I Teleported Into the Academy of a S*xy Game

Chapter 89: Practical Exam

Chapter 89: Practical Exam

Practical Exam

Ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba


What in the world is this obnoxious alarm sound?

I thought Id be clever and download a bunch of alarms from EveryDay to wake up in the morning, but it manages to grate on my nerves every single day. But the wonders of its effectiveness, actually making me get out of bed on time.

Liliana was snoozing away beside me today. Last night was amazing, the succubus teasing tongue is a talent that us mere humans can only dream of imitating.

So, todays Thursday. In the morning, weve got a group boss monster hunting test. Our silent group, featuring the thrilling trio of Nam Daeun, Lumi, and that stellar guy Lee Byunghoon, is back in action. I dont particularly relish it, but what can you do? Given my remarkable display of strength, I might just have a shot at carrying the team this time.

The afternoons practical monster training is just more of the same. Last time, I just about managed to scrape by the A-class average because I chose to put myself through grueling training when I was at my weakest. But this time, Ive miraculously leveled up, so maybe I can aim a little higher.

Today is truly Lee Hoyeons day. Its the day to show my strength to everyone.


The group boss monster hunting test in the morning is held in the same exam hall as the one we used for the first dungeon practice. Just like last time, well be able to watch other groups performances.

During the morning assembly, Professor Kim Jinhyuk graced us with information about the test wed all been anxiously waiting for.

In the afternoon, the practical monster training will proceed according to your performance levels. This will be conducted in the practice arena.

Given that I was already well-versed in this information, I used the time to let my mind wander.

Instead of regretting the written test thats already over, focus on managing your condition so you can do well in the practical exam. Thats all.

With this riveting information session complete, Professor Kim Jinhyuk escaped the classroom, and the students slowly dragged themselves together to locate their respective groups.

Lucy, stay strong. Lumi and I will go together.

Yeah, you too, Hoyeon. I mean, youre practically guaranteed to be the top scorer, but well put in some effort, I guess.

Your groups scores are decent, right? Ours is just Nam Daeuns one-person show.

Thats one way to put it. Anyway, lets give it our all!

With a wave to Lucy, Lumi and I watched her go off to find her group.

Wheres our group anyway?

Hoyeon, we never really gather properly Oh? Isnt that Lee Byunghoon coming over?

Huh? Well, would you look at that.

It was quite the shocker that our usual disorganized group somehow managed to corral three members today. I guess midterms must be a really big deal.

Hello, Hoyeon. Good morning.

Say what now?

Lee Byunghoon, whod previously treated me like an extra in a movie, greeted me.

Were in the same group, but I dont think Ive properly introduced myself. Im Lee Byunghoon, the eldest son of the renowned Warrior Guild.

This dj vu. Its like when he first approached Nam Daeun.

Is he suddenly saying hello because Ive become a hot topic? The guys something else. His consistent behavior is mildly amusing. Well, were in the same group, so I cant just sock him, so lets just go with a friendly smile.

Sure, nice to meet you. Im Lee Hoyeon.

Yeah, by any chance, could I get your contact number?


Uh, okay.

Just kidding. If you help us carry the boss monster hunting this time, Ill give it to you.

Ill do my best!

Lets see if you can outperform me and Nam Daeun.


The three of us moved to the boss monster hunting test site. Naturally, the place was buzzing with students. Lee Byunghoons ceaseless chatter was becoming a chronic irritation, so I craftily excused myself with the timeless bathroom break alibi. He just wouldnt stop yammering, and it was pounding my head. Is this why Nam Daeun is always fashionably late?

I decided to escape the stuffy confines of the test building in favor of a breath of relatively fresher air. I didnt really have to use the restroom, so it was more of a leisurely stroll outside.

Yeah, no. I love you more.

At that particular moment, a girls voice reached my ears from behind the emergency stairs of the test building. I swiftly employed a rune barrier to mute the noise and turned my attention in that direction. It was Nam Daeun.

Shes always on the phone with her little sister.

This midterm exam must be quite important to Nam Daeun.

In the original game, the protagonist steals the first place from Nam Daeun during the first semester of the second year or the second semester of the second year when he becomes stronger. If the protagonist takes first place at the end of the first year, the route with Nam Daeun cant be completed because the protagonist, who hasnt yet established themselves, cant face the guild alone.

The ending where, in a bid to protect her purity, Nam Daeun slaughters the guild members, kills her little sister, and then commits suicide was genuinely bone-chilling. Should the protagonist secure first place in the second semester of the second year, his foundation is robust enough to face the guild and rescue Nam Daeun.

My goal is to establish a foundation by the end of the first year and save Nam Daeun. I dont need to drag things out until the second year. I need to finish this quickly.

I have to go now. Yeah.

Having heard Nam Daeuns voice, I naturally lifted the rune barrier and headed toward the front gate. She concluded her call, and I greeted Nam Daeun as she approached through the main gate.



Nam Daeun briefly glanced at me and responded curtly, then quickly darted through the main gate and off.

Lets go in together. Were in the same group, after all.

Nam Daeun remained silent and rapidly disappeared into the test site. Quite the prickly character, she is. For the upcoming test, Ill need to figure out how to navigate her route. I also proceeded to where our group was gathering.

Youve arrived!

Lumi, visibly discomfited by the atmosphere, greeted me.

Yeah, sorry. Looks like its starting soon, right?

Yes, it appears that way.

The cacophony of students grew louder, and as the professors took their positions, it was evident that the test was about to kick off.

[Oh, yes. Representatives from each group, kindly step up to draw your turn numbers. I repeat. Representatives from each group, kindly step up to draw your turn numbers.]

Should I go?!

Ill go

Sending the timid Lumi into the crowd for turn number selection isnt exactly a guarantee. As for Lee Byunghoon, the guy who was acting all chummy earlier has suddenly gone mute.

I drew a number from a box set up in front of the test site.

Its number 3. Please write down your name and the names of your group members here.


The third one. Frankly, its a meaningless number because were destined to take first place anyway. If our group goes early, it might rattle the confidence of the other teams. Oh well, nothing to be done.

I returned to my seat with the number in hand.

Guys, its number three. Lets get this over with quickly.

Yes, of course!

Starting early seems like a blessing. Looks like lucks on our side.

Lee Byunghoons reactions became more frequent. Lets hope he backs up his words with skills.

[All groups have drawn their numbers. Well start with Group 1. Group 2, please gather towards the front of the test site for your turn.]

Its go time!

Man, Im nervous. Were Group 11. Were up soon!

Were Group 2 were next, and one person hasnt shown up. What do we do!

Amidst the students excited chatter, our group glanced at the screen, trying to relieve the tension. Group 1 was up against a cyclops monster, comparatively stronger or at a similar level as the ogres.

Wow, a cyclops?! Can Group 1 really handle that?

Hmm, their lineup is solid, but can they actually win?

Each group faces a different monster. While they initially aimed for similar average strengths when forming the groups, as time goes on, growth rates diverge, and by midterm exams, group balances usually fall apart. Hence, the varying levels of the monsters.


Group 1 fell to the cyclops. However, even in defeat, theyre not automatically disqualified. This test is about demonstrating their abilities, so Group 1, which coped well with the cyclops patterns, will still receive a respectable evaluation.

[Next, Group 2. Move forward. Group 3, please come to the front of the test site and wait.]

Our turn has arrived already.

Lets get going.


[Next is Group 3. Enter, please. Group 4, come forward to the front of the test site and wait.]

In front of the test site, a portal was prepared for the exam.

Use this portal, it will lead you to a virtual space where a boss monster is prepared. There wont be any actual physical harm if you get hurt or die since its a virtual space. However, you may still feel pain and suffer mental damage, so be careful.

With those last-minute instructions echoing in our ears, we plunged into the portal. The nauseating sensation was a momentary companion, and when I blinked my eyes open, we were inside yet another cave.

Another cave, seriously?

Group 1 was a grassy plain, and Group 2 was at the seaside, but we ended up in a cave. Again.

Gather here. Lets first assess the monsters and plan our movements.

Since this test emphasizes the process, preparation is crucial. Lumi and Lee Byunghoon listened to me, but Nam Daeun didnt. She moved ahead without heeding my words.

Nam Daeun, Listen to me this time. During boss monster hunting, moving as you please can endanger your teammates. This test emphasizes the process. I shouted at Nam Daeun, who was ignoring my words and walking ahead.

Boss monsters are typically different from regular monsters. Moreover, since its an exam, you have to utilize your teams full capabilities and aim to clear it as safely as possible. Thats what the test expects.

I can handle it the fastest by moving on my own. Nam Daeun didnt listen to me and leaped ahead.

Ah, shes crazy Hey, lets follow her for now.

We had no choice but to follow Nam Daeun. While we ran, I scanned the cave walls and ceiling for clues.

No markings on the walls, but there are faint claw marks on the ceiling. For a cave-type boss monster, those small claw marks on the ceiling mean

As we continued, we encountered a fork in the cave. I compiled the information I had gathered and instinctively looked up at the ceiling, only to be greeted by hundreds of glowing pairs of eyes.

Its the Night Queen! Everyone, cover your ears with magic! I immediately shouted to ensure everyone heard me. In response to my voice, my teammates promptly shielded their ears with magic, and simultaneously, their pupils dilated.

The Night Queens ultrasonic attack began with a shrill screech.


Thud, thud, thud, thud.

The Night Queen had a patented strategy disorient the enemy with her initial attack, leaving them bewildered, while her bats swooped in for the kill.

Fortunately, once we deflected the initial assault, dealing with her wasnt overly challenging. The real challenge lay in the sheer number of bat subordinates. Yet, these bats had skittish tendencies that we could exploit.

We methodically tackled them one by one in well-illuminated areas, avoiding any injuries. I positioned a fiery orb, equivalent to my bodys size, at the heart of the cave.



The bats panicked when they saw the blazing inferno, desperately clinging to the ceiling. Now, it was a matter of handling them individually. However, Nam Daeun decided to charge ahead again.

Nam Daeun!!!

As there were hundreds of bats, some refused to stay put on the ceiling, fluttering around the airspace. Nam Daeun, showcasing her acrobatics, stepped on them one by one as she ascended towards the Night Queen.

Ugh Lumi, provide a shield for Nam Daeun, and Byunghoon, guard Lumi. Ill support Nam Daeun on her way up.

I assigned roles to my teammates and hurried forth. The more bats the Night Queen had, the more formidable she became. If Nam Daeun attempted to handle them solo, shed inevitably sustain injuries, defeating the strategys purpose. A successful strategy prioritized safety over any sacrifices. It was better for a well-coordinated strategy team to retreat safely rather than complete their mission with even a single loss.

I followed Nam Daeun, stepping on the bats as I ascended. Utilizing Acceleration, I caught up with her, and then

I witnessed Nam Daeun sheathing her sword and the Night Queen, its body cleaved in two by her strike.


The shattered body of the virtual Night Queen dispersed into mana.


Nam Daeun, from the first semester of the first year, proved to be far more stronger than I had imagined.


As the Night Queen vanished, our strategy was deemed complete, and we automatically exited the portal.

Outside, an unsettling silence hung in the air, almost as if the entire world had frozen in awe of Nam Daeuns exceptional performance. The results were positive, yet this time, I couldnt help but voice my frustration.

Nam Daeun, whats the rush? I mean, you were lucky to be right, but if you hadnt taken down the Night Queen in a single strike, we would have faced a substantial deduction. I already told you, this test places emphasis on the process.

My words werent just for our groups sake; they were directed at Nam Daeun. In the original game, her unwavering strength would have secured her the top spot, regardless of her behavior. But this time, with me in the picture, even if she intended to challenge my lead, my abilities had already been partially revealed. To woo the heroines, showing strength in the practical exams was crucial. If Nam Daeun continued down this path, I might snatch first place from under her nose sooner than she expected.

Im sorry, but my ranking is too important. I have to be the first. Nam Daeun averted her gaze as if she had other priorities.

No, behaving like that wont guarantee first place. Its so frustrating. Does she think being attractive is all that matters? While shes busy securing her own scores, she should at least lend an ear to others.

[Uh, Group were entering now. Group 5, please prepare to enter, or rather, come forward.]

The guiding professor appeared flustered, perhaps shocked by our strategy.

W-Well, we did succeed, didnt we? Lumi seemed content with our success.

Success isnt just success

This test primarily assessed situational awareness. I quickly gathered information about the Night Queen to avoid utter failure and ensure a high score. However, all Lumi had done was cast a shield, so her score likely wouldnt be high.

As expected, Hoyeon, youre incredible. Your ability to locate the Night Queen quickly, Id love to learn from it By any chance, could I have your contact information?

This guy would probably score a zero.

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