I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 328: Got Cuck by Deer Lord?

Chapter 328: Got Cuck by Deer Lord?

Of course, reclaiming farmland doesn't just mean turning over the soil and removing some weeds and miscellaneous trees on the surface.

Another point that requires special attention is soil erosion.

The solution is to build ridges and construct drainage channels.

This not only dramatically reduces soil erosion but also effectively solves the problem of waterlogging in the fields.

Millet is a relatively drought-resistant crop, unlike rice, which can withstand being submerged in water for long periods. Therefore, it's essential to pay attention to field drainage.

Farming is a complex activity that involves many tasks. Sometimes, neglecting one aspect can lead to significant losses.

And even when everything is done correctly, success still depends on the weather.

However, compared to hunting, farming is much more stable.

Han Cheng allocated ten of the twenty people involved in building houses to dig drainage ditches in the reclaimed areas according to the terrain.

They don't understand these tasks and need Han Cheng's hands-on teaching first.

Currently, only a rough excavation of drainage ditches can be done. The rest will have to wait until after the rain and then be refined based on the traces left by the water.

Five of the other ten people joined the ranks of cultivating farmland, while the remaining five wielded stone axes to chop trees at the end of the fields to the west of the wall.

Saying they are chopping trees is not entirely accurate; they are stripping bark from them.

It takes quite a long time for a large tree to die and dry out, even up to a year or two.

It will take even longer if they encounter trees like the millennium-old poplars.

It's precisely because of this consideration that Han Cheng started to deal with these trees while plenty of land was still available for cultivation.

Next year, the Green Sparrow tribe needs to expand the millet planting area and plant large areas of wild hemp, which requires considerable land.

What Han Cheng is doing now is preparing for the next step of cultivating farmland.

As the saying goes, "If you don't plan, you'll suffer."

As the leader of the Green Sparrow tribe, Han Cheng has invested a lot of effort into its development.

Of course, compared to other laborers in the tribe, his work is much easier.

Once things are set in motion and running smoothly, he will assume the role of an overseer.

In grander terms, it's about ensuring that everyone in the Green Sparrow tribe can become talented and valuable individuals for the tribe.

In more straightforward terms, it's about him wanting to slack off quietly.

It's great to spend time leisurely. Han Cheng used to find leisure boring, but now, with Bai Xue as his little wife, life has become much more enjoyable.

There's nothing more enjoyable than training a little wife.

The weather is extremely hot in July. The scorching sun seems to want to ignite everything with its fiery passion.

Even indoors, it's not cool. A slight movement results in sticky sweat all over.

When Han Cheng isn't paying attention, Bai Xue quickly tears open the fur covering her upper body and blows air into the collar.

The wind accelerates the evaporation of moisture, which takes away heat, making Bai Xue feel instantly cooler.

Bai Xue looks through the window lattice at the other female primitive people in the tribe, such as Xing, Xiaomei, Xiaoli, and others, who are bare-chested, showing off their chest muscles, and feel envious.

Why can they be bare-chested while she has to endure the discomfort of wearing this fur in the scorching heat?

This is a question that any man in later generations could quickly answer.

It's like how many people are unwilling to let their wives wear super short skirts or shorts, but they hope that other people's wives will wear even less and show even more skin.

However, unlike the men in later generations who sneak glances at their wives with peripheral vision when walking together, Han Cheng, the Divine Child, seems much more brazen. "Brazen" might even be an understatement.

Men's psychology is sometimes strange. If people like Xing, Xiaomei, and Xiaoli were to be intimate with Han Cheng, he would undoubtedly protect their chastity to the death.

But he never tires of sneaking a glance at them when they're free.

Could this be the main reason for the invention of bras?

Hearing Han Cheng's footsteps at the door, Bai Xue quickly released her hand from the collar she held and tugged at her clothes, trying to flatten them out as much as possible to hide any traces.

From Bai Xue's little movements and expressions, Han knew precisely what she had done. This girl couldn't lie.

Han Cheng put down what he was holding and came to Bai Xue with a smile. In Bai Xue's nervous mood, he reached out and pulled open her collar.

With a shameless grin, Han cheekily blew two cool breaths onto the sweaty little bumps inside.

Then, he closed the door, drew the curtains, and, to Bai Xue's astonished expression, stripped her of her upper garment.

Looking at the snowy-white Bai Xue, Han rubbed his hands together and grinned mischievously.

Licking his lips, he approached Bai Xue and then...

Carefully dressed her in the garment he had brought in earlier.

Feeling the coolness on her body, Bai Xue let out a cheerful cry.

Seeing the joyful Bai Xue, Han smiled.

The garment Bai Xue was wearing was made by Han from large leaves of trees.

These leaves are pretty sturdy and make decent clothing to cover up.

The condition is that one shouldn't engage in any strenuous activity, or they might easily break.

Half an hour later, Han realized he was wrong. Another condition for wearing this kind of clothing: don't go into the deer pen!

When Han Cheng went to milk the deer, Bai Xue followed along.

The old Deer Lord became even more shameless, perhaps feeling uneasy seeing Han milking his wife for no apparent reason and eating her milk. So, he turned his attention to Bai Xue.

Without paying attention, Bai Xue's leaf garment was grabbed and eaten by the Deer Lord.

Eating is one thing, but this shameless creature even took advantage of the situation to lick Bai Xue with its tongue.

Hearing the commotion, Han turned his head, his eyes widening instantly, and then he became furious.

This old thief!

Is this Father's feast?

Damn it! Worried about having a green light on his head, he started raising a little wife.

But unexpectedly, after all the precautions, he was outsmarted by a deer?!

Han let go of the deer's wife and milk jug, lifted his leg, and kicked the deer's leg a few times.

But this guy didn't care at all, just shaking its skin a bit as if nothing had happened, like a deer.

It even disdainfully snorted at Han Cheng a couple of times.

It's unclear whether it disdains Han's stinginess or his little wife.

After all, Bai Xue is far inferior in scale compared to its wife.

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