I Am the Fated Villain

Chapter 827: Inhabitants of the Southern Immortal Domain, Ancestry of Yue Mingkong

Chapter 827: Inhabitants of the Southern Immortal Domain, Ancestry of Yue Mingkong

The Western Gate, constructed by the Immortal Kings after the Forbidden Era, was a terrible portal with supreme principles. It could resist and counteract attacks from Immortal Kings of foreign lands.

However, a million years ago, that gateway was breached. Now, the Western Immortal Realm was like an open gateway, unable to stop the onslaught of those foreign forces.

In the various universes within the Western Immortal Realm, foreign forces wiped out the original immortal forces while eradicating those who achieved Dao-building expertise.

Before the Heavenly Passage Ancient City, Gu Changge appeared calm and devoid of magical fluctuations. He resembled an ordinary mortal. Yet, in the eyes of all living cultivators, he seemed transcendent and peerless. Traces of the great Dao-building expert seemed hidden in his tall and graceful figure.

Many young men and women among the descendants of the Immortal Realm were fervently devoted to him. They had long regarded Gu Changge as an Immortal King from the original world. Gu Changge gazed at the distant sky where immortal radiance fell, accompanied by a crystal-clear golden road extending to the immortals.

Unusual phenomena occurred in the heavens and the eartha celestial horse, radiating immortal light, pulled a carriage and advanced towards this place. The coachman also exuded a hint of chaotic aura, indicating he was a Dao-building expert.

Several figures following behind the cart rapidly approached, each with powerful auras. They rode on divine rainbows or auspicious beasts.

Chi, Chi, Chi

The sounds echoed as they exuded an immortal presence. Their cultivation had reached the realm of true immortals. A figure shrouded in Daoist radiance sat in the foremost carriage, surrounded by fragments of intertwining Dao-building experts.

This was the presence of a quasi-immortal King belonging to the Immortal Realm.

However, upon seeing this group of powerful cultivators arrive, the expressions of many descendants of the Realm remained unchanged. They even carry a sense of hostility and resentment.

I thought there were no true immortals leftnowadays.

The Large Bird was slightly puzzled.

They are cultivators from the Southern Immortal Realm. When our western ealm was breached, they once sent influential individuals to plunder and attempt to take away the foundation treasures of our realm and even harboring intentions to tamper with the remains of our King.

They are like beings from foreign lands, fundamentally not sound.

Recognizing the group of arriving cultivators from the Western Immortal Realm, the descendants of couldnt help but show anger.

Their gaze held immense resentment and hatred, viewing these Southern Immortal Realm cultivators as allies with the foreign forces, displaying no friendly expressions.

Therefore, in front of Gu Changge, they straightforwardly stated the facts, hoping that Gu Changge could administer justice for them.

Upon hearing the words of these Western Immortal Realm descendants, the cultivators who arrived at the Heavenly Passage City displayed subtle changes in their expressions.

However, Gu Changges expression remained unchanged because he hadnt heard their words. He had no intention of intervening on behalf of the Western Immortal Realm.

This time, coming to the Immortal Realm, aside from verifying his speculations, his primary purpose was to integrate the Immortal Realm into the upper realms.

With the collision and merging of the rules of the two realms, he, as the true master of the upper realms, naturally could seamlessly take over the Immortal Realm. Moreover, based on the original trajectory of events, he was once the demonic lord who annihilated countless heavens. How could he now, at this time, have the leisure to help the Immortal Realm?

Gu Changge indeed had no interest in such matters.

He waited outside the city, anticipating the arrival of a figure with the authority to speak.

However, the Immortal King of the Southern Immortal Realm seemed cautious. They observed Gu Changges aura first, then dispatched a quasi-immortal King to come forward.

It must be said that such a cautious attitude made Gu Changge take an extra look.

We have metthe former sir.

Soon, rainbows descended from the sky. These several true immortals, all with respectful expressions, arrived in front of Gu Changge and spoke.

Uncertain how to address the highly young Gu Changge, they originally wanted to call him senior. However, they changed it to sir.

Gu Changges strength was unfathomable in their eyes, even scaring away the Kunxuan Immortal King from the foreign lands.

Moreover, his bone age was incredibly young, which couldnt be concealed. Even during the most prosperous times in the Immortal Realm, reaching the Dao-building expert level within tens of thousands of years marked one as an extraordinary talent. This achievement placed individuals among the top geniuses among the actual immortal clans and Immortal King families.

However, how old was Gu Changge? Only a few hundred years.

This was unimaginable in the Immortal Realm, mainly since he emerged from the original world with incomplete laws, making them suspect that Gu Changge might be a revived existence from the cycle of reincarnation.

Gu Changge glanced over the group of true immortals with a calm expression. However, in their eyes, his gaze seemed to explode like actual thunder in their consciousness, causing their souls to tremble and chill to the bone.

Witnessing the incident where a foreign true immortal was soul-searched by Gu Changge from a distance, they were now highly apprehensive.

Regardless, they had come here with gritted teeth. In the current era, each immortal realm remained isolated, not interfering with one another. Over countless epochs, they had gradually differentiated, paying little attention to the affairs of other immortal realms.

They were also worried about whether Gu Changge would blame them for the fall of the Western Immortal Realm, considering his connection to the original realm.

Jin Yuan pays respects to the lord.

The quasi-immortal King on the carriage also appeared. His face seemed somewhat youthful, resembling a child, but his body exuded the aura of a middle-aged man. He wore a clean and white immortal robe, radiating with a glow and surrounded by fragments of the Dao-building expert.

The King was one of the renowned powerhouses in the Southern Immortal Realm, invincible except for Immortal Kings. In the Southern Immortal Realm, almost no cultivator did not recognize him, and many admirers addressed him as Golden King.

However, the realm of a true Immortal King was still distant for him, akin to the gap between a true immortal and a Dao-building expert.

Who currently rules the Southern Immortal Realm?

Gu Changge casually glanced at him and inquired.

Inform the lord that the Southern Immortal Realm is currently under the rule of Buddha King and the Moon King, Jinyuan respectfully replied.

When mentioning King Budha and King Moon, his face carried a sense of reverence.

Of course, King Buddha and King Moon were not their real names. As formidable beings that emerged frequently, addressing them directly by name often invoked a response. Over the years, sentient beings had respectfully addressed them as such.

King Moon? Is he from the Moon Clan?

Gu Changge raised an eyebrow involuntarily. He thought of the Moon Clan, possibly related to the Peerless Immortal Dynasty, as the Moon surname was rare. If that were the case, the Moon Clan might have a connection to the groups behind Yue Mingkong.

Meanwhile, the vast and endless Northern Immortal Realm was a rare and peaceful land free from conflicts and turmoil compared to the Western Immortal Realm.

A vast expanse of immortal energy permeates the air, creating magnificent scenes between universes. Towering divine mountains and cascading immortal waterfalls paint a picturesque landscape.

Floating immortal islands see cultivators coming and going, either meditating or engaging in discussions.

The tranquil atmosphere here fills the surroundings with a sense of inner peace. Thick immortal mist dances in certain areas, purple light swirls around mountain peaks, and auspicious birds and beasts sing in lakes, spreading their wings to soar through the heavens.

Portals and barrier formations isolate each immortal realm, making it difficult even for Immortal Kings to breach. The Northern Immortal Realm remains exceptionally peaceful compared to the Western Immortal Realm, which had fallen into foreign occupation, causing the descendants of various immortal realms to flee and become the prey of foreign forces.

In the Northern Immortal Realm, one can even witness the presence of many true immortals, giving lectures at various Dao fields.

Three Immortal Kings reign supreme, representing the oldest three Immortal King families. Besides them, numerous actual immortal families and Dao traditions thrive, secluded and not participating in the wars of other immortal realms.

When the Western Immortal Realm was under attack, some sought help from the Northern Gate. However, they were coldly rejected and even killed by the immortal soldiers guarding the Northern Gate, showing indifference.

The three Immortal Kings in the Northern Immortal Realm had no grand ambitions and preferred not to involve themselves in the affairs of other realms.

They only wish to cultivate their Dao territories independently, unaffected by external influences, and remain aloof from worldly chaos.

Theres a disturbance in the Western Immortal Realm.

A portal leading to the original world has reappeared. One can enter that world through the ancient city, where an awakened being from the cycle of reincarnation has emerged.

The Dao fields of the three Immortal Kings were strategically positioned in a flawless and stable triangular formation, guarding the Northern Immortal Realm.

Within a majestic ancient city surrounded by swirling immortal mist, radiant old trees blossomed, and a brilliant light rain descended.

An older man with a white beard and hair sat in meditation, and an endless chaotic mist billowed beneath his Dao platform.

His appearance was weathered, his expression serene, as if containing the ancient history of myriad years. He spoke gently as if engaging in a conversation.

Rumbling sounds echoed!

The void trembled, then shattered, revealing the vast cosmic starry universe. A figure with red hair stepped forward, fragments of the Dao swirling around him. His features were blurry, exuding an aura crushing countless heavens.

Even if the original world reappears, it has nothing to do with us.

The current Immortal Realm is no longer what it used to be. With the collapse of the epochs, everything has turned into ruins. Those once-existing beings have long perished, wholly extinguished in the cycle of reincarnation.

Even though we stand as Immortal Kings, we are but ripples in the great flow of the world, fundamentally insignificant.

Instead of concerning ourselves with such matters, we could live another life and prepare for survival before the calamity of the cosmic cycle arrives.

The red-haired figure spoke indifferently, completely ignoring the events happening in the Western Immortal Realm.

The white-haired elder sitting under the ancient tree let out a light sigh.

Yet I have an uneasy feeling deep within. In the dark, something is about to happen.

As an Immortal King who had stood in this realm for a long time, he did not believe his intuition could be wrong.

Are you saying that those beings from the cycle of reincarnation are returning?

The gaze of the red-haired figure slightly condensed as he abruptly thought of particular possibilities.

To reach the level of Immortal Kings, besides having exceptional personal talents, they were considered true sons and daughters of destiny, carrying the fortune of multiple eras.

A crucial factor was that they had received blessings from the legacies of the vanished ancient sages.

While true immortals were relatively common, Immortal Kings were rare. Even with an Immortal King in a family, personally guiding the younger generation, it was still challenging to cultivate another Immortal King. The conditions were stringent and almost unimaginable.

Reaching this stage meant they had reached the limit, could not see the road ahead clearly, and were unsure of where it led. Or perhaps they had already exhausted all their talents and opportunities.

They could leave behind their laws and insights for later generations to comprehend, but it would only be possible for subsequent cultivators to reach their heights. However, achieving true immortality would be easy for their descendants, relying on accumulated techniques, resources, and opportunities, enduring over time.

These family traditions and Dao lineages in the Immortal Realm needed more time.

Theres a possibility. After the Forbidden Era, the various realms within the mountains and seas disappeared. At that time, we are just small cultivators following our elders, journeying to the Immortal Realm, cutting off ties with the original realm.

In the blink of an eye, countless eras have passed. Those once mighty beings, some have disappeared, and some have transcended. We have also reached this level.

But even so, we can easily live for so many years. How could those mighty predecessors vanish without reason?

The further we progress, the more I sense the gap between us and those predecessors. Perhaps they are orchestrating a grand plan and waiting for an opportune moment.

This opportune moment is the reappearance of those individuals from the cycle of reincarnation in the mortal realm.

The elder with white hair and beard shook his head, and a wise light shone in his eyes.

Hearing this, the red-haired figures pupils contracted involuntarily, and he fell silent.

In reality, the fragmentation of the Immortal Realm into five realms was mainly due to the disappearance of those mighty predecessors.

Having reached their current realm, these descendants established clans and ruled the Immortal Realm. To trace the traces of those predecessors, one would have to journey to the Central Immortal Realm, where some groups that had evacuated from the original realm had settled.

However, the Central Immortal Realm was separated and guarded by peerless formations. It had long ceased to concern itself with external matters, even more so than the Five Corners Immortal Realms.

There were speculations that those predecessors life force had depleted, leading to their demise in a particular place. Some guessed that during the Forbidden Eras battle, they suffered massive injuries that couldnt heal, ultimately leading to their deaths.

Many of these predecessors were once the Immortal Palaces immortal figures who ruled over the various realms in the mountains and seas.

The former Grand Master of the Immortal Palace, in particular, surpassed Immortal Kings in cultivation. It was said that a single sword forced the ancestors of the foreign land to cede vast cosmic territories, subsequently distancing them from the Immortal Realm.

These beings faced unimaginable trauma during the Forbidden Eras battle, as a forbidden existence struck them severely, nearly causing their immediate demise.

Shortly afterwards, they perished, leaving behind a mystery regarding the whereabouts of their actual remains.

The Immortal Palace crumbled, and the once-united power over the various realms dissolved.

Many immortal figures from that era were buried as the epoch fell, attempting to rebuild the former glory of the Immortal Palace in the Immortal Realm. However, they also failed, potentially triggering some forbidden taboos.

Hence, the birth of the Five Realms Immortal Realm.

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