I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 121 – Homework Assignmen


Not good, talking to Auntie Ren is too stressful. She’s usually amiable and reasonable, but when it has something to do with her daughter, she becomes extremely paranoid! I can’t stay here any longer, I have to go, I will be late for class.

Auntie Ren was not planning on letting me go.

“Hey, what did you think about becoming an extra under my wing?”

“Huh? Wasn’t that a joke? Do you really want me to act?”

“Nonsense! Although both you and your dad are no different than flies in my eyes, even if the probability is only one in a million, what if you got together with Xiao Qin? How would you earn money to support your family? What skills do you have? Do you just want to mooch and let Xiao Qin raise you?”


Although I would like to say that I can inherit the family business or work as a construction worker, but I would only be more despised by Auntie Ren.

“I’m planning ahead for a rainy day, I should definitely plan a road for you, brat?”


“Don’t underestimate extras. If you look good on camera, you will be assigned to play more roles. With such a terrifying appearance, it would be a waste if you don’t play a villain!”

“Auntie Ren, I appreciate your kindness, but I am still in school, homework is vital (going against my conscience), and I don’t want to play bad guys... Is there a positive role that I can play?”

“Tsk, trying to take advantage of the situation, eh! You think you can act as a good guy with your appearance? I don’t know about other places, but there are no shortage of good guys in our movie! If you’re willing to play the bad guy and the result isn’t appalling, I can give you a few roles to pick from!”

I was a complete amateur when it came to acting, so I found it strange for Auntie Ren to have such confidence in me.

“Huh? Isn’t the United States a beacon of hope for humanity. Shouldn’t they have a lot of positive roles in their films? How can there be so many antagonist roles that I can pick and choose?”

Auntie Ren rolled both of her eyes upwards.

“Hey, Americans have a very vulnerable self-esteem. Haven’t you seen in ‘House M.D.’, all the uncurables are always black or yellow colored people? Among the films they invest in, even if they are oriental-style kung fu movies, they will try their best to cast orientals as supporting or antagonist roles. With looks like yours, it’ll bring out their glory —— I think when the director sees you, he’ll feel like he just picked up treasure!”

I was very upset.

I used to watch a sci-fi exploration program made by Americans. It was set in the year 4000s. Humans have landed on Mars, and the United States, Europe, Russia, and Japan formed an alliance. Each country sent some of their own astronauts on one spaceship. Although there were some disagreements, it was only on the same level of a couples quarrel.

It was obviously supposed to be a popular science film, but there were a lot of politics. There were two main points that were upsetting:

First, China was the main antagonist of humanity, but from beginning to end, there was not a single Chinese person cast in the film (China used a robot to fly spaceships to land on Mars).

Second, the Japanese in the Alliance in this film sacrificed their lives on Mars in order to protect humanity.

In fact, I should be happy that the Japs died, but when I look at a group of blond Caucasians who saluted the helmet of Bento-san (That’s probably how they referred the Japanese), I suddenly realized that Bento-san didn’t represent Japanese, but all Orientals.

This is the common practice of Americans. Unlike the magnificent China, who welcomes “foreign guests”, Americans think that when foreigners come to their country, it’s to make contributions (such as sacrificing themselves).

It’s also the goal of Hollywood to let Chinese movie stars play bad guys. It is almost their basic national policy.

Even one of my idols, Jet Li, has not been spared.

When Jet Li first came to Hollywood and starred in “Lethal Weapon 4“, let’s not talk about his ugly ponytail (maybe it was used to highlight the ignorance of the Chinese), in the end, he was also stabbed to death by Mel Gibson with a steel pipe underwater, so miserable that it can not be described.

When it came to “Unleashed“, Jet Li’s image was even more embarrassing, he was basically an uncivilized barbarian.

All in all, Jet Li, who played a role where he always laughed in the “Fang Shiyu” series, was forced to play the image of a barbarian arriving in the American-led Hollywood. He was used as a good example of the American democracy, justice and advancement.

Fortunately, Jet Li stopped acting in Hollywood, he shouted “You guys bully people!”, and ran back to the embrace of the Chinese audience in tears.

Oh, the above phrase was something I imagined, please don’t believe it as truth.

Based on Auntie Ren’s remarks, doesn’t she want me to walk the same path?

The question is why should I serve as contrast to the Americans! You guys dared to bully my idols, I don’t even know how I’ll be treated if I go!

Maybe they might shave my head into yin and yang, make me wear a diaper while holding a rubber duck as a weapon, and finally be killed by the protagonists by being buried in a pile of shit!

Compared with this kind of treatment, I might as well go to Director Cao to act as Jin Lin Young Thug! At least it’s our own Chinese people!

Of course, according to Cao JingShen, his father has already found the right actor, so he no longer needs me, but that’s besides the fact.

Moreover, when I went to Xiao Qin’s home to repair the computer last time, I hid in the bedroom and overheard the conversation between Xiao Qin and Auntie Ren.

It seems like in this ‘Magic Cauldron’ film, everyone must communicate in English? As far as my level in English, I wouldn’t even understand anything the others are saying.

I told my worries to Auntie Ren, but she wasn’t really concerned.

“Is English difficult? Can’t you just take your enthusiasm for exercise, work a bit harder, and learn? It doesn’t need to be that good, as long as it’s enough to reach Xiao Qin’s level...”

Auntie Ren, you make it sound too easy! This is not a problem that can be solved with a little effort! For me, this is harder than realizing the four modernizations. Also, was Xiao Qin’s English even learned in school? She has been home for three years, if it was not taught by tutors, then it was taught by Auntie Ren. You have been in contact with many foreign directors. When they come to your home, you probably call Xiao Qin over to have conversations in English?

I don’t have a good learning environment at home! Although dad’s computer sometimes plays a few English words, it’s only simple vocabulary such as “Fuck”, “Oh Yeah”, or “Baby C’mon”!

“Learn English, then I will arrange a role for you, understand?”

Auntie Ren told me as if it was a homework assignment.

“English... I probably can’t learn it for the rest of my life...”

This was not modesty. For someone like me, the only hope is that the US imperialists have fully declined, and Chinese has become the universal language.

Auntie Ren looked at my eyes as if I was a heap of old tires in the dump.

“Even if you can’t learn, you have to learn! Ask your dad to get a private tutor! You could even get Xiao Qin to teach you! You’ve had so much good things happen to you, yet you can’t even put in a little hard work?”

I wasn’t sure if the so-called “good thing” she referred to was the fact that she would arrange a role for me, or that Xiao Qin likes me.

Since my left hand was hurt, I didn’t wear a watch when I came out today. I didn’t know if I was late or not.

Under my repeated requests, Auntie Ren finally waved her hands and let me head to school.

When I left, she warned me to learn the language carefully and don’t do anything to Xiao Qin, or else...

Thank you for your good intentions. I definitely don’t want to do anything extra to Xiao Qin.

When I entered the classroom of the second year (3) class, there were not many people in the classroom.

Except for the class leader and the student on duty who came early, most of the chairs were empty.

Xiao Qin also did not arrive yet.

Sure enough, was it because I ran two laps less and didn’t have breakfast, so I arrived earlier?

The class leader saw my left arm wrapped with a thick bandage, and the splint was hung around my neck. She couldn’t help but wrinkle her brows.

“Did you get into a fight again?”

I looked up and thought for a split second.

“If you call it a fight, it’s technically right....”

The class leader had a look of sadness.

“I’ve already said before that if you keep on fighting, you won’t always win! If you keep fighting, one day you’ll be beaten to death!”

Her voice was surprisingly loud, and even the student on duty turned to look at us.

The class leader realized that she was making a clamor in the early morning in a quiet class room and she blushed.

After a moment of silence, she stared at my left arm and asked: “Is it serious?”

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