sense of resentment, bitterness, and fear.

"Thud, thud, thud."

After a while, the Bone Tribe leader suddenly tilted his head back forcefully, repeatedly hitting the tree trunk behind him.

His idea was to save his own life first, then figure out other things later.

The reason he was using his head to hit the tree stump behind him was that he saw people in the tribe being released after hitting him, so he wanted to hit himself, too.

But his hands and feet were bound, so he could only resort to hitting the tree stump.

This was a display of recognizing the inevitable and wanting to end his life by his hand.

It's surprising to find such loyal individuals, even among primitive people.

Watching the Bone Tribe leader's actions, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion.

He instructed his Eldest Senior Brother to go and stop the Bone Tribe leader.

Of course, it wasn't out of any newfound affection for seeing his display of loyalty that Han Cheng wanted to release him, but rather to prevent him from killing himself.

This guy still had some use.

Eldest Senior Brother bounded him tighter and came over to inform Han Cheng about the Bone Tribe leader's plea for mercy.

Having figured out what was happening, Han Cheng was at a loss for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

He realized that his inner struggle was indeed too much.

For Han Cheng, who came from the future, killing was still a difficult hurdle to overcome.

But many times, it's like this: not everything will go as you wish, and sometimes, you have to grit your teeth and do what needs to be done.

Regardless of which angle you look at it from, the Bone Tribe leader had to die, and sometimes, you have to harden your heart.

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