I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 259: Apostle of the Stars

Chapter 259: Apostle of the Stars

[Luna POV]

When I entered the captains cabin, I saw Soleil sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

Big sis, when did I get in here?  Last I remember, I was sitting at a table below and making talismans. (Soleil)

You came in here past midnight last night telling me that you hit level 10 stellar magic.  After that you fell asleep in my lap. (Luna)

Ah.  Did I interrupt anything? (Soleil)

No. (Luna)

Also, while I wasnt too aware of anything really, I do remember hearing a song.  And I had a nice dream too.  Did you do that? (Soleil)

I did hum a song that Tamamo taught me to help you fall asleep.  Though now that I think about it, I had good dreams when Tamamo sang it to me too. (Luna)

{If it helps, I learned that song from Atmos.  For all I know, it could actually be using some kind of magic that Im not aware of.}

We can ask her later. (Luna)

Soleil was about to say something when a knock sounded at the door.

Just come in.  No need for knocking this time. (Luna)

The door opened and Velvet and Ophidia entered.

Morning master, Soleil. (Ophidia)

Hey Ophidia. (Luna)

Morning. (Soleil)

Velvet went and sat next to Soleil and Ophidia sat down in a chair.  I sat on the edge of the desk that was in the room.

Now that all are gathered, shall we begin? (Luna)

Yes. (Soleil)

Soleil stood up and moved to the center of the room.  I got up and stood in front of her.

Nervous? (Luna)

Not really.  Im more excited than anything. (Soleil)

I saw Velvet and Ophidia glance at each other and suppressed a chuckle myself.

I hope she wont be too disappointed. (Luna)

{I doubt it.  Just because she wont get a super buff to everything doesnt mean that some changes wont happen.}

Soleil then knelt on one knee in front of me, bowed her head and clasped her hands in front of her.  I placed one hand on her head and started to use the Apostle Creation skill.

Soleil, do you swear to serve me as my Apostle from today into eternity? (Luna)

Yes. (Soleil)

Do you swear to be my voice in the mortal world? (Luna)

Yes. (Soleil)

Do you swear to take up arms in the event of a threat that requires me to descend and fight by my side? (Luna)

Yes. (Soleil)

Then, I deem you, Soleil, the Apostle of the Stars. (Luna)

I then felt a large amount of mana leave my body like the time I did this with Ophidia.  Soleil then shone for several minutes before going back to normal.  When she stood back up, she looked around at everyone.

I dont feel any different. (Soleil)

Were you expecting to? (Ophidia)

I kind of expected to feel different.  Like, Im immortal now, so Id think Id feel some sort of metaphorical weight lift off me or something. (Soleil)

Velvet tilted her head at Soleils comment and Ophidia looked equally as puzzled.

Soleil, you realize that the only one here that would kind of understand what you mean is me, right?  Velvet was already immortal, and I dont have any clue at what Ophidias original lifespan was, but I bet it was something ridiculous. (Luna)

If you want my opinion, before becoming an Apostle I think I still had a good two or three thousand years left. (Ophidia)

Then you do get what I mean, right big sis? (Soleil)

I do.  But when I became immortal, I was in too much pain to really notice anything else. (Luna)

Oh yeah, you were getting your fifth tail at that time. (Velvet)

But hey, I wont be alone in that feeling now.  Me and Tamamo have theorized that other kitsune will gain more tails when the reach a certain age, so someday, everyone thats a kitsune in my family will understand that pain. (Luna)

Ugh.  I dont look forward to that. (Soleil)

You should.  That means Ill have even more fluff all for myself. (Velvet)

Now, Soleil, sit.  With this done, the next thing to do is get you to 100% depth.  Youre so close that we might as well get that done too. (Luna)

Yay.  I will finally be able to nap in big siss tails again. (Soleil)

I am conflicted now. (Velvet)

Dont worry, Velvet, I wont neglect you.  Ill only nap in big siss tails 5% of the time.  The other 95% is all yours. (Soleil)

Thats fine. (Velvet)

I tossed Soleil a brush then looked at the other two.

Want to join?  Ophidia can get her depth up some as well. (Luna)

The other two nodded.


Alright. (Luna)

I snapped my fingers, and a domain was made.  Tamamo appeared in the room.  I then handed out brushes to everyone and then pulled the chair Ophidia was sitting in next to the bed.  Everyone else was sitting on the bed holding a brush.  When they started, I felt strange.

This feels weird. (Luna)

{How so?}

Just imagine feeling four different sensations through different tails at the same time. (Luna)

{That sounds uncomfortable.}

Thats the thing, it really isnt.  Just weird.  Maybe a little sensory overload, but nothing too too bad. (Luna)

Ugh.  Mastertoo fluffy. (Ophidia)

I tapped my foot on the floor and Ophidia disappeared.

Where did you send her? (Velvet)

Skadis hammock. (Luna)


Big sis, its done.  I can now enjoy this to my hearts content again.  I-Im so happy.  The only things that have made me happier were when Velvet finally accepted being with me and when we became fiances. (Soleil)

I moved one of my free tails and patted Soleil on the head.

Ehehehe. (Soleil)

Good job, Soleil, you worked hard to reach this point. (Luna)

{Indeed.  You could even serve as inspiration for some of the lazier gods.}

I dont know how to respond to that. (Soleil)

This is when you just smile and nod. (Velvet)

{You know, I should spend some time with the two of you at some point.  For all intents and purposes, well be family in the future, but Ive never actually spent time with anyone aside from Luna, Amagi, and Deacon.  I should spend some time with Anastasia and Mio as well.  Ugh, Ive failed as a goddess and as an in-law.}

Thats not true in the slightest. (Luna)

{You know what I meant by that.}

Its still not true.  Plus, I planned to have you spend time with the others when I got to the divine domain.  Sure, it would have to wait a bit for after the weddings, but it was still my plan. (Luna)

I do kind of want to spend some time with you.  All I really know about you is from our brief interactions, what big sis says, and what mom has taught me. (Soleil)

I want to do this as well.  Even if Ive interacted with you as an oracle, its still only that.  If were going to be on good terms forever, then we should probably spend a little time to get more acquainted with each other. (Velvet)

{I think were already on out way to a good point, Velvet.  I mean, you dont talk with the reverence and nervousness that you did in the past.  And Im naturally happy about that, so dont stop.}

Fufufu.  Operation Family Bonding has started early. (Luna)

{Oh, Luna, there is also someone that wants to meet you at some point in the near future.}

Who? (Luna)

{The Goddess of Charity and the East, Norn.}

Ok.  You know Im open any time. (Luna)

{Yeah.  I think Ill invite her over to my place after the next full moon.}

How many days away is that? (Luna)

{A week.  And it falls on a special day as well.}

I tilted my head in thought.

Your birthday, big sis. (Soleil)

How does someone forget when their birthday is? (Velvet)

Hey, the only other person here whos birthday I know is Soleils.  No one else either knows or has told me when theirs is.  And Soleil didnt want to celebrate hers last year. (Luna)

Well, Ive never really celebrated mine.  Mom told me that once I reach over several hundred years old, I wouldnt really care anymore, so I never really celebrated it to prepare for that. (Velvet)

{And Ive said before that I dont even remember when I was born or whatever you want to call suddenly coming into existence.}

Then will this be another year of only celebrating mine? (Luna)



Since I didnt know what to say, I just shoved my tails in their faces.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: And done.  With everything I just finished, they should run into Velvet's father relatively soon after making it to the Dwarf Country.

Any fallout?

Atmos: No.  If there would be, I wouldn't have done anything.


Order: I finally caught you!

Crisis: Hahahahahhahahahaha!  That was just like old times...Hey, where did Mordred go?

She went back to the mortal world.  You've been away for months, so her work has piled up a ton.

Crisis: Tch.

Order: Now now, you won't notice how long she'll be away.  You'll be getting scolded by me after all.

Crisis: *Grins maniacally* Oh?  What for, stating the truth?

Order: No matter how true it is, you shouldn't say something like that out loud.  Especially in front of other people.

*The more Order spoke, the redder her face grew as she continued to scold Crisis on what is acceptable to say.  Crisis glances at me and I give her a thumbs up since she is letting me witness the cute embarrassed side of my wife.*

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