I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 271: An Exciting Start in the Dwarf Country

Chapter 271: An Exciting Start in the Dwarf Country

[Luna POV]

A little while and some satisfied stomachs later, we were walking around aimlessly.  Wed stop every so often when something caught our eye, but for the most part, this city was an average port city with the only improvement being it had a less fishy smell.

Big sis, are we just wandering around since were waiting for Skadi and Ophidia? (Soleil)

Yeah. (Luna)

I have a feeling well be waiting for a few days.  I mean, you sending them off alone and together will probably lead to them just doing more of what they have been for the last few days. (Velvet)

Thats true.  But its not like were in a rush, so let them have their fun.  Its not like any of us are any better after all.  Wed all do the exact same thing in their situation. (Luna)

Velvet and Soleil both nodded in agreement with my words.  We then turned a corner and I saw something that would allow us to relieve some of our boredom.  I held my arm out signaling my two companions to stop and move into the shadow of the buildings next to us.

In the direction of my gaze was a shifty looking dwarf walking behind a human that was carrying something.  The dwarf then quickly and stealthily took what I assumed was the humans wallet before quickly dropping it into a space magic inventory and then turning in a different direction.

Fufufu.  Velvet, follow that dwarf as stealthily as you can.  Ill take back what he took and then catch up to you.  Soleil, feel free to come with either of us. (Luna)

Alright. (Velvet)

Ill go with Velvet.  She needs someone with a ktisunes hearing and sense of smell if she loses sight of them. (Soleil)

I nodded at them and then the two of them disappeared into the shadows.  I focused my sight on the dwarf and then reached into his inventory and pulled out the wallet he stole.

Fufufufufufu.  That could be an addicting feeling, looking into others inventories.


Im kidding, I wont start doing that regularly.

I then moved until I was a bit behind the recently pick-pocketed human and went up to him.  I tapped him on the shoulder and then acted like I was out of breath from running after him for a bit.

Sir! (Luna)

Oi.  What do you want?  Cant you see Im busy?

Sorry for bothering you, but you dropped this. (Luna)

I held my hand out with his wallet placed on my palm.  His eyes went wide and he placed the object he was carrying down and checked his belt.  He then yanked the wallet out of my hand and inspected its contents.

Everythings still there.  Thanks, miss.

Youre welcome. (Luna)

The human then picked up whatever it was he was carrying again and walked away.  I turned as well and concentrated on my connection with Velvet and Soleil.  I activated my own stealth skill and started to lightly jog to where they were.  It only took me about a minute to catch up with them and the three of us followed the shifty looking dwarf around for the rest of the day.  He was quite the busy person as well, pick-pocketing anyone he could.  I was also busy since I returned everything that I watched him steal.

Im starting to get annoyed by this.  Just go to your hideout already.

{And what are you going to do once you follow him to his hideout?}

Capture him and any others he works with, turn him in to whatever security force exists in this country, after that Im not sure, then profit.

{But you dont need any profit.  You dont need money and you already have more reputation than you could ever want.}

Fine, Im doing this because Im bored.  I wanted something to do while we wait for Skadi and Ophidia and I didnt feel like leaving this city the same day we got here.

{Ufufufu.  Oh, the things you do due to boredom.  Its always entertaining.}

I inwardly chuckled at Tamamos words as we continued to follow the thief.  After another hour of trailing,  he finally started going in a different direction than the rest of the day.  He eventually made his way to the docks and onto a ship.  He went below deck of that ship before we stopped following him.

What now? (Velvet)

We continue to follow, obviously. (Luna)

Big sis, you smell it too, right? (Soleil)

Yep.  And were going to hate every single bit of this.  But my entertainment outweighs my reluctance, so we continue. (Luna)

Theres the Luna we all know and love. (Velvet)

Yep.  Shes been too calm for the past while. (Soleil)

You realize Im right here and listening to you, right? (Luna)

Thats the point.

Pfft.  I love how in sync you two are sometimes.  Now, lets get going, that thief and his potential friends arent going to capture themselves. (Luna)

We stealthily climbed onto the ship and went down where the thief did earlier.  The inside of the smallish ship was normal except for a large hole cut into the bottom of it.  There was also a cylindrical tunnel of water held at bay by magic that led into another tunnel.  That tunnel also reeked of sewer.

Are you sure about this, Luna? (Velvet)

Itll be fine as long as none of us touch or fall into it. (Luna)

Big sis, say that again without gagging. (Soleil)

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath before sticking two fingers under my nose and shot some lightning magic into it.  After some light pain, my sense of smell was completely gone.

Soleil looked at me with some worry before turning her attention down into the tunnel again.  She then did the same thing as me and two small flames appeared on her fingers.  She was about to burn her nose as well when I stopped her.

Soleil, let me do it. (Luna)

She nodded her head and I did the same thing I did to myself.  She let out a hushed cry of pain and started holding her nose with tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

Was that really necessary? Velvet said with worry and exasperation.

Velvet, that down there is a sewer.  You know what goes in sewers.  We are kitsune with good senses of smell. (Luna)

She rolled her eyes and then looked down the hole like Soleil and I did.

Do me too. (Velvet)

Once more I burnt a nose, completely removing its sense of smell.  Velvet had a similar reaction to Soleil and I waited for them to recover.

Big sis, how are you so calm about this?  That hurt a lot more than you let on. (Soleil)

I tilted my head in confusion.

Yes, it was painful, but not THAT painful.  Like a small pinch at most. (Luna)

Soleil, she has stupid level Res, Im more surprised that magic actually did something to her. (Velvet)

Well, I actually just used a level of lightning magic that would work on me.  I obviously toned it down for the two of you immensely. (Luna)

Wait, you can do discrete, high-powered magic? (Velvet)

Velvet, just because I like flashy doesnt mean I dont know when not to use it. (Luna)

Big sis, even I didnt know that.  You always took the flashiest approach to magic for as long as I can remember. (Soleil)

In my defenseI have no defense.  Flashy is just more exciting.  Now lets stop stalling and get this over with. (Luna)

I then jumped into the tunnel.

Chaos Realm:

Atmos: Luna really will do almost anything if it's entertaining to her, huh.

Don't act like any of us are any better.

Atmos: Fair enough.  Let's just hope all of them manage to make it out of this without falling in.

Order: Atmos, why are you trying to make that outcome a reality?

Atmos: Damn, I didn't mean to say that.  Luna, if that does happen, please forgive me.

This won't end well for Atmos.

Order: What should her obituary say?

Let's go think about it when an angry Luna storm in here.

Order: I like that plan.

Atmos: Wow.  What good friends you two are.

Me and Order: Thanks.

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