Lust Knight

Chapter 124 - Fortress Battle (1/2)

Chapter 124 - Fortress Battle (1/2)

"Sir, what are we waiting for? They don’t seem to want to surrender." A soldier approached the Light Empire Captain.

The Captain is a middle-aged man, with medium gray hair, which swayed in the wind because he is without a helmet.

He looked at the three bandits he had already beheaded. "Yes, these cowardly bandits are going to keep hidden in their shitty fortress."

Then he looked at his troops, who waited ready for combat. "Let’s destroy this gate! Kill the dangerous people, but try to spare the younger ones, so we make them slaves."

"YEAHH!!!" The soldiers gave a battle cry, and some ran towards the gate with large axes and maces.

Dealing with simple forest bandits would be nothing for the incredible Light Empire soldiers. So the Captain wants to resolve this quickly.

The old gate seemed to be in horrible condition, full of patches. Its a miracle that it’s still standing, so the Captain was sure his men could destroy it in less than a minute.

The Captain prepared to give orders to the other soldiers while some destroyed the gate, but he turned when he heard a metal noise.

"HOW?!" What he saw surprised him. One of the soldiers with an ax fell motionless to the ground with a black arrow in his head.

"Have you never been told that you shouldn’t enter someone’s home without an invitation?" Everyone heard Lucien’s calm voice.

The Captain looked up at the wall and saw a young red-haired man in black armor. He looked very different from the bandits who were dirty and wearing leather armor.

Beside the red-haired man was a beautiful blonde woman, also in black armor and an elf. The Captain can’t help but make a face.

"Who are you? Are you from the Alliance?" It is basic knowledge that the Elves are part of the Alliance, the Light Empire’s most hated enemies.

As soon as the Captain spoke about the Alliance, all the soldiers gazed at Ghilanna, on Lucien’s side, with disgusted expressions. He could also hear they commenting about her being a damn dirty elf.

Lucien did not answer the Captain but spoke to his women, also loud enough for everyone to hear. "Leave the old man alive so I can interrogate him later. The others... Kill them all."

Since Lucien arrived in this world, he has had an incredibly bad impression of the Light Empire.

They remind him of the Silver Legion, of his homeworld. Humans with thoughts of racial superiority, who uses some kind of sacred religion to commit atrocities against weak people.

Lucien would feel no remorse killing them. While L.u.s.t and Oya would follow him anyway, Ghilanna hates the Light Empire.

The Light Empire soldiers were angry at Lucien’s bold words. The Captain thought he is crazy and laughed.

"You talk a lot of sh-" The Captain thought Lucien was feeling safe to speak from the top of the wall, but he stopped his words when he saw Lucien jump off the wall.

The bandits were also surprised by Lucien’s move. Neola knew he would face the soldiers head-on, but jumping like that seemed crazy.

L.u.s.t smiled as her body disappeared in a cloud of purple dust. Oya jumped behind Lucien while Ghilanna prepared her bow.

Two soldiers beside the Captain raised their big shining shields as he raised his sword towards Lucien.

In the air, Lucien did not have much control of his body and speed, but due to the force he used to jump, he quickly landed in front of the Captain.

Lucien held out his arm, and the red katana appeared in his hand, so he performed a powerful downward strike.


The loud metallic sound echoed when the katana blade hit the big shiny shield, causing the shield soldier to be pushed back.

Lucien, still in the air, used the repulsive force of his attack to rotate his body and kick the other shield, causing the second shield soldier to also be pushed back.

His movements were swift, but the Captain still saw the chance to attack his guard and pushed his sword towards Lucien’s chest.

"ARRGH!?!?!" But before his sword reached Lucien, the Captain felt a terrible pain on his neck and choked.

Everyone saw a long red whip wrapped around the Captain’s neck. They looked at the other whip’s end and saw a humanoid figure inside a cloud of purple dust.

All soldiers advanced quickly, but those nearest to the Captain stopped when they heard a loud roar.


Oya was in the air, above Lucien, falling towards the soldiers. One of them raised a long spear towards her.

Today’s mama tigress is not the same as yesterday. Each day with Lucien, she grew stronger by benefiting from the demonic energy that entered her body through pats or when she managed to get some milk.

Adding this to the fact that these soldiers were weaker than Scarlett’s mercenary elites, it is clear that Oya is much faster and stronger than them.

She avoided the tip of the spear and bit Its shaft. The soldier did not let go of the spear, so Oya landed on the ground and threw him away.

While Oya was dogging the attacks of the other soldiers, Lucien was not idle. After placing his feet on the ground, he had complete control of his speed again.

Lucien moved like a blur and impaled his katana in the second shield soldier’s chest. The first shield soldier tried to attack Lucien’s back, but...


A crystal arrow, faster than the wind, hit his head, penetrating the helm and killing him on the spot.

*Thud* *Thud*

The two shield soldiers fell dead to the ground at the same time, making a double thud sound.

Lucien looked at the Captain, who was making an expression of despair while being choked by L.u.s.t’s whip.

He smiled before punching the Captain in the face. His steel-hard fist broke bones and teeth of the poor middle-aged man who was knocked down by the mighty blow.

L.u.s.t pulled out her whip and jumped to dodge the soldiers who came towards her. She can move freely around Lucien, at distance of around fifty meters. Allowing her to use her body’s materialization like teleport.

Her current strength and speed are at the same level as Cassidy, which showed how Lucien is able to absorb and strengthen himself with the demonic energy more than L.u.s.t, the sin herself.

But the fact that Lucien is currently stronger than L.u.s.t is no way bad for her. In fact, she is just happy to be able to fight alongside him as his wife and partner.

Using the blade on the tip of her whip, L.u.s.t, still in the air, cut a soldier’s throat. She was going to land next to a soldier who raised his spear towards her back.

The soldier is a man who has fought many battles. A veteran who wouldn’t be easily distracted in the middle of the combat...

Still, he couldn’t help but find it a waste to have to impale a woman as beautiful as L.u.s.t, even with her being his enemy.

"What?!" But in the end, his spear did not impale L.u.s.t, but a red blade impaled him.

The man was still looking at the purple dust cloud where L.u.s.t disappeared from, while the katana Lucien threw was stuck in his chest.

L.u.s.t materialized her body in front of Lucien and kissed him quickly.

He hugged her waist with one hand and extended the other to a soldier who was running towards them.

"Your fool!!" The soldier finds it ridiculous that Lucien and L.u.s.t are kissing in the middle of the fight. He tried a vertical attack with his sword towards Lucien’s hand.

As the soldier who had been impaled by Lucien’s katana fell to the ground, the red blade disappeared from his body and reappeared in Lucien’s hand, surprising the attacking soldier.

Lucien disappeared from the soldier’s view, and then he found himself looking at the clouds as his head spun in the air.

"Quick as the wind!!" One of the bandits who defends Ghilanna on the wall can’t help commenting on Lucien’s show.

Neola’s eyes were wide open because she thought she knew Lucien’s top speed. "Not really... Faster than light."

Ghilanna made a face as she was unable to kill the soldiers before Lucien and L.u.s.t. So she focused her arrows on the soldiers who were in trouble with Oya.

In a matter of seconds, Lucien and his group killed several soldiers, including their Captain, who they did not know was still alive.

Any army would suffer an enormous blow to their morale in such a situation. Still, they’re not simple soldiers but Light Empire Soldiers.

"GO!!! ATTACK NOW!! KILL THEM!!!!" The second person in charge of the army, a soldier with incredible shining armor in the rearguard, shouted, ordering the soldiers to attack Lucien.

"DIEEE!!!" One of the soldiers nearest to Lucien threw his spear at him.


Once again, Oya’s roar echoed across the battlefield as she jumped and caught the spear by the shaft, while still in the air.

She landed next to Lucien, threw the spear on the ground, and brushed her head on his leg while receiving a pat.

"ATTACK! ATTACK!!! ATTACK!!!!!!!" The new leader continued shouting as much as he could, and all the soldiers focused their attacks on Lucien’s group.

About five hundred soldiers in line... They all went towards the center of the clearing in front of the fortress gate.

Wizards, archers, warriors... All Light Empire soldiers prepared to launch their attacks on Lucien’s group...

"FIRE!!" Then Neola’s voice echoed across the battlefield along with the sound of dozens of arrows cutting through the air.

Lucien could hear everything. He was more than a hundred percent focused.

L.u.s.t and Oya have access to everything he knew because of their connection, making Lucien’s small group unbeatable.

The arrows of the archers led by Neola went above Lucien’s group and hit the Light Empire army.

"SHIELDS UP!!!" The new leader shouted, and with him, other soldiers raised their huge shields, blocking the arrows.

Only a few soldiers used the large blessed shields, because it is too heavy and too big for soldiers to use with another weapon, yet a shield soldier could defend three or four people.

Even the arrows that hit the soldiers do not necessarily pierce them because their armor is of very resilient steel.

"GO!! GOOO!!!" The new leader started running towards the middle of the battlefield after blocking the arrows.

The other soldiers began to prepare to attack Lucien’s group again. Archers started shooting their arrows while mages began casting spells.

"HAAA!!! KILL THEM!!!" But then from behind the army came a shout that is not from the Light Empire soldiers.

The groups of bandits that Lucien ordered to surround the army and distract the soldiers could not be left out after seeing Lucien’s group killing Light Empire soldiers so easily.

Many of the bandits wanted to fight since the beginning, but they didn’t have much hope. Now they did! Seeing Lucien’s group facing the soldiers motivated not only Neola but most of the bandits.

As groups of bandits used the secret passage to flank the Light Empire army, others were jumping from the wall to rescue their comrades on the battlefield and fight alongside Lucien.

Neola continued to order the archers to fire, while Ghilanna continued to fire at the soldiers with their guard down.

Lucien, L.u.s.t, and Oya continued using their perfect coordination to kill more and more soldiers easily.

Individually they are already strong, but the fact of having a powerful mental and physical connection made them deadly even surrounded by a large army.

"F.U.C.K!!! KILL THEM!! KILL THEM, NOW!!!" The leader continued yelling and ordering his soldiers to attack Lucien’s group, but they could not entirely focus on him as bandits were attacking them on all sides.

Neola, who was also firing arrows while leading the archers, couldn’t help but smile, watching Lucien fight the soldiers.

’Even the devil... If on our side... Maybe it is not so bad at all..."


Read advanced chapters (currently up to 11) and have a better release rate on my p!atreon: pa

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