Lust Knight

Chapter 109 - No Regrets

Chapter 109 - No Regrets

Higher senses and agility than your enemies were devastating advantages in single combat and small group combat.

Even against two people, Cassidy still has almost infinite possibilities for movement to destroy Scarlett and Olivia. Of course, she wants to do it in a way that would humiliate them more.

Scarlett’s horizontal attack was powerful and fast. It would be deadly to anyone in the S-rank or below, but it was too slow for the current Cassidy.

She stepped forward and grabbed Scarlett’s wrist, then pointed her saber to Olivia, who fell towards her after her jump attack.

"HOW?!" Scarlett was shocked, not only by the speed of Cassidy’s reaction but also by the tyrannical strength, which stopped her powerful attack as if it were nothing.

"?!?!?!" Olivia was sure Cassidy was going to dodge, so she started such a risky attack. Now she couldn’t change the direction of her fall so easily.

She tried to rotate her body so as not to be impaled by the saber. Of course, Cassidy was the only person in control of the situation, and since she didn’t want to kill them yet, she allowed Olivia to avoid a fatal injury by dodging the saber tip.

Still, the saber has a broad blade, which made a long cut on Olivia’s belly. As she fell to the ground, Cassidy kicked Scarlett on the stomach.



While Olivia fell to the floor, making a thud, Scarlett threw up what was left of the food she had eaten a few hours ago with blood and was sent flying until hitting the wall, making another thud.

Olivia stood up with a quick leap to try stabbing Cassidy with her sharp daggers. But before she could understand what happened, the wooden staff had already hit her on the face.

"AHH!!!" Olivia was thrown back a few feet while she felt a terrible pain on her face.

Not only was the pain on her face excruciating because of her old scars, but it also reminded her of her trauma, opening wounds in her heart.

Cassidy threw the saber towards Scarlett. When she saw her saber spinning in the air, she thought it was her end... Killed by an enemy that she supposedly defeated easily...

Scarlett closed her eyes then heard the noise of the saber hitting the wall. She understood that she had another chance and didn’t think twice before getting up, picking up the saber, and running towards Cassidy.

She couldn’t give up. Even though the fight seemed impossible to win, she had to keep fighting. Not only for her but also for those who needed her help.

Cassidy smiled at Scarlett’s futile effort. She also noticed Olivia getting up and starting another attack towards her.


*Pah* *Pah*

Cassidy easily dodged Scarlett’s attack and hit her on the back with the wooden staff. Then she attacked Olivia’s face again, sending them both to the floor.

Scarlett dropped her saber during the fall while Olivia also dropped her daggers. They both tried to get up as soon as they hit the floor, but Cassidy’s heavy attacks were starting to make their bodies feel numb.

"Oh? Are these the powerful leaders who overthrew the useless queen?" Cassidy walked over to Scarlett, who was nearest and kicked her in the stomach, throwing her to the wall again while she vomits more blood.

While Cassidy attacked Scarlett, Olivia got up quickly, picked up a dagger, and jumped on Cassidy’s back, attempting a desperate attack.

Cassidy didn’t even turn around and just reached behind her, grabbing Olivia by the neck. "I remember how you spread rumors that I would never be strong like my father and that Portgreen did not need a weak queen."

"You-" Scarlett tried to get up, but Cassidy hit her face with the staff, preventing her from reacting.

"Dammit! You talked so much about me being weak and unworthy of the crown, but you didn’t even face me in combat..." Cassidy threw Olivia alongside Scarlett on the floor and also hit her face with the staff over and over.

Olivia was in pain all over her body, but she could no longer take the merciless blows on her face. She raised her hand to block it, causing the sturdy staff to break her hand.

Cassidy then kicked her in the stomach, throwing her in the center of the room. "Don’t die yet. You caused me too much suffering to end like this."

"My beloved daughter had to work as a mercenary... Living a year hiding like a bandit while watching her mother between life and death..."

Scarlett tried to get up again, but her body was severely hurt. She stood on all fours while resting both hands on the floor.



"AAAAAHHH!!!" Cassidy hit Scarlett’s back with enough force to break some of her bones, and also break the wooden staff in half.

Scarlett tried to get up again, but her legs wouldn’t move. It didn’t take a genius to know that Cassidy’s attack had damaged her spine.

Despite all the pain, she didn’t regret anything because everything she did was for a reason. Even at the end, she still tried to reach her hand towards her saber a few feet from her.

Cassidy would never forgive Scarlett for everything she did. Not only her, but everyone who participated in the treacherous attack on her and her family in the past would get what they deserved.

Still, she didn’t like torture, and as Scarlett looked almost dead, Cassidy did one last hit. She spiked half of the wooden staff in her shoulder, making Scarlett screams in pain once again.

Blood dripped from Scarlett’s mouth and from her shoulder wound while she could only m.o.a.n in pain, motionless on the floor. It seemed like a deplorable end... But maybe she deserved it after all she did.

Perhaps due to blood loss or internal injuries, Scarlett’s vision started to fail. Soon her tired eyes begun to close, and the last vision she had before passing out was the serious expression on Lucien’s face.

Cassidy then looked at Olivia in the center of the room. The former proud leader of the Guild was now crawling like a wounded dog from side to side.

Unlike Scarlett, Olivia could still get up, but after continually receiving might blows on her face, her mind becomes confused. Probably her brain was affected, preventing her from properly reason.

Cassidy picked up the other half of the staff from the floor and walked over to Olivia. "Soon I’m going to cripple your partner Ivan, the same way I crippled you and Scarlett."

Although Olivia was confused, she could still understand that Cassidy was hostile and tried to crawl away from her.

She went towards Lucien and the others, but no one would help her. Cassidy quickly approached Olivia and stabbed that half of the staff into her back.

"AAAAAAAA!!!!" Olivia could only scream in pain.

Cassidy didn’t stop, and stomped on Olivia’s head, pressing her face against the floor. While Olivia felt terrible pain, she could see the neutral faces of the other people in the room.

No one there was the type of person who enjoys torture, but they also understood Cassidy’s suffering, so they wouldn’t pity Olive and Scarlett.

Astrid spent a year in the Guild. Also, she wasn’t exactly hostile to Olivia, but because she couldn’t do anything for Cassidy.

Any good impression she had about Olivia, ended when she attacked Lucien and Rose without knowing what was really going on.

The other girls did not have a good impression of Olivia while Mia was very angry at her and Scarlett for everything they did to her mother.

Lucien didn’t really know how he felt. After learning about the effects of the Bloody Rose on his emotions, he was trying to act more rationally and contain any impulsive desires.

Part of him thought it fair that Cassidy tortured them more and ended up killing them, but another part of him thought it was enough and that Olivia and Scarlett could be useful to reconquer Portgreen with fewer problems.

Of course, the final decision was still up to Cassidy, who continued to press Olivia’s face to the floor.

After a few seconds, Olivia also started to lose consciousness. The wounds and pain overwhelmed her body and mind, so her vision began to darken.

Coincidentally the last thing she saw was Lucien’s face before she passed out. She was very angry at him, but she couldn’t blame anyone but herself and her actions for ending up like this.

"You... F.u.c.k.i.n.g bitch!!" Cassidy pressed Olivia’s head until she passed out and then continued kicking her body.

She waited a long time for an opportunity to face her enemies in fair and clean combat... But now that she had done that to some of them, she didn’t feel as well as she thought she would.

After causing Olivia and Scarlett so much pain, Cassidy didn’t feel any better. On the contrary, the memories of the betrayals and the difficult year that she and Mia went through made her sad.

Cassidy kept kicking Olivia as she got more upset and sad... No one could be strong all the time. And Cassidy, like anyone else who forced sad feelings deep back in their heart, she was at her limit.

When all those negative feelings had built up, Cassidy thought she would collapse. Tears started to form on her eyes...

Then she stopped kicking Olivia and took a step back. Her mind and heart were in chaos, causing her to lose her balance and fall...

She fell, but not on the floor, but in the arms of Lucien, who had moved quickly behind her.

Lucien said nothing and just hug her tightly. His warmth was enough to put a smile on Cassidy’s face.

Cassidy knew that all the shit Mia and she went through would never happen again. She had full confidence that nothing bad could happen to them while they were in Lucien’s strong arms.

"Don’t worry about anything else. I am here with you, my Queen." Lucien spoke lovingly to Cassidy and then kissed her ear, then her neck and shoulder.

"I know, I know... Just hold me tight like this, and I’ll be fine." Cassidy closed her eyes and held Lucien’s arms as she enjoyed his lovingly embrace.

Words and actions could have varying levels of effect on a relationship, but nothing would be as intense as the connection Lucien has with the women he loves.

Through the tattoo that L.u.s.t thought is an imitation of hers for some special ability of Lucien, he has a unique bond with them.

This bond is what made Cassidy feel all the love Lucien has for her, thus making her sure that it was impossible for him to betray her or let any harm happen to her and her daughter.

While Cassidy calmed down in Lucien’s embrace, he communicates mentally with L.u.s.t. ’How is their situation?’

L.u.s.t knew that Lucien was talking about Scarlett and Olivia, so she quickly responded. ’Scarlett has serious spinal injuries...’

’Although any healing mage could prevent her from dying if they start helping her now, only Mortal Realm healing mages could prevent her from having permanent damages.’

Lucien heard each time that Cassidy broke one of Scarlett’s bones, so he already expected this result. Then L.u.s.t tells about Olivia.

’Olivia is no better than Scarlett. She suffered severe chest damage, but the worst injuries are in her head.’

’She can live if she receives first aid now from healing mages. Still, her mind will never be healthy if she doesn’t find a strong healer.’

Lucien understood that Olivia and Scarlett would never have a decent life without healing from a powerful mage or his fluids.

Despite knowing what would be smarter, he still wanted to do the best for his dear Cassidy. "What will we do with them?"

Cassidy wondered for a moment what it would be like if all of her enemies were dead. Just as she didn’t feel better about beating Olivia and Scarlett, she also didn’t think she would take pleasure in their death.

How could anything bring pleasure to her compared to being in Lucien’s arms? All she wanted now was to be with him. "I don’t care about them... If you want to use them, I won’t mind either."

That was all Lucien needed to hear in order to follow his plans. He placed a tender kiss on Cassidy’s sweet lips. ’I want to spend the night with you, but I have to use this opportunity to facilitate Portgreen’s reconquer.’

Cassidy could imagine what Lucien would do. She couldn’t deny that she would be a little jealous, but she understood that it is the best strategy for manipulating Olivia and Scarlett.

The more time she spent with Lucien, the less she wanted to be Queen. The whole life she had before seemed less important now.

Also, knowing that Lucien wouldn’t be in this world for long was one more reason why she didn’t care so much about Portgreen anymore.

Of course, she still felt that the people deserved better government than the greedy mercenaries and adventurers.

She also wanted to see her man as King, not only of Portgreen but of the whole world, even if just for a short time.

Cassidy hugged Lucien once more before letting him continue with his plan. He sent L.u.s.t to get Olivia while he got Scarlett.

Then they went to his room while he sent a mental message apologizing to all his women about having to spend the night "healing" Olivia and Scarlett.

After Lucien left the training room, Mia approached Cassidy and gave her a kind hug while complaining. "I do not like this!"

Cassidy could only smile at Mia’s upset expression. Although everyone understood that Lucien just wanted to use Olivia and Scarlett, all the women in the room still complained together.

"Me either!"

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