I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 85 – An Inevitable Clash

The McDonald’s closest to our school was next to the subway station. Even though the food stall street was nearer, McDonald’s was still often frequented by students.

It’s difficult to find a spot at noon, so I told Eunuch Cao and Loud Mouth to line up first. I went to the second floor to check if there were any available tables.

I actually found one.

There were three male students wearing our school’s uniform (very familiar, they might be first years) sitting next to two combined tables. Food was scattered across the table with a serving of large fries placed at the center. The three of them were eating fries with ketchup while chatting and bragging amongst themselves.

One of them said: “Who do you guys think is stronger, Vincent Zhao or Donnie Yen?”

Another one’s expression was condescending, “Cheh, they obviously use body doubles, it’s all special effects! Jackie Chan is still the strongest!”

The third one had a mouth covered with ketchup and unsatisfyingly said, “Strong my ass! My dad is the captain of the local enforcement officers, he’s stronger than all of them!”

I wanted to laugh after I heard what they said, but I didn’t interrupt. I walked silently, about three steps away from their table, signifying that I was lined up to use the table after they were done.

The youngster who claimed that his father was a captain was the first one to spot me. In an instant, his face turned into the color of pig liver.

He hurried spoke a few words to his friends, then the other two also realized that I was standing near them. Their faces instantly changed colors and they stood up simultaneously in an unnatural way. Then they paid their respects to me, their senior, and timidly walked down the stairs leaving behind their fries.

The class leader who was coincidentally walking up the stairs, saw them giving their seats to me.

She looked at the expressions on our junior’s faces and saw the left behind fries, then her face suddenly became gloomy.

“Is violence your solution to every problem? We’re all students from the same school, couldn’t you have waited until they were done eating?”

I was speechless. The class leader probably came upstairs because she didn’t feel at ease. She probably came to monitor me because she thought I would use violence to steal a seat. She really has no trust in me!

Since she has no trust in me, then there’s not much I can say.

A worker came at just the right time to clean the tables. I checked out the seats, there were two chairs where Eunuch Cao and I could sit. On the opposite side were sofas which should be able to seat three girls.

I know that Loud Mouth was a bit fat, but Little Smart was pretty skinny, so add them together and they average out to two normal sizes.

I quickly said “class leader, you stay here to keep our seats”, then I went downstairs to help carry the food.

The class leader unwillingly sat on the sofa, because she thought that I took the seat by force. She revealed an embarrassed expression because she probably believed that the people around us were criticizing us silently.

When they were lining up downstairs, Eunuch Cao definitely blabbed his mouth and said something to upset Loud Mouth and Little Smart. Currently, he was holding an enormous tray of food and walking up the stairs dejectedly while being detained by the two girls.

When he saw me coming down, Eunuch Cao spoke as if he saw his savior:

“Master, save me! I only said one line and they started hitting me, they’re even making me carry all of the food!”

Loud Mouth urged from behind: “Stop wasting time, hurry up! There are still two more trays!”

I didn’t really sympathize with him since the reason I told him to come was to make him go through some hard times. Otherwise, what would happen if he only tasted sweet nectar from all that money he was raking in from the photos!

There was also another reason I couldn’t help him carry the tray: I sprained my wrist when I was on the horizontal bars, although I could carry the tray, there was still some residual pain.

After Eunuch Cao made three trips, he sat beside me with his tongue out like a dog, trying to catch his breath.

What terrible physical strength, no wonder even younger students try to mug him.

After seeing how Loud Mouth and I messed with Cao JingShen, the class leader felt apologetic. After all, he was one of the hosts. (Actually, he was paying for all of it, the class leader doesn’t know)

“Aren’t .... you guys going a bit overboard? Even though I know he probably said something disgusting, but we’re all classmates, how can you guys make him carry everything?”

Loud Mouth snorted: “Class leader, you didn’t hear what he said! It was so disgusting that I’m not going to repeat it!”

Little Smart expressed that Cao JingShen should be castrated and buried alive. When Little Smart went into details of how it would happen, it was too feasible and easy to understand, it scared Cao JingShen enough that the hairs stood up from his neck.

I laughed quietly: Class leader, you might be speaking up for Cao JingShen now, but once you find nude PS photos of yourself, you’ll probably be so mad and castrate him yourself with your gun.

Overall, I would say that this meal was pretty enjoyable.

As Loud Mouth had said before, since Cao JingShen couldn’t control his mouth, she ate as much as she could to make him bleed.

But she underestimated the size of Cao JingShen’s wallet. His family was originally well off and he also made a lot of money recently selling photos. The cost of buying a meal was nothing for him.

Cao JingShen sat beside me, afraid of acting rashly. Sometimes the girls would say something that he could take advantage of and turn it into a vile joke, but he held it in. His painful expression was like taking medicine, but he could only laugh and make sure the girls eat until they were full.

Loud Mouth ate until she belched and she couldn’t eat anymore. She patted her stomach but still glared at Cao JingShen as if she could start strangling him anytime.

By comparison, both Little Smart and the class leader ate very less. Especially Little Smart, who didn’t even finish one hamburger. She was as skinny as a bean sprout. It couldn’t be helped if people thought she had a serious illness.

Then this ill patient threatened me to not be a third wheel between captain Guo SongTao and Shen ShaoYi.

Loud Mouth laughed out loud before I even thought of what to say.

“Stop joking around! Ye Lin wouldn’t waste time acting gay with the basketball team! Didn’t I tell you? He has a huge target! Maybe in the future...”

She said as she glanced towards the class leader.

I coughed loudly to remind her to not reveal anything, then she finally swallowed her words.

When we were walking back from McDonald’s, five of us walked together along the road. The sun’s rays were intense and I felt the top of my head heating up.

Loud Mouth said she was full and she got her money’s worth. She also talked about how she should take notice of other people’s secrets.

The class leader didn’t know what she was talking about and told her to speak out instead of acting secretively.

Because she couldn’t stand the class leader’s questions, Loud Mouth lied and said: When she and Little Smart sent Xiao Qin to the station, she told them something embarrassing about me as a kid, and I only treated them to a meal for them to keep the secret.

The class leader made a realization, glanced at me, and happily said:

“Something embarrassing from your youth? I don’t even need to ask, it’s probably wetting the bed! Maybe when you went to Xiao Qin’s house, you drew maps on their bed!” (TN: map = stains on bed sheets)

Loud Mouth and Little Smart started giggling. Cao JingShen also wanted to laugh, but he didn’t dare.

Humph, you guys can laugh all you want. The events that I wanted to hide is a hundred times more embarrassing!

If you guys knew I was kicked into a river, pushed into the mud, or shoved into a pile of snow by Xiao Qin, you probably wouldn’t laugh anymore.

The most ruthless time was after she finished watching a TV adaptation of “Investiture of the Gods”. She was interested in the “hot pillar” punishment used in the show by Daji and she wanted me to touch a stove that was heated until it was bright red.

Luckily Auntie Ren came by and asked if we wanted to eat Tang HuLu, so I was able to escape.

Also, Xiao Qin took both shares to eat, I asked her for some, and I can’t believe she said: “If you touch the stove, I’ll give you a piece.”

God damn, you think I’m an idiot that would touch a hot stove for one piece?! Your heart is even blacker than Daji!

I recollected about events that I couldn’t stand again. Maybe it’s a good thing, this way I feel better that Xiao Qin wasn’t at this meal today.

I suddenly felt a malicious glare coming from behind.

I stopped and turned around, it turns out there were four hoodlums following us.

The one in front was wearing a peaked cap slanted, with scars all over his face. His mom must hurt when she looks at him.

This guy... wasn’t he the one from under the bridge when I saved Shu Zhe? The peaked cap that I punished with my “lawnmower” technique?

Did you still not learn your lesson and came to get revenge? But you guys only have four people this time! Where did your muscular boss go?

I sneered in my heart, but after calming down, I realized some of my disadvantages.

Number one: The class leader and others were with me, so they could be targeted.

Number two: I sprained my right wrist on the bars earlier, so I could only use my left fist.

But no matter how dangerous, as long as I had 1% of success, I would never back down.

I told the class leader and others to hurry back to school. I had a couple of “friends” behind us that wanted to have a little chat.

The class leader wasn’t a fool, she could tell that they weren’t good people.

“What are you going to do? There’s four of them! Let’s go back to school! There’s a lot of people here, they won’t make a move!”

“Four people? So what if there are four people?” I grinned evilly, “Last time when you went to look for your brother under the bridge, didn’t you see me defeat multiple people? These four were among those that were defeated!”

The class leader stared blankly, “How did you know I was looking for my brother?”

Shoot, accidentally misspoke, but it’s fine. The most important thing is letting the class leader and others getting away, so I can fight all out with these four hoodlums.

Even if I only had one hand, I would still beat the crap out of them so they wouldn’t keep looking for trouble. Next time they hear my name, they would run far away!

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