I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 345: Different surprises over the same incident

Chapter 345: Different surprises over the same incident

The development and productivity of the Green Sparrow Tribe are not necessarily comparable to the feudal period but rather because of the small population of the tribe, making it easier to manage. With certain changes, they can achieve immediate results.

Feudal kingdoms, on the other hand, face various complex issues when their territory and population are vast. They have to deal with many problems, especially during natural disasters and times of conflict, where scenes of devastation, famine, and suffering are all too common.

From this perspective, the people of feudal kingdoms may not necessarily be happier than those of one's tribe. Otherwise, poets wouldn't fantasize about secluded paradises like the Peach Blossom Spring.

Of course, this doesn't apply to the privileged classes.

Indeed, whenever one thinks about it, there's always someone better off and worse off...

"Divine Child, we'll have millet for lunch..."

Shaman walked over with a handful of unhusked grains, looking delighted.

Han Cheng halted his thoughts, no longer dwelling on such matters. The prosperity or adversity of feudal kingdoms was distant and irrelevant to him and the Green Sparrow Tribe. Overthinking about it wouldn't change anything in his lifetime.

Just focus on taking each step steadily.

"When it's time to be happy, be happy; when it's time to celebrate, celebrate. Thinking too much and worrying too much will only drain the color out of life."

"Eat millet for lunch!"

Han Cheng stood up, took a deep breath, and looked at Shaman and the others with a big smile.

"I'll cook lunch myself!"

He added.

People initially happy about having millet for lunch became even more excited after hearing Han Cheng's words.

They had firsthand experience of Han Cheng's cooking skills.

Following Han Cheng's arrangements, someone began to bring out two jars of dried grains stored away, brought them to the courtyard, picked up a wooden stick, and began to pound the millet.

During this time, the stonemason had not been idle. Under Han Cheng's instructions, he struggled with a large stone, slowly chiseling a conical mortar.

This stone mortar was for pounding millet.

The original stone mortar used to crush apricot kernels in the cave was too small. It couldn't hold more than a few catties of grains at a time, and grains would splash out quickly if not careful. Using it to pound millet was not only inefficient but also inconvenient.

So, before they began harvesting the grains, Han Cheng had instructed the stonemason to carve a new mortar.

Others in the tribe hadn't thought about this, but Han Cheng couldn't overlook such details as the leader.

Now, this newly carved mortar was proving its worth.

It could hold up to two catties of unhusked millet at a time, and pounding it with a wooden stick resulted in less spillage, significantly improving efficiency.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

"Swish, swish, swish..."

The muscles on the Eldest Senior Brother's arms bulged as he lifted and dropped the wooden stick, squeezing the husks of the grains inside the stone mortar, revealing the golden kernels.

After pounding, the millet was poured out of the mortar into a winnowing basket. Someone carefully winnowed it, removing the husks leaving behind the golden millet.

Pounding millet was a novel task, and many people in the tribe were eager to do it, as evidenced by their eagerness to take turns.

Han Cheng watched this scene with a smile but remained silent.

Han Cheng deeply understood the difficulty of pounding millet; otherwise, it wouldn't have been used as punishment in the pre-Qin period.

The people in the tribe were only enthusiastic about it temporarily. Once the quantity of grains increased and pounding millet became a daily task, they wouldn't be as active and enthusiastic as they are today...

The enticing aroma wafted through the Green Sparrow Tribe on top of the golden millet, delicious meat, and vegetables piled high. Just looking at it and smelling it lifted one's spirits.

Those who had eaten millet before were somewhat better off. However, for those who had just joined from the original Bone Tribe, they couldn't express their feelings. They could only wolf down the food in their bowls, not saying a word, afraid of wasting time.

As the delicious food entered their mouths, everyone felt all the previous hardships were worth it.

Indeed, the hard work was challenging, but when you finally harvested the results, all the hard work turned into a satisfying smile.

While the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe were contentedly enjoying their meal, the people of the Green Tribe were setting off with hearts full of joy.

What delighted both tribes was something that resembled dog tails.

The difference was that the people of the Green Sparrow Tribe tasted the deliciousness and saw hope for the tribe's prosperity.

On the other hand, the people of the Green Tribe were pleased with themselves for being able to exchange this unappetizing wild grass for pottery and some soft hats and gloves.

They had a reason to be pleased with themselves. After all, neighboring tribes only traded precious food and warm animal skins for goods while using wild grass that nobody else would eat.


The leader of the Green Tribe called out, leading the people carrying the wild grass away from the tribe towards the prosperous and generous Green Sparrow Tribe.

Based on past trading experiences, the wild grass they brought could not only provide each person in the tribe with a pottery bowl but also bring back a large cooking pot.

Thinking about the people of their tribe eating with pottery bowls, the leader of the Green Tribe couldn't help but feel ecstatic from the inside out, filled with energy, and eager to rush to the other tribe and exchange their pottery bowls.

Walking ahead, he reached out and touched the wild grass he was carrying on his shoulder, then looked back at the people from his tribe dressed similarly. His smile grew wider.

The people of that tribe certainly wouldn't expect them to bring so much wild grass.

When they saw them, they would be very surprised.

Thinking about this, the leader of the Green Tribe became even more eager for the arrival of the Green Sparrow Tribe.

As for the safety of their tribe, he wasn't too worried. This season was when food was relatively abundant, and generally, no one would attack other tribes.

The nearby tribes, especially the powerful Bone Tribe known for attacking others, had already been destroyed. Furthermore, the prosperous Green Sparrow Tribe had made a promise not to attack as long as their tribe didn't initiate aggression...

Even if a tribe did come to attack, he wasn't too worried because he had made arrangements near the cave entrance similar to the Green Sparrow Tribe's fortifications.

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