Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 105: Sylvia Everwood – The apprentice war criminal.

Case 105: Sylvia Everwood – The apprentice war criminal.

Leaving behind my poor lovers, we're now at the 'field'.

A few months ago, when I asked dad if he could find me a vast space that could be used for large-scale weapons testing. It took him a while, but eventually, I got the good news.

And now, before us is a vast desert, completely devoid of any life. I can't even see a single cactus here. 

''Where is this, dad?'' I ask.

I need to get a map from him later, cause he just teleported us here, and I have no idea where the hell this place is.

''Isn't this Vurgon's territory?'' Albert says.

''It is.'' Dad replies. ''An empty Vurgon desert 5km away from our border. Perfect for testing explosives. I got permission from Dwarf King already, don't worry.'' 

''I see.'' I flash a grin. ''So I can really do anything here?''

''...You're not doing anything excessive, right?'' Dad narrows his eyebrow. ''You said in the letter that you just wanted to test 'cute stuff'...''

''...Probably not.''

I mean, it's not like I have nukes or anything, yet, right? Just, wholesome war crime weapons. Simple and effective...!

''Go ahead then, I'll make a barrier.'' Dad draws his mana out from his rings and casts a simple dome-like barrier.

''Alright. I'll go from simple explosives first.''

I pull out my Desert Eagle with a magazine full of blue tip shells.

''I got quite frustrated the last time I couldn't use Gungnir on that zombie because its power was excessive, so I made another milder variation of it.''

''Wait, won't it be loud?'' Albert raises his hand.

Hm? Oh, wait, ear protection. It's been a while since I've actually shot a gun. Almost made everyone here, including me, deaf. Teehee!

''Ah, alright, wear these.''

After making sure that everyone is wearing protection, I begin to talk again.



''Their explosive power is about 10% of Gungnirs.'' I insert the magazine and aim at the hill not far away.




''Same trigger mechanism.''


Immediately, three big blue explosions erupt on the hill, blowing up sand everywhere.

''Wow~'' Marquess Seymour exclaims.

I know, impressive, right?

''These are certainly better for dealing with medium-large enemies.'' Dad nods contently.

''By the way.'' Albert suddenly speaks. ''I've never seen 'Gungnir' before, can you show me-''

''Absolutely not.'' Dad interrupts him. ''It's going to destroy the whole terrain here.''

''Is that so?''

Yup. And I barely managed to make 10 Gungnir tips over the past three months, don't make me waste them.

''Next one.'' I throw the Desert Eagle back into the space bag and pull out a table.

Then I put the Saiga-12 with a separate magazine and a box on the table.

Inside the box are dozens of colorful bullets.

''These are the ones that I really want to test today.'' I pick up the magazine and start loading each type of bullet I've made. ''Just to be safe, can you actually clean the stuff later for me, dad?''

''What stuff?''

''Like, smoke and chemicals and such.''

''What the hell did you make again?''

''Effective weapons.'' I give him a thumbs up, to which he responds by frowning.



''So the first one this this.''


Immediately after the 'slug' hit, grey smoke begins to rise from the hillside.

''Tear gas shells. According to the information that I have, inhaling that smoke can cause 'severe eye and respiratory pain, skin irritation, bleeding, and blindness'.''

''Hmm, that is certainly scary. I feel like we can use that against dragons somehow?'' Dad raises an eyebrow.

''That... Is true, actually. Why are you so smart today, dad?''

''I'm always smart, daughter.''

Anyway, I'm definitely going to shoot a dragon with this later.

''Next one.''


Still on the hillside, green smoke begins to rise.

''Poison. This one is pretty straightforward.''

''Please don't use this one anywhere near civilization. Or even the previous one.'' 

''I agree.''

I won't. I'm not that deranged, alright?

''Well, there are more smoke shells, but I think that's enough for now.'' I take out the magazine and remove the remaining gas shells.

Like nerve gas or mustard gas...

''I don't feel like we can equip these for our regular soldiers.'' Marquess Seymour ponders, looking at the box on the table.

''That's right. These are all banned weapons back in my world.''


But hey, there's no Geneva Conventions or anything here, so... 

''But anyway, we'll be moving onto cluster shells next.''

''I had actually made something similar to this before, but the power was honestly quite disappointing, so now we have this.'' I pull out a pitch-black shell.

''We'll need to shoot this one in the air.'' I insert it in the magazine. ''Dad, please.''


So we all hold hands and then dad teleports us above. In an instant, the world around me changes completely. 


I could never get used to this.

''Is this high enough?'' Dad asks, maintaining the telekinesis for all four of us to fly. 

''Yeah, thanks dad.''

This looks around 100 meters high, which is good enough.

''You may want to cover your ears with this. '' I say, aiming the gun downward.


A bunch of blue pellets come right out of the barrel, scattering all over the area.



One snap later, 10 giant blue explosions erupt from the ground, accompanied by a deafening sound, even with the ear protection. I really should have made a sound barrier.

Woah... I can even see the visible shockwaves generated from them traveling into the distance, that's scary.

''One shell and half an army is goooone~'' I can't help but sing in awe of this wonderful work of art.


Dad facepalms.

''She destroyed the terrain anyway.'' Albert says resignedly.

''Wow... My daughter-in-law is amazing!'' Marquess Seymour enthusiastically pats my back.

''Heheh, 10 pellets, each about 6% the power of Gungnir. Easier to make, and can cover a decently wide area.'' I proudly explain.

''One shell and an entire castle is gone, daughter. Please don't become a genocide criminal.''

Nah, nah, genocide is cringe, am I right?

''But this is certainly effective against monsters and demons.'' Marquess Seymour comments. ''Do you have anything else, Your Highness?''

''Aside from landmines, which are pretty straightforward that I don't think we need to test them, I also have incendiary weapons as well.''

''Why not just use fire magic if you want to light stuff up?'' Dad asks.

''Those can melt metal, dad.''



I pull out a relatively large shell, around the size of my thigh.

I somehow made fucking thermite shells with the help of some weird magic, hahahahahah...

''But these are really difficult to make, plus the artillery piece needed to fire them is nowhere near done yet, so we'll have to postpone the test.''

''That's fair enough. Get help from those researchers if you need it.'' Dad replies.

''Sure. And I think that's it.''

It's fortunate that I was able to request strange materials from the Emperor back in Xeno, he was strangely cooperative after that big incident for some reason. Was he influenced by the evil goddess before that as well?

Whatever, I suppose. The Church has already given the important people accessories that can somewhat counteract this kind of influence, so no worries. Probably.

''Hmm, shall we go back then?''

Yeah, it's almost dinner time already. I wonder if my lovers are alright...

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