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18 days ago
Hasami Tatsuro and Yashiki Ai, two ordinary teenagers, experienced an earthquake while on the way... Read more Hasami Tatsuro and Yashiki Ai, two ordinary teenagers, experienced an earthquake while on the way home from school.The earthquake cracked space and transported the two to another world.Landing in an unknown forest, the two initially began to grieve. However, unbeknownst to them, a system had installed itself into their bodies, granting them the ability to gain skills and statuses.Hasami Tatsuro obtained the “Level Eater” skill. “Level Eater” allowed the host to devour others’ levels/skills and make it his own.Yashiki Ai obtained the “Valkyrie” skill. “Valkyrie” allowed the host to obtain and use any offensive skills from different classes, without the need to specialize.With their cheat skills and teamwork, they managed to venture out of the forest and explore the new world.This is a story of two ordinary kids. Collapse Ability Steal, Cheats, Early Romance, Evolution, Female Protagonist, First-time Interc**rse, Game Elements, Level System, Magic, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Mercenaries, Multiple POV, Multiple Protagonists, Naive Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Power Couple, Sword And Magic, System Administrator, Transported to Another World, Valkyries, Weak to Strong, Not Harem I felt bored reading this…..the relationship is cringe, the magic is idiotic, the side characters are simpletons, and the world building and character development move at a snail’s pace….. Quote: HyperbolaI once punched a 9 yeassr old in the face for cheating at cards.My family takes strip poker very seriously.Quote: HyperbolaI once punched a 9 year old in the face for cheating at cards.My family takes strip poker very seriously.sw thers no fking relation b/n earthquake and space You never know, it's fantasyIt's probably the crack in space that formed the quake, not the other way around I once punched a 9 year old in the face for cheating at cards.My family takes strip poker very seriously. What is with you and the pedophile jokes where are the negative votes!? ur close to -5000 checked and its 1 chapter a week so its gonna take ages to translate all the chapters at this rate. This is a story of two ordinary kids. I dont believe this one bit… bet its gonna have some insane plot armor This looks promising from NU reviews