I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 47: Instinctual (1)

Chapter 47: Instinctual (1)

Instinctual (1)

On Saturday, Lee Hoyeon was on a date with Lumi when the hunters' association quickly scrambled to provide support for a gate incident in the metropolitan area.

Amidst the flurry of activity from the association and the hastily assembled hunters, they managed to prevent any civilian casualties, even though a few hunters got banged up in the process. As a result, the ambulance transporting Baek Ahyeong was in constant motion.

"Saint! Thanks to you, I'm feeling like I could grow wings and take off! Much appreciated!"

"Oh, please don't address me that way."

"Alright then, I'll take my leave now!"

Baek Ahyeong waved as the departing man who had bowed to her before returning to the ambulance.

"Haa, it's relentless. But I reckon I can handle around 10 more cases."

"Amazing Senior, you're basically pulling off the work of five healers all by yourself. People aren't kidding when they call you a saint."

"Hehe Thanks."

Baek Ahyeong's junior, Kim Ahra, was consistently amazed by her. Ahyeong's healing prowess, bordering on raising the dead, was simply extraordinary. Her physical and magical strength were equally mind-boggling.

While most healing magic relied on magic power, more severe injuries required the healer's physical strength as well. Baek Ahyeong would channel a bit of her own life force and amplify it for healing. This meant that while other healers might tire out after tending to one or two critically wounded patients, she could handle over ten.

Can anyone really keep this up day in and day out, pushing themselves to the limit?

Her ability unquestionably made her the top healer worldwide. And it wasn't just talent; Baek Ahyeong was also compassionate, stunningly beautiful, and incredibly endearing. Referring to her as the modern incarnation of a saint wouldn't be far off. Naturally, working alongside her was always a joy for Kim Ahra.

"Senior, you've just patched up another ten people"

"True, but it's getting tough. You've done three patients yourself. Good job."

"Working with you is like an extreme workout Three patients is already pushing my limits."

"I might be an oddball. Just don't overexert yourself just because I'm doing something unusual."

"Oh, come on, let's not say strange things. Should we start getting ready to leave? It seems like we're finished."

"Sure, shall we?"

Kim Ahra looked at her senior, managing a smile despite the evident fatigue, and couldn't help but admire her unwavering determination.

"Yes! Dinner's on me toni"

But, just as she was about to finish her sentence, the emergency medical team rushed onto the scene.

"Urgent case! Move that ambulance, stat!"

"Emergency case?!"

They watched as a man was wheeled in on a stretcher.

"Senior his condition"


The man's condition was grim. His left arm had been torn apart as if it had been violently ripped away, and both legs were severed just below the ankles. Blood continued to flow, and it seemed he would soon succumb to excessive bleeding. It was fortunate that he hadn't gone into shock.

"Miss Saint, you've gotta help! We were ambushed by a sneaky monster out of nowhere! Please, this poor guy just got married!"

The man who accompanied the injured one pleaded with Baek Ahyeong, his forehead almost touching the ground.

"I-I'll contact the nearest branch!"

"No, I'll take care of him."


"You see the situation as well as I do. He won't make it without immediate treatment."


Kim Ahra understood too. The patient wouldn't last five minutes in this state.

No matter how talented she is, can she actually pull this off?

The patient was alive only because he was a hunter, but realistically, his situation was grim. Treating such a severe wound required the healer to be prepared to address internal injuries during treatment. Yet, Baek Ahyeong had been healing all day, and her mana was almost depleted.

Forcing a treatment could harm the healer's lifespan or mana circuits. Nevertheless, without hesitation, Baek Ahyeong stepped forward, and Kim Ahra felt a deep sense of respect for her. A willingness to sacrifice without a second thought for others' sake.

Could she really be a saint? As she observed her senior channeling her mana, Kim Ahra contemplated this question.

Meanwhile, Baek Ahyeong herself entertained a different perspective. To her, the man before her was on the brink of death, teetering on the edge where life and the void could collide. She had encountered countless souls in such a fragile state. Along the way, as she tended to their severe wounds, she began to sense their survival instincts, almost as if they were radiating from them.

The will to live.

The craving for pleasure.

The raw drive to reproduce.

These innate energies flowed into her, a sensation both curious and bizarre, yet not something she could readily share.

If she dared to confess that she could sense a man's sexual desires coursing through her as she worked, she'd probably be branded as an uncontrollable nymphomaniac. So, she kept that sensation tightly locked away, buried deep within her heart.

When attending to men hanging by a thread between life and death, she couldn't help but notice a certain undeniable swelling around the groin area.

Men's potent pheromones seemed to surge when their lives were at stake. Their instincts to survive and propagate surged vigorously, causing them to exude a fervent, nearly desperate yearning.

Is the drive to leave behind offspring an integral part of human nature? Particularly in young, healthy men, the urge is strong.

I can feel it even now. Even in the midst of severe pain, this man is feeling sexual desire towards me. It's disturbing to witness at first, yet I couldn't stop the treatment. The sense of accomplishment and fulfillment derived from saving lives provides a greater comfort than any uneasiness.

As she carried on with her treatments, Baek Ahyeong gradually grew accustomed to the patients' underlying sexual desires. Yet, the more she encountered those fierce urges, the more unfamiliar her own body felt. The man's gaze often lingered on her chest, even as she focused on his treatment.

No matter how gentle or composed a man appears, a trace of lust lies dormant within. Even the holiest of men have an itch to dominate me and forcefully slam their dicks into me.

Social norms, legal boundaries, ethical teachings, and the rational thoughts cultivated over time are the only restraints keeping such instincts in check.

True masculinity meant forcefully spreading, enveloping, and sowing the seed of life within a woman. At least, that's how Baek Ahyeong thought.

Male reproductive desires. The twisted carnal lust that resided deep within them. A vile nature that emerged when death drew near. Slowly, she felt her own body becoming vulnerable as she dealt with these patients.

The saying, "When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you," seemed fitting. Unbeknownst to her, Baek Ahyeong was slowly descending into that abyss.

Before her was a patient hanging on the cusp of life and death. Despite having tended to numerous patients already today, which left her with a slight headache, she instinctively called upon her mana. These opportunities to treat urgent cases were hard to come by.

A warm, gentle light emanated from her hands, enveloping the patient's form as she worked her magic.

As she infused the patient with vital energy, it drained her own life force. The headache deepened, her surroundings began to blur, and thirst consumed her. Gradually, her own defenses seemed to wane.

Soon enough, the patient lying in front of her stirred back to consciousness, locking his gaze with hers. His innermost desires seemed to cry out, "Right now, I really want fuck her and plant my seed inside her!" But his deeply ingrained societal conditioning and rational thoughts held him back.

Baek Ahyeong's groin became moist. The urge to be violated by the man before her consumed her.

This is the moment.

This juncture, when his primal instincts were at their peak, was crucial. However, as anticipated, he shifted his gaze away from her.

Men, constrained within the bounds of society, suppressing their instincts, were beyond Baek Ahyeong's understanding.

Why won't he pounce on me? Why did he just glance at my chest? Why did he feel desire when he looked at me? Why?

As the treatment progressed, Baek Ahyeong's strength and mana gradually dwindled.


An involuntary moan escaped as she struggled to control her body's sensations. She was beyond the point of reining in her physical reactions. Her strength waned, but the excitement within her grew.

Right now, if he were to pounce on me, I wouldn't be able to do anything and just get violated. And if he cums inside me without care, I'd end up pregnant with some bastard's child without any resistance

Baek Ahyeong's groin throbbed with urgency, yet the man averted his gaze from her, turning his eyes away from her with a self-accusing expression after briefly glancing at her.

Ugh, another missed opportunity.

Finally, when the treatment concluded, the patient and his companion expressed their gratitude with bowed heads. Even amidst this, the man's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to her chest.

Taking a moment to rest, Baek Ahyeong allowed her body's condition to recover. She feigned unawareness and offered a smile as she accepted their gratitude.

If that's what he wanted, he should have taken advantage of my vulnerability earlier!

Baek Ahyeong silently grumbled to herself.

"You've worked hard, Senior," Kim Ahra, who had been whispering to herself nearby, spoke up.

"Yeah, thanks. I feel a bit dizzy today, so let's eat later."

"Sure, of course. You also have to visit the orphanage tomorrow. Get some rest!"

"I'll head in first then."


Yesterday, Lumi and I sealed the deal on our secret friendship' at the motel.

After spending the night with her and making a quick pit stop at the dormitory on Sunday, I made a beeline for the Sunshine Orphanage. It's a spot that the heroine, Baek Ahyeong, frequents quite a bit.

"Come to think of it, it's been a while."

I haven't been to the orphanage since my last dungeon practice. She's probably been swamped with her helper duties, so I probably won't be able to see her.

"Oh? Isn't it Hoyeon? Long time no see~! I thought you weren't coming anymore!"

As I walked through the orphanage yard, a daycare teacher I remembered approached and greeted me.

"Haha Hello. I've been quite busy lately. I'd like to meet the director."

"He's probably out back with the kids around this time. Since Ahyeong is here too, why don't you go take a look?"


Score. Good news on that front. Baek Ahyeong is here today too. Couldn't have timed it better.


Both the director and Baek Ahyeong were keeping an eye on the kids as I approached. The director gave me a casual nod as I drew near, and Baek Ahyeong, in her usual collected manner, acknowledged my arrival.

"Hey, Hoyeon. Long time no see. Ahyeong also dropped by after a while. What's the occasion today?"

"I apologize. I've been quite busy lately, so it's been a while since I visited. Hello to you too, Ahyeong."

Baek Ahyeong extended her hand, looking surprised by my greeting.

"Hoyeon! I read about you taking on a demon in the news. Are you alright?"

"A-A demon? What are you talking about? Hoyeon, is that true?"

Well, being an active hunter, she probably stays in the loop pretty quickly. And maybe the director's a bit slow on updates? Could be the academy's been working to keep it under wraps so it doesn't blow up in the public eye.

"Anyway, I'm fine. Nothing major happened. All good here."

"Phew, that's a relief. My heart skipped a beat when I saw your name in the article."

Talking to Baek Ahyeong, her kindness really shines through. Chats like this feel like they're giving my heart a little scrub.

[Subquest received!]

[Are you true to your instincts? Baek Ahyeong is searching for a man led by instincts!]

[Try to pique Baek Ahyeong's curiosity in any way possible!]

[Clear condition: Spark Baek Ahyeong's interest 0/1]

[Reward: Increase in Baek Ahyeong's affection]

A man led by instincts I've got a hunch about what to do. Baek Ahyeong hasn't been able to achieve her long-cherished goal of getting violated due to her saintly title. She can't satisfy a certain itch with that "saint" tag hanging over her head.

"Big bro!"

The kid who was into my fireball tricks last time showed up.

"Hey, long time no see!"

"Why'd you come so late? Show me that trick again!"

"Sure thing."

The little one took my hand and led me into the midst of the kids.

"Sniff, sniff. Big bro, why do you smell like candy?"


What's this kid on about?


I spent some time showing off by juggling five fireballs for the kids. Eventually, the director herded them indoors, signaling that lunchtime had arrived.

Baek Ahyeong and I found a bench in the yard and started chatting.

"You've worked hard. You've been quite the juggler this time."

"Well, it's a step up from last time, right?"

"True. You've definitely improved. And your sweet scent seems to be a hit with the kids I'm envious."

"Oh, come on You had a whole flock of kids around you, Ahyeong."

"Hehe. Is that so?"

After wrapping up Lumi's quest, I received the sweet body reward. Quite literally. As a result, I emitted a sugary fragrance from my skin.

Just to be sure, I licked my arm, and yep, it was sweet. No, I haven't turned into a human candy bar or anything.

"So, dungeon practice next week, right? Are you preparing well? I heard some rumor that this round is going to be tough."

Baek Ahyeong was grinning, probably anticipating our meeting next week. Maybe she's aiming to flaunt her more mature, suited-up look again. She seemed to get a kick out of my reaction last time.

"On that note, what do you do as a dungeon helper?"

"Um I do a bit of everything. I offer support and handle various tasks, but mostly focus on healing."

"I see You know, people rave about your healing power. Like, they say you're a saint in disguise."

"Don't call me that. Honestly, it's embarrassing. Calling me a saint."

"But being a healer must take a toll mentally, right? Dungeons probably see a ton of injuries."

Now, this doesn't really apply to Baek Ahyeong. Sure, she goes all-out on the healing sometimes and winds up depleted, but with a bit of moderation in her approach, she can steer clear of burning out.

"That's true. When I overexert, I become weak and end up aching all day."

"Wow, on those days you'd be an easy target, right? You've gotta be careful."

I let slip something that might come off a bit cheeky, but it seemed like she took it well.

"I suppose you're right"

"And if someone decided to exploit your moments of vulnerability, that would indeed be a problem."

Thanks to her saintly label, she's not fond of guys treating her like some sacred relic. And turning her interest isn't that tough. All I have to do is become a bad guy that I've always been.

"Yeah it would indeed be a big problem. A really big problem"

I noticed a subtle shift in her gaze.

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