I am a Primitive Man

Chapter 405: Hunting

Chapter 405: Hunting

In the early morning, sunlight streamed down, quickly evaporating the dew, and the air became hot.

"Yo yo..."

The proud old deer led an increasingly large herd out of the deer pen, heading towards the vast world outside...

Under the scorching sun, the constant chirping of cicadas annoyed people.

Sitting under a tree wearing a randomly woven grass ring, Cao Geng looked up at the seemingly empty trees, gritting his teeth in annoyance.

At this moment, he regretted not having wings. Otherwise, he would have flown up to the trees to catch all these annoying creatures and roasted them over a fire before devouring them.

After looking around for a while, he turned his gaze back to the area in front of him, which, due to the arrival of summer, appeared less spacious with various trees and branches.

It was still quiet there, with occasional birds landing in the grass to search for insects before flying away again.

There was no cool place in the summer, even in the shade of trees. Cao Geng was sweating despite having only a few leaves on his body.

Most of it was due to the extremely hot weather, but there was also some due to impatience.

That incident caused him trouble, and the deer has disappeared since then.

He would have doubted if it was just an illusion if it weren't for some visible scars.

Because of this incident, Cao Geng and several others had been mocked by the people in the tribe. Many said they had deliberately lied to gain attention from the tribe. Otherwise, why did the deer disappear after that one time?

Most primitive people had not learned to be 'diplomatic.' This blunt ridicule and suspicion made acceptance even more difficult.

So, these deer became an obsession in Cao Geng's heart.

He wanted to prove to the people in the tribe with his actions that he had not lied.

At first, three other people joined him in this endeavor.

However, those three people stopped coming after searching and waiting with no sign of the deer.

Some even started mocking Cao Geng for persisting in his belief.

Of course, for survival reasons, he still had to go hunting with the tribe members every day. It was impossible to stay near this sad place every day.

Only on hot days like today, or when other tribes were not hunting much, would he come here.


After waiting a while, feeling that the weather was not as hot, Cao Geng muttered to himself, sighed, and prepared to leave and return to the tribe.

When he left, the tribe leader had already made it clear that they would need to go out hunting when the weather was cooler and people were stronger.


Under the slight movement of the grass leaves, Cao Geng, who had just stood up, immediately squatted down again, staring straight ahead at the not-so-open area, showing strong disbelief and surprise.

Following his gaze, one could see a deer that appeared larger than the others, stepping through the not-too-tall grass and occasionally lowering its head to graze.

Behind it were more deer of various sizes, following it leisurely, grazing on grass as they walked, like a group of elves or like a beautiful dream appearing unexpectedly before him.

Cao Geng quickly confirmed that this was not a dream because he spotted the wolf that had left a deep impression on him among the suddenly appearing herd of deer.

This calmed his feverish mind, and he abandoned the idea of rushing out alone to hunt down the deer.

Not to mention the deer's strong running ability, he alone might not even be able to catch the smallest deer, let alone the six wolves that didn't prey on deer but mingled with them all day, which he couldn't handle.

He paused here for a moment, then quietly got up and decided to go back to the tribe to report the news and then come back with the tribe to hunt down the deer.

This way, the tribe could get sufficient food and prove to the people that he hadn't lied, redeeming his image in the tribe and gaining recognition.

With these thoughts in mind, Cao Geng quietly stood up and...


Under the sunlight, a group of primitive people, armed with weapons and bare-chested, walked from afar.

Except for the roughly wrapped animal skins or leaves around their waists, they had nothing else on them.

They held crude weapons made of common materials such as stones, bones, and wood in their hands.

These weapons were not as tough as the sharp fangs and claws of ferocious beasts, but they made them one of the hunters, not superior in any aspect.

With these weapons, they could fight against those ferocious beasts.

As they walked forward, the leader-like figure cursed Cao Geng for being idle.

They said they would go hunting when it got cooler, but he still didn't return. Instead, he was obsessed with those deer that no one had seen except for him and three others!

Because of these deer, their tribe almost didn't survive the last winter, and now, he was still obsessed with those deer that had disappeared!

This annoyed the leader and the other members of the tribe, including the three who had once shared hardships with Cao Geng.

They came today to teach Cao Geng a lesson, telling him not to be idle like this. If he persisted like this, they wouldn't mind eating him when winter came again.

In such emotions, they continued to approach the land that had brought misfortune to their tribe, the land they were not very willing to come to.


When Cao Geng got up and prepared to quietly go back to the tribe to inform the others, the people who came to teach Cao Geng a lesson and then go hunting elsewhere stopped in their tracks, staring in disbelief at the open space.


So many deer!

What Cao Geng said was true! There was such a large herd of deer!

After a brief moment of astonishment, a strong sense of joy completely enveloped the people in the tribe!


Someone exclaimed excitedly, gripping their weapon tightly, ready to rush towards the herd of deer, but the leader-like figure stopped them.

He had hunted deer before and knew these guys could run quickly.

At this distance, if they rushed over rashly, they would be discovered by the deer in advance, and then the deer would escape. They might not even catch a single deer!

The leader thought for a moment and made arrangements based on years of hunting experience.

He let about seventeen or eighteen people around him slowly spread out, using the grass and trees for cover, approaching the unsuspecting deer...

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