Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 204: Back to Everwood.

Case 204: Back to Everwood.

In the sky.

I am currently enjoying the euphoric sensation of flying at high speed on a colossal dragon... Except I am not.


''Urgh... Ergh...''

Disorientation. This thing is a fucking bitch, even more so than me. The headache and nausea I feel from it top the pain of overclocking my brain.

I totally forgot that I had dragon sickness... In the trial world, it took me a while to get used to it as well.

Nevertheless, with four beautiful women pampering me by my side, it feels much better. So I just lie on Sariel's back with Tina giving me a thigh pillow, dead eyes staring into the half-sky that I can see.

I appreciate Tina's intention to comfort me, but her boobs block half my vision already.


Life is never easy.

After around half an hour of flying at extreme speed, it seems we have finally reached our territory. In the distance, I see a dense forest spanning probably thousands of kilometers—my hometown. In an instant, my sour mood is lifted, and a sense of nostalgia washes over me.

It's truly been a while.

To avoid alerting the people of Everwood, we have Sariel morph back to human form before teleporting into the territory. 

''Hah... Fresh air!''

Passing through the loveable trees, we arrive at the city's main gate. It takes the guards close to no time to recognize and welcome us in. Although two years have passed in my mind, barely two months have gone by in the world, and this place is still the same as I remember.

''Hah... This is heaven...'' I take a deep breath, gazing at the surroundings. It's my home.

Let's see... Well, I do notice quite a lot of people holding smartphones, and I see some new poles here and there as well. Hardly two months, and it has already become like this...

''Don't you need to see your parents?'' Sariel asks innocently. ''Three of you elves.''

''Ah... I think we don't need to hurry.''

As soon as I say that, a familiar presence can be detected right behind me. I turn around to see a handsome man whose brilliant eyes I got from standing there, looking at me, puzzled.

''Sylvia, how did you get back—''


Immediately jumping into his arm, I cry. It's been too long, silly dad.



Dad can't hide the surprise in his voice, but he hugs me back anyway.

''Long time no see.'' I smile at him.

''Indeed, my princess.'' He smiles at me.

''How's mom?''

''In her room. I'll take you to her now, and then... Tell me what happened in the trial, alright?''


''I will take you two's parents to the palace later. For now, let us move there first... Hm?''

Finally noticing the anomaly in our party, Dad pauses for a second. I also release him and begin to observe the conversation.

''You are...'' Dad trails off, probably realizing Sariel's strength. 

At this, the dragoness confidently steps up and bows her head lightly. ''It is an honor to meet you, Your Majesty. I am Sariel, former clan leader of the red dragons.''

''Hm... May I ask, is there a specific reason for your visit today?''

Sariel looks at me for a second before flashing a smile.

''I do understand your curiosity, Your Majesty. Let us drop the formal act.'' She says. ''I have heard and witnessed your daughter's grace with my own eyes. Motivated, I decided to retire from ruling my clan and joined her Saint party.''

''You did...??''

''Of course. I am confident my prowess will be of immense help to Sylvia.''

''I mean, that's for sure, but... Hm... Just in case, nothing is going on between you and Sylvia, right...?''

As Dad alternates between me and Sariel, I put my index finger on my lower lip and pretend to think for a moment.

''There might be something, there might not be something...'' I blink a bit faster, looking to the side.

''...So there is something.'' Dad facepalms. ''Fine, fine. This matter will need to be discussed again with our extended family members and your mom.''


''You seductress...''

Just call me a slut. Oh, wait, that sounds pretty inappropriate for Dad to say.

''...So the evil goddess's underlings appeared in the trial..''

Dude Abe says with a serious face.

''If it weren't for Mother Goddess's protection, she would have targeted you guys' bodies directly.''

Marquess Beryl Seymour—Liana's futa mom—adds.

In Dad's spacious office, my party, my parents, and my two elf lovers' parents are gathered. Meeting my mom after an eternity, I, of course, give her a huge hug and heartily rub my huge breasts against her arm—no malicious intent from me. I swear on the light bulb at the ceiling.

Nevertheless, after I gave them a brief rundown of what happened inside the trial, they got serious and began to talk about this stuff. Predicting Eve's moves, finding old traces about her, coming up with strategies to deal with that bitch, etc.

It is quite a gloomy topic, but I do realize its necessity. It's quite boring, though, and I don't want to deal with it for a bit. We're on vacation, after all.

So I just kinda sit there, sometimes throwing information in and discussing ideas lightly, all the while munching away at the top-tier snack on the table and flirting with my loves a bit.

Eventually, everyone has come to realize what they need to do, so the topic shifts to the 'unfamiliar' woman beside me. Sariel, at this point, is sipping her tea, calmly observing the conversation with her piercing silver eyes.

''And now, there is the problem of...'' Abe massages his temples.

Everyone awkwardly glances at Sariel, probably not knowing how to deal with her. I mean, she's one of the strongest in this world, after all.

''Well, well...''

Suddenly, Marchioness Adela Seymour—Liana's other non-futa mom—speaks up; her soft and bubbly voice captures our attention.

''I always find Your Highness's prowess in bed amazing.'' She says, hand on her cheek. ''It is a struggle for me to deal with my wife every night, yet you are comfortable with five...''

At this, I smile proudly.

''I am built different, Marchioness.'' I declare.

''My, my, how confident. Would you mind sharing some tips?''

''Of course, dear mother-in-law!'' I lean forward and grab her hand. ''I have lots of useful secrets...!''


Bribery, bribery. 

I know I am a greedy bitch, but please let me have Sariel...!

With that, the hurdle somehow passes by safely. By noon, we decide to give my family the best treat they could ever dream of—Emy's cooking. Although she can't infuse as much divine energy now, her food is still stupidly good.

Emy is probably the one who benefits the most from the trial, as her skills do carry over perfectly.

With the culinary god cooking in the kitchen, we await at the dining table. Perhaps because our parents miss their children a lot, they are asking them questions non-stop. How was life there, how did you spend the time, did you eat properly, etc.

For Anna, Tina, and Sariel, I make sure they don't feel left out as well. However, they still do get questions from our parents occasionally. I think we should have some kind of big family trip to bring them closer.

As the conversations get rowdier, everyone begins to open up, and somehow, the topic changes to a pretty sensitive one.



I turn to the side to see my mom smiling softly at me.

''You said the trial was a complete illusion, right?''

''Mhm... Basically.''

''So... Did you ever get pregnant?''


Immediately, the room goes quiet, and everyone's eyes turn to us. The silence is unreasonably loud. Eventually, I figure I have to give her an answer.

''Well... It is true we could do whatever we wanted inside that world, but I was hesitating because I didn't know how to bring the child out if I ever had one.'' I explain. ''But in the end... ''

''In the end?''

''...We decided to make one.''

'''' !!! ''''

At that, our parents' eyes widen instantly. Before the questions flood in, though, I quickly clarify my words.

''But! But! The final boss of the trial appeared right after we found out that I was pregnant! I didn't birth one...!''

''Oh...'' Mom sighs, looking regretful. ''That's unfortunate... But, do you know whose child that was?''

''Ah, I did it with everyone that night, so I'm not sure...''

'''' ... ''''

I mean, I could have used divine magic to birth a child, but that would have felt like I was making a doll, so I didn't do it. The sensation of being bred was incredible, though; I can't wait to do it again.

Right then, the door opens, and Emy appears; behind her are numerous maids holding trays of food.

''Time to eat.'' She declares.


Whatever. Eat first.

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