Lust Knight

Chapter 159 - Unfortunate Event

Chapter 159 - Unfortunate Event

I can’t do a mass release, I’m sorry. Remember, I don’t get anything from WN. But I’m going to release a few more chapters today because of nice comments from kind readers.

Also, please, consider giving those two novels a chance: Zombie Exodus: Apocalypse and Rebellious Path

This author is my friend, so nice reviews and kind comments are very welcome.

Enjoy the chapters. :P


It’s morning, Lucien just left the big bathroom in the barracks behind Bluewind castle.

Some of Lucien’s troops were following him out of the bathroom. They were the last group to receive a "boost" from him this morning. Not all of the troops could fit in the bathroom at one time, so they went in rotations until they all received a "boost"."

Kylee had a wide bright smile on her face. "Master gave us a lot of special milk today."

Lucien patted her on the head as she happily smiled. "Today we will be doing the first battle simulation exercise. I want you all to be at your best."

Neola, as well as the women of Lucien’s female troops, could not stop smiling because they felt very good after having the hot essence of their master inside them.

Still, she couldn’t help feeling a little bad for the men they were going to face. "Won’t that be unfair to them?"

Lucien smiled. "They are strong men, while most of you never fought before a few weeks ago. Also, most of your group were weak and sick..."

"But, yes. Maybe it’s unfair to them. Still, whenever we go to fight real battles, we will probably be facing numbers much larger than ours, so we have to learn to use all the advantages we have."

Neola still had a concerned expression, so Lucien explained it better. "We are going to use wooden weapons, and we will not attack to hurt and just disable them."

"Okay." Neola nodded.

Lucien and his troops left the barracks and joined the rest of the group on the patio. Most of his wives were with them to be able to participate in the training.

Then the group went to the fields outside the city where they would meet with Ron and Lucien’s male troops.

There was no way for a group of six hundred women to leave the city discreetly, so everyone in the city quickly found out what was going on.

Many people followed Lucien’s group to the fields to observe the simulated battle as a type of entertainment.

Of course, while the men wanted to see the fight, the women only wanted to see Lucien. Just watching the Handsome Devil is already great entertainment for any woman, which made many men jealous.

Soon Lucien’s group, followed by a crowd, arrived at the agreed location. Ron and the men were already prepared, just waiting for them.

While the common people settled on a small hill near by to get a good view of the show, Lucien walked over to Ron to arrange the details of the battle simulation.

Lucien’s wives walked beside him with a proud posture. Also with them were Neola and Kylee, who are the most influential members of his female troops.

Ron, Alden, and Enzo also approached Lucien’s group and met in the middle of the field.

Alden and Ron quickly approached Lucien to greet him and the girls, but Enzo kept his distance and an indifferent expression on his face.

"The women look really strong and healthy. I have to thank you again for everything you are doing for my people, Lucien." Alden smiled as he thanked Lucien.

Lucien smiled too. "You are all my troops now, so we are the same people. I hope everything is going fine with you guys."

Alden tapped Ron on the shoulder. "Everything is more than perfect. Ron brings us food, excellent combat trainer’s, and anything else we need."

Kylee, who was behind Lucien, couldn’t help commenting. "I bet they don’t teach as well as master. You also will never know how good the special milk is."

Alden recognized Kylee and approached her. "Kylee, look at you. You look so cute now."

Enzo was standing a few meters away from them, but he could hear the name Kylee and approached the group quickly.

"Dammit!! What’s your problem, Lucien?! Kylee is just a child!! How can you bring her into this battle?" Enzo pointed a finger at Lucien.

Kylee has always been seen with great affection by everyone in the bandit group. She is beautiful but always looked very weak and sick. Living in the forest was not easy for anyone, but some people were more fragile.

Enzo felt that he had to be responsible for the whole group in the same way, but he has a special affection for Kylee, and even though he knew that Lucien could beat him, he couldn’t control his fury when he thought of him forcing her to fight.

Lucien shook his head. "She’s eighteen... Mia started working as a mercenary when she was sixteen. And she didn’t have my support."

Enzo was surprised when he heard that Kylee is eighteen. Because of her weak and weak constitution, he thought she was younger than sixteen.

Still, Enzo did not want to see his little girl on the battlefield. He kept walking towards them with his finger pointed at Lucien’s face.

"You-" He tried to say something, but his words quickly became a groan when he was hit in the stomach by a hard kick.

Enzo remembered Lucien’s incredible speed, but the devil was still in his vision, which means that someone else had kicked him.

As he was thrown backward, he saw the face of the person who kicked him, and the shock took over his mind.

’WHY?!’ He could only be confused as he fell to the ground and rolled for several meters.

Since they were in the middle of the open field, Lucien’s group, his troops, and everyone on the hill were able to see the incredible scene of a 1.65 m little girl throwing a 1.9 m man several meters back with a kick.

People’s reactions varied from surprise to amus.e.m.e.nt. While Lucien’s female troops were proud of Kylee, the men were immensely ashamed of Enzo.

Kylee looked at Enzo with an upset expression. "Don’t be disrespectful to our master."

Enzo couldn’t even breathe appropriately while he felt a lot of pain in his belly. Neola called a healer and quickly approached him to help.

She shook her head as she passed Kylee. "You didn’t have to use that much force."

Out of all of the female troops, Kylee has received the second largest amount of rewards from Lucien. So the amount her physical capabilities have increased is incredible.

And she receives a similar amount of demonic energy as Lucien’s women who haven’t had s.e.x with him yet, so far it has allowed her to reach S-rank warrior.

Kylee regretted kicking Enzo so hard and thought Lucien might be disappointed with her. She turned to Lucien and walked towards him with a regretful look.

But Lucien did not seem upset with her; on the contrary, he laughed and started stroking her head. "Nice kick, Kylee."

"Master!" Kylee hugged Lucien’s waist while he patted her head.

Neola helping Enzo to sit to receive first aid from the healer. "Damn, Enzo. You have to learn to keep quiet."

Enzo started to get up with Neola’s help while trying to deal with the pain, but then he saw Lucien smiling while stroking Kylee’s head.

He was furious again and had to make a great effort to keep calm. He would have succeeded in keeping calm if Lucien had not noticed his gaze and done something that made Enzo go crazy.

Time seemed to have slowed down just for Enzo to observe that moment perfectly. The moment when Lucien held the sweet little Kylee’s chin and stole her first kiss and her purity.

Enzo was more furious than ever.

"Son of a-" He almost made one of the biggest mistakes he could do before being knocked out by Neola with a strong blow on the head.

Some things didn’t need to be said by Lucien for others to know. Lucien’s female troops were always in contact with his wives, so everyone knew that his mother is a kind of taboo.

Offending Lucien’s mother is the last line, one that shouldn’t be crossed at any moment, or heads will roll. So, Neola didn’t think twice about knocking out Enzo.

"Uhhhh!" Everyone watching the show exclaimed at the same time because Neola’s blow looked really severe.

The healer who was taking care of Enzo was scared, not by Neola’s blow, but by the consequences that his offense to Lucien’s mother could cause.

Enzo’s head started to bleed when he fell to the ground, so Neola quickly ordered the healer. "Stop the bleeding, quick!"

L.u.s.t, who was always at Lucien’s side, couldn’t help commenting. "Poor man... Lucien, you’re so diabolical."

Lucien shrugged. "What did I do? I didn’t even approach him."

Kylee, who continued to hug Lucien’s waist, wanted to be sad for Enzo, but Lucien’s kiss was too wonderful for her to have any negative feelings now.

Neola wanted to be able to blame Lucien for this, but she couldn’t hold any negative thoughts against him after everything she received. In the end, he is her beloved master, and all other men look like shit.

She returned to Lucien’s side while shaking her head and thinking aloud. "I give up. He is unable to understand."

Lucien looked at Alden. "Well, now that this... unfortunate event has happened to Enzo, you will have to take the position of second in command in his place."

Alden wanted to feel sad for Enzo, but the whole scene of him being beaten by Kylee and then being knocked out by Neola, both his favorite girls, was hilarious, and Alden was having a hard time preventing himself of laughing.

He nodded at Lucien. "Yes, sir. Ron trained me well in case of... ehhh... Something happened to Enzo."

Everyone was trying not to laugh, but the more they tried to remain serious, the more the situation seemed hilarious.

Lucien looked at Ron, who was shaking his head while looking at the ground with his hand on his forehead. "Ron, shall we start the battle simulation?"

"Yes please, let’s forget about this... unfortunate event... Ha..." Ron couldn’t resist laughing, and everyone started laughing too. Only Lucien and Neola remained neutral.

Lucien returned to his troops with his group, while Ron and Alden went to prepare their group. The healer took the unconscious Enzo away from the battlefield to heal him.

As the battle simulation exercises intended to increase the synergy between Lucien and his troops, he and his wives did not fight but led the troops.

Lucien positioned himself behind the troops while mentally giving orders to some of his wives, who passed the orders directly to the troops.

Ghilanna led a hundred archers with Neola. They used rubber-tipped arrows so they wouldn’t hurt anyone and only aimed at the legs and arms of men to disable them.

Rose led a hundred wizards, who used mostly support spells like barriers and buffs. Some earth and water wizards also used control spells to unbalance their opponents.

The four hundred women of the infantry were divided into two groups of two hundred, where a part of them used wooden staffs and were led by Astrid to be the assault infantry.

The other two hundred women were divided into two groups of one hundred, where one part was led by Jeanne and the other by Mia.

Each of these groups of a hundred women used swords and shields. They are flexible troops that can defend the groups of wizards and archers as well as attack depending on the situation.

The male troops made very similar organizations. Ron passed his orders directly to half of the troops while Alden to the other half.

For every hundred soldiers, they had one of Ron’s spies to lead and pass Ron’s and Alden’s orders. Of course, they had to shout them because they didn’t have access to mental communication like Lucien and his wives.

And so the two groups confronted each other in the first battle simulation of the many they would have before participating in a real battle.

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