In a Different World with a Smartphone

Chapter 525

"Hey, wait a minute, Winter Night Hall. I don't know what you're talking about. Yumina's son? Our grandchildren?

Well, I guess so. His Majesty King Belfast and Queen Yuel are surprised to see their eyes open at Belfast Castle. In the breast of Queen Yuel, Prince Yamato, Yumina's brother, slept easily.

"Let's call it a space-time magic accident, it's been shed in this era from the future. Oh, don't worry, they'll be back in a few months with no problems."

"No, that's not what I meant..."

I know how you feel. You suddenly have trouble telling me you're a grandson from the future.

"I was going to get used to the kitelette behavior of the Winter Night Hall to some extent, but this time it's extremely..."

His Majesty the King leaks his voice as if it were frightened. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you care? No, it's not my fault this time.

"This will be my first time here. My name is Kurumoto Hope. Your grandfather and grandmother seem to be doing well in these days."

"Ooh... Thank you for your kindness..."

Long ago, when Pecori bowed his head and greeted him, His Majesty the King unexpectedly bowed his head in the same way. Oh, this is the same reaction as it was when I did it. When you deal with this kid, it's really gonna be like that, isn't it?

"You're a lot of courtesy for your age..."

"Huh, you must be, you must be! My Kuyuan is a very good boy! He's a prince among princes!

Yumina, who was beside the queen for a long time, puts up her chest and puts on a doya face. Yumina has become a real pro fool too...... Well, I don't know.

Kuai is smart, courteous, looks like Yumina and has a good personality. What prince! And I want to get into it, but I can't help it because I'm a prince.... um, maybe I'm a pro moron too.

I was even more surprised when I told His Majesty the King that other daughters-in-law's children were here. I will also tell you that I have greeted His Majesty Emperor Regulus and his predecessor King Lestia, among others.

"I just haven't told the Duke of Ortrinde yet because my daughter at Su's isn't here yet..."

"Well, is Al's granddaughter still there?... or are all the other children in the Winter Night Hall daughters?

"Yes, my son is only from this long time ago."

When he hears my words, His Majesty the King climbs himself out of the couch and makes his eyes shine and asks.

"That means this child is the next Lord Brunhild King! Um, Yumina, here we go!

"Yes! I did it!

I don't know. They're talking to each other. After all, for royalty, it seems important to produce a legacy.

Queen Yuel asks for a long time as she shakes the Prince Yamato, who sleeps in her arms, little by little.

"So Prince Quong is Yamato's nephew, is that it?

"Grandmother, please call me Kuyuan. Right, His Highness Yamato will be your uncle. You used to play when you were little."

When you were little, you were still small. [M] Well, it's bigger than Prince Yamato in front of us.

Edward from Prince Yamato and the Duke of Ortrinde said it was a long time ago. You seemed to be playing with our children for a little while.

Anyway, Yayun can use the [gate], and Yoshino can use the [teleport].

He was quite fond of his sister and brother and was trespassing unauthorized into the castle in Belfast. I am truly sorry......

As I apologize to the future kings of Belfast and Her Majesty the Queen, Queen Yuel has come a long way.

"So what does Yamato look like? Are you doing fine as Belfast's next heir to the throne!? Learn more about that place!

"Uh, yes. Uncle Yamato is a straight man with a very strong sense of justice in both ways and puts the feelings of the people first. He said he would make a good king."

"Sort of! Sort of, that would be great!

"Whoa, yeah, yeah! That's my boy!


His Majesty and His Majesty, who broke their faces in the words of a long time ago, turn their gaze to Prince Yamato. My future tattoo? [M] As far as I'm concerned, it's subtle.

I don't think I'm going to flatter my son, so it's probably true. Does that mean the next generation of Belfast is Yasutai?

Then both sires were asking for many things long ago, when they were grandchildren, but some seemed to be unanswerable, and there were many occasions when words were clouded.

Kuyuan is satirical, so Grandma Toke won't talk about me being stopped. It doesn't look like Alice accidentally followed you. Unfortunately.

I also finished greeting my grandparents and came back to Brunhild. No, no, Alice robbed me of a long time ago. He wants to go under the castle for everything for the two of us.

Yumina tried to follow me, but I managed to stop at the phrase from Leanne: 'What a hell is a date for a man's mother to follow' and dropped them off with a smile that caught my eye.

"I don't know... I feel separated in a day being a parent..."

"No, I'm not even actually born, so I don't care that much"

It comforts a bit of sober yumina. Sooner or later, it will come. Well, we're still a long way off.

"Your Majesty"

"Hmm? Tsubaki-san?"

As I set my mind to the future, Tsubaki, the head of Brunhild Intelligence, stood in the living room at some point. Is something wrong?

"He said that something like the example synthetic beast" Chimera "appeared again. Now in the seaside fishing village of the Rare Kingdom."


"Apostle of the Evil God" and Chimera, a curse-wielding synthetic beast embedded in the nucleus of the mysterious positive-octahedron.

This half-fish type of guy has been witnessed all over the seaside around the world.

Not so much as strength. But when these guys scratch me, the 'curse' infects me.

When wounded, the human falls down with a high fever and his body begins to mutate. And eventually, I'll be the same half-fish man.

Those who became half-fishers lose their memories and emotions when they were human, and disappear straight into the sea.

It's like 'The Apostle of the Evil God' is collecting their own troops and I don't feel right.

Does this synthetic beast, Chimera, have what can be called the protection of the Evil God, or does it not respond to [Search]? Abominably. I think [SEARCH] could have diffused the mind, because it's narrow in scope...

You never showed up near Brunhild knowing that or not. Well, except for Dungeon Island, Brunhild doesn't have a sea...

"What's the damage to the Rare Kingdom?

"They say the attacked villagers abandoned the village and fled, but some seem to have been sacrificed. Who was not alone in the village when the Knights of Golem in the Rare Kingdom rushed to the rescue..."

I guess those who made that sacrifice were definitely half fishmongered and taken...

Again, they are likely to be based underwater and beneath the sea.

I'm asking the corals and the obsidian to mobilize and look for the animals in the distribution that live in the sea, but we haven't got any powerful information yet.

Because animals like dolphins, seals, and turtles are so smart, they understand and move about these things, but they're suspicious that they're scattered about talking and understanding about the fish that would be the most common. Feeling like I can't catch a ball of conversation? It's a fish...

Do we have to wait temperantly for them to find something?

He also asks the red balls and the birds from the sky to keep an eye on him. It's only my reasoning that we're based in the ocean.

Oh, yeah! When you finally see an unusual child, ask me to tell you! Talking about the long haul, Stef seems pretty messed up, so you might find him right away.

I sent a message to Red Ball to tell her what I had in mind. [M]

◇ ◇ ◇

"Look, Kurumi! This store has been around for so long! The bread tastes a little different too! That's funny!

Alice pulled my hand and Kuyuan looked up at the bakery on the corner of Brunhild. You used to buy bread here with Alice in the future.

Does the difference in taste mean that the maker is not yet proficient?

The owner of the bakery arranges the bread in the shop. Alice and her husband are familiar with each other here for a long time, something they often put aside. I can see him through the window. He is considerably younger than he has known for a long time.

"Even though no one here knows us, we know the people of town very well. I feel weird."

"Right. I thought so, too."

It is a town I have lived in ever since I was born. Some buildings, etc. have not yet been built, but there has not been that much change. The two of them quickly adapted to this town.

Eventually, the two get to their favorite place. It is a park built on high ground. There is no park or play gear, just a place with a few benches, but this was a know-it-all attraction with a view of the town of Brunhild.

"Ah, you'll be relieved to see some familiar scenery"

"No, it's not that cool. The red roof house over there wasn't in our time, and the little house over there is bigger..."

"Well, it's fine for a long time."

Alice swells. I think Alice is too messy from a long time ago, but I don't dare say it. I know from experience from birth that turning against women can make the conversation more difficult.

"I wish Steph could come soon."

"Really...... It hurts my stomach just thinking about what that kid is doing right now. No one to stop means you can do any unscrupulous thing..."

When Kuyuan thought of one younger sister, anxiety pushed me.

Stef, Su's daughter, is free to run for better or worse. Interested in everything, act instantly when you think of it, reflect, but don't regret it. He was one of the freest of his sisters and sisters, "Today".

I don't know how many times I've been caught up in that unscrupulous behavior and in pain. Anyway, I don't want you to do anything extra. I'd like you to come straight over here, but Kueyuan knows that's a good hope.

Kuyuan and Steph were almost in the same place when they were caught in a dimensional earthquake. I mean, Stef will already be here in this day and age. Haven't come to Brunhild yet, simply because of the distance, or...

Please, I prayed to God for a long time that you wouldn't just cause me national traffic problems.

As Kuyuan sighed small, a single sword that remained in the sheath that flew in from above along with the wind-cut noise docked on the ground! And stabbed him.

It is Infinite Silver, the 'crown' of silver that should have been taken by Coon.

"Boy! You can do something about it! I can't believe you...! I quit where they scrape me with yasles!

"Uh... you've been running away from Babylon. But you know this place well, don't you?

Kuyuan looks up over the sky. Of course Babylon, which is in stealth, is invisible from the ground.

"Boy's from Yans with that master. That's about it. It's easy for a boy to fly from anywhere if he calls you, and it's easier to transfer if you're at close range '

"What's so versatile..."

If it doesn't even have a weird chatter feature, it's a pretty usable sword, but I'm afraid Kuyuan does.

If I felt such a shame, my longtime smartphone trembled with nostalgia. The incoming name is Coon. Definitely about Silver.

"Yes hello?

"Ah, Kurumi? Are you going to Silver over there?

"I'm here, though. Sister Kuhn, what have you done?"

'I didn't do anything weird. Though I flushed a bit of current to find out the material, or draped a little sulphuric acid. I tied you to the workbench because you were going to get in trouble, but you cut your belt and ran away.'

No, no. What torture made Kuyuan want to go into it. I know you shouldn't be with humans, but it must have been so horrible from Silver, who is willing. I'm still shaking.

"So? What did you find out?

'Some of them. It does seem that Silver is both a golem and a magical creature. I use a special G-cube and a Q-crystal, and I can tell you that the "crown" has never been the same. Probably as strong and sharp as your father's crystal sword. Well, if it was originally built to counter the Frays that showed up 5,000 years ago, I can nod at its performance.'

In the meantime, when I told Coon that Silver would keep it this way and cut the call, he obviously showed Silver how horrible he was. Do something clever with the sword.

Silver seems to perform better than I thought. It sounds like a miserable sword to talk to.

But this unfortunate personality seems to have been formed for a long time, so what a complicated feeling.

"Will you fix it if you correct it...?

"Hino!? I feel the same black as the fairy clan lady from some kid!?

Silver, Zuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! and retreat. Silver is a golem but also a magical creature. If it's an organism, isn't it possible to do it? You'd be smarter than a dog.

I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I haven't noticed it's already been taken care of.

"Mmm. Kuyuan, I just talked to that sword and cheated!

"No, I don't care if they say cheat..."

I don't know, but Alice is peeling. It had been a long time since we had had a date alone, and Alice was a little obnoxious, but long ago she still didn't seem to know the mechanics of her mind.

"Boy, why Yans, what's this one here?

"Not tiny! I'm Alice! Alistella! My wife from a long time ago!

"No, I'm still your fiancée..."

Silver put in an extra word as Kurumi tried to get a penetration into Alice, who tends her thin chest toward Silver.

"Ha! I don't know if you're my daughter-in-law, but I'm your boy's partner! Together, anytime, anywhere, dying and living together is a fateful community! Don't compare me to my little wife!

"Chi, tiny -!? Munchkin! He's so busy with his sword! For the sake of 'Degraded Brunhild'!

"Oh man...! Don't say anything!

Girl and sword claiming to be a gangster across a long distance. Not to mention the beatings (?) I couldn't help but stop it because it was going to develop into a

"If you want to fight any more, I'll leave you both, won't I? And I'll call Sister Coon and Mr. Mel."

The pittance and argument stopped.

"Yes. Good. Then we'll both make up."

"" Er... "

A dissatisfied voice leaks from both of us. Suh, and Kuyuan took the smartphone out of his nose with a smile on his face.

"" Reconciliation -!

In a hurry Alice and Silver meet their fists and patterned heads.


"Do you want to go somewhere to eat, then?... Speaking of which, I didn't have the money..."

I didn't have the money, so I was worried about riding a carriage or buying a souvenir in the Leggles Empire. As a result, I bought a souvenir for the rest of the money because I didn't have to ride it, but thanks to this, the contents of my wallet from a long time ago were completely teased.

"Ah! I'll be luxurious! Hey before, I have some money to beat the dragons with the Lynnes called" Ha-ha-ha "!

"No, just getting girls to luxury..."

And, Kurumi shy away. "The princely thing, always kind to children and women, is not to be burdened" is the word of his mothers. Plus, he's got a lot of pride.

"Hmmm...... If not, then no. But it's okay, but you should have some... I don't know what to think."

"Again with gold? Boy, why are you a prince? If you ask your father, the king, you'll get about a penny, won't you?

"We're as self-sufficient as possible. Even your father pays for his family's living by making money from the Adventurer Alliance. We don't even use a single piece of copper in the lives of our families."

Essentially, all Brunhild taxes and state revenues go to national businesses. The cost of living for the Royal, Hozuki family was mostly covered by winter and evening pocket money, which is the dominant.

To a request from the Adventurers Guild, his earnings include patent fees for various products sold by the Strand Chamber of Commerce and the rental fee for frame gear in each country, which amounts to a considerable amount. Though large in numbers, there was nothing wrong with providing for my own family.

Well, there is a gold-eating bug called 'Babylon', so I have to deny it if you ask me if I have any reserves in my lubrication.

"Then we'll make money together! If you go outside town for a moment and hunt for the Warcraft, they'll buy you out at the Adventurer's Guild, so you can earn about your dinner bill!

"The Warcraft?... Oh, was it okay to buy without the guild card? Hmm. Isn't that bad?"

There are relatively few Warcraft around Brunhild. That's because there are so many adventurers coming for Dungeon Island that they are moderately deducted.

Doesn't mean he's not here at all though, so I think if you look, you'll find one or two of the Warcraft soon enough.

"You want to keep about the money to tea. Will you then?"

"Yay! Let's go alone!

"Oops! I'll never forget I'm here too!

"Excuse me, bug! Masegaki! 'Approximately the two contending again, Kuyuan took out his smartphone to contact his father and mother to get out of town. These places were also serious.

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