In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 478

I'll start reporting now.

Yumina solemnly proclaimed a corner in Babylon's "Garden", in Shi 'a "Azumaya", where the "Queens' Tea Party" will be held.

Nine Queens of Brunhild are seated on the table that has become a round table.

Each had his or her preferred tea and beverage on hand, and the cake also had his or her own preferred object.

"So far, there are two of our children who have come this time of year. This is Yae's daughter, Yae Yun, and Lean's daughter, Kuhn. Of these, Yayun remains missing while on a martial arts training journey..."

"You haven't heard from me or anything since?

"Not at all...... Really already... how much do I care about my parents"

Even as Yae gets angry, he flattens the hall cake in front of him with Bakubaku. A second and third cake was also available beside it. They were going to suck it from the beginning.

"You don't have any new information from Kuhn, do you?

Asked Lene, who Linze is the only one in this dealing with a child. Seven people outside of Yumina seem to care about that, and the attention is drawn to Leanne.

"You're not saying this. Unlike Alice, she basically doesn't divulge information other than herself."

"But the words you're very concerned about are a little leaky..."

When Booshiri and Hilda snapped so, Else, who was next door, nodded loudly.

"I know! I, 'Else, your mother's child is a good child. However, Else, who is your mother...... heh. No, it's nothing'! What is it with me? I'm so curious!

"That was on purpose, wasn't it... I, Me, also said, 'Unlike Sister Frey, Mother Hilda... No, it's not a big deal. Never mind'. On the contrary, I was concerned and didn't get into training..."

Hearing that, Lene put her arms together with an indescribable face.

"I'm sorry. Hi kid, sounds like you're making fun of us with your thoughtful attitude...... I don't think you're lying, and I'd appreciate it if you took a big look."

Ha... and a big sigh, Lene. Undoubtedly, Coon knows how to do it. We enjoy watching ourselves react.

"Totally bad personality...... Weird things look a lot like Darling."

No, we all thought that wouldn't be just the father's inheritance... but I didn't put it in my mouth. Attention is important not only between couples, but also between wives.

Lou opens his mouth all the brighter so as to change the weird air.

"Well, what does that Mr. Coon do now?

"I'm going to visit Alice. I mean, I let him go. When I let her go, she's stuck in" Babylon "all the time. It's unhealthy."

Kuhn spends most of his day in 'Babylon'. So, other than Leanne, we haven't even talked that deep yet.

"Has anyone heard anything new from Alice?

"This is from Nyantaro."

When Su looked around at everyone, the cherry blossoms raised their hands small. Nyantaro thing Daltanyan, the summoner of cherry blossoms, cows the cats of the castle town. Information, such as rumors of the town, was gathered to the cherry blossoms.

Not everything, of course. We choose Nyantaro to pass on to the cherry blossoms, or to Tsubaki, the king's winter night, or the head of the intelligence unit.

And among the things to be conveyed to that cherry blossom, naturally included Alice's actions and actions.

"Alice is in contact with Coon right now. So, Nyantaro's by his side, and he's currently stealing."

On purpose, the other eight take their seats and gather around the cherry blossoms. The smartphone in the hands of cherry blossoms reflected the inside of the coffee shop Palento, located in Castle Town.

Mass produced smartphones are also distributed to Nyantaro and others. Using that camera feature, Nyantaro sends real-time footage to her husband, Cherry Blossom.

In the 'Palento' store. Apparently, he's hiding under an empty table and shooting in a tablecloth. It was taken with quite a few low angles. Maybe it's some kind of obsession.

There are two girls at the table at the end of the camera. Both have beautiful white hair, but one medium and one two-sided up. It is Alice and Coon.

Next to Kuhn was Mechapola, and the appearance of Parra.

"Mmm, yum!

'Going back in time won't change this delicious taste. Maybe I can't help but have fewer menus than the future.'

Turn it down, but I heard two voices clearly. There seems to be no audio problem. The future Brunhild also seems to have a 'palent'.

Alice had a strawberry parfait and Coon had a pile of pancakes with whipped cream and fruit.

"Coon, thank God your sister's here. I could barely bring the money. '

"Even I keep my money in the guild of the future." I didn't bring your wallet. "

"What!? What are you going to do with the money here? Bo, I already ate!?

Alice's spoon stops, which had a parfait on Kuhn's words. Strawberry parfait was already about half gone.

What a troubled look at Alice's face and the coun blew out overwhelmingly.

'Don't worry. I don't have one but...... parla'

One snorted at Coon's voice, and the bear next to him spit charisma from his mouth, and a few silver coins on the table. Safe deposit box?

Don't threaten me. You still have a bad personality, Coon. Your sister!

"Hehe. I'll keep it as a compliment."

"I don't think I'm complimenting you..."

Hachi, who was listening to the conversation over the screen, snaps unexpectedly. The audio from this one is off, so don't worry about hearing it over there.

"I can't believe you're happy to make fun of people, my daughter, at all."

"Did Lord Lene make fun of the awkward and her husband when he taught [recall] too..."

"... I forgot those old days"

Lean slowly misses the jittery gaze from Yae. Words like 'Be This Parent, Have This Child' that I learned on Earth in the back of my brain other than hers came to mind, but no one touches me. Because tomorrow is ours.

"I wish they'd all come soon. Hachiyun, I wish your sister had cut her studies properly. '

'I hope everyone comes straight here, too. Lynne and Yoshino are good for eating and walking. Speaking of which, do those kids have any money?

Nine queens face to face with Kuhn's words. Yoshino. It's the first name I've heard, but I'm pretty sure it's someone's kid in here.

"Uh, Mr. Yae's daughter is Mr. Yayun, Mr. Hilda's daughter is Frey. So, Mr. Leanne's daughter is Kuhn... Your sister's daughter is Erna, so, my daughter was Lynne...... right?

Fingerfold and count the children Lindsay has named. The erasure method means that the children named 'Yoshino' are the remaining Yumina, Su, Cherry Blossom and Lou children.

"Is that the original world word for winter and night because of the sound of the name?

"So, I guess. 'Nihon' and Ethen, where my husband lived, have a lot in common." Yoshino "is probably not" Someiyoshino ""


It's a kind of cherry blossom.

Everyone's gaze gathers in the cherry blossoms at that word of Yae. The stared cherry blossom looked at the screen, but whispered "Yoshino......" and spilled a grin.

"... a good name. You must be a good boy."

"Well, it's only a matter of time before you decide if you're Sakura's child..."

"My child, I'm sure. I assure you."

He turned his neck toward Kuritsu and Hachi, and his nose was rough and the cherry blossoms said off.

"Actually, the name of the Awkward came from a variety of cherry blossoms. And the second son of the awkward."

"Eight times, mean. That's why kids run away."

"I'm not running away!?

No, I'd like to think so, but I remember escaping when I was an eightfold kid, hating too much harsh training. Because when I was a kid, I wasn't as much of a swordsman idiot as my brother Seitaro.

Not that I haven't done the same to my own daughter. Hachi was shocked not least by the words of cherry blossoms.

'Well, those kids would have as many ways to make money... Yoshino would jump right at [Teleport]'

To what Coon said I heard from the smartphone, look, look, how about it! and cherry blossoms with doya faces octave all the time. I don't inherit unattributed magic, but Coon also has the same [program] as Lene, his mother. It should be likely.

"Arcia would definitely come straight here."

"Ki, kitaaaaaaa!? This is probably the name of my" Me "kid, right? Lucia and Arcia! Absolutely! Hey, Mr. Yumina!

"Yeah, yeah. Right..."

Yumina, who was next door, returns the words with a pulled smile.

Everyone was pulling slightly on Lou with the tension exploding. I know how it hurts.

'That kid is good for your father, so I think it's hard for him to come when he comes. Lucia over here. I hope you don't have to deal with your mother either.'


Coon sighs along with disturbing words on the screen. Lou's smile hardens when he hears that.

"What do you mean? Now......"

"I wonder if Lou and I are not close enough to find out. That Arcia kid. He said he'd stick around on a winter night, and your mother's in the way!... like?

"Uh, uh, Mr. Else!? Oh my god!? Oh, no, that's not true!?

"Haha...... I'm sorry. I'm joking, joking."

"That's not funny!

No, sister! and Linze elses with her elbows. Lou had a sudden glance at his anxious face where the high tension had gone earlier.

It's okay. Ar loves your mother Lou, too. I'll have it made when I get here. "

Lou howls down his chest at Alice's words that follow. Apparently, it's not a giddy relationship.



All of a sudden I heard Nyantaro's voice saying,? 'and float the question mark.

Then the camera panned to the side from Alice and Kuhn's position, where the do-up parra appeared.

"Oh, they found me"

Shortly after the cherry blossom rose and the leaked words, the video of the smartphone rattled and disturbed. Apparently Nyantaro dropped his smartphone, and the screen only shows behind a dim table, surrounded by tablecloths.

But only the audio was still heard.

"Unya!? Golem, what are you doing? hey, guinea--hey!?!?!? '

A sparkling sound of bursting, and several flashes of light were sent to the cherry blossom smartphone.

Then, Patali......, something sounds like a fall, and someone reaches for the Nyantaro smartphone that was falling.

The screen was changed to selfie mode, and the cherry blossom smartphone showed Coon's flirtatious smile.

'You're not impressed with stealing, mothers. Kids have a private life, don't they? Sorry, Asoba. "

Along with the smile of the fuzzy Kuhn, the image cut off with a putz.

"Mm-hmm. Most of you."

The cherry blossoms reach for the smartphone on the table and turn it off. Sure, Kuhn's right, just because you want to know, stealing is not a good thing. Reflect on the fact that all the queens have forgotten me and thrived.

"I wonder if this is what it's like to be taught to kids."

Ugh, and Leanne snaps with a sigh. sigh leaked from the other eight sighs as well. The queens, who had been bewildered by sudden encounters in the past few days, seemed to have regained their calm.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Totally, noisy. Parra, take the boy to the Knights' quarters."

Golem the child bear nodded cocoon, and when he received the Nyantaro smartphone from Kuhn, he took up the responsibility for its owner, who was falling under electric shock.

Unlike Paula, Parra has some gear to attack her opponent. It's only for disabling your opponent, not so powerful though.

Open the door of the palent and Parra, who was in charge of Nyantaro, walks outside.

"Aha, was it taken? Did you say something about me?

"You're gonna be okay. Auntie Toke isn't that loud either. If you don't even say (...) and (...) of (...),"

"Mm-hmm. Then I guess it's okay. Grandma's explanation, because I didn't hear much, I"

"It's you..."

Haha - and Alice laughs deludedly. It was a frightening coun, but I don't have to worry about it.

"But I wonder if 'Jersey Thread' really shows up"

…… Ah.... it's hard to leak it from by my side, Alice. Are you sure your brother loves you enough?

"Damn, that's not true!?" Alice doesn't seem troubled and happy, "she always compliments me!

I thought Coon might be complimenting that, but I didn't dare point it out.

I don't even think about it because of my brother's personality, and I also feel like I just mouthed my honest feelings.

Well, certainly Alice didn't seem to remember the explanation given by Times at all. Not even the name is correct.

What, "Jersey Thread"? I thought about it for a second. And, Kuhn was frightened, but under that circumstance where he was flown in the middle of time, he was impressed that he could often get so far distracted.

"Anyway, stop chatting unnecessarily. To your fathers, to your mothers, too? Sometimes it passes from there to our father."


Only the reply is good. I'm really anxious that it might be okay, Kuhn, but I can't even worry about it now.

Said Shijiang. "The future won't change," he said. But when another 'power of God' is involved, it ceases to be absolute.

Throwing some water down a big river doesn't change anything. The upstream water flows downstream on a determined stream.

But if there is heavy rainfall upstream, there is a risk that the water level will rise and the river will flood.

Even if it's unlimited possibilities, you can't ignore it.

"... if you don't show up, you don't have to show up."

When Kuhn snapped small, he cut the ready to eat pancakes with a knife and carried them to his mouth.

◇ ◇ ◇

"Winter night, you know what 'jersey thread' is?

"Jersey......? What's that?

Ende, who was dripping fishing line next door, suddenly ran that thing in his mouth.

Fishing port created on the island of Dungeon, the enclave of Brunhild. Me and Ende were relaxing and enjoying fishing at the embankment there.

Jersey yarn? Didn't jerseys mean yarn or something, but knitting? It's like Lindsay said that before.

If material means wool or polyester?

"If you don't know, no. Something tells me Mel heard that from Alice."

"... jerseys affect the future in any way?

"Come on. Oh, they fed me"

Will training clothes be popular......? Like selling it out in "Fashion King Xanac" and pandemics among adventurers.

Adventurers in jerseys...... Are you an ant in terms of ease of movement......?

I don't know, the future...

"Oops, I caught it"

When you wind up a reel made of 'workshop', a fish that resembles a magpie emerges from the surface of the sea.

Remove the fishing needle and throw it into the bucket you keep on the side. That's three of them. The offer from Ende that magic and other things can quickly be used as a big fishery, but then it is boring, it usually means fighting with only the skill of fishing.

Each other, they were hubbed today by their daughter-in-law and children for some reason, which also means a distraction for that matter. No, Ende, anyway, I wasn't hubbed, was I? Yeah, I guess......

"Oh, winter night. Speaking of which,


Ende threw the feeding needle into the sea with Pochan. Peek inside a bucket of chirali and ende. Three over there, too? You can't lose.

"I heard in the Adventurer's Guild that a dragon attacked the town in the Knight Kingdom of Restia."

"... far off?

Dragons basically don't come down to people. Because that is what Ruru, the leader of the dragon and my summoner, commands.

He told me not to attack people unless they razed that habitat. So whoever ignores it is either a detached person who was kicked out of the herd or an isolated dragon who grew up separated from his parents for some reason.

"It was the young dragon Young from Spike Dragon that was raging. I think he's probably the one who got kicked out of the herd."

Spike dragon? He's a big guy with a toad, isn't he? It's bigger than rugged. Though it is definitely more crusadable than silver rank.

"Oh, hey, you're going to knock him out?

Apparently Ende has recently made a big request to become a gold rank. Because as it is now, it is the same rank as my daughter. Parents look good here, too.

"I was going to, but he's already been knocked down. So, this is where I want to talk to you... he's not the adventurer who knocked you down, is he? He didn't report it to the guild, and the dragon just threw it away. He asked me to help rebuild the town."

"Ho. It is. That's not something you can do."

Dragon material becomes gold anyway from head to tail. I didn't expect to surrender that at all costs.

I've also lost my temper at Mismid and gave up Black Dragon material, but I regretted hearing about the amount later. I miss you.

I drink the water directly from the water bottle that I left behind, remembering the old days.

"You're just the person who crusaded that dragon, and the information you've witnessed makes everything seem like a child. A dark-haired, dark-eyed girl in a samurai with a knife on her hips..."


"Oh, I knew it"

To Ende's words, I sprayed the water I was drinking into the sea in an arch. Sparkling rainbows on scattered water.

Hey!? That's definitely Hachiyun, right? There's no such thing as a child crusading a dragon!

What are you doing, my boy!? But it's hard to help people! Father, I praise you!

"I guess I won't be there anymore if I jump to Lestia now..."

"Probably. He wanted to hear more about the guild, so he looked for it, but he couldn't find it."

[Gate] They can use it...... I didn't know someone with metastatic magic was this troublesome. I can't talk about people, though.

"Ha... Oops, clams are coming...... Oops. Caught, caught."

With complicated thoughts about my daughter's activities, which I have yet to see, I drew fishing strings.

And you're talking about 'jersey yarn', right?

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