Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1230 You Forgot About Me


The war-torn skies above Yalen finally cleared as the four armies of the Empyreans retreated, leaving a palpable tension in the air. The ground was littered with the remnants of battle, a harsh reminder of the cost of freedom. Nera, with her troop of Yalveran Union warriors, approached the gathered figures of Arthur, Lucian, and the Alka army, her eyes scanning the aftermath with a measured gaze.

The meeting that followed took place in a hastily erected tent near the ruins of Yalen Palace. The atmosphere inside was thick with the scent of damp earth and the heavy responsibility of leadership.

Nera's entrance was silent but commanding, her gaze locking with Lucian's, whose claim to the crown she had yet to acknowledge. Arthur and Oriole stood aside, their expressions neutral but attentive.

"Lucian," Nera began, her voice even but carrying an undercurrent of challenge. "I see you've survived, and with new allies. But let's not forget who mobilized the Yalveran Union against the Empyreans."

Lucian, still bruised from battle, met her stare with equal intensity. "I've not only survived, Nera. I've kept Yalen from falling. My actions, supported by Arthur here, were necessary."

Arthur, leaning against a wooden support beam, watched the siblings with a keen eye. Oriole, ever the peacemaker, interjected, "Perhaps we should focus on what comes next rather than what has already passed."

Nera shook her head slightly, her eyes still fixed on Lucian. "You claim a crown that you haven't won. Yalen knows me, trusts me. I've been here, fighting in the shadows, preparing to lead."

Lucian's response was swift, his tone tinged with frustration. "And you think I haven't earned my place? Arthur saw my potential to lead, to bring change." n/ô/vel/b//in dot c//om

Arthur finally spoke, his voice cutting through the rising tension. "Both of you have strong claims, and both of you are needed for Yalen's stability. Why not rule together? Share the crown as brother and sister?"

The suggestion hung in the air like a heavy cloak. Nera scoffed, "And when our visions for Yalen clash? What then, Arthur? Do we come to you to choose between us?"

"Exactly," Arthur said with a grin, his confidence unshaken. "If there's a dispute, bring it to me. I'll help you find common ground. Think of it as a check and balance."

Lucian looked from Nera to Arthur, considering the proposition. "It could work, Nera. Together, we'd be stronger. Our different strengths could be Yalen's gain rather than a point of contention."

Nera paced a small circle, her mind racing through the implications. Finally, she stopped and faced Lucian directly. "And if we agree to this co-rule, how do we ensure it remains equitable?"

Arthur answered, "By formalizing it. Draft a covenant that outlines the powers of each ruler, the responsibilities, and the process for resolving disagreements. Make it law."

Oriole nodded in agreement. "It's a balanced approach. And with Arthur as a neutral arbiter, it might just work."

After a long silence, where the weight of future governance seemed to settle on their shoulders, Nera finally nodded. "Let's draft this covenant then. For Yalen's sake, I'll agree to this partnership."

Lucian exhaled slowly, relief mingling with the remnants of tension. "Then together, we'll lead Yalen into a new era—one of unity and strength."

As they all agreed, the meeting adjourned with a newfound sense of purpose. The task ahead was daunting, but with a shared commitment, the future seemed a little brighter.

The decision to co-rule marked a pivotal moment for Yalen, symbolizing not only the union of two leaders but also the beginning of a collaborative and hopeful future.

As the tent's canvas flapped gently in the breeze, the gravity of their earlier decision settled around the four leaders. But there were still unresolved matters that hung heavily in the air, a reminder that the path to true peace was fraught with complexities.

Nera, always quick to lighten the mood, leaned back against an old, sturdy chair, a wry smile playing on her lips. "You know, considering how the public sees you, Arthur, we might just have to stage a dramatic execution for you."

Arthur chuckled at the suggestion, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Not even the heavens could execute me, Nera. But nice try."

Lucian, more serious, interjected, "We might face backlash, but I believe announcing our alliance with Arthur is the right move. He fought for Yalen, against those Empyrean armies. We can't just ignore that."

Oriole, who had been listening intently, raised his hand, a twitching grin spreading across his face. "Speaking of unresolved matters, I still have Caleb tucked away. And as you both know, he could stir up claims to the crown too."

The mention of Caleb made the others shift uncomfortably. Nera's face hardened at the mention of her younger brother. "Caleb has never been anything but trouble, a degenerate through and through. His claim would only bring more chaos."

Lucian nodded in agreement. "We need a clean slate. Banishing Caleb is our best option. It distances the crown from his... less savory exploits and solidifies our position."

Arthur, thoughtful, proposed the next steps. "We also need to handle the narrative surrounding the previous king—my killing him, specifically. We should gather evidence of his misdeeds and present them to the public. Once they see the corruption he fostered, they'll understand why change was necessary."

Nera leaned forward, her expression turning serious. "That's a solid plan. We expose the old king's corruption, announce our co-rule, and move forward with transparency and unity."

The four nodded, a silent agreement passing between them as they acknowledged the path laid out before them.

Arthur then turned to Lucian, his tone shifting slightly. "Make sure Mistletoe brings Emma Agard and her family to me. They need to be safe."

Lucian reassured him, "They're already escorted into Mistletoe's mansion, under strict protection."

Satisfied, Arthur glanced at Oriole, and with a shared look of determination, they prepared to leave. Conjuring a portal with a swift motion of his hand, Arthur addressed Nera and Lucian, "Congratulations on your new rule. Handle it with the wisdom I know you both possess."

Nera and Lucian nodded, gratitude and resolve mingling in their expressions.

With a final nod, Arthur and Oriole stepped through the portal, the swirling gateway closing behind them with a soft whoosh. They arrived at the modern mansion of Mistletoe, a stark contrast to the rugged landscapes they had just left.

In the spacious living room, the members of Mistletoe were gathered, guards of the Agard Family as Lucian have instructed them. They turned toward Arthur and Oriole who arrived through the doors.

"Arthur, Oriole," Ivy greeted, her voice cool and collected. "You're back sooner than expected."

Oriole, with a smile that brightened the room, responded, "Couldn't stay away too long from you lot, could we?"

The members of Mistletoe, excluding Ruby who was sound asleep on the couch, chuckled at Oriole's easy charm, welcoming him back into the fold. Arthur's presence, however, was a reminder of the gravity of the situation they had all been part of.

Arthur's gaze swept across the room, finally settling on Ivy. "Where's Reece?" he asked, his voice carrying a mixture of concern and command.

Hua answered, "Still in Orlan. We lost contact after he sent the last message about the Empyreans' plans."

Arthur's jaw tightened. "We'll get him back," he stated firmly, his resolve clear. "Reece has done too much for us to leave him behind."

The room filled with a sobering silence, acknowledging the weight of Arthur's promise. It was then that Oriole, always sensing the mood, clapped his hands together. "Before we strategize further, there's someone Arthur needs to meet."

Guided by Ivy, they made their way to the guest room where Emma Agard and her family were staying. As the door opened, Emma, her short blonde hair catching the sunlight streaming through the window, stood up swiftly, her blue eyes wide with anticipation. Beside her, her father and grandfather also rose, their expressions a mix of curiosity and respect.

The room held its breath, the tension palpable. Oriole, ever the icebreaker, stepped forward with a theatrical bow. "May I present to you, Arthur Netherborne, the man who's more legend than man, and who definitely hasn't just walked through a portal from a battlefield."

Arthur chuckled as the alchemist succeeded in easing his reunion with Emma. As he turned toward her, he found her deep blue eyes filled with tears. Venkov stepped to greet him, shaking Arthur's hand with gratitude.

"I heard that you were the one to save my family," said Venkov with a hardened face. "How could I ever repay this debt?"

"Consider us even," said Arthur, guilt-ridden. "I was the one to help Cyrian escape his father. That redirected the Yalen anger toward your family."

"How is that possible?" asked Venkov with confusion, since it has been over a hundred years since that happens. "But even if that is the case, we're alive because of you!"

Arthur smiled and turned toward Emma, who awaited his arrival more than anyone. As he nodded toward Venkov and Jared, he walked toward Emma before standing in front of her.

"I'm back, Emma."

"You're back," she choked before cupping her hands together to her chest, fighting against sobbing. "I thought you forgot about me."

Arthur felt his heart breaking because of her words. Her face told him that she indeed never thought he would return.

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