Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 80: World leaders’ class reunion.

Case 80: World leaders’ class reunion.

''... I see... A world-ending crisis, huh...'' Dad muttered. ''It's probably right to announce this in tomorrow's meeting.''

'''' ... ''''

''Well, enough of the depressing stuff, we can always go back to this later in the day.'' I said. ''How did the camera stuff go, dad?''

''Ah, that? I've got it right here.'' He pulls out a camera out of his space bag. ''It's very fun to use, by the way.''

''Thanks, dad.'' I said excitedly, taking the camera from him.

After a bit of checking the functionalities, I turn the camera lens back to us.

''Everyone, lean your body towards me.'' I said.

I then move the camera away a bit using telekinesis.

''One, two, three... Cheese!''

Double peace sign~


Let's see...

Oh~ It came out pretty nice. Way better than the ones used by the press the other day.

As I'd requested, this one does have a print feature as well.

''Woah~ It looks so sharp...'' Anna commented.

''Indeed...'' Tina added.

''By the way, dad, how's the whole telephone going?'' I said, giving the picture to the curious four.

''It's almost done. We can modify the network quite a bit using magic as well, so the private line you talked before should be possible.''

''That's good.'' I nod contently.

I've always wanted to do sexting with my lovers before. You know, like sending my explicit pictures to turn them on for example, or in Anna's case, my gangbanged pictures.

*knock* *knock*

''Excuse me. Breakfast is ready.'' 

But it's time to eat first.


The rest of the day was relatively uneventful. I got to talk with dad a lot while my lovers were training and fighting.

During the almost two months I was away, mom seemed to be quite sad. But it's not like I could do anything about it. Sorry, mom. I'll give you lots of grandchildren later, don't worry.

Aside from that, everything else was going pretty nice. The genius engineers even succeeded in making a tank or sort, based on what I gave them. Maybe I could really dream of firing an ICBM in the future. I'm excited.

My talk with dad extended to 8 P.M, there was a lot to catch up on. After that, I finally met my winner who would get to have sex with me.

Now, this is the first time they've actually fight each other since the beginning of the challenge, and very unexpectedly, Anna won. I guess she's just that good at martial arts.

I thought she was about to have me eat some cocks, but then she decided to quit being a cuck for some reason, and quite convincingly dominated me the whole session. I guess she really needed some confirmations, huh.

I could have fought back, but I decided not to, just to make her feel better. And it's not like I didn't enjoy it either.

Well, regardless of that. Today's the day. It's time to let the world know that I'm a Saint.


In the meeting room of the Crimson Palace, a man sits alone in silence, his eyebrows furrowed.

He is the very Emperor of this realm, and now he is dead tired.

Everything was going well for him. He easily conquered Kaspia, and was about to conquer the other six human countries as well. Until everything started to go downhill.

First, one of his avid supporter, Marquis Eliot died. Then suddenly, his biggest ally, Duke Forbes also died. And now even Marquis Vivian, descendant of a saint, has been captured by the elves, accused of being an impostor.

Constant headache, is what he's been feeling for the last month.

At this point, he has given up. No more invading. He can't even fight against those people anyway. There's just not enough support for him. If not careful, in this very meeting, the Crown Prince seat might have to go to William, even.


'''' Your Majesty. ''''

''...Jeremy and William. Sit.''

'''' Understood. ''''

Jeremy and William sit on either side of their father, both of them have a relaxed expression.

''I'm surprised you can still smile like that, brother.'' William said mockingly.

''...Why, am I not supposed to?'' Jeremy replied nonchalantly.

''Stop. Both of you, it's not the tim-


''Oh? Looks like I came early?''

''...Greetings, Dwarf King.''

''Hahahahah! Long time no see, little James!'' Said the small but bulky dwarf, his voice as powerful as a roar, vibrating through the room.


''Too loud, as always.'' A dignified male voice sounded behind the dwarf. ''Come sit with me, we have a lot to talk about.''

''Sure thing, Beast King!''

The wolf-kin with majestic silver-gray fur and the weary Emperor exchange a brief nod.


The door opens again, this time revealing a seemingly normal young man, but his distinctive slit pupils reveal that he is not human.

'''' ... ''''

''Hmph." He sits roughly on an empty seat, crosses his arms and puffs his chest arrogantly.

''...You are?'' The Emperor asked.

''Why should I answer?'' The man raises his eyebrow.

''I'm sure I've invited the king of dragons...''

''He has no time for useless gatherings like this. Now shut up.''

'''' ... ''''


''Greetings, everyone.'' 

''Archbishop Henry.'' The Emperor said, diverting his gaze from the dragon (?) man.

Archbishop Henry sits near the Emperor and his children.

'''' ... ''''

The room then falls silent, except for the occasional exchange of words between the Dwarf King and the Beast King.


''Hello everyone~'' A beautiful middle-aged woman with colorful scales across her body greeted cheerfully.

''...Mermaid Queen, welcome.''

''Pardon the intrusion~''

'''' ... ''''


The door opens once again, this time, three people enter at once.

They immediately catch everyone's attention, not only because of their distinctive Saint outfits, but also because of their enormous magical power, which seems to crush the air itself, making everyone in the room tremble.

''Hm? Why is the atmosphere so gloomy suddenly?'' Said a seemingly inconspicuous old man with a shiny bald head, stroking his long white beard.

''Because of us, obviously.'' The middle-aged fox-kin woman with the impressive silver fur shrugged, her fluffy tail dangling.

''Just settle down first, please.'' The remaining neat-looking man said after a sigh.

''Welcome, esteemed Saints.'' The Emperor bows lightly, follows by everyone but the dragon man.

''It's an honor to meet you again, Your Holinesses!'' Archbishop Henry stands up and bows deeply, earning pleasant nods from the three former Saints.

''Now we only have the elves left?'' Beast King inquired.

''They're here too?! I thought they are just going to coop up in their forest?'' Dwarf King replied.


''Talk about them.'' Beast King said.

''Seems like we're last.'' A handsome elf appears.

As he enters the room, the atmosphere once again vibrates. The man with such a calm and nonchalant demeanor exudes an impenetrable aura, making the already heavy air in the room even heavier.

A few nervous gulps could be heard around the room. Just then, a short and rather... busty elf pops out behind the man.

''Yahallo~'' She greeted cheerfully.

'''' ... ''''

''...Elf King, welcome.'' The Emperor said, his normally dignified voice seeming to shake a little.

The elf and her dad sit next to the neat-looking former Saint.

''Long time no see, disciple.''

''Likewise, master.'' 

The two men exchange a short greeting.

''Now then.'' The Emperor said. ''Let's begin the meeting.''

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