Level Up Legacy

Chapter 1248 A Black Dragon

Chapter 1248  A Black Dragon

 Arthur stood by the expansive window of the meeting room in the high tower of Runera, gazing out at the sprawling city below. His city, a blend of old world charm and new world chaos, thrummed with the life brought forth by the merging of worlds and the dramatic rise of the Level Up Legacy. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden glow that made the glass buildings shimmer like jewels set against an ancient painting.

Beside him, Diana adjusted the collar of his ceremonial robe, her fingers brushing lightly against his neck. "Are you ready for this?" she asked, her voice a soft murmur against the backdrop of distant city sounds.

Arthur turned to face her, his expression thoughtful. "I'm not sure if one can ever be truly ready for what's to come. But I am prepared to listen, and to learn what these new allies might bring to Runera," he replied, taking her hand in his.

As they entered the meeting room, three figures rose to greet them. Each guild master represented a different nation, their appearances as diverse as the lands they came from.

First was Calia of Sourna, a stern woman with sharp eyes and a posture that spoke of military precision. She wore the traditional armor of her homeland, decorated with symbols that glinted under the room's lights.

Next to her stood Thane of Thiria, his features rugged and weathered like the maritime cliffs of his coastal nation. His handshake was firm, the calluses on his hands telling of years at sea before he rose to command his guild.

Finally, there was Merek of Orlan, a young but fiercely intelligent man whose scholarly appearance was offset by the numerous magical artifacts adorning his robe. His gaze was keen, taking in the details of the room and its occupants with a strategic eye.

"Welcome to Runera," Arthur began, his voice echoing slightly in the high-ceilinged room. "I understand you come seeking alliance and support from our city, and in exchange, offer your allegiance. But before we proceed, I wish to understand your motives and assure that your intentions align with the greater good."

Calia nodded, her voice brisk and businesslike. "We seek to strengthen our positions against the common threats our worlds now face. Runera's success in stabilizing during these tumultuous times is something we wish to emulate and perhaps, with your support, replicate."

Thane's voice was deep, like the rolling waves of his homeland. "And the artifacts and knowledge you possess, Lord Arthur, could greatly aid in protecting our people. We come not just for aid but to be part of a larger network of defense."

Merek adjusted his glasses, his tone analytical. "Additionally, integrating our efforts with Runera's advanced systems could lead to innovations that might benefit all our territories."

Arthur listened, nodding slowly as Diana stood beside him, her expression unreadable but her presence reassuring. "I am inclined to consider your proposals," Arthur said. "But first, let us see if the Level Up Legacy recognizes your efforts as protectors of humanity."

With a gesture, a large, holographic interface appeared in the center of the table. Arthur invited the guild masters to place their hands upon the surface. As they did, streams of light cascaded from their fingertips, weaving intricate patterns that pulsed with power.

Moments later, the interface stabilized, displaying the levels of each guild master. "Level Twenty," it read under each name, a significant achievement that marked them as true protectors under the Legacy's criteria.

Surprised, Arthur looked at the guild masters, his interest piqued. "Level Twenty is a commendable rank, one that denotes significant contributions to the safety and well-being of your people," he acknowledged. "It seems the Legacy has deemed you worthy. However, there is an additional feature I was unaware of until now."

Merek spoke up, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Indeed, Lord Arthur. It appears that further advancement in our levels requires approval directly from you. This was a safeguard implemented by Jizo, the Scholar Guardian, to ensure that the legacy is not exploited."

Diana, who had been quiet, now spoke. "It is a wise precaution, ensuring that the power granted does not fall into the wrong hands without oversight."

Arthur pondered this new information, his gaze drifting back to the window and the city it framed. "This places a great responsibility on both our shoulders," he remarked. "For you as leaders to continue proving your dedication to your people, and for me, to judge rightly and justly."

Calia, Thane, and Merek exchanged glances, nodding in agreement. "We are prepared to uphold our end of this alliance, with full transparency and cooperation," Calia stated firmly.

Arthur's eyes returned to his guests, a decisive look crossing his face. "Very well. Runera will stand with you, as long as your actions reflect the principles of

 the Level Up Legacy. Let us work together not just for the power it grants, but for the peace it might bring."

The meeting concluded with a formal agreement, each party signing documents that Diana had prepared beforehand. As the guild masters left, promising to begin cooperative efforts immediately, Diana turned to Arthur, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Seems you have a knack for this, Arthur."

Arthur chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they watched the sun finally set beyond the city. "With you by my side, I think I can handle just about anything."

In the ornate meeting room of Runera, as the last echoes of the departing guild masters' steps faded, Queen Ruki, the shadow queen, materialized as if woven from the very darkness that crept in with the evening. Her presence, always a blend of grace and menace, caused Arthur to straighten, his anticipation clear.

"Queen Ruki," Arthur greeted, his voice a mix of relief and urgency. "What news do you bring of Reece?" n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Ruki's form solidified fully, her cloak billowing slightly as if still caught in a wind from another realm. "Reece is imprisoned in the capital of Orlan, Vexatech. It is as you feared, but he remains unharmed," she reported, her voice a whisper yet carrying an edge that filled the room.

Arthur exhaled slowly, his relief palpable. "Thank you, Ruki. Your efficiency is, as always, invaluable."

With no time to lose, Arthur turned to his communication device, swiftly commanding the guards to bring back Merek of Orlan. Merek, having just left the tower, returned, a mix of confusion and curiosity on his young, scholarly face.

"Lord Arthur," Merek began, his brow furrowed. "Is there an issue with our agreement?"

"No, Merek. There is, however, a first task I must ask of you," Arthur replied, his tone serious yet imbued with a trust that seemed to bolster the young man. "It involves someone important imprisoned in your capital—Reece."

Merek's eyes widened with understanding and determination. "I am ready to prove my allegiance and the sincerity of my guild. What must be done?"

Arthur nodded approvingly. "You will accompany Queen Ruki to Vexatech. She will assist you and your guild in freeing Reece. This will not only serve as a proof of your commitment but also help fortify our newly formed alliance."

Merek, though initially taken aback by the gravity of the task, quickly composed himself, his face setting into a mask of resolve. "We will not fail you," he promised, turning to Queen Ruki with a respectful nod.

Ruki merely inclined her head, her shadowy form already flickering with the readiness to depart.

As Merek and Ruki left the room, their silhouettes merging with the encroaching darkness outside, Diana approached Arthur, her expression thoughtful. "It feels as if this world grows more foreign with each passing day," she confessed, watching the night envelop the city from the window.

Arthur wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "It's foreign to us all, Diana. But remember, Alva—your nation—should be somewhere here as well. Everything has merged."

Diana's face brightened at the mention, yet a shadow passed over her features as quickly. "Yes, and that means my father is here too," she said, her voice soft but carrying a hard edge.

Arthur looked into her eyes, searching. "Do you still wish to take revenge on him? After all that has happened?"

Diana paused, her gaze drifting to the city lights that mimicked stars against the dark canvas of the night. Finally, she nodded, her voice firm. "Yes. I cannot forgive him, Arthur. He killed my mother, and for that, the damned phoenix must pay."

Arthur's contemplative mood shifted abruptly as the doors to the meeting room swung open once more, revealing Julia, her face etched with urgency. As she approached, the weight of her news was palpable, cutting through the previously settled atmosphere like a cold gust of wind.

"Arthur, there's a calamity at the shores of Sourna," she reported, her voice tight with concern. "It's a massive black dragon, unlike anything we've documented before. It's tearing through cities, and their current defenses are proving ineffective."

The room fell silent, the severity of the situation sinking in. Diana's hand tightened around Arthur's, her worry evident in the squeeze. Arthur stared out the window, where the peaceful night gave no hint of the destruction unfolding elsewhere.

After a moment, he turned to Julia. "Open the portal to Sourna," he said firmly. "I will handle this myself."

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