I was Betrayed then Reincarnated as a Kitsune

Chapter 272: Cleaning Up Some Thieves

Chapter 272: Cleaning Up Some Thieves

[Luna POV]

Once the other two joined me in the sewer I closed my eyes and focused on my hearing.  Tuning out the sound of moving water and the occasional dripping sound, I listened for our prey, I mean victim, I mean thief.  After about a minute I made out the sound of footsteps.  I opened my eyes and turned in the direction we had to go.  When we started walking, Soleil spoke to me through telepathy.

Big sis, couldnt you have used your space magic just now? (Soleil)

I could have, but where would be the fun in that?  Thrill of the chase. (Luna)

I thought you were a fox, not a cat. (Velvet)

Mio is the cat of our group. (Luna)

You know what I mean. (Velvet)

Fufufufu.  Anyway, we should slow down now, or well catch up to our friend here.  He still needs to lead us to the destination. (Luna)

We slowed down to a walking pace and soon our unaware thief was in sight.  He was standing in a circular opening of another branch of the sewer and looking back and forth.  He then tapped several of the bricks on the wall and it opened.  It started to close immediately after he walked through it so I grabbed the others and blinked us in before quickly dashing behind some piled up crates and throwing up an illusion on top of us.  I heard our dwarf walk some more before I decided it was safe for us to move.

I kept the illusion over us as we slowly made our way forward before, I stopped.  I looked at the ground, walls, and ceiling above us before quietly tapping my foot on the ground.

Fufufu.  Been a while since I had to deal with traps.  Too bad theyre so easy to dismantle now.

{I thought you hated dismantling traps.}

I do, but even then, theres a certain satisfaction to disarming them by hand that this doesnt give.

{Then maybe another time when you arent busy following a strage dwarf.}

Sounds good to me.

We proceeded further into the secret tunnels on the trail of the thief.  After about 10 minutes of sneaking, we made it into a large circular room.  In this room were several other dwarves as well as a few people of other races.  They all had the same dark colored clothes on which made me grin a little.

Fufufufufufufu.  A genuine thieves guild.  Fufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufufu.

{Calm down, Luna, or youll give yourself away.}

Tamamo, you almost baited me into saying something that would jinx us.

{Sorry.  That wasnt my intention.}

I chuckled a little at my and Tamamos antics before returning my attention to the thieves.  Our dwarf was standing in front of a large table where another dwarf sat.  The one sitting behind the table was even shadier looking than the dwarf we followed here.

Well, what did you make out with today?

Boss Blackbryar, I made a mint today.  If I had to say, it was one of my best yet.

What are you waiting for, then?  Show me the goods and Ill give you your cut.

This conversation made me snicker.  The prey opened his inventory with an exaggerated gesture of his hand, andnothing fell out.


He did the same hand gesture several more times with the same result.

Is this supposed to be funny?

The boss dwarf asked with an unamused look on his face and a vein bulging on his forehead that even I could see.

Big sis, when do we make our move? (Soleil)

In a bit, I want to see what happens next. (Luna)

Thats fine, but should me and Velvet move to a different position or just follow you lead when you finally decide to move? (Soleil)

Do that.  Go to that exit over there and Velvet block that large cask, there is probably a hidden entrance around it.  Ill take this exit and then signal the prime time to incapacitate the prey here. (Luna)

So, youre not even denying that now? (Velvet)

Dont act like you two arent enjoying this just as much as I am.  You both have grins just as big as mine spread over your faces. (Luna)

I never denied that. (Velvet)

Then yes, Im no longer denying it. (Luna)

Velvet chuckled a little and then disappeared into the shadows with Soleil.  She appeared again in the place where Soleil was going to guard and then disappeared only to appear again in the place I told her to be.  I then turned my attention back to what was going on with the prey and boss prey.

You blathering idiot!  What happened to Made a mint huh!?  This is the fifth time this week youve come up basically empty handed!  No, worse than that, you actually did come up empty handed!  You know what happens when you fail this much, and youve run out of chances!  Boys!  Hold the idiot down, its time to show the new blood what happens when they spurn the thieves guild.

B-boss, I-I really dont know what happened!  I know I picked nearly 50 people clen today as well as cased out a big target!  It was all in the inventory spell!

Pah!  Grim, bring the sealing shackles.

A extremely buff looking thief that wore uncomfortably tight looking clothes stepped up from behind the boss prey and handed him some heavy looking metal shackles.  They were then slapped onto the wrists of the original thief and he fell limply to the floor.

Boss Blackbriar, please!

Shut it.  Do your duty as an example and die.

The boss prey then hefted a morning star that was sitting next to his chair onto his shoulder and walked over to the center of the room while two more thieves dragged the now sniveling thief behind them.  I looked up to Velvet and Soleil and sent them a telepathic message to incapacitate as many as they could as quickly as they could.

They both sprung into action.  Velvet had unsheathed her whip-sword and was swinging it around.  She grabbed a thief with it and then used him to knock several of them out with the unlucky one.  Soleil on the other hand was dragon shouting thieves into the walls in such a reenactment of video game ragdolling that it was enough to bring a tear to my eye.

Im so proud of her.

{Hurry up or youll fall behind.}

No I wont.

I snapped my fingers and a wave of ice magic was used that froze the thieves that were running in the direction of the exit I was in front of.  Now all that were left were the boss prey, the original dwarf prey, and the two holding him down.

Who are you people!?  And how did you find this place!?

Just some passing S-rank adventurers who are bored.  No need to concern yourself, now please, take a nap. (Luna)


He was cut off and sent flying by Soleil right into a wall where he was promptly turned into a nice wall mount featuring dangling legs.  The three remaining prey were then knocked out by either me or Velvet.

Good work, and Soleil, extremely good job. (Luna)

Thanks.  That was surprisingly more fun than I thought it would be.  I kind of want to do it again. (Soleil)

Fufufufufufufufufufu.  Just wait until you do that to something from the top of a mountain. (Luna)

Soleils eyes started to shine and she ran up and grabbed my hands.

Can I!? (Soleil)

You know I cant refuse you when you get this excited.  While were in this country, well look for the tallest mountain we can and climb it for that. (Luna)

YES! (Soleil)

Hey, dont leave me out of this. (Velvet)

Why would we?  If I take Soleil somewhere, you are obviously coming with us. (Luna)

Then all is good. (Velvet)

We then rounded up all the thieves and tied them up with a thick rope and I had Velvet and Soleil guard them in case they woke up while I went to find someone to collect them.  I asked around to find out who I was supposed to go to and eventually found the people I was looking for.  It was a building that stood out almost as much as the adventurers guild did in some places.  I went inside, explained the situation to whoever was in charge when I mentioned my S-rank status and was now leading a large group of dwarf knights through the sewer system.

{Poor dwarves having to walk through a place like this and having to smell it all the way.}

Yeah, but Im not offering to stick my fingers up their noses.

{Fair enough.  I wouldnt want to do that either.}

When we finally got to our destination, I was about to snap from having to endure the complaints about the smell.

This is your own city, why are you complaining to me.  And if I have to stop one more from falling in to the water.

{I think Im starting to see why this city has such a big thieves guild.  All these supposed knights are big babies.}

Not ALL of them, but a fair few, yes.

When all of the dwarves saw the tied up thieves the more competent ones immediately got to work.  I walked over to Velvet and Soleil and grabbed them on the shoulders.

Were leaving. (Luna)

The two of them nodded seeing as I wasnt in the mood for discussion.  I looked over to the leader of the knights and told him to contact us through the guild if he needed anything and then left before he could respond.  We then walked around until we found an inn to stay at where we promptly got some food and then went to bed.

Chaos Realm:



Grey: Soleil is truly Dragonborn.  I haven't seen anyone be flung like that in so long.

Oh, I remember back then.  You introducing dragon shouts was ingenious.  Too bad they fell out of use after a few hundred years.

Grey: I know, right.  Maybe I should ask Mimir to get some of the elves in that academy of his to reintroduce them.

Do it.  It'll serve as some good entertainment.

Grey: I'll write him a message.

Order: Do we stop them?

Atmos: Nah.  Let them have their fun.

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