Lust Knight

Chapter 101 - First Wifey (1/2)

Chapter 101 - First Wifey (1/2)

It was already 1:00 pm when Lucien finished the training session with Astrid. She fell asleep from mental exhaustion, and he took her to the bedroom.

Lucien could hear that all his other women were in the kitchen finishing lunch. They seemed to be arguing about making special meals for him, which made Lucien proudly smile.

Astrid would not be able to participate in the lunch because her body was totally focused on absorbing the large amount of demonic energy she received from him.

On the contrary, Lucien found it easier and easier to absorb demonic energy, making L.u.s.t more and more confused. Of course, she liked it a lot and knew that they would get stronger faster than she imagined.

He went to the bathroom to take a quick bath before lunch with his wives. But things were never as simple as he wanted.

As soon as he entered the bathroom and took off his clothes, L.u.s.t materialized in front of him. She quickly connected their lips, and Lucien hugged her slim waist as they kissed passionately and communicated mentally.

’Can we only kiss in the bathroom, hiding as fugitives? Is this how you treat your first woman?’ L.u.s.t looked upset, but Lucien knew that she was just provoking him.

He ran his hand over her s.e.xy curves. L.u.s.t materialized without clothes, especially to let him touch her, and Lucien was grateful to her for that.

’We can do whatever you want now... We can stay in this room for days just f.u.c.k.i.n.g... ’

Lucien loved to squeeze L.u.s.t’s ass and b.r.e.a.s.ts. She is different from any woman because he felt something more with her. Something that neither he or she understood, but it was just wonderful to both.

L.u.s.t felt that Lucien was the most addictive drug in the whole existence. Every touch of him, every kiss, even his look was fatal to her.

She also wanted to do what was best for him in the first place, because of that she couldn’t always be with him. ’You know I want you all the time... But what about your other women? Are you going to ignore them?’

How could Lucien not love L.u.s.t so much? She gave him the chance to obtain a power, which seemed limitless, but she did not require anything from him but supports him completely. Plus, she was the woman who made him feel the greatest pleasure of all.

He pressed her against the wall, and L.u.s.t quickly wrapped her legs around his waist. While he kissed her perfect mouth, he also started rubbing his c.o.c.k on her already wet p.u.s.s.y.

’I have to be fair to all my women... And who deserves my attention more than you, my first wife?’ The fact that Lucien did call her a wife and not just a woman really made L.u.s.t pleased. He never saw her as a weapon but as his wife, which was all she wanted.

L.u.s.t said nothing more and just enjoyed Lucien’s affection. He kissed and caressed her for several minutes. Despite her p.u.s.s.y wanting him inside all the time, L.u.s.t remained obedient as a little wifey and let him lead.

Lucien wanted to be inside L.u.s.t at all times, but he had other plans, which made her even happier. ’I don’t want you to hide anymore. I will introduce you to others now, and then you will always be by my side.’

’Mm. I really want to, my love. I want to be by your side as your wife.’ Of course, L.u.s.t wanted to show Lucien’s other women that she existed and had a higher position in his heart.

Still, the main reason for her happiness was that after everyone knew about her, they could have s.e.x all the time, and she could barely wait for it.

"So, help me take a bath before we go to talk to the others." Lucien stopped kissing L.u.s.t and went towards the bathtub, but she jumped on his back, throwing them both into the bathtub.

"They haven’t finish lunch yet, right? I want you inside me, please." They fell into a position where L.u.s.t was on top of Lucien. She started to rub her p.u.s.s.y on his d.i.c.k, making it impossible for him to deny her request.

Lucien smiled at L.u.s.t before grabbing her arms and rotating their bodies, shifting to a position where he was on top of her. L.u.s.t opened her legs, and he started to bang her.

Even though their love session was fast, it was also incredibly enjoyable. Lucien felt complete with L.u.s.t in a fantastic way just as she felt complete with him.

Still, they both knew that lunch would be ready soon, so they finished quickly, and then she helped him to bathe. L.u.s.t also helped Lucien to get dressed, making him feel like a husband with the best wife.

As soon as he was ready, Lucien couldn’t help looking at L.u.s.t’s beautiful n.a.k.e.d body. He really wanted to undress and start another intense love session, but he wanted first to make all clear to his woman.

Lucien also realized that he had only seen her wearing a small white dress, and he couldn’t help but question her. "Can you materialize clothes now? Clothes good enough to cover your entire body."

L.u.s.t couldn’t help but smile. She knew how possessive Lucien was, and she actually liked it because it made her feel even more loved by him.

"Yes, now that you have produced a lot of demonic energy for us, I can materialize clothes and other things. I also can fight with a power level similar to Cassidy’s."

Lucien was surprised. He knew that Cassidy was very powerful, but he didn’t expect L.u.s.t to be able to reach that level so fast. They had speculated that things would take longer. Of course, he was very happy about that.

Still, he did not understand power levels very well. He read several books in his world about it, but only his sisters reached the Five Chaos Realms while he did not really have any real power.

Then Lucien asked L.u.s.t because as she was from a superior world, she should have a great understanding of the subject. "How far are we from the Mortal Realm?"

There were several ways to measure power, but the most used in most worlds were the Five Chaos Realms, and the Mortal Realm was the first step where a person needed a great general power to reach.

Of course, that would be a great deal of power in inferior worlds like this currently. Still, in medium and superior worlds, it was normal for someone to have that power at a young age just as Lucien’s sisters had reached the Mortal Realm’s first layer at age 15 while he is still in the so-called Zero Realm.

The way for a person to enter one of the Five Chaos Realms and advance through its ten layers is to improve their overall power. A person’s overall power is determined by their skills, physical capabilities, and abilities.

Skills are learned and abilities are from a person’s bloodline. The same abilities and skills are stronger or weaker depending on the person.

There were many ways and treasures to learn about a person’s power, but Lucien didn’t have to worry about that now as L.u.s.t could analyze the potential of most people, which allowed her to say what level of power they were in precisely.

L.u.s.t did not want to talk about this before as Lucien was still starting his path in the quest for power with her.

But he was evolving very fast, and now they were already close to reaching the Mortal Realm, which would be the top power in this world. Of course, there are always exceptions.

Then L.u.s.t answered Lucien’s question. "You are very close to the Mortal Realm. I think you can reach the first layer in less than two weeks if you work together with your women. Cassidy, Astrid, and Rose can reach it in two months if you keep a good pace. The others will need more time."

"Amazing!" Lucien couldn’t help but be happy. He saw his sisters become very powerful when they reached the Mortal Realm, and now he was also close to it. It was even better as he could also help his women to improve with him quickly.

Each step towards more power was a step towards his mother, and that gave Lucien more and more hope. He hugged L.u.s.t to show his gratitude for her help.

"L.u.s.t, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m really glad we are together." Before L.u.s.t could react, Lucien began to kiss her passionately.

’Then introduce me as your first wife...’ L.u.s.t couldn’t help but take advantage of Lucien’s happiness to try to secure her position.

Lucien could only smile as he found her reaction cute. He and his women were getting stronger because they were working together, but of course, it all started with L.u.s.t, so she more than anyone should have the title of the first wife.

’Okay, so let’s go.’ Again it was difficult for them to stop kissing because their bodies are attracted to each other like magnets.

L.u.s.t entered Lucien’s body again to wait for the right moment to appear, so he left the bathroom. He looked at Astrid, sleeping like an angel on the bed and smiled before leaving the room and walking down the stairs.

Lucien could hear several happy voices coming from the kitchen. The women were talking about many different things, but the whole subject was about him and Mia’s birthday party.

As soon as he arrived in the hall, he was met by the maid Kara. She looked at him and blushed embarrassingly. "My Lo- Lucien... I was just going to call you because lunch is almost ready."

Lucien loved cuteness, and luckily he was always surrounded by cute girls. He walked towards Kara and patted her on the head, making the sweet maid blush even more while closing her eyes and enjoying it.

"Thank you for making my room so tidy and smelling... My towel also had a special scent... I think it was a rare type of wildflower, right?"

Kara was really enjoying Lucien patting her head. Still. She can’t help but panic when she heard his words. She couldn’t believe she was bold enough to do that.

"I- I- I’m s-sorry... I thought you could-" Kara started to stutter, then Lucien put the finger on her lips as he spoke kindly.

"It’s all good, Kara. I liked it a lot so you can always use... Well, wash my towels like that." Although the towel had Kara’s scent, it was still far from overcoming Lucien’s natural scent, so he could enjoy it without having problems with his women.

"Hehehe... Okay... Lucien..." Kara calmed down again under Lucien’s pats then laughed sweetly.

Everything good doesn’t last forever, and so, Lucien continued toward the kitchen, leaving Kara with a silly smile on her face and bold thoughts in her mind.

Next to the kitchen was the large dining room where Lucien called his women by telepathy. The girls were not cooking food for everyone, just the special meals for Lucien. They left the kitchen letting the servants continued to cooking lunch for everyone else, while the women went towards him.

As soon as Lucien entered the room, he went to pat Oya and Ko, who were on a sofa in the corner, specially positioned there for them.

When the girls arrived, he started kissing and hugging them; after all, he only slept with Cassidy and Mia last night.

In the room were Cassidy, Mia, Rose, Maggie, Aria, Ella, Anne, Marie, Lena, and Angela.

Lucien also heard Ghilanna and Jeanne coming towards the room, and even though they were not his women yet, he still trusted them just as he trusted Lena and Angela so he would have no problem telling them about L.u.s.t.

The girls sat around the table while Rose kept hugging Lucien. He couldn’t push away the cute little vampire, so he prepared to tell about L.u.s.t.

"I wanted to explain to you the truth about... Well, the peculiarities of my body, which make us stronger together."

Lucien had a little difficulty explaining, after all, he would be talking about the existence of a sin in physical form, which would be unbelievable for most people.

The women were confused and curious, so they listened carefully to his words. "I have never been alone since we met... An incredible woman has always been with me, and she gave me the ability to allow us to become stronger together."


"Which woman?"


Lucien can’t help but roll his eyes. He was talking about the incredible ability, which was making them stronger quickly. Still, they just seemed to have heard about the women and started questioning him who she was.

The women started making a ruckus, and before Lucien could say anything to calm them down, L.u.s.t materialized on the other side of him. Just like Rose, on one side, she hugged his other arm, surprising everyone in the room.

"I’m this woman, and I’m also his first wife."






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