I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 141 – The Verdic


After we were finally able to transition the topic back to Shu Zhe, the class leader proposed her opinions:

First, all of Shu Zhe’s cross dressing photos will be completely destroyed, regardless if they were printed or not, regardless if it was in a SD card or on the computer.

Second, the class leader promised to increase Shu Zhe’s allowance by 10%. The condition is that he will not be allowed to sell his sister’s private photos, whether it’s real or not.

Third, the wigs and women’s clothing (one shirt and two skirts) that Shu Zhe bought will be confiscated and destroyed.

Shu Zhe was not satisfied with his sister’s proposal. He complained while holding his injured hips:

“I already received Li ErLeng’s advance payment. He only wants the photos, he won’t take refunds. At least let me finish taking the photos he wants. It’s fake anyway, it’s not like sister will get any disadvantages...”

I fiercely glared at him, then I waved my hand and spoke:

“I will deal with Li ErLeng, just promise your sister.”

Shu Zhe reluctantly lowered his head, later he looked up again and asked:

“Can you raise my allowance a bit more?”

“How much do you want?” I asked him for the class leader.

“Well... forget it, if I said the number I want, brother Ye Lin, you’ll hit me again...”

The class leader was somewhat puzzled: “Xiao Zhe, why do you need so much allowance? I haven’t seen you buy much for yourself?”

Of course not! He spent it all on his girlfriend! He obviously won’t tell you about it!

Shu Zhe stammered while skipping details, it was because he often attended gatherings with classmates, going dutch is quite expensive.

The class leader sighed. “Then I’ll increase your allowance by 30%, but no more. It’s no good for children to eat too much fast food.”

As for the class leader’s intention of destroying the wig and women’s clothes, Shu Zhe looked very distressed.

“Sister, these things cost me a lot of money! Because cheap products will irritate the skin, so I only bought the highest quality!”

The class leader said coldly: “Why should we keep it? So you can keep cross dressing? If mom and dad saw you, do you know how hurt they would be!”

Shu Zhe disapproved, “I didn’t say that I want to keep cross dressing!” When he said this, he glanced at me with a guilty look. “Since brother Ye Lin promised he would take care of Li ErLeng, I have no reason to wear it anymore. I was forced with no other way, I’m actually quite embarrassed!”

In order to prove his innocence, he said: “You can throw away the wig if you want, but don’t throw away the clothes! Those clothes are more expensive than those sold in shopping malls, you can keep it and wear it!”

“Why should I wear that kind of clothing!?” The class leader’s reaction was as if she was insulted.

Is a miniskirt not suitable for the class leader? What about stockings? I couldn’t help thinking about this serious problem in my mind. Based on her character, it would indeed be difficult for the conservative class leader to wear these clothes, but in terms of aesthetics, it is quite suitable! Although Shu Zhe is a bit shorter than his sister, but their body size is almost the same, since Shu Zhe secretly wore his sister’s tight fitting sweater, it should be pretty effortless for the class leader to wear Shu Zhe’s clothes?

Shu Zhe stared down at his nails and said:

“Sister, your clothes are too unfashionable. With your natural endowments, why do you give the position of prettiest girl in school to others? If you dressed up, more people will like you.”

When he said that he looked at me, other than protesting the fact I hit his butt earlier, he was suggesting that I should seize the opportunity, so I can give the class leader a good impression.

What, you still haven’t given up on me becoming your sister’s boyfriend? Is it because I promised to take care of Li ErLeng, so you feel I still have use?

“Why, why should I let them like me?” The class leader did not look at me when she spoke, but she moved her gaze to an empty white wall. “I wouldn’t wear those revealing clothes regardless of how expensive it was!”

It didn’t have a lot of confidence, especially when it comes to the word “expensive,” the class leader’s hardworking and frugal problems have come up again.

“Sister, that’s why I say your thoughts can’t keep up with the times! How is it revealing? Even a crop top is not... You don’t know, when some female students celebrate their birthday, they dress like a Persian Princess. Behind their translucent dress is three-points...”

The class leader was shocked: “You actually went to such an vulgar party!?”

Shu Zhe quickly changed his previous remark:

“I, I didn’t go! I heard it from my classmates! Also, it’s not vulgar! They are usually good students, is it wrong to have a change of mood on their birthday? There’s a lot of clothes that if you don’t wear when you’re young, you won’t get that feeling anymore once you get older!”

“No!” the class leader persisted. “No matter what you say, I’m going to throw away the clothes and wig! Even if you spent a lot of money, I can’t keep them to seduce you to do bad things. Let’s just say the money was spent on teaching you a lesson!”

“You’re so stubborn.” Shu Zhe said, “The clothes are quite comfortable, right, the stockings, sister, you’ve never worn stockings before. Don’t you want to feel it?”

“I don’t want to! I’ll throw everything away!”

The class leader was flushed red with anger. I could see that the class leader’s desire of not wasting things is fighting fiercely with the desire to put an end to her brother’s bad hobbies.

At the time, I didn’t know what kind of selfish motives I had hidden. I actually joined their argument and stood on the side of Shu Zhe.

“Class leader, you might as well keep the clothes, don’t throw away the wig either.”

“Why?” The class leader looked at me with a strange look, as if I was really expecting that she would wear these clothes one day.

“Well... I know that you have always felt ashamed of wasting, you would only buy new shoes after your old ones break. It would be a bit cruel to ask you to throw these new clothes in the garbage —— in fact, you can wash them and sell them on the internet!”

The class leader asked suspiciously: “There are people who would buy used clothes?”

I turned my eyes to Shu Zhe, who was frowning while rubbing his ass.

“If I’m not wrong, did you buy these clothes and wig from a cosplay store?”

Shu Zhe nodded. “I really like that store’s wigs, so I bought the clothes from there too... However, although it is not a complete set, its quality is definitely the best!”

That’s right, no wonder it felt a little familiar, leaving aside the leather miniskirt that often appears in anime, even the plaid skirt made an appearance in a certain school anime I saw when I was young. It was a part of the heroine’s school uniform, but I didn’t recognize it because it was not a matching set.

“Cosplay costumes are not the same as ordinary clothing. Even if it’s second-hand, there will be people who will buy them.” I spread some knowledge to the class leader. “There’s a less appropriate example, you know the place where they take pictures as tourist attractions, the ones that dress you up as the emperor, aren’t those costumes always reworn by others?”

After realizing that I was supporting him, Shu Zhe also interjected: “That’s right! Wedding dresses are also mostly rented. For special occasions, clothing that are only worn once or twice can be sold even if it’s second-hand!”

After listening to us, the frugal side of the class leader clearly had the upper hand.

“Fine, let’s wait a while and see if we can sell it...”

The class leader’s mood improved a bit because she didn’t have to throw valuable things in the trash.

Thus, Shu Zhe and I were left in the room to chat (but the door was open) while she went to the kitchen to cook dinner.

“Brother Ye Lin, you’re too ruthless...” Shu Zhe whispered to me while holding his ass.

“Who told you to be disobedient? Your sister might not have the heart to beat you, but I do!” I made a typical face of a bad guy.

Looking back at the situation, although Shu Zhe got a beating today, but he was generally satisfied with the overall outcome. After all, his sister increased his allowance and I promised to help him take care of Li ErLeng.

“Ye Lin, don’t be so angry. In the future, you’ll have time to win my favor...”

“Your favor?” I scoffed, “You’re lucky I’m not giving you a beating, why do you think I want to win your favor?”

Shu Zhe was proud of himself and made a “don’t pretend” expression on his face. “I’m my sister’s baby brother. If you’re chasing my sister, how can you treat me poorly?”

“Who’s chasing your sister! Stop dreaming! Also, it won’t be that easy to become my brother! Do you know what a Spartan is?”

Shu Zhe showed an uninteresting look. “Aren’t they a group of savages who threw people off cliffs?”

“Bastard! Don’t attack the three hundred brave warriors! Don’t you want to have a full body of tanned muscles?”

Shu Zhe grinned, as if he heard the most absurd thing in the world. “Brother Ye Lin, nowadays girls don’t like muscular men anymore. Have you heard of Canada’s child star, Justin Bieber? He doesn’t have much muscles, but look at how many female fans he has!”

Hmph, isn’t he just a girly boy with a small face, the “jb” guy? In my eyes, he will never be able to compare to Bruce Lee, Jet Li, Stallone, or Schwarzenegger!

Despite all that happened today, when the class leader placed the braised beef and potatoes on the table, I felt that all my exhaustion dissipated into thin air.

There was also a vegetable and fruit salad as a side dish. I ate in a frenzy and it was very enjoyable.

When Shu Zhe was eating, he put a thick down cushion under his ass. He frowned from time to time, it must have been painful.

“Should I help you apply some medicine tonight?” the class leader said as she she put some beef in her brother’s bowl.

Isn’t it a little inconvenient to take off his pants and let his sister rub ointment on his ass?

I proposed to let me help Shu Zhe apply the medicine, it would also make up for earlier. Shu Zhe did not say anything, the class leader was first to disagree.

“You, just focus on eating! Didn’t you cause this injury? You promised to help train my brother. As a result, you made it hard for him to go to school tomorrow!”

I could only speak while laughing: “There will be ample time for that in the future. I have tons of opportunities to ‘train’ him later on. By the way, this beef is delicious, haha!”

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