I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 71 – A Chance Encounter at Sunse


After school, I walked out of the school building with my bag, but I heard someone calling me from behind.

“Let’s practice! Train with me! Oy, I’m talking to you! Where you going!”

In 28 Middle, the only one who dared to talk to me so presumptuously was the captain of the basketball team, Guo Songtao.

Although Shen ShaoYi also asks me to be his training partner, he would never be as bold as Brother Tao.

I smiled and stopped. I looked back and saw Captain Guo SongTao holding a basketball under his long arms, and he lumbered towards me like a large tree.

“You in a rush to head home? If not, help me practice.”

It was Friday anyway, there was nothing to do at home.

I placed my bag under the hoop and we started playing 1-on-1.

The reason why Brother Tao was looking for me to practice was because he recently came up with some new breakaway tactics using feints.

However, because he was too tall and strong, when he was practicing his new moves he wasn’t sure if the feints worked or it was just because of his physical superiority.

So he found me, who was barely qualified, to test his moves.

Obviously he won’t let me always take the defender role. If I can successfully intercept the ball, then I would switch to offense.

Playing against Brother Tao was physically exhausting. I sweated a lot, but was very happy.

Little Smart saw me playing ball with Brother Tao and made a disgusted expression, as if I became the third wheel between Brother Tao and Shen ShaoYi.

After practicing for more than half an hour, Brother Tao stopped, furrowed his brows and said:

“Looks like these moves aren’t practical. If you met someone taller, then don’t even think about breaking through.”

“Shen ShaoYi kept praising these moves. I can’t do anything about him, he didn’t have a good center of balance the whole game. One shove and he was down, he kept thinking it was because of the feints.”

Fortunately, Little Smart was not nearby, otherwise she would have got too excited when she heard Brother Tao say “one shove and he was down” about Shen ShaoYi. The after heading home, she would probably write out thousands of pages of her imaginative literary works.

I saw that it was time to head home since I didn’t want my father to panic, and said:

“Brother Tao, I’m gonna head home to eat dinner, you can take your time and research some moves that work without pushing down Shen ShaoYi.”

Brother Tao nodded, he was lost in thought about his feints and did not understand the hidden meaning in my words.

It was hard not being influenced by your environment, and I was not immune to it.

Because of the fujoshi, little smart, my point of view has slightly changed.

However, it was not entirely her fault. A wave of gay love is spreading throughout the world.

Let’s take movies as an example. Nowadays if you are making movie, if your movie doesn’t have a bit of homosexuality, then you should be embarrassed to say that you are making a movie.

The so-called “homosexuals”, from now onward, will certainly make outstanding contributions to the country’s family planning policy.

The sun was setting, and the clouds in the sky had an afterglow.

The setting sun coated the school building with a beautiful golden yellow. It also did the same to the playgrounds, streets, and even pedestrians.

This scenery reminded of a scene that often occurs in manga. The scene where you are running while crying on a bridge during sunset, you couldn’t help but get emotional.

Obviously I did not do that, otherwise people would call me an idiot.

28 Middle already has Li ErLeng as Forest Gump. I don’t want people to think of us as a pair. Then we would get nicknamed “Idiot Pair” or something.

As the world was being dyed in gold, I saw a long-haired girl pushing a bicycle and was walking towards me.

Isn’t this the class leader? Look at how she wears her uniform like a military uniform. You were probably delayed by class duties and that’s why you are only heading home now.

It was starting to get a bit windy.

The long hair of the class leader was blown everywhere by the wind.

Her moving black hair was like dropping a drop of ink into water. The ink slowly swirls and twists to form a dynamic, mist-like ink flower.

The wall behind the class leader was like gold paper after being illuminated by the sunset.

At this moment, the class leader was like a model posing under a spotlight.

Of course, only outsiders will think of that analogy. For the class leader, the gust of wind was unwelcomed.

She had to stop and hold her hair, and showed a bit of a vexed expression.

After the wind stopped, she brushed apart the hair that was in front of her eyes and found that I was blocking her way.

I was still infatuated with the beautiful scene that I had just witnessed. I was at a standstill and did not open a path for her.


The class leader pushed her bicycle in front of me and the front wheels almost touched my knee.

I stepped out of the way. The class leader pushed the bicycle past me without a word.

Unexpectedly, there was another gust of wind. It was stronger than the previous one. The class leader hastily held down her hair, but there were still quite a few strands of hair that was blown to my face. It was so itchy that I wanted to sneeze.

I took a lot of effort to hold back the sneeze, and it turned my face red.

I finally waited until the wind stopped. The class leader looked at me when she was tidying her hair and saw that I had a flushed red face.


The class leader squeezed that word out of her lips with a tone full of disdain.

I was very upset when I heard. I unconsciously reached out and grabbed the bicycle basket.

“Hey, who you calling a pervert?”

“Who else but you?”

“I’m a pervert? How am I pervert? You’re not leaving without give me an explanation!”

If you think about it, blocking the path of a girl was already a bit perverted. But this time she provoked me first, I can’t just step down and let her think that I am a pushover.

“If you’re not a pervert, why were you blushing earlier?”

“I was blushing cause I was happy! Is it wrong to be in high spirits?”

Actually, I just didn’t want to sneeze. If I did she would have been covered with saliva. If I told her the truth, it would have seemed like I’m giving her too much thought.

“You were staring at me both times during the gusts of wind... hmph, you were probably thinking ‘such strong winds, if only the class leader wore a skirt’, does that seem right?”

She said while piercing me with her cold gaze.

Ah, that’s right. I really did think that the scene was missing something. If the class leader wore a skirt, it would be a young girl’s skirt and long hair dancing along with the wind. Wouldn’t that be much more pleasant?

Because of my delusions I unconsciously opened my mouth wider.

Old man Zhang once told us in language class. Lu Xun commented on the Chinese and said: “As soon as you see short sleeves, you would think of the fair-skinned arm. As soon as you see the arm, you would think of a “naked body”.

What he is saying is regardless of how much clothing a female wears, she can’t stop the rich imagination of perverted Chinese people.

Eh? How did I become the object of Lu Xun’s criticism? I was only fantasizing a skirt and hair dancing in the wind. I didn’t imagine the scene of the wind revealing your underwear!

“You still say you’re not a perv, look at your wide open mouth, like an idiot!”

The class leader tried to forcefully pull away the bicycle, but did not succeed.

She said that I was a pervert and an idiot, I couldn’t take this anymore.

“Shu Sha, you’ve had a lot of anger lately. Didn’t you know everyone was talking about how I’ve killed dozens of people? You dare talk to me like this?”

I deliberately did not call her class leader, suggesting that school was already over and your class leader position has come to an end. No one can protect you.

“What am I afraid of? This isn’t Mexico. If you do something illegal, you will be severely punished!”

Even Shu Sha knows that Mexico’s law and order aren’t that great? A few days ago, the news reported that in Mexico a female mayor was brutally murdered by drug dealers.

“Not necessarily.”

I grinned while positioning my body and grabbed the handlebars of the bicycle with both my hands, completely blocking the way.

The class leader’s hand was on the outer section of the handlebar, my hand was on the inner section, only 10 cm apart, but the class leader had no intention of retreating.

“Hands off.”

“I’m sorry, I like putting my hands on the handlebars since I’m a pervert. If you are afraid, feel free to shout. Let’s see if anyone will come to save you?”

Actually, if the class leader really screamed for help, I would run away as fast as I can.

I was not worried about martial art masters acting heroically. I just felt that it would be embarrassing if it was found out that I was entangled with a female classmate. The rumors in the future would be unbearable.

However, I was looking forward to the class leader screaming for help, that would at least mean that she was afraid of me.

The class leader’s face was like water, her eyes was filled with contempt.

“Ye Lin, do you find this fun?”

“Ah? Of course it’s fun. Perverts like me likes to block little girls after they leave school. Then we take them to a secret place to do very sexual and violent things! If you’re afraid, just apologize to me, otherwise I’ll take you away!”

The sunset is beautiful, and the afterglow was mesmerizing. In such a dreamy scene, I blocked a female classmates and spoke such vile and vulgar words.

How did we end up here? It the class leader didn’t call me a pervert then everything would have been fine. Maybe both of us would have been enjoying a hot meal!

I suddenly remembered that the class leader had to cook for herself, and she also had to feed that selfish brother.

This way I felt that my behavior had some meaning. At least I could make Shu Zhe hungry for a while, if his sister wasn’t there, then he can’t eat.

“Let go.”

The class leader was still commanding me coldly.

I used my body to express that I had no intention of letting go.

“I’ll give you 3 seconds before I kick you.”

The class leader declared emotionlessly.

Kick me? You think I’ll be afraid of a kick? I once took hundreds of kicks from the Little Tyrant and I am still alive to tell the tale. You think I would be afraid of your kick?

Even so, I still slightly clamped my legs together to prevent her from attacking my important parts.

I didn’t loosen my hands from the handlebar, I would be cowardly if I did.

“Shu Sha, stop acting disgraceful, I...”

“3, 2...”

The class leader completely ignored me and started the countdown.

I feel like she can’t reach my eggs from that position, so I don’t have anything to worry about. I grasped the handlebars even tighter.


As the countdown ended, the class leader eyes shined and she suddenly clenched the bicycle’s handbrakes!

I was only focused on her legs and I didn’t pay attention to the fact that my hand was placed right behind the brakes. She gripped the brakes and it felt like my hand was stuck in a vice, and tears came out.

“You... Fuck! That hurts!”

I clenched my hand and jumped to the side, the class leader took the opportunity and pushed the bicycle away. She stepped on the pedals while pushing the bicycle to accelerate.

When she got on the bicycle, she took the male approach. The left foot stepped on the pedal, and she crossed over the seat with her right leg.

She sat on the seat in one swift movement.

Once she applied some force to the pedals, the wheel turned quickly, and in a flash she was already in the horizons.

This time, she slightly turned her face and looked back at me.

Behind the messy hair flowing in the wind, there was a bit of fear in her eyes. Just like last time under the bridge, she was probably afraid that I would catch up.

It seems that she had fear, but she was able to suppress it and remain calm and collected.

Ah, she’s getting farther and farther away from me. She won’t go back home to find a gun, then blow my brains out from a kilometer away, right?

When I thought about it, I felt uneasy. I better head home.

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