Lust Knight

Chapter 150 - Fetish?

Chapter 150 - Fetish?

Lucien woke up in his big bed in the purple world after sleeping for less than two hours.

The purple world is totally safe for him and his girls, which makes Lucien a little more comfortable to sleep well.

Still, he has a lot of energy because his nights and parts of the days are filled with activities that generate demonic energy.

All the girls were still sleeping beside him. Kara was also there, even though he didn’t go too far with her, Arie, and Ella, they could still receive many of his benefits.

Something that all the girls had in common was a satisfied smile on their faces and their bodies exhausted from receiving too much demonic energy.

Lucien quietly left the bedroom and went to the kitchen for some snacks. L.u.s.t, as always, walked beside him.

"You really don’t like to sleep." She couldn’t help commenting.

He shrugged. "We have a lot to do. Now is not the time to sleep."

Lucien picked up a slice of bread and a glass of wine from the table and started eating and drinking them.

L.u.s.t looked at him with a loving expression. "I know we have a lot to do. But I would like you to enjoy this peaceful time more while we can. After all, all pleasure would strengthen us."

He smiled at her. "I enjoy every second beside you and the other girls. So I think everything is fine at this pace. Of course, I will enjoy it more when all my family is together."

Lucien sat at the table to finish eating his food. He and L.u.s.t were n.a.k.e.d because there was no need to wear clothes at home.

"So, let me make you enjoy it more." L.u.s.t knelt down and started sucking on Lucien’s c.o.c.k while he finished his snack. That was definitely enjoyable for both.

After Lucien ate enough, he left the house. He also took Oya and left little Ko sleeping in his bed with the girls.

Mama tigress was always participating in all the fun sessions, having pats, and being able to drink some of the special milk.

That added to her natural strength as a mystic beast made her closer and closer to the Mortal Realm, right behind Rose, Cassidy, and Astrid.

Precisely because of the large amount of demonic energy that was entering her body, Oya felt lazy and liked to sleep most of the time.

But Lucien wanted to exercise with her to help her better absorb the demonic energy and strengthen her so that she can always be by his side as his loyal companion.

Lucien approached the edge of the large floating rock where the house was and looked at the purple horizon.

So he did what L.u.s.t taught him about making portals and focused his mind on a spot on top of another floating rock and in front of him.

The golden-purple portal opened, and they entered it. Then they came out on the rock where Lucien wanted to appear, showing that he was quickly learning to control the portal.

On the rock, there is a vast forest and a hill. With his super hearing, Lucien knew that there were no animals there, which made the forest seem a little lonely.

Still, the forest served his purpose well. Lucien and Oya spent a few hours running through the woods at full speed as a way of exercising and understanding their limits.

The exercise session was also pleasurable, mainly due to the cute mama tigress company.

Then they returned home and took a bath with the other girls as it was already almost morning in the normal world.

Part of the group stayed in the purple world because it was more comfortable, and the other part went back to the normal world with Lucien to keep their daily routines.

Lucien spent the morning training his troops, and at midday, the girls gathered in the castle to have lunch.

He took the time to talk to Jeanne, and brought her to a lookout next to the castle to talk alone.

She was not wearing shiny armor at the moment, but casual clothing. Her beautiful pink hair tied in a ponytail added to her curvy body made her look really charming.

Jeanne was the first to speak. "Lucien, I know you don’t have to answer anything, but I would like to know about when you will be able to let me and Mason go back to Portgreen."

Lucien calmly explained. "You know I plan to help Cassidy take her crown back, so we’ll be going there in about two months if nothing unexpected happens."

She made a concerned expression. "You and the girls are very strong, that can’t be denied. Still, going against the guild and mercenary groups is crazy."

"In two months, what will you have? Two thousand soldiers if you manage to recruit more bandits and other people..."

"Combining all the forces in Portgreen, they should have more than forty thousand soldiers from the B-rank and below, while about a thousand in the A-rank if you count gold-rank mercenaries."

"We’re not even taking into account that the guild has Ivan and other S-rank adventures with him. Also, Black Hand is a diamond-rank mercenary, almost as strong as Ivan."

"They may be in conflict now, but when you attack Portgreen, they will come together to face a common enemy."

Jeanne stopped talking and stared at Lucien’s face waiting for his reaction, but he just smiled at her, making her upset. "What is so funny, you idiot?"

Lucien approached Jeanne, and she stepped back, but she couldn’t go any further because they were on the edge of the lookout.

He brought his face close to hers. "The way you say it sounds like you care about me."

"Of course not. I don’t care about you, but the girls are not bad people. I also don’t want anything to happen to Mason and me because of your crazy actions." Jeanne looked away.

Lucien gently held Jeanne’s chin and made her look at him. "Okay, let’s talk more about that. How about we have our date now? We can just walk around and talk, not a big deal."

Jeanne pushed Lucien’s arm away as she tried to make an upset expression. "Okay, I made that damn promise, and I’ll keep it, but don’t touch me whenever you want."

He let her push his arm away but then began to caress her shoulder with his other hand. "Why? Does my touch disgust you?"

Jeanne just wanted Lucien to stop touching her because it was arousing strange sensations in her body, so she didn’t think twice about trying to get rid of him.

"Of cou-" But then she thought her false words could offend Lucien, mostly because of his horns. She doesn’t found him disgusting; on the contrary, he looked more attractive every day.

"No, I’m not disgusted by you, but I’m not your wife, and I don’t want you to play with me like that." Jeanne pushed ways Lucien’s other hand, but in a more gentle way.

Lucien couldn’t help but smile. "Forgive me for that. When we first met, I was experiencing complicated emotions. I’m actually still learning how to deal with my feelings."

Jeanne took a step away from Lucien. "It’s all fine. We all made a lot of mistakes in our youth, mostly for love."

He approached her and held her waist from behind. "I think I didn’t make it clear. I mean that when I saw you, I found you interesting, and when I saw your beautiful face and pink hair, I really wanted to have you only to myself."

"Mm." Jeanne couldn’t help but make a low m.o.a.n when she felt Lucien’s hot breath on her neck and his hands on her waist.

She jumped forward like a scared rabbit and put more distance between them. "Please don’t play with me!! I am not one of your little girls."

Lucien raised his hands as if to say he was sorry. "Okay, my bad. It’s hard to resisting touching you when you have such an attractive mature body."

Jeanne blushed. "Do you have a fetish for older women?"

He shrugged. "Honestly... I think so. Is that bad?"

She turned to the side while trying to hide her giggle. "You didn’t have to be so honest. But I don’t think that’s really a problem. At least Cassidy must be very satisfied."

Lucien smiled. "We should not talk about other women now. I’m not very experienced with dates, but I’m pretty sure we are supposed to enjoy our time together, not talking about other people."

Jeanne looked at him with a thoughtful expression. "Alright, where are we going then?"

He also made a thoughtful expression. "Do not know. Let’s just walk around and see where our feet take us."

Then Lucien held out his hand to Jeanne but quickly apologized. "Ah, sorry. I forgot that you don’t want me to touch you."

Lucien made a fake sad expression, and Jeanne knew he was faking it, but she was still worried about offending him.

"Okay, we can hold hands, but don’t try anything funny with me, or I’ll kick your little brother."

She got closer to Lucien, and they held hands as they walked towards the city center.

He sent a mental message to Astrid to lead the training of the troops in the afternoon because he wouldn’t be returning to the castle until night time.

Lucien wasted no time and asked what he was most curious about. "Why do you protect Mason so much?"

Jeanne quickly responded. "For someone who kills without blinking because of a minor misunderstanding, you speak as if you don’t know the answer."

"You’re right. I know that I am overprotective and that I sometimes act without thinking when it comes to the people I love. But I want to know how you got so close. You are his aunt, not his mother." Lucien responded.

She made a slightly sad expression. "My sister died when she gave birth to him, and I promised that I would always take care of him."

"That shouldn’t make me pamper him, but like his dad, I always remember my sister when I look at Mason, and so I end up ignoring his mistakes and coddling him because I miss my sister."

Lucien sighed. "I understand you. In the last few days, I found out that my mom probably keeps some secrets from me, but I can’t be angry with her. On the contrary, I just want to find her and spoil her just like she did with me when I was a kid."

Jeanne giggled again. "So, that’s it, after all."

He looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes. "Isn’t it obvious? You have a fetish for older women because of your mother."

Lucien made a thoughtful expression, while L.u.s.t was thinking to herself. ’Damnit, why is she talking about her? Does she want to screw up my plans ahead of time? Shit, if that happens his mother might be first wife, not me.’

"As I said, we shouldn’t be talking about my wives. I want to know more about you." Lucien responded.

Jeanne made a confused expression when Lucien referred to his mother as one of his wives, but she thought she has just misunderstood it.

"Okay, what more do you want to know about me?"

Lucien thought about asking the color of her panties because that was what came to his mind, but he knew he shouldn’t behave like that on a date and tried to ask reasonable questions.

Then they kept walking while they talked about their past. Jeanne’s life was basically training and taking care of Mason while Lucien was training and training.

So they easily ran out of subjects to talk about and just kept exploring the city. They ate some snacks in tents and watched the sunset.

Jeanne was getting more and more comfortable with Lucien’s presence, and of course, he used it to tease her with quick touches, especially on her beautiful mature s.e.xy ass.


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