I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 248: Morning Conversations

Chapter 248: Morning Conversations

[Luna POV]

When I entered the dining room, the only people that were there were Ana and Soleil.  They were hunched over the table and scribbling on pieces of paper.

Teaching Ana about talismans? (Luna)

Yeah.  We may not be able to enchant them, but we can at least draw them. (Soleil)

Want a small domain to enchant them as well? (Luna)

If you want to make one. (Soleil)

I snapped my fingers and a domain the size or a melon started to float next to Soleils head.

Thanks, big sis. (Soleil)

Youre welcome. (Luna)

Luna, last night you said that you only tried making these with stellar magic, right? (Ana)

Yeah.  I didnt really think of trying my ice, lightning, space, or healing magic.  I cant really think of how those would work with these. (Luna)

Hmmm.  Well, I think I can do something with gravity magic, but they would have to be placed in certain ways to channel mana into several at the same time. (Ana)

You really put a lot of thought into these since last night. (Luna)

Like I said, I feel a sort of affinity with them.  Not to mention that the stellar magic ones could be a big deal in the future.  With what youve told me and have showed with it so far, stellar magic has a wide variety of uses, especially in the way of support.  If non-mages can use these, then it could lead to massive advancements in a lot of things.  Plus, people that can make them will be in high demand and will be able to rake in the profits.  These are honestly revolutionary. (Ana)

Wow, I never really thought that far about these.  They were just something Damien mentioned in passing and I attempted to make since I had nothing else to do for hours and hours. (Luna)

I see.  Then take some advice from me, dont tell people about these and once you ascend, have Soleil go around and teach people about them.  Or, have people that work in your main shrine make and sell them if they are qualified to so your shrine has a source of income.  Of course, Im not telling you to not use them on quests and stuff, especially if they can be used to level stellar magic for Soleil, but be careful when you use them until the right time. (Ana)

I got it, so please calm down.  Youre getting a bit heated here. (Luna)

Ah, sorry about that.  Its just been a while since I got to really talk about magic stuff that I lost myself a little. (Ana)

I forgot you were a big fan of magic and magic related technology.  By the way, where is Blake? (Luna)

At my question, Anas face turned red and she looked away.

H-hes still asleep. (Ana)

I looked at Soleil and saw she had a complicated expression on her face.

The soundproofing in this mansion is almost nonexistent.  Im surprised that you didnt hear anything considering you have better hearing than most of us, big sis. (Soleil)

Well, I do set up a domain almost every night so.  Plus, I actually fell into a really deep sleep last night. (Luna)

Oh.Now that I think about it, since mom and dad are both Apostles, what would happen if I got a little brother or sister? (Soleil)

{They would be in a similar situation as Ibukis family.  Immortal, but not an Apostle.  If they wanted to live in the divine domain, they would have to be born there because if they werent, they wouldnt be able to go there unless they became an Apostle at some point in their life.}

I relayed Tamamos words to the two of them.

I see.  Soleil then turned to Ana.  Mom, please at least use contraception for the time being.

Anas face turned even redder than it already was and I thought I could see steam coming off of her head.

Fufufu.  Feeling a bit playful today, are we Soleil? (Luna)

Gotta get some small revenge on the people that kept me awake all night.  And since dad is out of commission, mom is the one who gets the brunt of it.  Of course, he will get whats coming to him later, but that is for future Soleil to take care of. (Soleil)

Fufufufufu.  Have fun then. (Luna)

I sat down at the table with them and pulled out something to eat and some coffee.  Once I was done eating and while I was slowly enjoying my coffee, Damien and Vina came into the room.

Is that coffee I smell? (Damien)

Want some? (Luna)

If you dont mind. (Damien)

I placed another cup on the table and slid it over to him like a bartender.  He stopped it and took a sip after thanking me.  I was about to ask Vina if she wanted some when I saw her slightly glaring at Ana.

Miss Apostle of Gravity, I would like to suggest you check a places soundproofing before you do things like that again. (Vina)

Ana didnt say anything as she faceplanted on the table and covered her head in an attempt to hide.  Her ears somehow looked even redder than normal and there was definitely steam coming from her head this time.  While I enjoyed the sight of the rare specimen that is the embarrassed Ana, I spoke to Damien.

So, how much do I owe the two of you for your time and the resources you used? (Luna)

Damien looked at Vina and they seemed to have a quick telepathic conversation before turning back to me.

In total, well take 100,000 gold for the resources and you teaching Vina the Gate of Babylon for our time.  This is on top of part of the money you get from people using this method to create their own flying ship in the future. (Damien)

Alright. (Luna)

I tapped a finger on the table and several neat stacks of gold coins appeared in front of Damien.  He quickly looked over them to see if it was all there before putting them into his own inventory.

As for teaching Vina, that depends on what her space magic level is.  While its not something to be classified as a level 10 spell, it is easily level eight or nine.  To make it easier to use, I would recommend trying to get the parallel processing skill. (Luna)

My space magic is level eight, but I dont have the parallel processing skill.  How did you get it? (Vina)

Using level 10 space magic. (Luna)

Well.  Mind if I learn this at a later date then? (Vina)

I dont mind.  Damien? (Luna)

Im fine with that too. (Damien)

Well then, that takes care of my first agenda for the day.  Since Blake is indisposed at the moment, Ill have to postpone the discussion on how we market the information on the ships, so I guess Ill get to writing letters to the rulers that I know so they can get the things on their side done.  By the way, Soleil, I know this a bit late to ask, but wheres Velvet? (Luna)

It was half-asleep Velvet this morning, so shes still asleep.  She should be up at any time now though. (Soleil)

Alright.  Then when Im done with my letters, I need to go and look for Mio. (Luna)

Actually, she showed up right after you went to bed last night.  Shes probably in her own room asleep right now. (Soleil)

Then that is taken care of as well.  I guess that just leaves waiting for Blake then. (Luna)

I got myself another cup of coffee while chatting with everyone that was in the dining room.  We had a lively conversation while Soleil periodically poked fun at Ana who got ever increasingly embarrassed.

Chaos Realm:

Order: Atmos, please calm down and stop pacing around.

Atmos: I can't.  I'm so completely nervous that if I don't keep myself occupied, things might get wonky.  We don't want things to get wonky, it ends very badly.

Order: Payto, how is it going?

Still looking.  The Sea of Chaos is vast and there are several universes contained within it, so it's going to take more than a day to find.  Atmos, I advise you to either figure out a way to calm down, or I'm going to have to make you fall asleep until I find the place.

Atmos: That's easier said than done, you know.

Then think about it this way, meeting Grey's parents will be simple.  Just be yourself and don't overthink it and you'll be fine.

Order: Are you sure her being herself is a good idea?

Atmos: I have to agree with Order on this.

It'll be fine.  Better let them know exactly what kind of woman their son married than let them have a false image of you that you'll feel guilty about after the fact.

Atmos: Sage advice coming from a being that has no parents.

Atmos, I'm older than every god in every world in the Sea of Chaos combined.  I've had a long time to watch mortals of several different worlds go through this exact same thing.  If I don't pick up on stuff like this after this long, then something would be really wrong with me.

Atmos: You know, I never actually knew how old you were.  But anyway, thanks for the advice, I'll do my best to take it to heart.

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