I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 638 Military Court

Early in the morning, Angus wakes up while being hugged by his beloved. Anna is sleeping on top of him while hugging her fluffy ball.

On his side, his beloved girlfriend slept peacefully while hugging his arm. Feeling Angus's slight movement, Jayna slowly opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful blue eyes.

"Morning, beautiful." said Angus with a smile

"Morning." replied Jayna while still hugging Angus' arm.

"I think we should get ready. I have a trial to attend." said Angus.

"Sure. Did you need me to come over?" asked Jayna.

"You already know the answer, right. Besides, I don't want to expose Anna to this kind of situation and we can't leave Anna alone here. Who knows if she suddenly has an idea to ride Porky Porky and raze the capital city just for fun." said Angus.

"It is definitely something she will do." said Jayna.

"Alright, let's wake up the sleepyhead first. Anna, wake up." said Angus.

"Porky Porky… Porky Porky…" said Anna while still sleeping.

"Anna, you will miss your breakfast if you don't wake up." said Jayna.

"Hmm…. *Yawn* Angus, Big sis, is breakfast time?" asked Anna while yawning.

As they get ready and do their daily morning routine, the capital city courtroom gets crowded. Although it was still early in the morning, people could see many nobles going inside it. They could even see a high noble, such as a Marquish rank, enter the courtroom.

At the same time, inside the courtroom, a crimson-haired woman sat in the audience seat in silence. No one dares to approach the woman since she is one of the most untouchable people in the Heart Kingdom.

Even if she openly kills everyone here, she will get out without consequence. The woman is none other than Duchess Amberblaze, a.k.a Crimson Flash. As she waits for the trial to start, she notices a familiar presence approaching her while closing her eyes.

"Still early as usual, Extalia." called Hersha Widespread casually.

"Hersha." replied Duchess Amberblaze.

Hearing these words, everyone nearby immediately distances themself from the two women. Everyone knows the temper of Duchess Amberblaze. They are afraid the Duchess will suddenly go berserk and fight the head branch of the Widespread Family.

After staring at each other for a while, "Where is that brat?" asked Extalia.

"Hmm… Last time I saw him, he was helping your niece roast pork meat for that monster girl." replied Hersha.

"Roasting pork meat? Is that the giant pig from before? I hear that pigs are special creatures." commented Extalia.

"Well, not as special as that monster girl." replied Hersha.

"You seem to harbor a grudge against the little monster. Aren't you afraid of getting hated by your baby boy?" said Extalia.

"If it could save his life from all the trouble, I don't care if he hates me for his whole life." said Hersha.

"Such a conviction. I wonder what is the true reason behind that." replied Extalia.

"Hmph!! Rather than care about me, you should care for your kingdom properly. This will not happen if you just do your job properly." retorted Hersha.

"Hmm… I certainly can't deny that. But aren't you just worrying too much about that brat? From what I could see, he is capable on his own. As much as I hate to say this, even if the whole Heart Kingdom was destroyed, he will still survive." said Extalia.

"You truly don't know anything, huh?!" replied Hersha.

"What did you mean?" asked Extalia with a frown.

"Nothing. I can't reveal anything more than this." said Hersha before sitting beside Extalia and closing her eyes.

Despite still wanting to ask more, Extalia stops talking in respect for her rival and friend. The Duchess also knows Widespread Family is also the number one information guild. Hence, she already guessed Hersha knew something about Anna.

However, she also couldn't abandon Anna. As King Leon said before, their kingdom will face calamity in the near future. They need all the power and wild cards they could have to offset this calamity.

While the two women sit beside each other in silence, no one dares to approach them. As they could feel a strong aura emitted from them. If it is only one of them, some high noble or veteran combatant may dare to approach and talk with them.

But, two strong pseudo-seventh-grade aura is not something ordinary combatants could ignore. No one even dared to make a single noise. Even the arrival of Crown Prince Eric and Prince Dietrich cannot overcome the tense atmosphere these two women emitted.

Fortunately, the two princes didn't mind since they knew they couldn't offend these two women. Eric and Dietrich didn't have enmity with the Duchess. Still, they also didn't have a favorable impression since she practically stole their father from their mother.

However, it is still not enough to offend her for this matter. They know how their Royal Father loves the Duchess, more than their mother. One word from their royal father could end their whole life. In the end, they could only ignore the Duchess.

As time passed, the judges and the jury entered the courtroom. Still, Angus is nowhere to be found. Usually, the concerned people will arrive first before the judges enter the room. Fortunately, Angus still has ten minutes to come before the trial begins.

Noticing that Angus is nowhere to be found, all the judges frown and start to not like Angus. As the judges, they have a certain prestige to be maintained. After a few minutes, the people get noisy and bad-mouth Angus.

Some even said he has no respect for the Heart kingdom and its law. Prince Dietrich frowned and looked at his eldest brother, sitting in his seat without changing expression.

'Damn… Where is he? If he is not here, everything is ruined.' thought Prince Dietrich.

Then, Prince Dietrich signals one of his men in the jury seat.

"I think we should just cut the case. Baron Victory does not respect our law. We should…" said one of the jurors.

Before the man finished his sentence, the room temperature suddenly got hotter. It becomes very uncomfortable even, especially for the low-grade nobles. During this time, Extalia and Hersha looked at the front door.

*Click* *Tap* *Tap* *Tap* A black-haired man wearing formal noble attire walked through the door. Each time he gets closer to the court area, the temperature increases significantly.

Some guards tried to stop him but shuddered when they saw the man's pitch-black eyes. They know their life will definitely be forfeited if they approach or stop him.

'Fuck!! No one said we would be dealing with a person this strong.' thought some nobles and the jury.

"Ehemm… Baron Victory, could you please calm down and return the temperature to normal?" asked the head jury.

"Hmm?? Oh.. I am sorry. I forget about it. You always need to be on your guard when entering enemy territory." said Angus casually while slowly returning to room temperature.

"Ehem.. Alright, let's start the trial now." said the head jury.

Then, the persecutor narrates Angus' offense during the trip to the Nirvas. Some young nobles even gave exaggerated testimony to him.

However, Angus finds Eric unusually silent and speaks only when asked. They mostly talk about how Angus imprisoned Eric during the dungeon incident.

After a whole hour of talking, "Baron Victory, is there anything you want to say in your defense?" asked the head judge.

"Yeah. One thing. Can anyone here survive fighting against hordes of unknown high-grade monsters with less than 20 elite knights and many mana deficiency Altras? If there is anyone, please tell me how you did it?" asked Angus coldly.

Hearing such a question, the whole courtroom turned into silence. No one dared to say they could survive it, especially the veterans. They know what Angus did is a near miracle deed. One single mistake could cost the entire twenty elite knights but also his life.

As for the other nobles who never go to the battlefield, they also couldn't say anything. Normally, they could just brag that they could do it easily. But, having the Duchess Amberblaze here makes them close their mouth.

It is not the first time the Duchess suddenly sends nobles towards the battlefront or Black Fortress when she hears them spouting nonsense.

"T-That has nothing to do with this case." commented one of the prosecutors.

"Really? Because last time I checked, our crown prince Eric is still alive here because I took the lead back then to survive against those monster hordes." replied Angus.

"T-That's…" replied the prosecutors.

"Alright, that's enough." cut the head Judge.

"Baron Victory, what you did was truly noble back then. However, you also couldn't trample the dignity of Crown Prince Eric. Therefore, I declare you guilty." said the head Judge.

"Guilty. That's weird. Last time I checked the military law, any offense pertaining to noble etiquette will be pardoned under emergency situations. Now, how could you say I am guilty? Are you truly a head judge?" asked Angus playfully.

"You!! Baron Victory, I suggested you watch your tone. I could have imprisoned you for your word and bad attitude in the court." replied the head judge angrily.

"Really?!" said Angus before his whole body was enveloped by flame.

"Tell me, how did you plan to imprison me if the guard couldn't even approach me?" asked Angus coldly as the room became hotter.

"Baron Victory!! Stop this madness!! Are you not afraid you will implicate your Family?!" asked the head judge angrily.

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