Lord Shadow

Chapter 1473 Time Stopped For Him

The people attacking Pandemonium could not help but hurl curses.

Because as the dust of destruction is swept away by the wind, they finally could see what happened.

The first bombardment could be said to fail because of those people who flew up into the sky and uses their abilities to protect the cities and villages that they are in.

But the second bombardment, they throw even more powerful explosion.

Even if the Good Samaritans is a Disk Formation leveler, they would be thrown to the ground.

It might not kill them immediately but they would at least be repulsed and unable to move.

And then their attack would have decimated the cities and the villages.

But what they see now in front of their eyes is a golden dome, translucent and ethereal that envelops the entire skyscape of Pandemonium.

In that moment when those Pandemonium citizens flew up and held off the first attack, the Defense corps had enough time to set up the formation running.

Only a few seconds was needed and that one second is important enough that it changes the result of this battle

The facial expression of those attackers is not good

'This….is it left by him?'

'Even far away, he could still…haish' one of them sighed.

Everyone that sees this golden dome could not help to have the same thought

This is probably one of Death Monarch formation.

But just because they failed the first time, did not mean they would just give up and run away.

Instead, the sound of the Battlestar charging could be heard all over the city.

'One attack does not work, two attack does not work, don't tell me if we bombard this place hundreds of times, the formation would still hold!' one of the admirals shouted.

There will never be such opportunities again to attack and inflict great damage to the capital of the world powers than today

Today, the entire firepower of the world powers is now on the Turbulent Sea.

Unless you are a Divine Comprehension leveler, you could not easily teleport out of the Turbulent Sea

So, right now, the defense of the world powers cities and territory is at its lowest.

The same thing happened on the other world powers.

The initial attack is resisted by the protection measure left by the world powers and the people in those places

These Battlestar's is none other owned by the Crime Alliance, the pirate and the other forces in the criminal underworld

Taking advantage that most of the high ranking and powerful figure of these world powers is in Arturia, the Crime Alliance, the pirates, the forces of the criminal underworld split some of their low-level forces to attack the cities and capitals and territory of the world powers.

The reason is not evident to these people.

But it is evident to the world powers.

There is three Divine Comprehension leveler in Arturia.

The more there is such person with such power in Arturia, means the lower the probability of the dark forces to win.

So, they are the diversion. To force one of the three beings of Divine Comprehension leveler to make a move.

Of course, this part of the plan is not something that these admirals and these soldiers that are now trying to bombard the cities of these world powers knows about.

The Battlestar did not take long before they charge their weapons again and bombard the cities, villages and towns all over the world

The same scene could be seen all over the continents ruled by the Seven Great Powers.

The larger a continent is, the harder it is to protect all of the cities. Fortunately, enough, there is not too many cities in far places as most cities are near the capital city as it gravitates to the center of power of the world powers




The sound of explosion echoes all over, ringing like a bell that signifies destruction.

The clouds were all burned by the effect of these explosion.

Nuclear bombs, one of the most destructive weapons that was constructed before the Fall is now used wantonly without caring about whether it would destroy the world

Such weapon is no longer something that is fearsome as it was before as some people could be nuked and still could survive.

And the world itself has great regenerative power.

Radiations is even food for some.

The bombardment is focused on the protection formation of the capital cities. In Pandemonium, the capital city of Pandemonium is being bombarded. In the World Government, it was the Island of Peace.

In the League of Freedom, it was Stormhold, the capital city of the League of Freedom.

In Lotus Order, it was the Lotus Palace. And so on and so forth, most of the Battlestar focused on trying to destroy the capital cities of these world powers

Sooner or later, something will give out.

Many of the citizens looking at the sky, looking at the protection of the city

'What should we do!'

'It will break'

'Mobilize the city guards!

'Call the army!'

But most of the army had gone to Arturia. And most of the city guards is not capable of handling such powerful bombardment

it slowly eroded and showing sign of breaking…. they could not help but feel terrified.

Most capital city would be almost impossible to destroy.

But that is not the case for other cities.

Most of the world powers lives in continent and they have their capital city and they have other cities that is established by the people there.

What the dark forces of the world wanted to do is to destroy the power base of these world powers.

The second bombardment stop.

All over the world, there is already signs that some of the protection formation is about to wear down and break.

The Battlestar charges again, the droning sound of its charging seems to fill the hearts of the people on the city with trepidation.

But as the Battlestar was about to bombard the cities and the towns, suddenly everything seems to have stop

The course of the wind, the sound of explosion, the movement of everything seems to have stopped. And then appearing out of nothingness, the is a person, floating in the air

And the moment he came, Time and Space seems to be constrained, a river made of illusory colors appears for a second before it dissipated in a motes of light

The people all over the world that is watching this cheered!

The Time Manipulator appears!

There is someone in the sky, wearing a leather armor, swirling with green and purplish aura.

Even though, he is tall, compared to the large Battlestar on the sky, he looks like an ant compared to a large boulder.

His wavy hair does not flutter and he has a beard that make him look manly and fierce.

There is a smile on his face that made people who sees it feel reassured.

He smiles and look toward the people below him

He seems to floats through the land without time without any sense of urgency. There are bullets, plasma beam, laser shot and many more that seems to be heading his way and some are even in his way

but in this land without time, all of this halted. He sometimes pokes a few missiles and these missiles changes its direction.

Sometimes, he pokes it a little harder and these missiles would turn direction, floats like it are in zero gravity and the point of this missile is now pointing toward the Battlestar on the sky

His shoes pierces through the clouds, and everything seems to have stopped.

His power envelopes the whole world.

But it could not stop time in all places of the world. The people watching this is these places that not affected by the power of time was shocked

Everyone knows of the name Time Manipulator but rarely the see Jean makes a move.

Even after the world had expanded, his power could still affect the world.

This is the thought of many people

The people all over the world could see missiles, explosion attack all halted, stopped, floats.

They have no word for it as for the first few moments, they were only dumbfounded with what they are seeing.

As for the people in the bombardment area, they could not move, the feeling all over their body disappeared like they did not exist.

The power of time compels them. But they seem to still be able to see and move their eyes. This is intentional by Jean.

Jean sighed and spoke

'You wanted to distract us. How could we not be prepared?'

His voice is low but it seems to echoes all over their ears

Jean, Hikigaya and Azief all knows that the criminal underworld did not use all of their available forces and all of their powers.

Of course, the reason is because some of these methods is unusable in the Turbulent Sea.

But just because the methods are unusable in the Turbulent Sea, does not mean it did not work in other places.

Jean was tasked to make sure the attack of the ark forces of the criminal underworld will not affect the people of the world.

Of course, he did not only appear in one place instead just like when he uses his skill during the Multiversal Convergence, he appears all over the world with his Time Avatar.

And wherever he appears time stopped.


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