Level Up Legacy

Chapter 115 - The Outsider

The words that Arthur picked wisely worked like a charm to convince Si of helping him. When the notion of Mistletoe gaining a fortress that was capable of moving and attacking was mentioned, Si's eyes gleamed with zeal as if he could already imagine it.

That's why he agreed to send people with Arthur to help him. They were Ivy, Zas, and Li. Reece had to stay with Master Ronin and Si so they could work on their plan of robbing the palace. Since the Calamity spider would arrive at the border of the kingdom in a day, the group had to set out immediately.

"How would you stop that chunk of metal, Arthur?"

Master Ronin asked him with interest. This was Arthur's current dilemma and he had no choice but to seek guidance from Master Ronin. Zas, Li, and Ivy left to prepare for their departure. Si and Reece also left to attend an auction, leaving only Master Ronin and Arthur in the mansion. As for Vihan, he was stationed in the mansion all the time since he was solely a healer.

They had but one day to head east and meet the Calamity Spider, so Arthur had to ask something that has been on his mind for a while. Since Master Ronin was the ex-principal of Jerano College, he would be the ideal candidate to guide him.

"Master, please teach me about insignias."


It was the next morning when they were ready to leave that Arthur met the others again. He was only human and had to rest after so many things happening, so they had spent twelve hours in preparation and rest.

"What's is this?" Arthur asked when he was given a black suitcase by Ivy.

"Mask and clothes. You'll need them in case you get found out. There's also an identity card there by the Union, in case you need it."

"What about our plan?"

"Well, that's why we're meeting with Si before we leave. Come downstairs after you're done." Ivy left, leaving Arthur to change in his room. He had been given this room yesterday where he could stay in the capital.

After taking a bath and changing, Arthur looked suspiciously at the lump of plastic in front of him. A skin-like color, a jelly-like texture, and creepy hair-like projections protruding out of it. The mask was the work of magic technology, but Arthur was uneased by its appearance.

At long last, he placed the mask on his face. As if it came alive, the mask embraced his head as it covered all of it. The process was painless and took a few seconds. When Arthur looked in the mirror, what stared back was a handsome man who looked to be in his late-twenties.

There were also contact lenses that changed Arthur's eyes into a shade of blue. As he touched the skin, it felt so real that Arthur had some thoughts of keeping this face all the time.

He laughed to himself before he left the room wearing the uniform of the Yalveran Awakeners Army. Black trousers, black vest over a long-sleeved shirt, and a white robe. YAA was engraved on the back of the robe with the emblem of the Yalveran Union on it. A hammer with the sun and the sea behind it.

"Oh, junior looks so handsome! We should cosplay sometimes!" Reece wiggled like a worm and Arthur avoided him after entering the room. Master Ronin and Vihan were nowhere to be seen and only Si sat there with the others. They were having breakfast.

"Here," Si handed him a plate of waffles and cheese. Arthur took it as he studied Ivy, Zas, and Li.

They were three different people sitting there, but he could recognize them. Ivy's tomboyish appearance was nowhere to be seen and was replaced by an elegant lady with long hair. Zas's hair was combed and he looked like a foreigner. As for Li, he was an ordinary-looking square-faced man.

"Ivy, did you need to change how you look? With a bit of makeup, I can turn you into a man."


A fork plunged itself in front of Reece, still vibrating from the force. He stopped talking right then and started laughing awkwardly before shutting his mouth.

The breakfast ended and it was time to plan for their adventure. Si cleared his throat before he started explaining.

"To stop the Calamity Spider, we have two choices. We either wait for it at the border's fortress or cross the border into the wilderness. We'll go with the first option since there are a lot of dangers that could hinder you in the wilderness.

"There will be tons of awakeners there. All summoned by the kingdom to defend the border and the fortress. The army is already fighting the Ilios Empire in the south. If the Calamity Spider manages to make its way into the kingdom, wreaking havoc, then even if the kingdom defends itself against the empire, it would still be weakened greatly.

"A large batch of awakeners were sent to the fortress in the east, reducing the powers the kingdom has to defend itself against the empire."

"Is it known why the Empire has launched this attack?" Arthur asked, genuinely curious as there has been a great period of peace.

"Hm," Si paused for a second. "Spies has reported that the empire was anxious, as are all nations currently. It seems that after the first trial of the holy crown, things have changed drastically, especially since the trial was broken."

"What? What does it have to do with this?" Arthur's eyes widened, but he tried to remain calm. After all, the trial ended because he was responsible for it.

"Those old geezers are simply going senile." Zas snorted with his husky voice. "They believe in prophecies they don't know of their origins! How many more lives would be ruined because of their whims?"

"Easy, Zas," Li said with his genderless voice. Zas's sudden flare-up suddenly cooled down and he started drinking his coffee.

"You see," Si started explaining. "A prophecy was passed down in the seven families. I don't remember the exact details since it's so old. It's the reason everyone was pushed to train since they're young in the seven families." Si paused in suspense and continued when Arthur looked him in the eyes.

"The new age shall begin after the Holy Crown's trial is broken by an outsider. Beware of those you don't know, as they would bring doom to the seven families. The outsider shall seek the crown, and the world will forever be lost." Si said in a solemn, yet knowing, voice. As Arthur heard it, his skin crawled.

Si's eyes were shining violet as if they contained the secrets of the universe. As Arthur met his gaze, he realized that Si knew about him. He remembered how Si told him that he recruited Arthur because he knew that he's the person who can help him.

Memories rushed into his mind the first time he met Layla in the forest when she tried to kill him because he was an outsider. It seems that most of the branch families from the seven families didn't believe this prophecy, as they weren't on guard as much as Layla did. However, it now made sense. The reason Layla tried to kill him.

If Si and Master Ronin knew he was the outsider, then that would also explain why they would help him. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, that was their logic. If Arthur was truly the outsider, then being with him would lead them to their revenge.

Suddenly, the world looked a lot scarier than before. The word 'outsider' kept repeating itself in Arthur's mind. What would they do to him if they catch him? His legacy was powerful, maybe the most powerful, but was it enough as a price?

"If there's such an outsider, I'd like to befriend him, hah!" Ivy smacked her lips and Arthur snapped from his panic.

"Ah, to bring doom on those bastards. Hehe," Zas laughed in a sinister way as he licked his lips.

"Everyone is so scary!" Reece shivered. "However, I agree. I think it's just bullshit, but I hope it's true."

"Same for me," Si said and Arthur looked back at him again. Wearing a thin smile, he continued. "Whoever that outsider is, he's the ray of hope of every abandoned person by the seven families."

As Arthur saw the rest of them nod their heads in approval and dive back into planning, his heart was filled with relief. Not everyone was his enemy, and he had people who would be happy about his existence.

"That's why the Ilios Empire is trying to gain resources before the new age begins. They are probably after the port of Anerk, the artifacts of Yalen, and the ores of Vernia. If they wish to survive the new age, they have a better chance of doing so if they take over the Yalveran Union."

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