Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 140 - 140: Enhancement Overdose

Chapter 140 - 140: Enhancement Overdose

Lucifer and Caen stepped inside the room, which seemed to be completely empty. There were only a few machines here and there.

There also seemed to be a table that had a few files on it.

"I guess it’s empty. Let’s move over," Caen said as he stepped back and left the room.

"We should be able to find them soon. They’re like trapped rats at the moment, so you don’t have to worry," he further said as he glanced back to look at Lucifer, only to realize that Lucifer wasn’t there.


Confused, he walked back to his room, where he had last seen Lucifer. As he stepped inside, he saw Lucifer standing before a file, touching it with his fingers.

A lot of memories were related to these files in his head.

Every day, after every test, these files were brought. From these files, his test results were given, day after day, disappointing him even more.

He picked up the file at the top and opened it.

On the first page itself, there was something like a form that had an image pasted on it, belonging to a kid.

Lucifer remembered seeing this kid in the facility a few times. He was somewhat similar to him, a boy who was waiting to see if his powers were going to awaken.

However, unlike Lucifer, his luck seemed to be better since he had awakened just one day before the last test of Lucifer.

Caen stepped beside Lucifer and looked at the file he was looking at.

"May I see it?" He asked Lucifer who gave him the file.

"What’s written in this file?" Lucifer asked.

"These are the test results. The first page is about him waking up his powers and what kind of powers he had," Caen said before he turned the page back.

"As for the second page, it’s his autopsy report," he said as he finished reading the next page.

"Apparently, he died two days after you were killed here. As for the cause of death, it seems to be Enhancement Overdose," he further explained.

"Enhancement Overdose? What’s that?" Lucifer asked, curious.

"I have no idea, but it seems like some performance enhancement drugs they were working on. This killed the boy, probably because they tested this drug on him. From what I can see, it caused his heart failure," Caen replied to Lucifer.

"The dissection was just yesterday from what it seems," he added.

"They dissected him?" Lucifer asked.

"Yeah. The boy was a Variant when he was killed. So, of course, they would dissect him. As for you, you were a normal boy in their eyes, so they didn’t do the procedure on you. I guess it was lucky, " Caen replied before he placed the file back.

"Let’s continue. We can’t waste any time here. We need to be fast. As for the files, I’m sure you’ll find many such files here since a lot of Variants and humans had died in this facility. Ignore these things for now," Caen said as he pointed his hand towards the door.

Lucifer followed after him this time, but he was still thinking about these words.

What did he mean when he said that many people were killed here? He thought he was the only one who suffered. There were more who were killed? He had no idea about it.

The two of them walked in the corridor, checking every room along the way, most of which were empty.

On the other hand, Henrik and the other two members of Caen’s team were walking on the opposite side.

Their luck seemed to be a bit better than Caen and Lucifer’s since they did find a few people along the way. They had found a few guards along the way.

They met the guards whom they easily killed. Not long after, they found something else as well.

Apparently, they had ended up in the quarter where the kids were kept in the facility.

There were many rooms in the corridor where they ended up, and each of these rooms contained a kid. The condition of the rooms was a bit better than Lucifer’s room, but it still wasn’t something where a human would have preferred to live.

"They are Variants. The ones that are being kept in the facility. What should we do with them?" Henrik asked the ladies, trying to take more opinions.

"Let’s test first. If they hate this facility as well, we will take them with us since we can use them. On the other hand, if they like this facility..." Missy said, but she didn’t finish her sentence.

"I understand."

Henrik stepped inside the first room as he asked a few questions from the boy.

No matter how many times he asked, the boy only praised the facility, but Henrik could see the fear in the boy’s eyes.

It seemed like the boy thought that Henrik was a staff of the facility, so he didn’t want to badmouth it.

"Clever boy. You know how to lie to save your life but don’t worry, I’m not from this family. I’m from the Variant Uprising, here to free you all and take you to a better place. Come with me. Let’s leave," Henrik said to the young boy.

Even though Henrik had explained, the boy still seemed a bit hesitant; however, after Henrik’s more insistence, he stood up, ready to leave.

The Variant Uprising Members continued this process as he brought ten kids with them. They had told the boys to stand behind them while they continued ahead, to investigate more places.

Throughout all this, they hadn’t found any scientists.

"I guess this is the part of the facility where kids are kept. The scientists should be on the other side of the facility. I believe they will reach them soon," Henrik said as he realized that he had reached the end of the side they had chosen. There was no more place to search here.

"That’s true. Let’s go back and wait for them to return. They should be done fast," Missy agreed as she started walking back.

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