Lust Knight

Chapter 81 - Red Lady vs the Devil (part 1)

Chapter 81 - Red Lady vs the Devil (part 1)

A minute ago.

While Astrid fought Olivia, Rose and Maggie continued to bombard Cornelius with their magic. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t resist anymore, and that was the end of the Magic Band’s leader, buried and burned in a hole along with other mages.

Lucien sent a mental message to Rose to help Astrid while he headed towards the Red Lady.

He ran with his katana ready and a smile on his face as he felt the adrenaline through his body. Oya, equally excited, ran beside him to fight the mercenaries.

Red Lady was confident in her skills and her warriors, but she was instinctively afraid, which mean that she really was in danger.

"Attack him!" Red Lady didn’t think twice before sending her mercenaries to face Lucien as she turned and started to run away. Not only did Lucien look strangely powerful, but there was also the earth mage, who killed Cornelius... There was no point in trying to fight a losing battle.

When she turned to flee, she also saw Olivia being attacked by Astrid and rocks flying towards Glen and other adventurers. "At least he is also her enemy."

"Heeeee?!" Red Lady was quick, but nothing prepared her for what happened.

Lucien was about a hundred meters from Red Lady’s squad. Still, as 13 mercenaries were protecting her, Lucien thought it wouldn’t be so easy to prevent her from escaping, so he asked for Maggie’s help as she approached the center of the battlefield with Rose.

Rose was firing rocks at Glen, Jeanne, and Mason, but Maggie was just running and managed to easily cast her fire magic, creating a flame wall in front of Red Lady.

The flame wall continued to grow and surrounded Olivia’s squad, while Lucien and Oya reached them from the other side.

"Shields up!" Red Lady could not attempt to pass through the flame wall without knowing the intensity of the spell, so she ordered her mercenaries to prepare while wielding her great saber and gazing at Lucien.

Lucien stopped less than 20 meters from the mercenaries. He wanted to end the fight quickly by killing them all, but if he could make Red Lady surrender, it would be much easier.

"Why are you attacking me? I never did any harm to you... I’m not like the stupid Black Hand." Red Lady saw Lucien stop and thought there could be some negotiation. After all, she didn’t think it made sense for Lucien to attack her as she had no way of knowing about Cassidy or the fact that he wanted to be King.

The mercenaries stood around Red Lady, making a shield barrier preventing Lucien from seeing her. Everyone seemed too scared to attack him, making Lucien laugh as he mocked Red Lady.

"Hahaha... I am not going to kill you. You can get out from behind the shields... Let’s talk." Not only Red Lady but also the mercenaries were more tense when they heard to Lucien’s sinister laugh.

The mercenaries saw how easily Lucien killed their teammates. Some of their blood was still on Oya’s mouth as she surrounded the group on the other side.

Red Lady couldn’t think of a good reason for Lucien to attack her, but he and his group had already killed everyone from the Magic Band on the battleground and some of her warriors. This was clearly declaring war on mercenaries.

She would not leave behind her warriors and face Lucien without knowing the limit of his power. "I can hear you from here, so we can talk like that... What do you want from me?"

Lucien thought about attacking quickly but made another attempt to make Red Lady surrender. "Did you see how Cornelius died? Why do you think that is not happening to you?"

Of course, Red Lady saw the mages buried and burned just as everyone on the battlefield did. She thought that Lucien’s group could not do those spells again so quickly, but now hearing Lucien’s confident voice, she could be wrong.

"You know that if you kill me, you will only get the hate of all Portgreen’s mercenaries. Why would you do that?" The mercenaries couldn’t believe they were hearing to the wild and powerful Red Lady trying to threaten someone not to kill her... Lucien was just one person, so why were they afraid? Oh yes, because he killed eight of them in less than 5 seconds.

Lucien could only laugh at Red Lady’s threat. "Look around you. All of your mercenaries are dying. How would anyone find out that I killed you if there’s nobody left to tell?"

"Is that how you want to talk to me? You are insane!" Red Lady didn’t know what Lucien’s goals were, but her hunch told her more and more that things were not going to end well.

Red Lady did not want to use her best trump card, but she had no options. She took a black pill from her storage ring, and when she was about to eat it, she heard Lucien’s voice and can’t help but be shocked.

"If you do that, not only will it be useless, but I will have to beat you." Not only was Lucien’s hearing and vision incredible, but his sense of smell was as well. He smelled the pill that the Light Empire captain used in the mine.

Gerard’s power increased by about 30%. However, it was still useless against Lucien before, even though Red Lady was a powerful Diamond-rank mercenary, Lucien was still quite confident in his strength.

Red Lady thought for a second that she could be making a mistake, but she was not going to surrender, so she ate the pill. She felt a wave of energy and adrenaline rush through her body and prepared to attack Lucien with everything she had.

"You made a mistake by making me your enemy... Now it will be your end!" Red Lady ordered some of her mercenaries to attack Lucien and others to attack Oya, who was in the other direction.

13 Gold-rank mercenaries. Eight with blessed shields, three archers, and two with large maces.

Two mercenaries with shields went towards Oya along with a big man with a heavy mace. The archers began firing arrows at Lucien while the other mercenaries surrounded him. Red Lady stared at Lucien, waiting for the moment when he would have his guard down for her to do a fatal blow.

’Can I use that ability again?’ Lucien asked L.u.s.t about the wind ability he accidentally used to cut three mercenaries in half. But L.u.s.t replied that his wind mana was still regenerating, so even though he knew how to use the skill, it was still unlikely to be able to use it right now.

"All right. They are slow..." Lucien thought aloud before focusing all his speed, moving really quickly and turning into a blur in the sight of the mercenaries.

"HOW?!?!" Only Red Lady could see Lucien running towards the archers. After eating the pill, it increased her speed and perception by a little more than 35%. Red Lady was incredibly perceptive now, but even so, she could only see Lucien’s shadow before she heard the sound of blood falling on the floor.


The archer, who had Lucien in his sights at 20 meters, felt a chill in his neck, and the last thing he saw before he died was the sky when his head spun in the air after being cut off by Lucien’s red katana.

"What?!" The archer, who was beside his mate, felt the blood fall on his face. When he turned around, he saw the head of the other archer flying while Lucien looked at him.

"DAAAM-" It seemed that the world was in slow motion. The archer saw Lucien’s serious look, but there was a strange smile on his face... Then he disappeared like magic while he tried to curse the devil before his vision also spun.

The third archer turned when he heard the sounds beside him and couldn’t believe he saw the heads of two of his companions in the air... But he didn’t see Lucien, who was already behind him doing the same strike.

When the archer felt the cold on his neck, he could imagine his head also flying away from his body, and strangely he wondered if the three heads would be in the air at the same time or if the first had already fallen.

"SH-" He tried to close his eyes, but he was too slow compared to Lucien, and he also saw the sky while he was unable to pronounce half a curse.

Red Lady saw Lucien pass among her mercenaries with shields easily and cut off the heads of the three archers as fast as the wind or even faster.

"What the f.u.c.k?" She cursed while feeling a growing panic.

When Lucien moved to the archers, he stayed behind the three mercenaries who were heading towards Oya.

The white tigress jumped on the mercenary with the big mace, and the nearest shield soldier tried to hit her with a shield bash... But how could he hit mama tigress with her beloved master nearby?


"AAAHHHH!!!" As soon as Oya was almost at the mercenary, the soldier with a shield would also hit her. Still, he fell to the ground when he felt a terrible cold followed by a more terrible pain while Lucien hit his waist with incredible strength, enough to cut the man’s body in half.

The mercenary with the mace lost his concentration for a second when he heard his companion’s agonized cry. Oya was in the middle of her attack and took this opportunity to knock the big man to the ground and start biting his face.

Lucien was once again surprised by his incredible soul weapon and his new increase in strength. The red katana seemed to be made of the best metal that existed as it cut other metals easily without losing its sharpness. With his new strength, Lucien managed to cut the mercenary completely in half, as the wind slash did before.

He did not have time to attack the second mercenary with a shield as he had to turn and raise his blade.


Holding the katana in one hand, Lucien blocked Red Lady’s saber. The noise of metal colliding was much louder than the others and echoed across the battlefield.

Lucien felt Red Lady’s incredible strength, but she was still weaker than him. The most impressive thing was that her saber had not been scratched when it collided strongly with his katana, which had just cut a heavy armor like cotton.

He couldn’t help but smile at her while holding his blade firmly against her saber. "You are swift, Red Lady... But not swift enough."

Red Lady cannot help but be surprised by Lucien’s strength. She thought he would have agility as his main attribute while weak in physical strength, but she was unable to move her saber forward... In fact, he seemed to be making little effort to keep her immobile.

"We’ll see..." She was not irritated by his provocation, instead used that moment to take a step back.

"NOW!!!" As soon as Red Lady stepped back, she ducked while giving the order that made another mercenary act. The big axe went over Red Lady, heading towards Lucien in a well-coordinated attack.

Lucien was impressed by Red Lady’s leadership. She used her attack as a distraction while her soldiers prepared the real attack... Too bad, he could not only perceive their movements in slow motion but could also hear every sound.

"Too slow." Lucien also ducked, dodging the axe... He didn’t stop there but also went towards the Red Lady, who would fall to the ground after jumping back and ducking.

"Heee?" Red Lady was still falling when she noticed Lucien appear on top of her. Before she understood what happened, she felt his hand on her waist as they both fell to the floor and rolled aside.

After rolling a few times, Lucien stopped in a position where Red Lady was on top of him. She tried to headbutt him, but Lucien acted quickly and stole her first kiss, causing the powerful Red Lady to curse him in her mind as her tongue was bitten when she tried to say "no."


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