I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 87 – Professional Hit Man

We were just about to start the fight when the mouse guy came running down the stairs in a panic.

While running he was yelling: “Ghost! There’s a ghost!”

Peaked cap guy was so upset his head was almost blown through the roof.

“Why the fuck would there be ghosts in the middle of the day! If you’re going to get in the way, next time...”

He stopped his sentence midway because along with a set of heavy footsteps, a two meter tall, black and muscular man appeared in our sights.

The visibility in the room decreased by a half due to the man blocking the sunlight entering from the entrance.

It was Peng TouSi.

The black suit and tie made him seem professional, like the secret service. However, due to the frightening scar on his face, he seemed more like a professional hit man.

What was odder was that there was a petite and delicate girl perched on top of the shoulders of this professional hit man.

Ai Mi had her usual double ponytails with a beautiful western dress. She doesn’t know what it means to keep a low profile.

Since this underground room was extremely dirty and messy, with discarded fruit peels and broken beer bottles, Peng TouSi probably placed Ai Mi on his shoulder so she didn’t have to walk.

One of Peng TouSi’s large hands was placed on Ai Mi’s kneecaps to help her keep balance, and the other was holding a leash with a dog that was sniffing around everywhere.

It was Obama, the sled dog. Although he had a strong and vigorous body with a beautiful coat of fur, his face was as dumb as always and he only ate or slept.

The professional hit man who suddenly entered the scene. On his left was a beautiful girl, and on his right was a dog. The hoodlums couldn’t even fathom the situation.

Though, I could get a general grasp.

In order to escape from Peng TouSi’s supervision and try to eat some junk food, it probably wasn’t the first time that Ai Mi tried to run away to a fast food store.

Although there were quite a few McDonalds near Qingzi Academy, they were all under Peng TouSi’s supervision. If Ai Mi gets within ten meters of any fast food store there, Peng TouSi’s central alarm would be triggered.

At that time, at least three bodyguards would appear and forcibly take Ai Mi away, leaving behind a befuddled cashier.

After failing multiple times, Ai Mi set her sights on fast food stores that were further away, like the McDonalds near our school.

This is where the lazy and gluttonous sled dog, Obama, comes into play.

Obama had no skills other than being exceptionally good at finding his owner. Every time when they lose track of Ai Mi, Peng TouSi would bring out Obama. He would make a hand gesture and Obama would frantically find Ai Mi, then it would wag its tail waiting for food.

Many times when Ai Mi just sat down, had one sip of coke and ate a piece of popcorn chicken, Peng TouSi would come with the dog and confiscate all of her food.

Peng TouSi grew up in the slums, so he didn’t want to waste food. That means all the fried chicken, grilled skewers, and other fast foods went into Obama’s stomach.

These few days, in front of fast food stores near DongShan Lake, people often see a blonde haired girl with blue eyes and ponytails choking a sled dog while screaming:

“Spit it out! You traitor! That’s my food!”

After hearing that the girl was an American, the surrounding people would start gossipping. They thought that Americans were not as wealthy as they were portrayed on television, otherwise, why would she fight a dog for some food?

I’m guessing that’s what happened today? Ai Mi was secretly at the McDonalds and she was probably caught by Obama and Peng TouSi before she could eat anything.

Since she was pouting with crossed arms, I knew she didn’t get her goals and was waiting to be escorted home.

The atmosphere in the room was extremely strange, the four hoodlums looked at each other, but no one said a word. They were all afraid of provoking the professional hitman, then he might pull out his MP5 and spray them full of holes.

Peng TouSi gave me a slight smile, I felt uncomfortable from head to toe and did not respond.

Finally, it was Ai Mi who pinched her nose and shouted out: “What’s that smell! It stinks!”

This underground room did indeed have a mildew smell, maybe the apple core in the corner was also a bit rotten. But, for me, the smell wasn’t hard to endure... Ai Mi sure had a delicate nose!

Since Ai Mi was seated on top of Peng TouSi’s shoulders, I had to lift my head to speak to her.

“America smells great, why don’t you go back there! No one told you to come here!”

The faces of the four hoodlums turned pale when they saw me speak so rudely since they didn’t my relationship with this professional hit man.

“Damn manservant, don’t talk to your master like that!”

After she reprimanded me, Ai Mi stuck out her tiny hands and pointed, “Peng TouSi, go beat up those bastards who are opposing my manservant!”

The hoodlums’ faces immediately turned pale again, now they knew that the professional hit man was my companion. The mouse guy was trembling as if he had epilepsy, he might as well just kneeled on the ground and begged for mercy.

Peng TouSi did not make any motions.

He just slowly took one step forward, his massive body bringing an immense amount of pressure. Never mind the hoodlums, even I felt a bit nervous.

When compared to Peng TouSi’s body, I was more scared of his eyes.

His eyes were as big as a bull’s, but he had much more sclera, with tiny pupils. It didn’t contain any anger, but only tranquility like that of the deep sea.

“Lin, looking at the situation, these people probably have some animosity towards you?”

Just now, when Ai Mi spoke Chinese, the hoodlums were flabbergasted. Now, when they see this hitman also fluently speak Chinese, they were scared for some reason.

I didn’t like how Peng TouSi called me with half my name, thus I didn’t use his entire name either:

“Yeah, Old Peng, they do have a bit of history with me. I’m dealing with it.”

Peng TouSi shook his head with an expression of dissatisfaction.

“Lin, in America, no one likes being called Old. If you want to call me by a nickname, you can call me Peng Peng.”

Peng Peng my ass! You look even more like a murderer than me, why are you trying to have a name that sounds so cute! Also, that’s probably not even your nickname, but your code name amongst your gay circle!

I didn’t have a choice, so I used his entire name to address him.

“Peng TouSi, I’ll take care of it, you don’t need to interfere.”

Peng TouSi did not say anything, it was Ai Mi who got upset first.

“I told you to beat them to death! They dared to aim their weapons at my manservant, which in effect means, they’re going against me! I don’t want a single one of them left alive!”

Ai Mi started having a fit while knocking Peng TouSi’s head with her fist. Obviously, it probably felt like a mosquito bite for him. However, after the hoodlums realized their fates were in the hands of the western doll, they felt like their future has become even more unpredictable.

Other than the peaked cap guy, the other two silently put away their weapons and started to slowly retreat into a corner, hoping that Peng TouSi would let them go.

Only the peaked cap guy stood firmly, five steps in front of me. He stared at me fiercely as if he would make a move any second.

But he knew that if he made a move, the outcome would be completely unpredictable, so his hair was dripping with cold sweat.

Serves you right, who told you to leave such long hair.

Peng TouSi took another step forward and the peaked cap guy was forced back a step by his pressure.

“Young man, do you have a lot of animosity towards Ye Lin?”

Looking at the peaked cap guy’s expression, it was as if he wanted to say “What does it have to do with you?”. But under Peng TouSi’s imposing manner, he could only answer truthfully.

“Yeah! He hit us! He’s the one who gave me the wound that’s on my face!”

Peng TouSi inspected his would carefully, then after a while he said:

“These injuries aren’t that serious, it won’t even leave a scar....”

At this point he stopped intentionally, bringing the peaked cap guy’s attention towards his six inch scar from a knife wound that was under his eyes.

“Why not settle things peacefully, instead of taking revenge and leaving behind an everlasting scar?”

When Ai Mi heard Peng TouSi wanted to settle things peacefully, she grabbed onto his giant ears with both her hands, itching to rip them off.

“I forbid it, I forbid it, I forbid it! I want them to die! People who go against me must die! Hurry up and twist off their heads! Hurry!”

After hearing his master’s screams, Obama didn’t want to be left out and started barking furiously at the peaked cap guy.

The peaked cap guy couldn’t hold it in anymore and said in rebuttal:

“You brat, what relationship do you have with Ye Lin? You’re even willing to kill someone for him?”

Ai Mi ignored peaked cap guy, but instead whispered to Peng TouSi:

“Tell him that Ye Lin is my manservant, my private assets. In America, you can’t infringe upon the assets of another. When you guys attacked Ye Lin, that means you wanted to depreciate my assets, thus you are guilty!”

Peng TouSi repeated what she said to peaked cap guy.

Peaked cap guy’s face darkened and asked: “Why did you not just say it to me, instead of telling your bodyguard to say it?”

Looks like they even figured out that Peng TouSi was Ai Mi’s bodyguard.

Ai Mi still ignored the peaked cap guy and whispered to Peng TouSi: “Tell him, it’s because he’s too lowly and undeserving of my words!”

Peng TouSi dutifully repeated the line.

But he also added on another line of his own: “Actually Miss Ai Mi isn’t that cruel, as long as you don’t provoke her, you still have a way out.”

“Bodyguard, are you telling us to just let it go?”

Peng TouSi shook his head, “We can’t leave the problem for tomorrow, you have a score to settle with Ye Lin, so the problem should be solved today.”

“How? Are you going to let us beat up Ye Lin?”

I sneered, I thought that even without Peng TouSi’s help, as long as I used Berserker mode, I could still do well.

Peng TouSi said: “You youngsters, and also the American mobs, it’s always about keeping face. I’ll think of a solution that lets all of you keep your reputation, okay?”

Peaked cap guy asked: “How??”

Peng TouSi replied: “I’ll pay the medical fees for the injuries that Ye Lin caused.” (Ai Mi started forcefully pulling on his ears when she heard)

Peaked cap guy shook his head: “I don’t need your money, our boss has money and he already paid for us. We just want to give Ye Lin a beating!”

I interrupted and said: “Where’s your boss? Why don’t I see him?”

Peaked cap guy didn’t want to respond, but Peng TouSi asked the same question.

“Our... Our boss says he wants to quit.”

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