Lust Knight

Chapter 103 - The Seven

Chapter 103 - The Seven

About 15 years ago.

"Ahhh!" L.u.s.t felt intense pain all over her body and kept her eyes closed even though she was already awake.

"Oh, you were the second to wake up. It’s been a long time, my friend... I guess." L.u.s.t heard a soft voice speak slowly. It only took her a few seconds to realize that the person is Sloth.

"What happened? I remember a great battle... We were winning, but then... Many Golden Gods appeared out of nowhere..." L.u.s.t’s memories were confused.

She seemed to remember the facts as if someone had told her, and not as if she had actually been in that battle.

Sloth gazed at L.u.s.t with a strange look. "Well, I’m not too sure about that either. I think we lost the battle."

L.u.s.t opened her eyes and looked around just to see more darkness. "Where are we? What are we going to do now? Where are the others?"

"Hahaha... You look like a child asking so many questions like that. How do you expect me to know what’s going on?" Sloth, following L.u.s.t’s voice, managed to pinch her cheek while laughing.

"Sloth!! Stop this. My head hurts a lot... It looks like the beating we got was... Wait! Did our hosts die?! Shit!!" L.u.s.t could remember very little, but she no longer felt the connection to her host.

Sloth pinched L.u.s.t’s cheek again. "You didn’t even like that host. You said you would never have s.e.x with such a stupid man. Now we have a chance to find better hosts."

L.u.s.t tried to push Sloth’s hand away as she acted like an older sister. "You’re lucky that you don’t have to do anything with your host to become strong. I am cursed to have to do s.e.x to become strong... I have to find someone reliable, or I will never have power."

"I’m sure you will find someone; after all, there is no woman more beautiful than our sweet L.u.s.t." Sloth started patting L.u.s.t on the head, and she smiled.

Both were in the dark, but then an intense white light lit up the whole place. L.u.s.t and Sloth realized that they were in a large room with no furniture or windows, only a large door from which the light came.

L.u.s.t and Sloth put their hands in front of their faces to block the light, which hurt their eyes as they heard another voice.

"L.u.s.t complaining about her host? Why does it feel like I’ve heard it a million times? Damn, we’re going to keep losing to all the high races if you don’t stop screwing it up!!"

Sloth stood in front of L.u.s.t as she responded towards the light. "What purpose to blame her? Your host did not lead us as well as you said he would. Your aura of power didn’t help us either! F.u.c.k you, Pride!!"

Before Pride responded, another voice came from the corner of the room. "Damn Pride, turn off this aura!! It’s hurting my eyes."

"Ahhh... We are really a great family... Damn it. I just wish I could really die." Another voice came from another part of the room. All the voices were feminine and seemed to be very intimate.

"I’m f.u.c.k.i.n.g hungry!!! Cant you guys be quiet and let me devour you?" As soon as a sixth voice spoke, everyone was silent for a second before starting to laugh.

"Hahaha... Stupid Gluttony... Even if your powers worked on us, you wouldn’t devour your sisters." Then a seventh voice spoke.

After a few minutes of laughing, everyone was silent again, and Sloth was the first to speak. "What’s the new plan, Pride?"

"Oh, don’t you know? You are always so wise, Sloth... shouldn’t you lead us this time?" Pride had turned off her aura, so the room was dark again.

Still, Sloth rolled her eyes before speaking in a mocking tone. "How could I lead if I need to sleep the whole time? I will let you decide who leads... After all, you know what is right..."

"Okay, let’s decide who leads later. Now we have to start traveling again... This time we will have promising hosts." Pride spoke in a confident voice.

"You said that last time!! And what a f.u.c.k.i.n.g host I had... As far as I know, the others were not very good either. L.u.s.t didn’t even sleep with her host... They were the worst." The angriest voice made her point clear.

Pride could only sigh. She really failed to find good hosts. "I’m sorry, Wrath. I apologize to all of you... But this time is different. They are children, so we can shape them any way we want."

"Children? Prodigies, I hope. We really need to have some victories or our people’s morale is going to be destroyed entirely." Envy spoke, wondering what these children would be like.

Pride was silent for a few seconds making the others worried, then she continued. "They are from a medium world."


"You must be joking!!"


"We are really screwed!"

The others complained while L.u.s.t and Sloth were silent, not knowing what to think. Pride tried to calm them down by explaining the situation well. "You don’t understand. Their father has a Bloody Rose."

Then everyone stopped complaining when they heard Pride’s words. Everyone knew the rarity of a Bloody Rose and what that cursed treasure could do to someone.

Sloth can’t help but think out loud. "This should be impossible. The Bloody Rose only grows every hundred thousand years, and the vampires would rather see their world burn than allow someone to steal their most precious treasure."

Greed, who had her eyes wide open and was almost drooling, shook her head and questioned Pride. "You were tricked, Pride. Neither Gods nor Dragons could take the Bloody Rose from the vampires. They would destroy it before anyone take it from them."

The light came out of nowhere again, lighting the room and hurting everyone’s eyes except Pride’s. "Do you doubt me, the Pride herself? I would never lie or be tricked! I saw in the mirror of souls, the real Bloody Rose in the hands of a human."

"F.u.c.k you, Pride!! Turn down the damn light! We believe you." Greed held out her hands, and a black light covered Pride’s white light as a kind of shadow miasma.

Pride didn’t like it and intensified her aura, starting a battle between the white light and the black light. Sloth could not leave the conflict to continue and spoke to stop them.

"Will you be wasting what little demonic energy we still have? This is too childish for demons who are thousands of years old, your fools!"

Greed and Pride withdrew their powers, and the room once again went dark and silent until Envy spoke. "Speak more about these humans, Pride."

Then Pride continued her plan’s explanation. "They live in a medium world called Bellor. It is a long way from the Prime Star, but it is worth the journey... You must understand what it would be like to have hosts who ate the Bloody Rose’s petals."

"From what I remember, the Bloody Rose would give infinite potential, but also causes their darkest and most impulsive desires to be stronger. Anyone would go crazy..." Sloth cannot help but comment with concern.

Envy continued her words. "That’s why even the vampires only use it on their most powerful members, and even then, they don’t survive long."

Pride quickly gave them the solution. "That is why we are going to use the pentagram pact on them."

"Is it even possible? Uhm... Actually, It could really work if they..."Greed started to ponder, but Sloth interrupted her."

"Do you know what that would do to them? Are we really going to make these kids embrace their darkest desires and then connect their feelings? Wouldn’t that be too cruel even for us?"

Pride smiled, and a little of her light made her arrogant gaze visible. "We are the personifications of Sins. There is nothing we cannot do."

Sloth was about to argue more, but when she felt L.u.s.t’s hand on her shoulder. "Wait, Sloth. This might not be so bad."

"If they were able to work together as one unit, they could survive Bloody Rose by the pentagram pact. This can be the beginning of something great, even for the superior races."

Everyone started to reflect on L.u.s.t’s words, and it could really work that way. But there was another question, and Sloth questioned Pride again.

"But there are seven children for all of us to have a host. So how are you going to convince them to do the pact when it should only work for five?"

Pride also had the answer ready for that. "The pact has always been used on five, but in fact, it can be used on more. That can cause instabilities, but in theory, it will work on the seven."

Pride spoke confidently of everything, which only made Sloth even more suspicious. "Tell us, Pride. Who said these things to you?"

"A woman... I don’t know who she was, but she used the mirror of souls in front of me. Everything is true, and even though I didn’t know if she has other plans, we can still become more powerful than ever, so everything will be okay in the end."

Sloth could only roll her eyes again. "Your overconfidence will be our ruin. Even if we are fine, those children will not live a decent life anymore."

Greed spoke in her usual malicious tone. "We will not force them into anything. If they choose our soul contracts, we will be connected as long as they live. Then we will share their failures or triumphs."

Pride continued explaining her plans, making everything clear. "I already arranged everything with the children’s father. He will cast a spell on the Bloody Rose petals so they can be consumed slowly by the children..."

"They are very young now, so when we arrive at their world, they will be young a.d.u.l.ts, and by slowly consuming Bloody Rose, the effects on their bodies will just start to appear."

"So we will do as usual by going to some inferior world to grow together. But this time we will make them work more together than ever. If we can unite them as much as possible, it will be better for everyone..."

"So when their bonds are stronger than ever, we will make the pact, so that they don’t break with the side effects of the Bloody Rose."

Pride’s plan seemed perfect, but Sloth saw many failures and dangers for the children. "You said you arranged everything with the father. So what does he want in exchange for his children?"

"We will only have to resolve a war in his world. It’s a shitty medium world, so it’s okay to accept his request." Pride seemed fine with that, but Sloth didn’t think it was right with the children...

Well, in the end, it was the father’s decision on how to raise his children. She could only pity them.

"Is everyone in agreement? We have to start opening the portal now to get there before the Bloody Rose destroys the kids." Pride was sure everyone would accept her plan, but she still had to confirm it.

"Yes." x5

Sloth had a bad feeling about this. She knew that the chances of everything going wrong were great.

But there was also the possibility that children would be more incredible than they imagined and survive Bloody Rose, becoming something that never existed before in the entire universe.

"Okay, but let’s try to be good for these kids. After all, they are going through a really shitty situation, and they apparently cannot count on their father for any support."

L.u.s.t and other sins understood the situation well, and everyone agreed to be good to the kids. L.u.s.t held Sloth’s hand as she kindly spoke.

"Of course, we will be nice to them. But they also need to be worthy of our respect, so that we can make this work."

Envy could not miss the chance to make a bad joke. "I wonder if this time L.u.s.t will have s.e.x with her host."

Before L.u.s.t could answer, Pride gave one more piece of information. "The children are six girls and a boy..."

"Uhh? That means?" L.u.s.t cannot help but imagine some exciting situations.

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