Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 195: The B-95 gate incident – The final reckoning.

Case 195: The B-95 gate incident – The final reckoning.

A purple dot.

That is what we can initially observe in the sky. Then, slowly, like a barrage of artillery coming from afar, they multiply. After just mere moments, the vast sky is filled with blazing dots of purple, falling uncontrollably toward us.

''Shoot them down!''

Naturally, I take out all available rifles, even ones that I snatched from the government, for everyone to grab freely. Anna, a Barrett, Emy, my Hecate, Tina, a Scar SRR, and Liana, a Dragunov SVD.

For the rest, Sariel and I, the two who can actually use telekinesis proficiently, seize them.

Immediately, hundreds of guns fire at the sky, starting a reversed rain of bullets. Orange trails from regular tips, blue trails from A.P., and red trails from H.E.—it is a sight to behold.

Nevertheless, most of them can't hit the dots since they are still quite far, and it seems they can dodge as well.

To confirm my theory, I lift the Barrett with the Anna plushie on it and aim at the brightest, which is also the strongest one.


The crystal bullet, propelled by the magically engineered gunpowder, flies out of the barrel, pushing it back a bit in turn. The tip travels in a straight line, and I know my bullets consistently hit their targets if they are not capable of moving, and yet, this one misses right away.

''I see how it is.''

While inserting a new mag containing three whole tips of divine energy-based Gungnir into the gun, I quickly take a look around. A few of the things have been shot down, both by me and by my party, it seems.

I squint my eyes and use a bit of light-bending magic to zoom into one of those. What appears in my vision now is a humanoid creature, tall, relatively muscular but not too bulky, with greyish skin, a huge X replacing their facial features, and, most importantly, a pair of dark wings.

What are you trying to cosplay, fallen angel?

Useless idiots.

With sudden anger arising in my heart, I once again aim my Barrett, loaded with those stupid Gungnirs, at the sky.


As this tip explodes upon impact, I make sure to shoot at a dead guy nearest to the leader to ensure it won't just pass through them. Right after confirming the hit, I simultaneously arrange a sound barrier around us and block the light coming from the sky with illusion magic as well.

Three. Two. One. Lift barriers.



Nearly one-third of them are erased. Banished to the shadow realm. The leader is still alive, though.

Perhaps surprised by this move, the remaining dudes start to fly down extremely erratically, making our bullets nearly useless. Fine, they're close to the ground anyway; this preemptive strike is an overall success.

''Prepare for combat.''

'''' Roger! ''''

It's still weird for me, ordering them freely like this, and they actually obey. Usually, the roles are reserved...

Anyway, my party members begin to pull out their usual weapons while Sariel morphs to her normal size, and I still keep the bunch of guns afloat.

Soon, thousands of these dudes promptly land on the ground, surrounding us entirely. They immediately turn to us, directing their foul aura together with their gazes. Among them, one guy in particular can be seen standing taller than others, with three whole pairs of wings.

The presumable leader of those, most likely a servant of Eve, and I stare at each other.


I point my index finger at him, a gesture both to direct the guns in my control to him and to declare my intention.


In an instant, thousands of bullets are fired at the guy, signaling the start of the final reckoning.

My fiancés, holding their now divine weapons, jump into the army of enemies. With each of their strike, an enormous amount of energy is discharged, with force stronger enough to blow away a whole castle, blowing up dozens of enemies at once.

Meanwhile, Sariel, as a majestic dragon, soars to the sky and begins to rain absolute nightmares down. If the fire dome of the former Saint, the bald one, is a nine out of ten, this one is a hundred out of ten. The pure destruction shown is enough to make my heart flutter. 

Despite this, the enemies are rather resilient. I can see them consistently coming back to attack my party even after being blown away multiple times.

But I need to trust them and focus on my opponent.

I have been dumping mags on this three-wings guy since earlier, and he has parried every single one of my bullets easily with a strange spear. I have a feeling this guy is not taking our fight seriously, which is an advantage for me.

When I finally decide to stop firing, he channels a huge amount of dark mana into his spear, making it look kinda spiky and making me sick to the very core. That thing is vile.


Suddenly, the guy appears right before my eyes, his spearhead aiming right at my face. In response, I use divine power to teleport a distance away from him.

In truth, I have been intentionally wasting my bullets since earlier. Every time they missed or were parried, I would use telekinesis to arrange them into a matrix, preparing for my ultimate skill.


Establish a new domain.

As soon as the space is set, an unreasonable, yet not totally without reasons, source of confidence surges inside my heart. Under the influence of my domain, not to mention the lackeys, the three-wings dude's power has decreased considerably.

Let's go again, my dude.

As I will my mana, a burst of energy explodes from my heart. After cultivating my power for so long, it is finally time to unleash it all.


With a single wave of my hand, a barrage of advanced magic spells—ice tornados, molten lava spikes, pressured water jets, among other things—manifest themselves in the air before launching toward my enemy, all calculated within seconds of my decision to make them.

The guy calmly takes a stance and begins to spin his spear around, practically creating a shield to block the incoming attacks.

The clash inevitably destroys the surroundings as those spells are redirected everywhere. Then, the guy jumps at me with incredible speed, hands low—probably a wide slash.


As I expected, he swings the spear from bottom to top and, in the process, creates a massive crack in the ground. Not before I teleport away, though.

Just like that, the two of us play a game of chase where I constantly shoot magic spells and bullets at him while he is trying to get to me. Unfortunately for him, this is my territory, and I do receive support from Sariel while I'm at it as well, so he hasn't been able to touch me yet.

Amidst the loud collisions of elemental spells and dark spearman-ship skills, I suddenly feel an ominous feeling. It's like walking on a trippy floor; uncomfortable.

''Sylvia! Be careful!''

When I hear Anna shout from the distance, I immediately retreat far and safely. And right after—



In the beautiful domain of mine, a black rose blooms fearlessly, unhinged, unrestricted, and indescribably filthy. 


Did this guy just create his own domain?!

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