I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 316: Shu Pi felt unfair

Chapter 316: Shu Pi felt unfair

When seen by different people, the same thing often results in somewhat different outcomes.

Labor is no exception.

From the arduous labor of building houses, most of the members of the Bone Tribe gained insights such as "life is not easy, but effort pays off" and similar sentiments that were not entirely clear.

This led to a determination to strive hard and work towards building new houses as soon as possible.

Unlike others, Shu Pi only felt resentment and dissatisfaction from this experience.

He liked living in spacious, bright houses but disliked the labor that wore out people's hands and made their arms swell.

He felt unfairly treated. Why did so many people in the tribe have to work hard while others like Hei Wa could play with mud all day?

Why did someone like Tie Tou only need to cut grass and feed the deer occasionally?

Why could that fat guy nap all the time?

Why could everyone else live directly in spacious and bright houses while they had to sleep in caves and build their own houses?

Heavy labor and a new, different way of life caused individuals in this era to develop selfish thoughts.

These thoughts lingered in Shu Pi's mind, but he had never spoken them out loud.

Today, Shu Pi had the same task as yesterday: to carry stones with a pole from the quarry to the wall with Ping Zi and a few others.

The pole pressed against his swollen shoulders, making him grit his teeth in unbearable pain.

When a stone popped the blister on his hand, and the excruciating pain shot through his hand, Shu Pi couldn't bear it anymore.

He threw the pole and the carrying pole into the trench and, with a combination of speech and gestures, expressed his thoughts to Ping Zi and the others working.

Initially thinking that Shu Pi had accidentally dropped the pole and the carrying pole, Ping Zi hurriedly helped retrieve them from the trench. But after understanding what Shu Pi meant, he stood there dumbfounded.

He didn't understand why Shu Pi had such thoughts and said such things.

Wasn't it natural for everyone to work for the tribe together?

Worse yet, the elders of the Green Sparrow Tribe were all working too, weren't they?

Feeling somewhat unhappy, he patted Shu Pi's arm and told him not to think like that.

But Shu Pi didn't listen. His voice grew louder, and he threw the pole and the carrying pole back into the trench.

Ping Zi was thoroughly angered.

They had nothing before, but after joining the tribe, they had three meals a day and never went hungry again!

Moreover, they now had new clothes, just like everyone else.

Their sleeping arrangements were also much better than before.

The tribe didn't use to build houses, but now they were doing it just for the sake of them.

The tribe's elders didn't have to do these things anymore, but they started doing them just so that they could have houses.

Ping Zi told Shu Pi all this, but Shu Pi was fixated on the idea of unfairness and didn't want to listen to anything else.

Enraged, Ping Zi threw down the pole and punched Shu Pi, who was still discussing inequality.

Shu Pi also fought back without backing down, and the two wrestled, tumbling into the trench.

Another member of the Bone Tribe who was carrying stones with them also dropped his pole and carrying pole, jumped into the trench, and helped Ping Zi beat up Shu Pi.

The commotion quickly attracted many people.

The people fighting were pulled out of the trench...

The members of the Green Sparrow Tribe were gathered together and brought into the courtyard. The three people who participated in the brawl stood at the forefront, facing the leaders of the Green Sparrow Tribe: the Eldest Senior Brother, the shaman, and Han Cheng.

Han Cheng and the rest of the Green Sparrow Tribe already knew the reason for the fight.

Everyone glared at Shu Pi angrily, and if Han Cheng hadn't stepped in to stop them, Shu Pi would have received even more beatings.

Seeing Shu Pi standing there, Han Cheng sneered inwardly. He hadn't expected someone like this to exist at this time!

With more hands available in the Green Sparrow Tribe and more tasks to be done, it was naturally impossible to concentrate all the manpower on building houses.

Han Cheng divided the work into building houses, clearing land, gathering food, raising livestock, etc.

Because the members of the Bone Tribe were new to the Green Sparrow Tribe, they didn't understand many things, so they mostly did tasks that didn't require much skill, like fetching water, carrying stones, and digging soil.

In terms of building houses, the basics, like laying stone foundations and quarrying stones with fire and water, were mostly handled by the experienced elders of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

In fact, under these conditions, there were hardly any easy tasks.

Mowing grass might not seem tiring, but it couldn't be done for long periods. Tie Tou and Ruhua, who often mowed grass, had thick calluses on the palms of their hands.

Both hands were stained with grass juice, and the hand used to grab grass was covered in many scars from the sickle.

The first carpenter and weaver of the Green Sparrow Tribe had hands that were rough to the point of deformation...

(The following conversation will be written smoothly to make the dialogue more fluent. Readers, please don't take it too seriously.)

"Do you think it's unfair?"

Han Cheng waited momentarily, then looked at Shu Pi and asked.

At this point, Shu Pi was already a bit scared. But looking at his worn-out hands and aching shoulders and remembering that he had drunk Green Sparrow Water, he felt a little reassured. Summoning his courage, he spoke up.

"It's unfair. They have easy and light work. Hei Wa, Tie Tou, Lame, Second Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother... their work is easy."

Han Cheng was almost amused by this guy. So, he was the hardest-working and most tired person in the whole tribe, and everyone else's work was easy and light.

Han Cheng asked these people mentioned by Shu Pi to come forward and hold out their hands, comparing their calluses to Shu Pi's. The calluses on everyone else's hands were thicker than Shu Pi's.

"We have what we have today because the Divine Child led us step by step!

We built walls, stacked houses, and dug land. We did all of this with our own hands. How much sweat have we shed? How much hardship have we endured?

In winter, we almost starved to death. The Divine Child led us to fish on the ice, standing on the frozen surface, nearly numb from the cold..."

Lame pointed at everything around with extreme excitement, his eyes reddened, tears uncontrollably falling.

The elders of the Green Sparrow Tribe also recalled the hardships they had endured along the way. Some women were already crying, and even the Eldest Senior Brother and the shaman had tears in their eyes.

"And you, coming here, could have three meals a day, clothes to wear, and stay inside the walls without worrying about wild animal attacks... Yet you still harbor resentment..."

Lame loudly scolded Shu Pi, his voice filled with emotion, and then slapped him twice.

"Divine Child, kill him."

"Yes, Divine Child, we don't want people like him!"

The crowd was stirred up, with not only the elders of the Green Sparrow Tribe but also those who came with Shu Pi from the Bone Tribe shouting along.

Shu Pi turned pale with fear.

He thought that by doing this, at least those who lived with him would support him, and he had drunk the Green Sparrow Water...

"I... I drank the Green Sparrow Water. We are all part of the same tribe. You can't kill me!"

He shouted in fear.

"We don't want people like you..."

Everyone looked at Han Cheng, waiting for his decision.

Han Cheng looked at Shu Pi and nodded. "They're right. In our Green Sparrow Tribe, we don't have people like you.

If you think this place is unfair, you shouldn't live here."

"Yes, we don't welcome you. Don't live here!"

Shu Pi, completely stunned, was pushed out of the tribe's gate by everyone.

"I made the clothes you're wearing!"

A woman ran out, stripped off the clothes Shu Pi was wearing, and threw a dirty piece of animal skin at his feet.

Shu Pi picked up the animal skin, feeling lost and confused as he walked forward.

Where should he go?

He didn't want to leave the tribe; he just wanted to do some easier tasks, and he felt unjust.

He stopped and turned around to look back at the tribe, wanting to return.

But those once kind and friendly people immediately began to shout angrily at him, and some even aimed their bows and arrows at him.

Shu Pi had no choice but to walk forward numbly...

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