I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 53

I Somehow Got Tasked With Managing A Realm – Chapter 53

"Finally... I made it!"

These words, equal parts relief and exhaustion, slipped out of Rathok's mouth as he looked at the scene on the horizon.

The kid had been traveling solo for over two months at this point. Although he encountered many soldiers along the way, he couldn't join them. He knew many of them by name, given how he was the Oracle's son, so he couldn't risk them recognizing him and forcing him to turn back.

Rathok traveled alone to avoid this, hunting for food and burning torch tree branches for fire as he went. Now, his efforts were about to pay off; the massive gathering of soldiers at the end of the northern mountain passage was in his sights.

I knew I could get to him in time!

The kid, who was on the cusp of twelve years old, couldn't help but grin as he neared the soldiers with his homemade weapon in hand.

"Ready your javelins!"

An order, faint from that distance, barely entered Rathok's ears. Suddenly, the massive group of soldiers raised their weapons near their shoulders.

Huh? Are they training?


At the loud call, the barrage of javelins flew through the air, quickly crushing such innocent thoughts. Even if it were for the sake of practice, throwing all of those weapons and possibly breaking them before the fight was not something his dad would allow.

No... are they really fighting now!?

Although he wanted to deny the possibility, the next round of javelins being thrown and the faint sounds of screams echoing off the mountains made it clear what was up ahead.

It was the basic strategy he had heard many times when he was living at the southern base; the army would whittle down the invaders' numbers by launching javelins before engaging them in hand-to-hand combat.

"Dad..." Rathok's heart tightened as he gripped his weapon and increased his pace.

They are still throwing the javelins... that means there is still time!

With those thoughts guiding him, Rathok continued to sprint ahead until he reached the outer line of soldiers. Before he even had the chance to push through, one of the soldiers spotted him while picking up a javelin from a small pile.


"Hah... Hello," the kid used the chance to catch his breath.

"Do not just say 'hello'! What are you doing here!? I thought you were heading to the temple with the other families!" the soldier paused, his face paling, "No... do not tell me- did something happen to them!?"

"Uhhh probably not... I did not travel with them," Rathok tilted his head and held out his weapon, "I came here to give this to my dad. Do you know where he is?"

The soldier gave a small sigh of relief.

"You had me worried for a second, kid. That is an interesting weapon, but coming all the way here is a bit..." the soldier paused seeing the kid's unlistening eyes, "Anyway, your dad should be near the front, but it is not safe to go there. Our first line is already fighting."

"The front..." Rathok muttered, shifting his gaze ahead.

"Yes- and you are not going there! Even if you wanted to, there is no way you would find him with this many people, so stay back here with me. I will bring you to him when things start to-"

"There he is!" Rathok interrupted, pointing in the direction of the fighting.

"... What?"

In the direction of Rathok's pointing finger was a small boulder flying over the soldiers into the passage near the front of the army.

"I am coming, Dad!"

"W-wait! It is too dangerous! Stay-"

Before the soldier could even finish, Rathok had disappeared into the crowd of soldiers and was actively pushing his way to the front.

"... He is as crazy as his father," the soldier muttered before taking off after the kid, "Wait up! I am coming too!"




There are so many people!

Rathok squeezed his way through another batch of soldiers.

The fighting was growing louder the closer he got to the front, but that only motivated him to keep moving- it meant that he was getting closer to his father... at least this was the case until he spotted something seemingly towering over the soldiers in the crowd in front of him.

What... is that?

His feet came to a stop as he examined the unfamiliar creature through the gaps between those ahead. Rathok's heart pounded at the sight.

The first thing he noticed was that it was massive- both in height and in weight. The fact that it was simultaneously engaging with multiple people meant it was strong too. 

That thing is big, but it is nothing compared to Dad.

After taking a quick breath, the kid sprinted past the preoccupied creature, only to be met with more skirmishes in its wake.

I do not need to beat them, I just need to get past them. The soldiers can handle them, but...

Rathok held out his weapon.

... It would not hurt to test this out when I have the chance.

With the creatures all engaged in fights, Rathok was able to dash past the first few groups with little trouble. The further he got, however, the lower the ratio of humans to ogres seemed to become. It was nearly impossible to find one not actively fighting in every direction he looked.



As he was running, Rathok took the chance to slash at one of the ogres who was fighting with its back turned; the sharp edge of his weapon cut right through the unknown animal's pelt covering the creature's back and cleanly sliced into its flesh.


A smile quickly appeared on the kid's face as he continued running, leaving no chance for the creature to retaliate. This movement did not last long, however, and he soon reached an area completely blocked off by fighting.

There are so many of them...

Although the invaders were still outnumbered, their brutal fighting and large stature seemed to emphasize their presence. With punches, spears, and clubs flying everywhere, Rathok had nowhere to go; the only option he could find was in the openings between their steps.

I guess I have no choice.

Rathok watched the ogre in front of him until it took a particularly wide step backward to avoid a spear.


The kid dove through the creature's legs, leaving a deep cut in its leg with his weapon in the process.


Following the unexpected pain, the ogre's leg buckled just as a soldier charged forward, causing the creature to fall to the ground parallel to him.



The human who had been fighting him did not miss the chance and immediately pounced on the fallen ogre, piercing its heart with his spear before the ogre could retaliate. Rathok's eyes widened at the sight as blood splashed onto his face.

Rathok couldn't help but shiver as the soldier rose from the chest of the fallen creature and offered him a hand- his eyes unconsciously looked past his hand and locked onto the new corpse in front of him as he felt warm blood dripping off his chin.

"Dad... I need to find Dad," he muttered, waving away the soldier's offer.

Whether he was saying it to himself or to the soldier, Rathok had no idea, yet such words echoed in his mind as he forced himself to stand on his own unsteady feet.


A loud noise paired with a sudden shaking of the ground nearly caused him to collapse back onto the soil. Rathok's head shot over to the direction of the sound.

There was only one person in his mind who could be responsible for such a noise.


With reinvigorated determination, Rathok dashed forward, weaving in and out of small openings in the process. Javelins fell from the sky around him as he stepped over corpses of both humans and ogres alike- their blood washing away the thin layer of snow that normally covered the ground.

After squeezing past one last skirmish, the massive crowd in front of him vanished. In its place was a large and nearly empty circle, seemingly being mutually avoided by the clashing forces.

Rathok's heart tightened when he saw the scene in its center; his dad was collapsed on the ground clutching his side. Standing over him was a huge creature wielding an equally massive weapon.



"Stand up."

Erik stared down at the fallen Oracle with a look of disgust.

The human had charged at him multiple times- each ending with him falling to the ground after a single blow.

"Do not tell me that is the most you can do."

Although the human's glare was fierce, it did not appear that his strength could be considered the same.

"Pathetic. Is this what I spent my whole life waiting for? Is this what I came all this way to do? What was the point of leading an army against creatures so weak when I could have crushed you all myself!?" Erik's dissatisfied mutters quickly morphed into fiery shouts, "This was supposed to be the fight that would immortalize me in legends! Who would want to tell the tale of such a one-sided slaughter!?"

Rynn ignored the Oracle's tantrum and took the chance to catch his breath.

"What should I do?" he asked in a whisper.

"... I really don't know," a familiar voice in his head groaned in frustration, "He has a massive metal hammer! It's not even fair!"

The human could only sigh in agreement. He had lost track of how many times he had impaled the creature in front of him with various spears, yet only a few blows penetrated deep enough to have any real impact. 

Given the disparity between the Oracles' weapons and figures, it was hard to argue that the situation was anything other than hopeless.

Even so, it was not as though Rynn could simply lay down and give up.

Though small, his attacks were still inflicting wounds- a fire still shined bright in the Oracle's eyes.

The more damage I do now, the less the other men will need to do when I fall. Even if it takes all of them, the soldiers here can probably finish him off. I doubt he would be strong enough to cross the river and beat Old Man Angru's army at the plateau even if he survives.

Rynn's mind was calm despite the situation. 

Ayla and Rathok should be safe.

"... Shoot! Rynn this isn't-"


The Oracle felt his heart stop at an overwhelming familiar voice that had no business entering his ears.

His composure which held strong even in the face of certain defeat immediately began to falter.

Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum!

Rynn turned toward the shout and saw what he feared. His son, who was supposed to be safe at the plateau, was in the middle of this bloody battle with him.

"Rathok!? What are you doing here!?"

The kid stuck out the object he was holding embarrassedly, "I-I came to give you this."

Rynn's head ached with conflicting emotions as he stared at the odd weapon made from a thick branch and lined with two rows of unfamiliar black stones.

"... This is what you were working on? You came all this way to give it to me?" Rynn's eyes teared up for a moment before he shook his head to come back to his senses, "Listen, Rathok, you need to get out of here!"

"But Dad, you-"

"Oh? That expression... so he is the one you fight for?"

A loud voice interrupted the kid; Rynn's face paled as the ogre stepped forward.

"Such a touching reunion, yet you have not even introduced me. Where are your manners?"

Ignoring the pain on his side, Rynn quickly forced himself to his feet while glaring at the foreign Oracle.

"Stay away from him."

"Relax. I have honor, unlike someone. Besides," Erik smirked at the weapon in the kid's hands, "I might even have to thank the little guy."

Rynn slowly approached his son as the ogre continued, "Blood against blood! An Oracle against an Oracle! A proper weapon against a proper weapon! Finally, it will be a battle of honor!"

Now close enough, the Oracle took the new weapon from Rathok and examined it in his hands.

"It is really good at cutting!" the kid whispered excitedly.

Despite the situation, Rynn couldn't help but smile and used his free hand to ruffle his son's hair.

"Thank you, Rathok, but this place is not safe," the Oracle glanced up at the sky, "Would you be able to move him away?"

"I'm sorry, Rynn. I don't think I can; it would count as interfering with the battle," the voice replied dejectedly, "Still, it looks like he won't be entirely on his own."

"What do you mean?"


At that moment, an ogre not far behind the two collapsed revealing an exhausted soldier who had been hidden from view; his eyes locked onto Rathok's with a complicated expression.

"There you are, kid! You are way too fast for someone so-" the soldier paused as he noticed the two Oracles, "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, you had good timing. Do you think you could get him out of here?" Rynn asked, pointing toward his son.

"That is why I came here," the soldier grinned confidently, "Even back when I was carrying those rocks for you, I moved faster than these things."

"Thank you," Rynn kneeled down and looked at his son, "Go with him- I will join you after I finish. Now that you gave me this, I am sure I will win."

Although Rathok wanted to argue, the look on his dad's face prevented him from doing anything other than nod as the soldier grabbed his arm.

"It is like your entire species lacks the thirst for battle," Erik grumbled as he watched the two humans run off into the crowd, "I think I waited long enough."

The Oracle stood at his words, "You did. Thank you."

"... I only spared him for this battle. When I come across him again, he will meet your same fate."

"You will not get the chance," Rynn's eyes turned harsh; the black stones on the weapon he held seemed to reflect the fire in his eyes, "I will not lose anyone else!"

"Now that is what I like to hear! Bring it, human! Let us-"

Before the ogre could finish, Rynn sprinted toward him at full speed.

"Can you let me finish for once!?"

Erik swung his hammer with this complaint, which Rynn easily avoided by stopping in his tracks.

Wind from the massive metal chunk pushed against the Oracle who ran to the ogre's right and trusted his new weapon toward the giant target.


The sharp obsidian shards left a clean cut on the ogre's side, who was still unbalanced thanks to his previous swing.

Rynn's eyes widened as he circled the foreign Oracle- a small stream of blood flowed from the shallow gash, "I only grazed him, but..."

"No way! That's obsidian, isn't it!?"

He slashed once more at the ogre who avoided the swing by stepping back.


"It's a type of super sharp rock. There should be a ton of it around my realm from when I expanded it, but I thought most of it was buried by now!"

While the voice in his head talked, Rynn ducked under another swing.


The Oracle slashed through the wind; his obsidian blades connected with the ogre's stomach, who immediately kicked in retaliation.

"Not this time."

Rynn leaped backward forcing the kick to only succeed in hitting air. He quickly flicked his weapon at Erik's leg before once again taking some distance.

Erik touched his stomach and drew away his newly crimson hand.

"Finally... we have a worthy battle," the ogre grinned fiercely as he flicked off the blood from his fingers, "That boy brought you something sharp."

The Oracle only nodded in response, "He did. I will use it well."

Erik lunged forward, swinging his hammer down overhead.


The ground shook as Rynn narrowly dodged by hopping to the side- a sharp pain shot through his injured ribs from the movement. Rynn clenched his teeth as he swiped the ogre's exposed arm.


It was another clean cut!

Rynn couldn't help but smile as he once again glanced at the weapon in his hands.

Rathok really made something amazing!

His mind which had already accepted defeat was now beaming with the thought of a new outcome.

Though he could now fight with hope, that did not mean the fight would be easy. Rynn stared at the figure in front of him ready to rush in the moment it swung its heavy hammer. 

A shallow trail of red flowed onto the hammer's handle as Erik lifted it off the ground with a sly grin.


It wasn't a swing- Erik bluntly thrusted out his hammer as if it were a spear.



Although Rynn tried to jump back, the unexpected movement gave him no time to do so and the metal weapon slammed into his chest. The Oracle launched through the air from the blow before crashing into the ground with a thud.

Sharp pain shot through his torso as he gasped for air. A large shadow appeared above him before he could recover.


Rynn forced himself to roll out of the way just before the ogre's massive hammer smashed into the ground where he had laid.


A heavy kick once again impacted his side and sent the Oracle skipping across the ground.

His head spun as he skidded to a stop, but Rynn knew he couldn't afford to stay down.

Fighting through unbearable pain, Rynn used his weapon as support and pulled himself onto his feet.

Without even giving Rynn a second to rest, Erik approached the struggling human with his hammer raised.



A javelin suddenly pierced the ogre's back from above, distracting Erik for a fraction of a second. Though not much, made just enough of a gap for Rynn to move out of the hammer's way. Both Oracles shifted their gazes to the javelin's source revealing a group of humans looking down on them from a flat area on the mountain.

"None of you humans have any honor, do you?" Erik grumbled as he pulled out the shallow weapon with a glare, "THIS IS A BATTLE BETWEEN ORACLES! DO YOU HAVE NO SHAME IN INTERFERING!?"

Despite his shouts, more javelins began to fall around him while Rynn took his distance.

The Oracle steadied himself, ignoring the throbbing pain. He was at his limit- he couldn't afford any more hits.

Images of Rathok flashed through his blurred vision as he tightened his grip on his obsidian-bladed weapon.

I need to finish this now.

His wobbling legs stabilized.

With his head spinning from pain, Rynn took a step forward, then another. The barrage of javelins started to slow as the Oracle's pace quickened and the distance between him and the ogre rapidly closed.

"Nice try."

Seeing the sudden charge, Erik planted his feet and swung his weapon toward the human, fully expecting him to slide under as usual.


Contrary to his expectations, the human instead pushed off the ground and launched himself high into the air.

With fire in his eyes, Rynn changed his grip mid-air, holding the weapon vertically above his head as he fell back to the ground.

Erik's eyes widened.

The massive hammer's weight carried Erik's body, leaving him completely helpless against the blade slashing down at him.




The obsidian cut deep in an arc stemming from Erik's left shoulder and slicing all the way down to his right hip.

Blood sprayed from this wound, as Rynn landed at his side and kept moving before the ogre could retaliate.


Erik stepped toward the human driven by rage. The blood from his wound was rapidly soaking through his wolf-pelt clothing and was showing no signs of stopping. 

Driven by rage, Erik charged toward Rynn once more and lifted the hammer above his head as blood gushed out in the process.


The hammer slammed into the bloody ground, skimming past Rynn who turned his body to the side and slashed at the ogre's leg.


Yet another wound appeared on the ogre who stumbled as he attempted to lift the hammer.

Before Erik could recover, Rynn slashed at his unprotected side leaving trails of crimson in its wake then retreated out of his reach.

Erik advanced towards the human, but the ogre's movements were sluggish- his strength waned as blood continued to pour from all around his body.

Although he was also badly injured, Rynn was still slightly faster. The Oracle continued to keep his distance from the ogre whose face rapidly began to pale while puddles of blood formed in his footsteps.

"No... the victory, the conquest, the legends," Erik spoke with a weakened voice, "It was all supposed to be mine! How can it end like this!?"

His arms gradually lost their battle against the weight of the hammer until he could no longer pull it from the ground, at which point it rapidly shrunk back into its small toy-like form.

Rynn simply watched all this unfold from afar while the foreign Oracle continued to stumble toward him.


Soon enough, the Oracle's strength gave out and the ogre fell limply onto the blood-covered ground.


Erik stared up at the foreign sky as his vision began to darken.

"I am sorry, Chieftan. I have failed."

"You did," a deep voice he had not heard since his force first crossed the mountain passage entered his mind, "You were overconfident, just as I warned you not to be."

Erik had no argument against that. He underestimated the humans and it cost him his life.

"I lost the battle. There will be no victory, no legend, and no prize. Are you mad?" he asked as the sounds of battle seemed to deafen around him.

"Mad? No, I can not say that is the right word."

"Good... I-"

"The truth is that I lost the moment I selected you as my Oracle."

Everything faded to black.

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