Lust Knight

Chapter 146 - Aylin

Chapter 146 - Aylin

From L.u.s.t’s shocked expression, Lucien could deduce that she knew something about the floating object and the golden light beam. Still, he asked. "Do you know what that is?"

L.u.s.t did not stop staring at the golden light. "As I said before, my memories are vague, but I’m sure I have felt this energy before."

"I think that in one of the battles my sisters and I fought an enemy who had a weapon with that energy. That is probably a dragon soul weapon."

Lucien couldn’t help thinking about his katana. "Is that similar to my soul weapon?"

L.u.s.t quickly explained. "Not exactly. Soul weapons are linked to the souls of their masters. When the master dies, the soul weapon is destroyed."

"Dragons are the most knowledgeable beings in the area of ​​the soul. They manage to transfer their souls entirely to their soul weapon so that the weapon can be disconnected from the dragon and be used by other dragons."

Lucien thought it only seemed beneficial, but then L.u.s.t went on to explain. "But that process consumes the dragon soul, so they die after transferring their soul to the soul weapon."

"That is why there are so few dragon soul weapons. Only the high dragons can achieve success by doing that process, and they only do that when they are almost dead so that they can help their younger generations."

Lucien then asked. "So, a dragon transferred their soul to whatever weapon that is inside the golden light beam and the person who gave me this house used it as a gift for me? Was that person the dragon who transferred their soul to the weapon?"

L.u.s.t shook her head. "I don’t know, but I don’t think they are the same person. The dragon that passed the soul to the weapon died, but the person who wrote the draconic runes said that you should show gratitude to them when you meet."

He nodded. "Yes, that makes sense. Well, we can’t do anything about it without having more information. I think accepting the weapon now would be my best option."

L.u.s.t then looked at him. "A dragon soul weapon links Itself to the new user’s soul until they die. But first, it needs to accept the new user."

"The high dragons only pass these weapons to their descendants, so the weapon generally does not resist another high dragon, but you are not exactly a high dragon... I guess."

"Do I stand any risk if the weapon does not accept me?" Lucien asked.

L.u.s.t made a confused expression. "I have no way of knowing. High races go out of their way to keep their secrets, so my knowledge of dragons is very limited."

Lucien took a step toward the center of the room. "Whoever gave me this house and left this weapon here for me wants something from me. So they wouldn’t hurt me until they got what they wanted."

"Wait-" L.u.s.t tried to stop Lucien because she was worried something bad could happen, but as soon as he stepped towards the center of the room, the golden light beam shone brighter, surprising them.

Lucien raised his hand and closed his eyes because the light was too bright, but then he felt a strong wind against his body and quickly opened his eyes.

"WHAT?!?!" He was surprised to see clouds. He seemed to be in the sky above the clouds, and his body felt very light.

He tried to look to the side but failed to move his head. In fact, he realized that he couldn’t move any part of his body.

’L.u.s.t? L.u.s.t, where are you? L.u.s.t?!?!?!?!’ Lucien shouted in his mind for L.u.s.t, but she didn’t respond.

He tried to calm down and think about what could be going on. Then his head turned to the side on its own, and he saw a wing flapping.

He also noticed that his arm was thin and had red scales the same color as the wing.

Then he looked down and saw the ground, dozens of meters away below him, and... He saw b.r.e.a.s.ts.

’This... This is not my body... Is it a woman? A dragon?’ Lucien couldn’t help but think he was in a woman’s body, and her scales and wings made him believe she is a dragon.

Then she flapped her wings harder and started to go fly down. She also squeezed something in her hand. It looked like the shaft of a spear.

She kept going down faster and faster, at an incredible speed. The wind blowing against her body, the feeling of her wings breaking through the wind... it was all very pleasant. Lucien could easily become addicted to the sensation of flying.

Lucien could see so many people on the ground. They seemed to be fighting. ’A battle? Will she attack them?’

She kept going towards the people in the battle. Lucien realized that half of them looked like humans, but they just have very fair skin.

And the other half were demi-humans with horns and tails. Some of them also have wings and scales like this woman.

’So are they really dragons? Are they fighting humans?’ Lucien was very confused, and talking to himself without having L.u.s.t around seemed very lonely.

When she was less than a mile from the ground, Lucien could already hear the sounds of the battle. He didn’t have his powerful senses as before but was using the senses of the supposed female dragon.

Lucien could also feel her heart beating faster. She was getting more and more excited, the closer she got to the battle.

The cries of soldiers and the sounds of metal against metal were making the female dragon more and more excited. But she also looked eager, maybe a little afraid.

’Is this her first time in battle?’ Lucien could only observe and make assumptions.

The two armies were facing each other in the middle of the open field. From the sky, Lucien could see many humans on the other side while on her side, many dragons were going towards the middle of the battle.

As soon as the female dragon flew over her people, everyone looked up, and some of the soldiers started to yell.

"Look!! The Princess came to fight alongside us!!"

"The Princess? Princess Aylin?!"

"Yes, Princess Aylin came to fight!! Hahaha!! There is no way we can lose now!!"

Aylin, the female dragon whose body Lucien was in now, continued to fly towards the middle of the battle while the soldiers below shouted her name excitedly.

Soon Aylin arrived at the part where the dragons were directly fighting humans. She headed towards a big dragon with large wings and horns that were fighting several humans.

She pointed her spear forward, and Lucien realized that Its blade was curved on one side and was not a double blade. ’It is a naginata.’

Lucien had actually trained a lot with a naginata as it is his favorite pole weapon, so he quickly recognized it.

Aylin quickly reached the ground and hit a human near the big dragon with her naginata in his back. The blade easily sliced through the human’s armor while blood splashed.

She tried to pull the naginata back, but it seemed to have stuck between the man’s bones and organs, so Aylin quickly used her foot to push the man’s body forward while holding the naginata shaft firmly.

"ARRGH!! Damn gods!! I will kill you all!!" The man’s body fell lifeless to the ground while Aylin looked at his blood on the naginata blade.

The big dragon that was fighting near to Aylin spun his ax, hitting several soldiers, then looked at her and yelled. "Behind you, Princess!!"

Aylin was feeling several emotions because it was the first time she killed someone. Lucien could feel the adrenaline rushing through her body as if it were him.

She heard the big dragon yell and turned her naginata backward, cutting off the head of a soldier who tried to attack her.

The big dragon flew to Aylin’s side while giving orders to the other dragons. "Form a wall around the Princess, right now!!"

Then the dragons quickly moved around the Princess and the big dragon, forming a protective circle.

The big dragon looked at Aylin, who was having trouble breathing because of the adrenaline in her body.

"Princess, why are you here? You are too young to fight in battles yet."

Lucien could feel that the big dragon liked and respected Aylin a lot. He could also feel that she considered the big dragon a good friend.

Aylin started to control her feelings and calm down. "I can’t stand still while my people fight!! Garen, you should be praising me for my first kills."

Garen seemed to respect Aylin a lot, but he still looked very concerned for her safety. "But Princess, you’re only sixteen... Also, you only reached the Mortal Realm a few weeks ago... You should not-"

"Enough!! I will fight. With you by my side, I am not in danger, and I need to gain experience in real combat and not just training."

Garen bowed to Aylin. "Yes, my Princess, I understand. Please stay close to me. Also, congratulations on your first kills. You were fantastic, just like your mother."

Aylin smiled and then spun her naginata while giving orders to the dragons. "Move forward!! Kill all these shitty gods!!!"

The dragons didn’t think twice about following Aylin’s orders. They opened the circle and started attacking all the soldiers that Lucien realized were not humans but gods, most likely a high race.

Aylin didn’t care to stay close to Garen and attacked any enemy soldiers she saw. The third kill was easier than the first, and the fourth was even more natural.

She grew more and more excited while killing gods. Although Garen was always around her, after a while, she faced more powerful enemies and suffered some injuries.

But it was only light cuts on her wings and some attacks that pierced a little of her armor but no severe injuries.

When Aylin arrived at the battlefield, the numbers seemed balanced, but soon the dragons were clearly winning the battle.

With each kill that Aylin claimed, she gave a battle cry, and all dragons become more encouraged. She seemed to have an aura of leadership, and every dragon who fought close to her seemed as excited as she was.

The dragons couldn’t help but comment on how amazing Aylin is.

"Hahaha... See how our Princess fights well!! She kills a bunch of gods with every move!!"

"She’s just in the Mortal Realm, but I saw her killing an Earth Realm warrior!! She is really amazing!!!"

"Yes, she is so beautiful and strong, hahaha!! Our Princess is the best!!!"

"Princess Aylin, keep killing them!!"

"Yes, Princess Aylin!!!"

"Princess Aylin!!! Princess Aylin!!!"

While Aylin continued to spin her naginata across the battlefield and to kill gods, the dragons yelled her name, filling the hearts of the gods with fear.

An hour later, the battle was almost over. There were less than a hundred gods still alive, while more than ten thousand dragons were yelling Aylin’s name.

The group of gods was surrounded by the dragons, who did not attack because Aylin seemed to want to kill them with her own hands, or better, with her bloody naginata.

The blade and shaft of the naginata are covered with the blood of gods as well as Aylin’s body and wings. Still, she continued to smile while her excitement and adrenaline only increase.

She pointed the naginata at the remaining group of gods and yelled. "Kill them all!!!"

Then Aylin flapped her wings so hard that earth and rocks flew sideways while the ground seemed to shake.


She flew towards the gods while other dragons that have wings flew after her and those that didn’t have wings, ran while yelling her name.

Lucien saw everything through Aylin’s eyes, but before she landed in the middle of the group of gods, his vision went dark.

He blinked his eyes a few times, and then his vision started to normalize. He opened his eyes and saw L.u.s.t’s beautiful face very close to his face, staring at him with a curious expression.

"Who is Garen?" She asked.


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