Lust Knight

Chapter 161 - Inevitable

Chapter 161 - Inevitable

During the night, five miles away from Bluewind city.

Dawn, the only Marshal of the Light Empire, a woman feared by the world, who lead hundreds of thousands of soldiers... now was working as a coachman.

And of course, she was very proud of herself for taking Light Envoy on her... Ehhhh... What is it? Ah, yes: A very important mission.

They were in enemy territory. A land of the heretic demi-humans, who did not respect the Light God. Well, it is not the Alliance, but it is certainly a land of demi-humans or just other people who are not devoted to the Holy Light GOD.

Dawn did not have any soldiers at her disposal. No reinforcements, no strategies... It was herself, the Light Envoy, and the horses if she could count on them for a fight.

But Dawn feared nothing. How could she fear anything if they were on a sacred mission for the Light God?

She continued to guide the carriage through the dark night towards Bluewind city. Of course, she knew that they could not just enter the city as she could be recognized as a world-famous person, who has her beautiful face depicted on many books of all kinds.

But then what were they really going to do? Dawn’s mind was a mess as she suffered from a terrible internal struggle between her blind faith and her rational mind.

Inside the carriage was The Ligh- Amelia, who was also suffering an internal struggle between Envy’s suggestions and her confused feelings.

After spending more than two months separated from her family, with whom she had always been together, she missed them very much.

Amelia certainly didn’t miss her father, or should she call him a failure of a father? Well, she certainly missed her sisters a lot.

But what about her only brother? The one with whom she always had a relationship that’s best described as "complicated."

With each rotation of the carriage wheel, Amelia felt more eager, not only to be reunited with one of her family members but also to find out what kind of feelings she would have when she meets him again.

’Amelia, can you hear me?’ Envy spoke in Amelia’s mind for the fifth time. Or was it the sixth?

Amelia tried to put the confusing thoughts out of her mind. ’Yes, Envy. What were you saying?’

Envy looked a little upset. She wanted to materialize just to slap Amelia sometimes, but she didn’t have the demonic energy to maintain her physical form for a long time yet.

’Are you paying attention to my advice? L.u.s.t is weak, but she certainly knows how to seduce people. I bet she’ll try to convince you and your brother to do something weird.’

’Uhm...’ As soon as Amelia heard the word "brother," she began to have confused thoughts again while remembering all the times they had a conflict.

But then another of Envy’s words woke Amelia out of her trance. ’How weird? What are you talking about?’

Envy would certainly roll her eyes if she was in her physical state. ’She is L.u.s.t. Do you really need me to answer that question?’

When it comes to relationsh.i.p.s with her family, Amelia was not the genius swordswoman that has only appeared in thousands of years. She was just a girl who had her childhood ruined by a broken father.

’How am I supposed to know what you’re talking about? I do not know her!’

Envy was also not really a healthy-minded person. Perhaps no one was in their strange group.

’S.e.x! I’m talking about f.u.c.k.i.n.g!! She will suggest that you and your brother f.u.c.k in every way possible. That’s what I’m talking about!’

Amelia had two immediate reactions when she heard Envy’s response. The first, which lasted less than a second, was a thoughtful look.

Then she immediately made an expression of disgust while completely denying the possibility. ’I would never do anything like that. What kind of madness is that? We are siblings!!!’

Envy didn’t like Amelia’s overreaction at all. Any normal person would just have denied the possibility more calmly and not be so nervous.

She began to fear that their meeting could be a bad idea. No. It’s definitely better if it happens now, when the difference in power between them is still very significant.

At most, L.u.s.t could materialize her body for a few seconds, so if she tried anything, Envy would just use her demonic energy to contain her for a few seconds until she needs to go back inside her host.

Yes, Envy is undoubtedly very smart because she is always planning one step ahead of others.

It is not that Envy does not know the capabilities of L.u.s.t and her host, but unlike Sloth and Sophia, who did not need to be very active to be stronger, Amelia needs to stay focused on her goals, or rather, the goals of others.

So if Amelia stopped pursuing those goals to have s.e.x with her brother, it would certainly be very bad for Envy, and everyone else, of course.

But that was not going to happen. Envy has confidence in her power, and even though she didn’t have much demonic energy now, it is still certainly more than L.u.s.t and her host, who is supposed to be just a weak and useless boy.

What Envy did not know, besides the fact that all her expectations were wrong, was also the fact that L.u.s.t had already discovered her presence a few minutes ago, and the weak and useless boy was watching their carriage from the top of a small hill three miles away from them.

’Envy, how much closer to the city do we need to get?’ Amelia asked.

’Another mile or two, and I will be able to send a mental message to L.u.s.t.’ The connection between the great demons is different than the soul connection they have with their hosts, so she can only send quick mental messages to her sisters from a specific distance.

So, she tried to find L.u.s.t, feeling her demonic energy.

’WHAT?!?!’ Envy exclaimed in Amelia’s mind when she got surprised.

When Envy started to extend her senses, she felt a large amount of demonic energy two miles away from them, and that source was quickly approaching them.

Envy quickly concluded that it’s L.u.s.t, but she was confused as to why she seemed so full of demonic energy.

’They are here.’ She explained to Amelia.

’WHAT?!?!’ Now it was Amelia’s turn to exclaim in her own mind as she was apprehensive about meeting Lucien again.

In the few seconds that Amelia and Envy were having several confused thoughts in their minds, the carriage shook and stopped.

"..." Amelia looked confusedly at the front where Dawn was supposedly driving the carriage, but there was only silence. A deadly silence.

The massive amount of demonic energy in the environment made Envy confused and concerned while Amelia didn’t know what to think.

Then Amelia remembered something. Dawn is an incredibly strong woman by the standards of this world, while Lucien had the strength of an ordinary citizen in their homeworld.

Even though Lucien is with a great demon now, it has not been long enough to allow him to get so much stronger than before.

In addition to the fact that L.u.s.t should be a great demon with limited talents, if Lucien and Dawn fought, he would undoubtedly be hurt.

Amelia opened the door and quickly exit the carriage. "Don’t hurt him!!!"

Regardless of anything that happened in the future, that moment would always be well remembered not only by Amelia but also by Envy.

The moment when their goals underwent a drastic change. Of course, they wouldn’t realize that till much later.

Amelia looked at the top of the carriage where Dawn was supposed to be. What she saw was a scene beyond shocking, in every possible way.

She saw a man sitting, smiling at her. There was also a beautiful blonde woman with purple wings behind him, and Dawn was lying on the bench, knocked out, strangely with a smile on her face as if she is having a pleasant dream.

Of course, Amelia didn’t notice L.u.s.t and Dawn as she was focused entirely on her brother.

But how could he be her brother? Well, that incredibly handsome face that could cause strange feelings even in his sisters was still there.

Still, there were many changes in him. Starting with the most notable thing: Why does he have horns? And why do those horns make him look even more charming?

The brother she knew was very thin and pretty average height, just 1.8 m tall. But this handsome devil seemed to be 1.9 m tall and has a heavenly body with plenty of muscle.

But there was still something even more surprising. Amelia thought she was seeing things wrong because it didn’t make any sense... But in the end, nothing changed even though she kept staring...

He was smiling... It couldn’t be her brother, who never smiled and was always depressed because of his dead mother.

If her brother was already incredibly handsome, even always depressed, now that he has that beautiful smile, which shone in the moonlight, now shook Amelia’s confused heart more than ever with that devilish look.

Amelia didn’t know which one of Lucien’s changes was the most surprising. She continued to stare at him as the words stuck in her throat.

Envy, who was inside Amelia, watching the same scene, was really surprised by Lucien’s appearance. Still, L.u.s.t’s appearance behind him was what most caught her attention.

The most unusual thing about L.u.s.t was the fact that she was showing her horns and wings. The great demons have already had many problems with their real appearance scaring their hosts, which are always of different races.

So it was much better to hide features like horns and wings until they were very closer to their hosts. Of course, Pride was the only one who couldn’t do that because changing her real appearance would go against her nature.

But now, L.u.s.t, who depended heavily on her host not having any discomfort with her appearance, was using her real form. Well, the fact that Lucien has horns should certainly be linked to that. But how the hell did he get horns?

Also, Envy couldn’t understand how L.u.s.t was maintaining her physical form. They had joined their new hosts recently, so they shouldn’t have so much demonic energy now to use with something trivial like maintaining physical form for no reason.

Did it have to do with the large amount of demonic energy that Envy was feeling? But how could they get so much demonic energy so quickly? Did the boy f.u.c.k the whole world in two months?

While Amelia stared at Lucien without being able to say a word, he was also looking at her.

Of course, Lucien has always loved his family, but he lived with pity for himself, stuck in melancholic depression. Now that he knows that his mother is alive and that he could rescue her, he was undergoing a great and slow internal change.

That, together with the fact that he started to open his heart to other types of love besides the familiar one, made him aware of things that he did not notice before.

Things like the fact that Amelia is incredibly beautiful and attractive... exceptionally attractive in a way that certainly wasn’t how a brother should be looking at his sister.

Lucien already had to deal with a very complicated situation with Sophia. So, he didn’t want to have to cross that line again.

But could he refuse to do something that would be very useful for everyone, making everyone stronger quickly? Just because he doesn’t want to participate in certain "taboos"?

How hypocritical would he be if he regarded taboos while having s.e.x every night with mothers and daughters at the same time?

In the end, thinking about it now didn’t seem relevant. Whatever was going to happen next, Lucien would face it head-on and not be hypocritical or insensitive. Well, at least he would try.

Lucien jumped off of the carriage and opened his arms while smiling at Amelia.

"Sis, won’t you hug your brother?"

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